//------------------------------// // Prophecy // Story: My Little Dalek: Extermiation is Magic // by KitFisto1997 //------------------------------// Prophecy The TARDIS shook as it flew the Time Vortex, waking up an unconscious Marcus, getting up, he saw The Doctor adjusting the TARDIS controls, "So,we're on our way to The Shadow Proclamation... MARCUS!!" "What, whats happening to me- Oh no, teleport, can't override it, I'm sorry Doctor" said Marcus as he faded away, the Doctor ran towards Twilight and Marcus's quarters seeing that Twilight had disappeared too. "Oh no.. Donna!" yelled The Doctor, "What, what is it? she asked impatiently. "We've arrived, at The Shadow Proclamation" replied The Doctor....  Cardiff, Wales "Marcus, aghhh, where are we.." said Twilight waking up, "I don't know, but, we're in, Cardiff, next minute I was on the TARDIS now we're in Cardiff. replied Marcus.  "Come on we gotta see Jack" said Twilight, as the pair walked towards The Hub, Marcus froze, seeing a Dalek in front of the doorway to The Hub, "Time Lord spotted" it screeched as it advanced toward Marcus, "Stay back" he said pulling out a pair of swords, "Come on! come at me!" said Marcus, taunting the Dalek, "Exterminate!" screeched the Dalek as Marcus jumped out of it's way, "THIS IS FOR KILLING MY FATHER!!" yelled Marcus as he tore it's shell apart with the blades of his his swords.  "Marcus I-I never knew you could be so violent" stuttered Twilight, "I was just so full of rage, I need revenge, the Daleks, they killed my entire race, I saw my own father get killed right before my very eyes, I was only 3 years old" said Marcus with tears in his eyes, as the pair walked towards The Hub. "Captain?" yelled Twilight,  "Is that you Twilight?" replied Jack as the pair entered The Hub, "There's bloody Daleks everywhere" said Ianto "I suggest we stay here" replied Marcus, "Where's The Doctor?" asked Jack, "I don't know, Tori  and I were teleported from the TARDIS" said Marcus, "Where is UNIT when you need em'" said Gwen looking at the consoles at the Mainframe.  "The Valiant's down!" yelled Ianto, "Anything from UNIT?" asked Marcus, "Nothing!" replied Gwen, "Jack, got any energy weapons?" "Yeah we got a tonne in the vault downstairs" he replied, as the pair walked down the stairs, "Soo many guns, I think I'll get this one" said Marcus pulling out a large Spartan Laser like weapon, "That's a Copernicus M60 Light Rifle, fell through The Rift." said Jack, "Now THAT is a gun" Marcus grinned as he pulled it off the rack of weapons, "Marcus, UNIT's Australian branch requests support" yelled Ianto, "I'm on my way!" said Marcus as he team towards Ianto, "Twilight, I may not come back, I love you" said Marcus as the two kissed.