//------------------------------// // Chapter 11 // Story: Bangtan Colts: A History No a Saga // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// As the night progresses on, the two are checked on by a worried Hobi who decided to stay late doing dance practice. “Hey RM, hey Jin, how are you colts holding up?” Inquires the lanky slender yellow unicorn.  “Could be better,” says Jin eventually, “I’m still on edge from the threat made against me and my family not gonna lie. You can stay the night with us if you want, but you’re not required to.”  “Yeah,” agrees RM, “you can but you’re not required to.”  “Well, you know I’m staying, when somepony messes with one brother, he messes with us all!” Responds Hobi. He snuggles in the fort between RM and Jin. The yellow unicorn then instantly passes out exhausted from dancing all night long.  “Well, looks like it’s the three of us tonight,” says RM as he brings a book over to himself with his magic. He opens it with his magic to the chapter he’s currently reading through. Jin decides on a different comfort object, he pulls up a compilation video V sent him from his Hwarang days on his phone and watches as he casts it up on the blankets with his magic. Jin giggles and laughs as he watches V just being pure cuteness incarnate. A few hours later, RM steps out to answer a call from Suga.  “How is Jin doing?” Inquires the blue earth pony stallion.  “Well, he’s watching fun compilation videos V sent him to keep him entertained and more importantly, calm. He’s pretty rattled but right now, his mind seems to be off the situation at hoof which is good. Hopefully, he stays calm and relaxed the rest of the night. Thanks for checking in, Yoongi.”  “Anytime,” responds Suga. “Jin is family after all, stay safe.”  “Will do,” responds RM and with that, he hangs up. He then goes back into the pillow fort where a stirred Hobi wakes up upon hearing the noise.  “It’s just me, Hobi,” says RM, “go back to sleep.” Hobi nods and dozes back off. RM looks to the other side of him and sees Jin is now fast asleep and the phone, still playing compilations, has been dropped at his side. RM turns off the phone and returns to his book.  Several hours later, the three ponies awaken with the sun and head to the practice rooms where they are soon greeted by hugs from the others. Suga is his first to throw his hooves around Jin to embrace him in a hug which takes the pale unicorn aback just a little bit. The others soon follow suit. Jimin full blown jumps into Jin’s hooves with his hug. The group head off and do breakfast before finally jumping into practicing their choreography for their upcoming concert.  Meanwhile, elsewhere, the Jopok are discussing what to do next when it comes to Jin’s father and his family. “Shouldn’t we just kill them all off?” Says one of the stallions, a slate Gray unicorn. “We don’t leave loose ends after all.”  “Well,” responds the boss, a pitch black unicorn stallion, “let’s leave them on edge first. We’ll kill them in time.” He drinks his wine with a sly grin from the cup he’s holding with his magic. “Besides, we just want Jin dead, not his friends. We’re not barbarians. We’re classy here. We need to find a way to get Jin alone first. Once he’s gone, then we can deal with his family, with his father.”  Meanwhile back at Big Hit, Jin is called into another meeting by RM. “Are you sure you feel safe doing concerts especially right now with a target on your back? On our backs for protecting you as well?”   “We have to, for the fans,” responds Jin obstinately. “We can’t leave them hanging for months, possibly years, because my dad and I did something stupid.”  “If you say so,” responds RM hestinantly, “but if you change your mind, that’s okay. Just letting you know.”  “I know, and I won’t,” responds Jin. The two then head back out to practice with the rest of the group. They walk back in on many whispers. RM looks at them in disdain.  “What are y’all whispering about?” Demands RM with a glare.  V looks up at their leader. He pauses a moment before answering. “We were just curious to what was taking you two that long. Last time a meeting went that long, a concert tour ended up being cancelled. We were worried, concerned this might be a similar case.”  “Well, it was not, I can assure you of that,” responds RM, “now let’s get back to practice.” Everypony gets back into position and practice begins up once more. Life goes on. There’s definitely no arguing on that one, especially not this time around.