Le Prince et le Menteur

by CrackedInkWell

Sonata No. 2 - 1st Movement: Grave

Once Fancy Pants was secured and had retired at his mansion, Fleur headed home. Although the most eventful thing that happened was running into her ex, she felt that what she could go for was to relax at her home. She was looking forward to it. After all, Rarity was in Canterlot - not only was she anticipating her company, but she has quite the story to tell. 

However, given what she has in mind, she knows that she can’t reveal everything in one go. Knowing Rarity, the atmosphere must be relaxed but have just enough for a tale of drama. Besides, she doesn’t want to talk about who her ex was seeing just yet. Considering what she heard about Blueblood from her marefriend… She thought it wise not to bring him up just yet.

For now, what was needed was a comfy couch, a bottle of wine, a record of Prench jazz playing in the background, and a marefriend to cuddle up to. 

“.... And then Pinkie said, ‘Guacamole, are you crazy!?’”

Plus, it was good when that said marefriend is always a joy to listen to.

“I admit, that was a funny joke,” Fleur laughed, putting her glass down on a nearby table. “Oh, I can’t begin to describe how much I needed this.”

Rarity’s ears picked up. “Ooh, don’t tell me you had a bad day.” She nuzzled underneath her chin. “Did some nasty noble do something mean to my flower?”

“Non ma guimauve (No my Marshmallow).” Fleur gave a peck on the cheek. “I wouldn’t say it was anything too stressful. But something… unexpected has happened today that makes me appreciate you’re being here.”

“How bad are we talking about?

“I… ran into my ex.”

Rarity gasped, “No! You didn’t.”

“Oui. I didn’t expect to run into him either but needless to say, I took him aside to exchange some very choice words for him. And believe me, he deserved it.”

“You know,” Rarity pointed out, “I don’t think you’ve ever spoken about any ex of yours. While I have talked about mine, this is the first time I’ve ever heard you say anything about yours.”

“Well, I didn’t want to impose.”

“Oh come, darling,” Rarity levitated her glass of wine. “This is a new side that I never heard of before. Who was your ex, and what happened between you two?”

“Do you want to hear?”

“If you had some choice words in your confrontation, I would like to know what it’s about.” Rarity said, gulping down her glass.

“Very well, storytime then.” Fleur got a little closer to her marefriend, her chin resting on Rarity’s head. “Once upon a time, before I met you, became Fancy’s bodyguard, or joined the Solar Guard, and even before I came to Equestria - I had a life in Paris. If you met me back then, you wouldn’t have recognized me at all in how I was. My parents were wealthy, and I was unbelievably spoiled. I was arrogant, self-centered and vain to the point I thought the world was offered up to me on a silver platter. Not just because I was rich, but I knew I had a body and face that was to die for.

“Essentially… I wasn’t what you would call good.”

“But what happened?”

Fleur sighed, “He happened. One night I went to the theater with ponies that I once called friends. We went to go see a play… I forgot what it was, but I do remember him. He was playing the romantic lead, and rightfully so - he looked like one of those princes from a fairytale, the kind that you want to be swept off your hooves by. He was so good, that I heard mares in the audience swoon whenever he opened his mouth.

“And needless to say, I fell under his spell as well. After the performance, I sought out to meet him. His name was Langue d’Argent.” Fleur huffed, “Though, looking back, the name should have been a giveaway for what’s to come.”

“Why is that?”

“Because in Equestrian, Langue d’Argent literally translates as Silver Tounge. And oh, did he live up to the name! Not only were his looks were near perfect, his voice… The closest I could compare it is that it is as rich and decadent as melted chocolate. He had a voice that he could tell you a thousand lies and you would believe every one of them. And… that is exactly what happened. We started talking and, I thought, we hit it off because of how much he praised me.

“Shortly after, my infatuation hit me hard, and I was completely blinded by how he was exactly like the kind of stallion you would read in those cheesy romance novels. And for a month, I lived that way. We’ve gone out to dinners, gone home to snuggle, and…” Fleur trailed off, feeling her cheeks warmed up but coughed into her hoof. “The point was, he got intimate with me by just flirting my vanities back to me. That he would say that I was like a goddess, that anyone was lucky to be in my presence, that I had good tastes. I could go on but you get the idea, do you?”

Rarity nodded.

“The worst part was that he preyed on my ego. Even if I did something abhorrent, he would see it as the most wonderful and understandable thing in the world. He made me feel loved because I didn’t need to give anything back - and I didn’t. So because me being so blinded by all of this, I didn’t notice what he was actually up to. One night, after he made love to me - he took my account number to the bank and well… robbed me. The next morning, not only had Langue disappeared without a note, I later found out that I was nearly broke.”

Rarity put a hoof over her mouth, disgusted. “Darling… I’m so sorry, I never knew. That was down-right-”

“Diabolical?” Fleur finished her sentence. “Oui. It was shocking to me that such a thing happened to me. I had placed so much trust in him, let him in my home, and we slept together to find out he did this…? Oh Rarity, I was devastated. I think I spent four days crying my eyes out. I was so shocked. Then it didn’t help that my so-called ‘friends’ up and abandoned me, became the laughing stock of Paris. Because Langue didn’t bother to give me closure, or even a reason why he suddenly left and robbed me - it left me in an emotional wreck. Suddenly everything was turned upside-down and I thought my life was completely ruined. So much so, that I felt I could no longer live in Prance, that I had to build everything up again somewhere else. Which is why I came to Equestria.”

“Fleur, that’s… that’s awful! Horrific even!” Rarity turned around to hug her marefriend. “I had no idea you suffered so.”

“Now Rarity,” Fleur stroked her hair, “Storytime is not over. There’s more to it.

“So… having next to nothing, I was desperate to take any job I could find to try to rebuild what I lost. This was why I joined the Solar Guard, that, despite how unpleasant the training was, it did humble me and start thinking about others. Then later I became Fancy’s bodyguard - but at one point, Fancy had offered me to go on a date with him but… Well… At the time I was still recovering from what my ex did to me so I turned it down. Come to think of it, until I met you, it took me a very long time to trust anyone enough to become intimate.”

“You mean you didn’t try to date anyone else?”

“How could I? Back then I was so hurt that I saw past the flatteries and assumed the worst of ponies. Even when I first met you I was paranoid that you had an ulterior motive. Not because I didn’t like you, but I didn’t want to get hurt like that again.”

“Oh Fleur, you know I wouldn’t do that to you.”

Fleur kissed the top of her head. “Do you know what made me open up to you? You weren’t trying to sweep me off my hooves. What made me open up my bitter heart was that you were honest with me - and you still are. You saw past the obvious and made me not just be loved, but I wanted to love back. I cannot put into words how you took my broken heart and with great care put it back together again.”

“Still,” Rarity nuzzled her, “no wonder why you had some words with a brute like him!”

“That was not all, even before I ran into him, I heard from other mares in Prance what he was. What he really was. Langue was a con-pony who claimed himself to be a dashing aristocrat. But in reality, he started out as an actor who tricked wealthy, even powerful mares in not just sleeping with him, but giving him some titles such as Lord to him.”

“Oh that is truly diabolical,” Rarity said, disgusted. “Why if that barbarian were here, I would-”

“Sois patient s'il te plait. (Be patient, please.)” Fleur quickly said, “This is where things, I think, get interesting.”


“Well you see, when I confronted him - lashing out at what he did to me, expecting him to be this heartless monster as he was back then… only he wasn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“He apologized. Peculiar, I know but when I listened to him, especially what has been going on with him recently… I have this strong feeling that he-”

“Had a change of heart?”

Fleur hummed, “Not that, that would imply he had one from the start. No, what I get is that he grew one. I know this because he has tried to do what he did to me to someone else… only it didn’t go according to plan. He’s still in a relationship that he should have broken off a month ago… but he couldn’t do it. Langue denies it, but for once in his life, I believe he finally found someone that he genuinely loves. At the same time, who he has fallen for is deliciously ironic.”


“Let’s just say that he’s currently in a relationship with an ex of yours.”

“Really?” Rarity sat up, “Which one? I see the irony, but who is it?”

“Oh no, mon chéri, this is too good for me to spoil.”

“But why not?” Rarity pouted.

“Because I told you, you would think I was lying. But that’s not important. What is, however, is it has given me a brilliant idea. A way to get back at him in the most fitting way possible.”

“Oh Fleur, I’m surprised at you.” Her marefriend said, disapprovingly, “You’re not going to break his relationship up, are you?”

“What do you take me for? The villain? No mon chéri, that’s not what I have in mind at all. Because the thing is that he wants to get out of it, and is desperate enough to turn to me to figure out how to break it up. But,” Fleur smiled, “I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’m going to have their relationship grow even stronger.”

“Wait, I’m confused,” Rarity lifted a hoof, “How would making your ex’s relationship stronger be a way of getting back at him?”

“Partly because I think it would be fitting for a heartbreaker like him, and partly because I think it would be amusing - considering who he’s dating.”

“You’ve mentioned it before, but who?”

Kissing her marefriend on the lips, Fleur said while embracing her tightly, “Oh don’t you worry about that now. Trust me when I say that it will be a welcoming surprise. But I am tired, and I would like nothing more than a little nap on my favorite pillow.”

Mmmm… Very well.” Rarity shifted, “But I would like an explanation of what you’re up to.”

“I promise,” Fleur cuddled up to her marefriend.

Langue was haunted by Fleur’s confrontation. Even though it had happened hours ago; the whole interaction was still in his mind. It was already bad enough with the current situation he got with Blueblood, but now he has to face being on the short end of being potentially blackmailed by his ex. 

All and all, it was not a good day.

Blueblood noticed that since he left Fancy Pant’s mansion, Langue seemed distant. More so than usual it seemed. Throughout the day, he seemed troubled but never once explained why. If anything he hardly spoke at all. He tried to get him into a better mood - chocolates, hugs, even a kiss on the cheek - but nothing was effective. 

So, the Prince decided to take on a risk and asked if it was okay if they showered together. Although Langue did show signs of hesitation, his esteem was so low that he allowed it nonetheless. However, when the water was turned on and they stepped inside, Langue thought that despite being in a situation where the prince could very easily molest him right there… he didn’t. To Blueblood’s credit, he did try his absolute best to keep a sense of decency while he cleansed him with soaps and shampoos. He didn’t once grope him or rub in a… uncomfortable place. And even if he did look behind him, he was sure that Blueblood was trying not to eye every part of him. In some ways, Langue was grateful for that.

“Did I do something wrong?” Blueblood asked.

Langue blinked. “Pardon?”

“I mean… are you mad at me? You haven’t said anything for half the day. And you haven’t been quite yourself as of late.”

Langue sighed, “No… No, it’s not you at all. I’m just…”


You being in denial while being in a gay panic is just pathetic at this point.

Langue could almost hear Fleur’s voice clearly in his head. Shaking his head, he looked over at Blueblood, whose mane was hanging straight down from the water. “Am I a good pony?” he asked.

Blueblood blinked, “Where did this come from?”

“It’s just…”

Have you ever considered the possibility that you might like him back?

He felt the prince rub his back. “I won’t judge you. After all, I’m just concerned that you seemed down like a raincloud has been hovering over you. Whatever it is, you don’t need to hide it from me.”

Maybe the reason why isn’t you’re afraid of breaking his heart, but you don’t want to lose yours.

“But it’s just a trifle,” Langue said, “nothing for you to be overly concerned about.”

“But you are. If it’s caused this much misery, maybe there’s something I could do about it. Even if it’s small.” Blueblood nuzzled him. Although the wet fur felt strange to Langue’s coat, it still makes his cheeks feel so warm. “Please, tell me.”

What kind of a heartless monster are you!?

Langue gulped, “I uh… I met Fleur de Lis a long time ago.”

“Fleur?” Blueblood tilted his head. “Fancy’s bodyguard?”

“Oui. Once upon a time, she and I were close.”

“As friends?”

“.... Oui, at least, were…

He felt Blueblood’s hooves wrapping around him into a hug. “What happened?”

“She didn’t do anything… I did. One day, without telling her or giving her a hint of what was going on… I ghosted her.”

“What…? But why?”

“It’s… I didn’t tell her that I didn’t want to be friends with her anymore. Back then she was vain, selfish, and controlling like you wouldn’t believe. After a while, our friendship soured but I put on a smiling face for her sake. But then… it got to the point where I couldn’t take it. I disappeared from her and ignored her from then until… today. I didn’t want to tell you this but… her having to pull me aside… she was angry. Very angry at me. But you know what?” He turned around to look at Blueblood. “I couldn’t blame her. She had every right to be so furious at me. Because I realized that I have been treating the ponies I considered close to as being abysmal.”


“I’m speaking the truth. You have no idea how many relationships I had - romantic, friendship, even familial where for whatever reason… they all go away. Lately, I’ve been wondering if the reason isn’t fully on them… maybe it’s me.”

“Langue, don’t-”

“And I know one day you’ll go away too… because of me.”

The shower became quiet except for the water that ran down between the stallions. Blueblood was stunned, not just because of what his beloved had said, but perhaps for the first time - Langue was crying. He may try his best to keep his composer together, he may try to give a straight face. Yet, with his back against the shower and hit wasn’t hitting his face - he saw genuine tears rolling down his cheek. 

“Langue,” Blueblood said softly, “come here.” The prince did something that even though he would never do - he held his stallion in his forelegs, letting his head rest on his shoulder while he tightly held him. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”


“I don’t care what you were. What I care about is what you are now.” He used his hoof to wipe his tears. “These past few months, I have gotten to know a stallion that is complicated but has a big heart. So what if you’re flawed - even masterpieces have something wrong about them. I know you’re scared of losing me, but I don’t think you’ll do that easily. It may not look like it, but I’m made of sturdier stuff. And being sensitive doesn’t make me soft, but more aware when those I care about are not alright.

“I may not know everything about you - and perhaps I never will. But what I am concerned about isn't your past, but what you are now.” Cupping his cheek he said, “I don’t see you as a monster, even if you see so yourself. Whatever flaw you see to have, I don’t look at it as a deal-breaker; but an opportunity to grow.” He finished by kissing his forehead. 

Langue sniffed, “I don’t think I deserve you.

Blueblood rubbed his back, “You’re not evil because you’re flawed. And you have my love - even when you don’t ask for it.”

You really have changed.

Langue had nothing to say back. Instead, he hugged Blueblood as a sorrowful colt would to a parent. In his despair, all he could whisper was: “Je suis désolé. (I’m sorry.)

And while Blueblood didn’t understand it - he felt that Langue meant it.

“Doesn’t it feel much better after a shower?” Blueblood asked, using his horn to dry himself with a towel. 

“Given the day I had,” Langue said as he got out of the shower and summoned a towel, “that was very much needed.”

“I’m so glad you feel better, here, let me dry you.” Taking hold of the fresh towel, the prince used it to rub down his beloved from mane to tail. At one point, he wasn’t sure when he had swapped it from using his magic to his hooves - but he didn’t mind in the least. By the sound of the relieved sighs and moans, Langue didn’t seem to mind the massage he was giving. 

“I swear, Blueblood,” Langue remarked, “you have magic hooves the way you do that.”

“Speaking of magic,” Blueblood grinned, wrapping the towel around Langue’s cheeks, nuzzling the back of his head. “Are you planning on pulling an all-nighter?”

Langue chuckled, “My moi Prince, I have no idea what you’re referring to.”

“Oh come on,” he kissed his cheek, “don’t be such a tease.”

“Sorry, but I have no idea,” his beloved grinned. Getting up, Langue flicked his tail in front of Blueblood’s face. “Could you give me a hint?”

Following Langue into the bedroom, the prince almost expected to see Maximilian there with a bottle of wine on a silver tray - only to find that it was empty. Not that Blueblood mind of course as his attention was squarely on Langue’s hypnotic flank. Just watching it gently sway back and forth. 

Looking over his shoulder, Langue laughed playfully. “Found something you like, Bluey?” 

“I don’t just like, Langy,” Blueblood blushed but smiled, “I love all of you.”

Perhaps it was the heat of the moment, but the prince felt compelled to draw near to his stallion. Every bit of him from the still damp mane to those ember-glowing eyes invited him inside the most inner sanctum of love. Their muzzles getting closer and closer.

“Have you ever kissed before, my Princy?” Langue asked, his hoof resting on the back of Blueblood’s head.

“I’ve always wanted to.” Blueblood raised his forelegs around his beloved. “Especially with you, my Prench rose.”

“Come to me, and claim your prize.” There was a look in Langue’s eye, a lusty, desiring gaze as he tilted his head and drew his lips closer to his until…

Blueblood felt his lips in a sensation that he could only describe as magical. It was soul-kissingly intimate as if one stallion were touching the very soul of another. What ecstasy, what sweet surrendering humility to be so vulnerable and yet so desired. The prince felt he was melting in his hooves as he could taste the stallion he loved so. 



With every breath they regained whenever they broke away, they whispered the other’s name before diving back into that delicious kiss. So warm, so heart-pounding, and so alluring, it was as if the two were dancing in a fantasy. One with twists and turns until Blueblood let himself fall onto the bed with Langue with him. 

Not only were their lips locked, but the prince felt the thrill of having Langue get to feel him. His hooves tracing, groping, and feeling his back. Lower… and lower… and low-

Then Blueblood’s ears perked up at the some of someone eating something crunchy. Blinking, he was forced to pull away from the kiss to look up to see Princess Luna in a theater seat with a bowl of popcorn.

Blueblood almost fell off the bed. “A-Auntie Luna!?” The prince was mortified, his face burning red with embarrassment. “What in Tartarus are you doing here?!”

“What does it look like,” she lifted the red and white striped bucket, “eating caramel popcorn.”

“I can see that, but what are you doing here?!”

“Well, it’s not every day that I get to have a sneak peek at a wet-dream in progress. If anything, I’m extremely curious to see where this goes.”

Blueblood grabbed hold of a pillow and flung it at Luna - he missed. “You’re such a pervert!”

“Well excuse me for having to battle fifteen different nightmares before I got here, and frankly, I could use the entertainment.”

“I… what?”

“I couldn’t resist.” Luna shrugged, “Seeing that this is your dream, I’m rather curious to see where this scenario is gonna go.”

“.... I’m dreaming?”

“You have been for the past…” Luna summoned up an alarm clock, “fifteen minutes I think. And it’s such a disappointment you stopped, just when things were about to get good.”

Blueblood threw another pillow and missed again.

“What sort of privacy don’t you understand?”

“Well, believe it or not, I personally find this fascinating.” She waved a hoof, gesturing towards the bed. “By the looks of it, this is something you want but hasn’t happened to you yet. I mean, if you honestly got laid, you wouldn’t be dreaming of this, wouldn’t you? However, at the same time, it does ring some alarm bells.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Nephew, ask yourself this - has your coltfriend ever done anything like this before?”

“Well we have fallen asleep together… only not have we kissed on the lips… or used those charming pet names… or that he touched me down-”

“Exactly. This is something you want to happen, but for whatever reason it never did.” Setting the popcorn aside, she asked, “Has something happened?”

Looking over to the other side of the bed, Blueblood found that Langue had vanished. Sighing, he said, “Indeed, there is; and I’m at a loss at what to do.”

Blueblood went on to explain to her that even though these past three months were certainly the best he had ever had - Langue has been rather distant as of late. He went on to say that he learned that his beloved was having doubts about himself, and although he did his best to comfort him, he felt that it wouldn’t be enough.

“I will commend you on one thing,” Luna commented. “You did the right thing when Langue felt vulnerable. Yet, from my impression, it sounds like your coltfriend is feeling deeply insecure about this relationship.”

“But how can he be? I love him.”

“Consider this,” she raised a hoof, “has he ever said that to you?”

“Of course he has.”


“He…” Blueblood trailed off. No matter where in his memories he searched, he found it was completely blank. In all those whispers of sweet nothings and comforts, he couldn’t recall one incident where he heard Langue say those three little words to him: I love you. “But surely, he must.”

“And it’s very possible he does, but not so secure to say those when he’s completely unsure of it.” Humming in thought, Luna remarked, “Though I’m afraid that this is beyond my expertise, I do know of someone that would give some insight on this issue.” Before Blueblood could ask who, she used her horn to cut a portal in his dream. “I’ll be right back.” She exited through, yet leaving it open enough for the prince to peer through. 

This was a unique opportunity for Blueblood as he had never seen the realm that his night-time aunt had worked in over the years. What he saw was oceans of color, filled with stars that ebbed and flowed in currents that bubbled and tumbled over one another. When he looked closely he saw glimpses of the dreams of ponies and creatures that swam past him. Many held faces that he had never seen before, all blissfully unaware in their fantasies that stir around in the water-like cosmos. 

“Found them!” Luna popped her head out from the glittery sea, pulling out two other ponies from its depths - Cadence who had a backward cap, grilled sunglasses, and a hoodie; and Shining in a cape, a shirt that had an “S” over it, and wearing red underwear on the outside of his costume.

Luna proceeded to fling them into Blueblood’s dream, tumbling onto the floor.

“Here you go, nephew,” Luna presented them, “some proper experts.”

“Ow,” Cadence rubbed the flank she landed on.

“What?” Shining rolled over to get back on his hooves. He noticed his wife, “Cade, why do you look like a rapper?”

“I don’t know,” she replied, “Why are you Supercolt?”

Blueblood cleared his throat, getting their attention. “Hello Cousin, Shining. If neither of you doesn’t mind, I think I would take up that support you offered a while back.”