Star Wars: The Great War

by ShootingStar25

Chapter 6: Rescuing Jabba's son

On the planet Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt was in his palace. Inside there was a show being put on by one of his dancers. One of his guards then came in as he talked with the translator droid next to the crime lord.

"Jabba, the bounty hunters you sent out to find your son have returned." spoked the translator droid.

"(Speaking Huttese)" said Jabba.

Soon two more guards came in as they were carrying a long tray. It soon came into the throne room as everybody saw it as they let out a gasp. On the tray being brought to the crime lord was the head of the bounty hunters. This was a clear message directed to the slime ball.

"(Speaking Huttese)" said Jabba.

"Contact the Supreme Chancellor immediately." said the translator droid. It didn't take too long as soon the call was made. "The all-powerful Jabba demands to know why the Jedi are not looking for his son."

"Mighty Jabba, rest assured, the Jedi are on their way," said Chancellor Palpatine.

"(Speaking Huttese)" said Jabba.

"They better be if you want the Republic to have safe passage through Jabba's territory." translated the droid.

A Republic cruiser had arrived at the planet Teth as a small ship was approaching them. It opened its hangar bay doors as the small thing entered it. It landed as out emerged the two scouts as they were approached by Anakin.

"Lieutenant, did the kidnappers see you?" asked the Jedi Knight.

"No, sir. We're the best scouts in the regiment," spoke the clone.

"What about the bounty hunters? Are they still there?"

"I don't think so. We haven't seen them in a while." answered the clone to the Jedi.

"Well, what are we up against?" asked Anakin.

The lieutenant then pulled out a device that had a holographic image of the cliff and the monastery on it. "Looks like at least two droid battalions protecting a monastery. It's heavily fortified, sir, you won't be able to land there."

"Good work. Get some rest," stated Anakin. He was now walking as he noticed a huge gathering of clones.

"That sounds like a lot, even for a Jedi." said a clone.

"I heard you were surrounded by droids. How did you ever get the shield down?" asked another clone.

"Okay, so there's a wall behind him with a hole in the middle, so I pull the wall down on top of the droids, destroying them and saving the General," said Ahsoka as she was telling the clones her story. Her tale got all of them to laugh, even Rex.

"Is that true, sir?" asked Rex still chuckling.

"Well, most of it. All right, men, we still got a job to do," said Anakin.

"Yes, sir. You heard the General, move it!" shouted Rex as he and the clones disbursed.

"Would this be a good time to teach you that a Jedi is humble, my young Padawan?" said Anakin to Ahsoka.

"Sorry, just trying to keep the boys inspired, is all." said the girl as she walked ahead of her teacher.

Anakin smiled when he saw Twilight sitting on some crates. Twilight held her lightsaber in her hand as she had a down expression on her face.

"Twilight, correct? Master Celestia's student?" said the Jedi Knight to the girl.

"Oh, Master Skywalker."

"Just Anakin is fine," said the boy to the girl.

"Right, sorry. Just used to addressing all Jedi Masters by their last name," said Twilight.

"I heard that you and Storm were doing your best to keep the enemy at bay, while Obi-wan was captured." said the boy as he leaned against the crates next to Twilight. "So, how do you feel about being Storm's partner?"

"Well, it was our masters' idea. I didn't think of it, but once I weighed the pros and cons of what Celestia was proposing, I was all for it. Then I saw Storm myself and I regretted the proposition. But after our recent battle and seeing him on the field, commanding troops and even willing to fight till his death. I... I guess, I don't know if I'm the partner he needs." said Twilight gripping her weapon tightly.

"Why's that?" asked Anakin.

"Well, he's had experience in the field. All mines came from the training simulations that I spent hours and hours doing. That way I could evaluate the battlefield and then plan accordingly. Every time Celestia would give me the layout of the field, then I come up with a plan and then execute it. But on Christophsis, I saw the field, but soon all sorts of things happened. Stuff that I didn't know how to respond properly without having time to think it through." stated Twilight.

"And Storm, he followed the plan by Obi-wan. But when he was busy and when we were being pushed back, he just started to improvise. I guess, if that situation ever happened to me, I would let so many people down. Maybe, he was right. Maybe he doesn't need a partner, he's doing fine by himself."

"It would appear that way," said Anakin. "But knowing Storm as I do, he's pretty much done things all on his own. It's why I enjoyed meeting him when me and Obi-wan were introduced by Master Luna. Especially cause, I had someone who would follow my actions once he saw there was no other way. Obi-wan just shook his head at us hanging out." smiled the Jedi Knight.

"But one thing I will say about Storm is that he's willing to help those in need. So while you may not think you're contributing much to this partnership between the two of you, he's at least seeing that this could work. You do have talents you can offer to him." smiled Anakin.

"You think so?"

"Trust me." smiled Anakin. "Why don't you go talk to him? We're gonna start our mission rather soon. So best to talk with him before." Anakin now began to walk away, "Oh, and you're a good Jedi Knight." stated the boy as he disappeared.

Twilight just smiled at Anakin's praise as she then got up and began to make her way to where Storm was. She found where the boy was as he talking with his three clones. She didn't say anything as she observed the boy with his men. Despite being her age, he showed signs of maturity for being tasked with clones. And that he treated the men like they were his friends and not soldiers. Storm then gave the order for them to go rest as they would soon be leaving. Once they left, she then approached the boy.

"What do you want, Sparky?" asked Storm.

"Uhm, mind if we talk," suggested Twilight.

Storm just shrugged his shoulders as he sat on some crates. Twilight then took a seat next to the boy as they were touching shoulders. She then looked at the boy as he waited for her to say something.

"So, I've been meaning to ask? How are you comfortable leading troops despite being my age?" asked Twilight.

"I dunno," said Storm.

"It's just... my training was different. See I usually like to have a plan ahead of time. But, as shown, that's not always going to work. When we were surrounded, I told you to retreat. Because, well, I felt like there was no way we could've won. So I felt it best to flee. But you were deadset on holding the line, even if... it meant your life." said Twilight.

"Well, as I said, I'm just following the training that Master Luna instructed on me. Doesn't Celestia do that with you?" asked Storm.

"Yes, but... I... always content with planning. Every time she gave me an objective to complete, I would always spend time coming up with a plan and then following it step by step in the simulation. I think what she was trying to do was to make me forget that mindset since a battle is one thing you can plan for, but in the end, you can't calculate every single detail and expect it to go as you plan. And so when it happened on Christophsis, I just froze. Cause I didn't know what to do and I felt like I would be responsible for those that fell in battle." Twilight put her head down as a small tear fell down her face.

"I guess, you're right. You don't need a partner, especially someone like me."

"Well, let's not reach a final verdict yet," said Storm. "I meant what I said to Master Yoda before we left. There are things that I can teach you and I'm sure there are things you can teach me. So once I see what you have to offer, I'll make my final decision."


"I'm giving you a chance, Twilight."

"Huh? You... said my name."

"Yeah, so?" said Storm with a shrug. "It's no big deal."

"It is. Thank you," said Twilight as she lunged at the boy and wrapped her arms around his neck as she hugged the Jedi.

"Okay, Sparky, let me go!" said Storm as he tried to break free from the girl's grip. She was a lot stronger than she let on as she had her fingers dug in around his neck. "Let me go!" stated the boy as he couldn't take it anymore.

"Sorry." smiled Twilight sheepishly as she released her grip on the boy.

"Alright, no more hugs. Got it?!" shouted the boy as Twilight nodded with a small smile on her face. "Good, now, get some rest. We have a mission to complete." Storm then turned to leave as Twilight had one thing left to ask her partner.

"Can I ask one last thing? How did you know that you could do it? That you were capable of leading clones into battle? Show that you're a leader?" asked Twilight.

"I'm no leader. And technically, these are Luna's clones. She's not present, so I'm in charge of them when she's not. And as for how I could, I don't know, I guess... I just never thought I couldn't." said Storm as he walked off. His answer got Twilight to smile even more as she saw that Storm's level of confidence was something to admire as she wished for some of that so that she could prove to be a worthy Jedi.

Obi-wan had just exited out of hyperspace as he saw the planet Tatooine in front of him. He got a beep sound from R4 as she was a bit hesitant.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Jabba's in a good mood," said Obi-wan. He then descended to the planet. They landed just outside of Jabba's palace as Obi-wan put on his cloak as some guards and the translator droid came from the gate to greet the Jedi Master.

"We should not keep the wise and powerful Jabba waiting." said the translator droid.

"I wouldn't dream of it," said Kenobi as he followed them inside. Once they were gone, R4 was a bit nervous about being by herself as some Jawas were nearby as their beady yellow eyes gave her fear. One got on the ship and was about to touch her as she pulled out her shock device and gave a jolt to it as it fell back. Soon the others and it all scattered as R4 gave a snickering beep.

Inside, Obi-wan was talking with Jabba about his son. "Mighty Jabba, two of our most powerful Jedi are on their way to rescue your son. We will not let your down." Jabba then began to speak as Obi-wan's eyes shifted to the translator droid.

"The most gracious Jabba has one small condition. He demands you bring back the slime who kidnapped his little punky muffin."

"Punky?" laughed Obi-wan at hearing that. Jabba then spoke some more.

"Dead or alive." said the droid as it got Obi-wan to have a look as what was being asked went against the Jedi code. "If you do not succeed, Count Dooku and his droid army will."

Once, the talk was over, Obi-wan stepped out for a bit as he contacted his friends. At that time, Storm and Anakin, along with their partners and clones, were on their way to the monastery.

"All right, Anakin and Storm here's the story. Jabba has given us only one planetary rotation to get his son back home to Tatooine safe and sound," said Obi-wan as everybody heard that.

"Won't take us, long master," said Anakin.

"If anything, we'll be done by dinnertime." smiled Storm. "Speaking of which, Anakin?"

"I'll pay you tonight." said the boy to his friend.

"You hear that everybody, tonight drinks, and food are on Skywalker!" stated Storm as all the clones gave a cheer as they all looked forward to a night of celebration.

"I regret making that bet years ago," muttered Anakin.

"Well, party aside, take extreme care. We have no idea who's holding Jabba's son. When I finish negotiations with him, I will join you." said Obi-wan as the call ended.

The clone gunships were on route, some of them were carrying a few All Terrain Tactical Enforcer(AT-TE) vehicles. However, they were being spotted by the enemy.

"Something is coming. I can't make out what it is." said one of the B1 droids.

"I don't like it. Prepare to attack." said another droid, but this one had some yellow on it as it was an OOM command battle droid.

"Uh, what if it's one of ours?" asked the droid.

"Shut up, Sergeant. I'm in command here!" shouted the commander droid.

"Roger, roger." responded the sergeant.

The ships were now slowly descending as all four Jedi had their cloaks over their head as they prepared to fight. Twilight was a bit nervous about how this mission would go given what happened on Christophsis, her hand was shaking as her nerves kicked in. Soon she felt something grab her hand and squeeze it as she looked at it and saw that it belonged to Storm. It shocked the girl to find the boy holding her hand as he was doing his best to make the girl feel safe.

"Stay close to me, if you can," said Anakin.

"It won't be a problem, Master," said Ahsoka.

"This isn't practice, Ahsoka."

"I know, and I'll try not to get you killed." smiled the girl as Anakin smiled back.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine." stated Storm to Twilight.

"Right, I trust you." smiled Twilight.

At that moment, their ship began to rock. The droids were now shooting at them with spider droids. Some were hitting the ships as they tossed a bit in the air.

"Good shot, boy." said the sergeant droid to the spider clone. It made a happy sound like it was a dog. It then went back to firing as it caused the pilots of the gunship to take evasive maneuvers.

"Sir! We're taking heavy fire!" said the pilot to Anakin.

"Close the blast shields, Lieutenant! Get us under those guns!" ordered Skywalker.

"Yes, sir!" responded the pilot.

Now the whole gunship was sealed.

"Here we go," said Ahsoka.

"I will not run away," said Twilight.

Both girls were determined to make their partners proud. But most importantly, not let them down.

A red light came on as it got the clones to get position for when they landed. Rex and Sark were doing some last-minute checks. Their men were doing the same as they prepared. Weapons were locked and loaded. Soon the ships touched down.

"Welcome to paradise, rockjumpers." said the pilot.

The light then changed color.

"Green light!" shouted Rex.

"Go, go, go!" shouted Sark.

At that moment, the doors opened up as all the clones jumped out. Storm and Anakin also got out as they turned their lightsabers on. Ahsoka and Twilight were the last ones to get off as they looked at one another and gave a nod. They both exited and stayed low to the ground as they followed the clones and the boys.

Ahsoka stopped to look up as Twilight kept ongoing. She saw a blast occur as she looked away. She then activated her lightsaber and began to deflect some of the blasts coming from her current position. However, it was an open spot, that would be dangerous if she stayed there.

"Concentrate fire on Sector 11374265!" said the commander droid while pointing.

"1137... What was that again?" asked the sergeant.

"Just fire right there!!!" shouted the commander.

The AT-TEs were on walking on the ground as they were making their way to the cliff. At this point, Ahsoka now caught up with the rest of her fellow Jedi pals. The clones and the vehicles were shooting up while dodging some blasts from up top.

"Follow me!" shouted Anakin as he and Storm led the others to the cliff.

They all made it directly under the cliff as some Spider droids were on the cliff shooting down at them. They all took a moment to catch a breath before they began the next part of their plan. Which was to climb up to the top, and deal with the blasts coming from the enemy.

"I can't see them." said the sergeant droid as he looked through his binoculars down at the spot where the heroes were. "Where'd they go?" He, unfortunately, leaned a bit too far as he lost his balance and then began to fall. "Oh, my God!" shouted the droid as he landed in front of our heroes and then had his binoculars hit him in the back of his head as he was down.

"Get back here, Sergeant." said the commander droid.

"So, this is where the fun begins," asked Ahsoka to the two boys.

"Oh yeah," smiled Storm.

"Race you to the top," said Anakin to the girl.

"I'll give you a head start." said the girl as she was confident in her ability.

"Your mistake."

"Hey, Anakin. I want in, and to spice things up. Double or nothing." stated Storm as he got his friend's attention. "If you beat me to the top, the bet's off."

"Game on!" said Anakin as he didn't want to lose the race now.

"Storm, wait..." said Twilight.

"Too late, Sparky!" chuckled Storm as he and Anakin all stepped out from their cover with some clones.

"Ascension cables!" shouted Sark as the clones did that and fired their guns up as the cables made contact.

Storm and Anakin wasted no time as they started to jump up and climb the mountain using a vine.

"I'm right behind you, Master!" said Ahsoka with a smile.

"Storm, wait for me!" shouted Twilight, but the boy was too invested in this competition with his friend.

"Come on, Twilight. Let's show them what we girls can do," said Ahsoka as she began her climb. Twilight just shook her head as she began to follow behind her friend.

The boys were climbing up as they had their lightsabers out deflecting blasts coming at them. The clones then started to pull themselves up from their cables. The AT-TE walkers as well were now climbing up the side of the mountain. Ahsoka was climbing the vine when she noticed the AT-TE walker climbing up as she got an idea. She then got Twilight's attention as she pointed to the vehicle as she had a feeling she was going to regret agreeing to this.

The boys were still climbing up their way, as the girls managed to get on the back of the walkers as they hitched a ride. The walkers were still shooting up as they climb. A shot was hit under the platform that the droids were on as they took a step back to avoid being hit.

"Target those walkers!" shouted the commander droid.

The spider droids on the side of the mountain heard the command as they began to fire at one of them. They managed to take out the one that was next to Ahsoka and Twilight as they saw it tumble down the side of the hall. Another one now aimed their weapon at the one the girls were on as it shot the clone operating the cannon. The girls saw this as Ahsoka now stood on the very front window that the driver was looking out of as she turned her lightsaber on. She then began to protect the vehicle by deflecting the shots while Twilight had decided to stay on the back.

"Well, I'll admit. Ahsoka's idea is working," said Twilight as she held on and as they were soon catching up to the boys. "Typically men, work harder not smarter."

Just then there came several droids on some air vehicles as they began to shoot at the clones climbing the side of the mountain. They now shot the area where the walker's front legs were as it caused it to lose its balance and looked to topple over and fall. The girls held on for dear life before the vehicle soon found its footing. The droids were now circling back as they aimed at the girls and started firing. The boys noticed their partners in trouble as they let go of the vine and began to jump down to where they were as they then leap off the vehicle and began to jump to the droids, cutting their heads off as they took them out. Once they took the last one out, they pushed the body out of the seat and were now in control. They then began to use the vehicle to race upwards to the top at high speeds.

"Gotta keep up!" said Anakin to Ahsoka.

"Hey! No fair!" said Ahsoka as she was way behind in their little race.

The two boys were pushing full throttle as they were neck in neck on who would make it to the top. Both were smiling as they let their competitive side of themselves show. Along the way up, they took out the spider droids that were firing at them.

"Rex, follow me!" said Anakin through his wrist commlink.

"Yes, sir! Working on it," said Rex through his helmet.

"We're not catching up to them anytime soon, bud," said Sark to his friend as both clone commanders continued their climb up very slowly.

"Get this thing moving!" shouted Ahsoka as she didn't want to be left behind. She was regretting giving Anakin a head start. Twilight just continued to hold on.

The boys were just a few meters away from reaching the top. They were neck and neck as both tried to pull ahead to get there first. The droids saw them as they blasted the vehicles they were on as the two jumped up. They landed on the ground at the same moment and the same second.

"Surrender, Jedi!" said the droids as they had the boys surrounded.

Storm and Anakin opened their eyes as they turned on their lightsabers. Both had managed to clear the droids that surrounded them as they tossed them over the cliff as they all fell or they ended up being slashed by the Jedi Knights. They had just finished taking out the last Superbattle droids when they looked from the entrance of the monastery to see Droidekas coming at them.

"Blast it Ahsoka, I told you to stay close to me," said Anakin as he and Storm were side by side prepared to fight.

A blast was then shot as it made contact with the Droidekas as they crumbled and were destroyed. Both boys turned around as they saw Ahsoka standing on top of the AT-TE walker as Twilight was still holding onto the back of the vehicle with her eyes closed.

"I can't get much closer, Skyguy," said Ahsoka with a smile.

"I'd knew you get here, Snips, eventually," said Anakin with a similar smile.

"Always in time to save your life." said the girl.

"Well, looks like you avoid paying double, Anakin," said Storm as both boys managed to reach the top at the same time. "Still, you owe me money." snickered Storm as he made his way to the AT-TE.

"Is it over yet?" asked Twilight as she was clinging to the walker as she was afraid.

"It's alright, Sparky. You can open your eyes, the ride's over," said Storm.

Twilight then opened one eye slowly as she took in the view. She then opened the other as she saw that they were at the destination. "Thank god." said the girl letting out a sigh of relief.

"Now get down here," said Storm.

"Right," said Twilight. She looked down and saw how high she was. "Uh, I can't. I'm scared."

"Oh, you gotta be shitting me." muttered Storm. "Alright." Storm then extended his arms out.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm putting my arms out so that I can catch you. Now jump."

"How do I know that if I jump, you're not gonna pull arms in and let me fall on my face?" asked the girl.

"You're making me think about it right now," responded Storm. "Jump."

"I don't know," said Twilight.

"ONE!!" shouted Storm.

"Don't rush me!" responded Twilight.

"TWO!!!" yelled the boy.


Twilight then closed her eyes as she jump and let out a yell. She then felt herself not on the ground, but being lifted. Twilight opened her eyes and then found herself in the arms of the boy. She was grateful for not hitting the ground as she wrapped her arms around his beck and hugged Storm.

"What did I say about hugging?!" stated Storm.

"Sorry," said Twilight.

"Now, let go of me!"


Twilight then got back on the ground as she dusted herself and straighten out her hair. Storm just rolled his eyes as he couldn't believe this girl.

"All clear, General."

"Nice work, Rex. Have some men look after the wounded," said Anakin.

"Roger that, sir. Gunships are holding at a safe distance," said Rex.

"You ready, Anakin?" asked Storm as they prepared to enter inside.

Above, there were two hooded figures and a droid that watched the Jedi and the clones in the courtyard.

"The droids have done their part. Now, you do yours," said Ventress.

"Don't fail us," stated Sunset.

"Too many droids here for them to be renegades," said Anakin.

"So, they must have someone leading them," said Twilight as she bent down on one knee looking at the B1 droids in front of them.

"I sense Count Dooku's hand in this. Let's find Jabba's son and get outta here," said Anakin.

"No problem. The hard part's over," stated Ahsoka.

"I wish you wouldn't say that," said Skywalker.

He and Storm then started to make their way to the entrance of the monastery as they were with the girls and the clones. They approached the door as it then began to raise. The four Jedi entered as the clones all turned on the headlights of their helmets to provide some light as in front of them was nothing but dim lighting and darkness.

"I don't like this place. It gives me the creeps," said Rex.

"Let's hope that nothing alive lives here," said Sark.

"This looks like one of those B'omarr monk monasteries that I read about in my studies at the Temple," said Ahsoka as she looked around.

"I remember, the B'omarr monks were a religious order that believed in isolating themselves from all physical sensations to enhance the power of their minds. To that aim, the enlightened monks had their brains transplanted into nutrient-filled jars," informed Twilight to the whole group.

"Ugg, Sparky, why did you have to say stuff like that?" asked Storm as he had a face of disgust when he heard Twilight's info as did the clones behind their helmets.

"Smuggler take these monasteries over, turn them into their own personal retreats," stated Anakin.

"So, that means we need to be cautious of any traps that might be nearby." added Storm.

"And the monks just let them?" asked Ahsoka to the two boys.

"Smugglers get what they want one way or another." replied her teacher.

A sound was heard as both boys drew their lightsabers and turned them on as the clones all aimed their weapons. In front of them, was a droid walking to them. However, what they didn't know was that this was the same droid that met with the two Sith Lords.

"Good guy or bad guy, Master?"

"Who are you?"

"Merely the humble caretaker, O mighty sir." said the droid. "You have liberated me from those dreadful battle bots. I am most thankful."

"Where is the Hutt?" asked Anakin.

"The battle bots kept their prisoners on the detention level. I must warn you it is very dangerous down there, my friend." informed the droid. "Not a place for a servant girl."

"Do servant girls carry these?" said Ahsoka as she pulled out her lightsaber and pointed it at the droid. "I am a Jedi Knight," She looked over to see Anakin had crossed his arms and made a face, "or soon will be."

"A thousand apologies, young one." said the droid as Ahsoka walked past it.

"Captain, we'll get the Hutt. Stay here and keep your eyes open," stated Anakin.

"Copy that, sir," replied Rex.

"Sark, you two." stated Storm. "Come on, Sparky." Storm then began to follow his friend as Twilight trailed behind the boy.

"Yes, General," stated Sark. Once the Jedi were gone, Sark then began to work with Rex as the two commanders began to watch the front door for any signs.

In a dark room, thousands of droids were crowded in. Soon Ventress and Sunset entered the room as the first one pulled out her device.

"They have taken the monastery, Master," said Ventress. "Skywalker is here. He's on his way to rescue the Hutt."

"Not to mention that Master Luna's student has also accompanied him, and he seems to have also brought Master Celestia's star apprentice." smiled Sunset.

"Well done, Ventress, Sunset. All is going according to plan," said Count Dooku.

"I could easily take them now," said Ventress.

"I'm up for some more fun with the boy," said Sunset licking her lips.

"Patience. Collect the data I need," said Dooku to the two girls. "You both will get your chance at revenge soon enough." The call then ended.

"Mistress, the Jedi have entered the dungeons." said a B1 battle droid.

All four Jedi were now where Jabba's son was being held as they were trying to find the cell. It proved to be a bit dark as they kept on walking.

"It's kind of dark," said Twilight as she was a bit scared.

"Suck it up, Sparky," told Storm.

"Can I... hold your hand? Please?" asked Twilight.

"This girl..." groaned Storm. "Fine. Whatever makes you comfortable..." Storm didn't finish his statement as Twilight flung herself at Storm as she wrapped her arms around his. She had a tight grip that made it a bit difficult to move.

"I thought you said hold my hand, not my arm." replied the boy looking at her.

"This makes me safer," said Twilight.

"I swear to god..." Storm just muttered to himself as he began to drag his ass and Twilight behind the other two. Along the way, they passed some open cells and corners as there were droids inside that saw them.

"Master, you know you're walking us into a trap?"

"Gee, what gave it away, Ahsoka? Maybe it's the multiple droids we're passing that have been stationed," said Storm with some sarcasm to the younger girl as Twilight clung to his arm even tighter.

"I know," replied Anakin as they all kept on walking deeper into the dungeon.

"We just passed two more droids."

"I know," said Skywalker to his student.

"Well, I don't like this. Can I take care of them?" asked Ahsoka.

"Well, I can't do shit cause I got the nerd digging her nails into my arm," said Storm.

"I said don't call me that!!" shouted Twilight as it got the droids to fear her voice.

"Oh, well, if you feel so strongly about it, go ahead," answered Anakin.

"Storm, Twilight? Mind moving?" asked Ahsoka.

"Have at it." said the boy as he sidestepped with Twilight.

Ahsoka then ignited her lightsaber as she deflected a blast. Then she took care of their weapons as she then finished off the droids. All the while, both boys just had a smile on their faces as she finished up.

"Nice job, Ahsoka."

"Thanks, Twilight." said the girl to her friend.

"Eh, I give it 7.8 out of 10. 8 being generous." stated Storm. "What do you think Anakin? I docked her points for missing one."

"Not bad. You remembered to destroy their weapons first," said Anakin as he criticized Ahsoka's actions.

"I'm improving your technique." said the girl with a smug smile.

"Of course, Storm is right," Anakin then ignited his lightsaber and stabbed it behind him as he took out a hidden B1 droid that Storm mentioned, "You missed one."

"How did you..." asked Twilight with a surprised look on her face looking at the two boys.

"There are some things you can't read in books, Sparky." smiled Storm as he did a fist bump with Anakin as they began to keep on walking with Twilight still clinging to Storm's arm.

"I did that on purpose," said Ahsoka as she felt a bit deflated by the two boys' actions.

After walking a bit more, they all arrived at a cell.

"I sense our kidnapped Hutt is in here," said Anakin.

"I smell him, too," exclaimed Ahsoka in disgust. Twilight also took a sniff as she covered her nose for a bit.

The door opened and soon Jabba's son was inside. But it was surprising by what they saw. Rolling around on the ground was a tiny slime ball.

"He's a lot younger than I thought he'd be," said Anakin as even he was shocked.

"Holy shit." said Storm as he let out that when he saw Jabba's son.

"Oh, he's just a baby," said Ahsoka as she saw the tiny thing.

"He's so precious," said Twilight as she let go of Storm's arm and didn't let the smell get to her based on the tiny thing.

"Finally," said Storm as he rubbed his arm from Twilight gripping it.

"This will make our job's a lot easier. Oh, he's so cute." smiled Ahsoka.

"Girls," said Storm as he rolled his eyes at how they were acting towards something cute and tiny.

"Just wait until you see what he'll grow into," said Anakin.

"Trust me, you'll be singing a different tune," replied Storm backing up his friend.

Back on Tatooine, Obi-wan had just finished up negations with Jabba. He had got into his ship as he prepared to join his friends. R4 gave a beep to her flight partner.

"I know, R4. I want to get out of here, too." said the Jedi Master. Soon the pair was inbound as they ascended into the air and then were leaving the planet's orbit to go help the others.

As Kenobi was seen flying away, there was a cloaked person. That person was none other than Count Dooku who had been waiting for the Jedi to leave. Once he was long gone, he then made his way into the palace. He soon entered the throne room as Jabba saw the person.

"O great Jabba the Hutt, I have news of your son," spoke Count Dooku taking off the hood of his cloak to show his face. "I have discovered it is the Jedi that have kidnapped him."

Jabba then spoke.

"How have you come by this information?" translated the protocol droid.

"I have my ways. More importantly, mighty Jabba, I bring a warning. The Jedi are planning to destroy you." said Dooku.

Jabba was outraged by that statement as he spoke.

"The most wise Jabba demands proof." said the droid.

"And he shall have it." said the dark lord.

Back on the planet Teth, the clones had finished a perimeter check.

"No sign of any more droids, Captain." said one of the clones.

"All right, Sergeant," said Rex as he began to contact Anakin on his commlink. "General Skywalker, the castle is secure, and it's nearly midday."

"We don't have much time left," said Sark as he too contacted Storm.

"Thanks, Rex. We got Jabba's son. Any signs of General Kenobi yet?" asked Anakin.

"No, sir." responded the captain.

"Well, we're heading out right now. See you soon."

"Copy that, Storm," said Sark.

"Master, my Jedi training didn't prepare me for this. What are we gonna do?" asked Ahsoka.

"Well, since you think that smelly larva is cute, you're gonna carry it," responded Anakin as he walked away.

"Me? What about Twilight? She thought he was cute as well." said the girl pointing to her friend.

"Hey, don't drag me into this. General Skywalker said you had to," replied Twilight.

"I don't care which of you two girls is gonna carry that little shit. One of you is gonna do it! So figure it out amongst yourselves!" shouted Storm as he too left to join up with his friend leaving the girls by themselves.

The two girls look at Jabba's son as he started to cry out and whine. They looked at each other and then began to decide how they gonna figure out who got the burden of carrying the thing. Eventually, they settle for a good old fashion rock, paper, scissors game. To which, Twilight dominated. Seems her smarts came in hand as she was able to calculate the percentages and the odds of what Ahsoka might pick as she countered and won after several games.

Obi-wan had just reached the Republic star cruiser as the hangar bay doors opened. Soon his ship landed as he had some clones waiting for him.

"Commander, tell Admiral Yularen to get underway. We need to reinforce Anakin and Storm." informed the Jedi Master.

"Right away, sir."

Our heroes had just exited the monastery as they were meeting up with their troops.

"How do you like your little buddy now? Still cute?" asked Anakin.

"You know, he's reminding me of you more and more," said Ahsoka holding up the tiny thing as Anakin looked at it with disgust.

"You know, she's right, Anakin. The resemblance is uncanny," snickered Storm to his friend.

"Screw you," said Skywalker to his friend for making that comment.

"See, even Storm agrees. You're two of a kind." smiled Ahsoka.

"Maybe you should carry both of us then," replied Anakin as he and Storm walked ahead of the girls.

Ahsoka then turned the thing around as she noticed Jabba's son crying and let out a cough. "Master, I think this little guy is sick. He's burning up with a fever."

"You gotta be kidding me? Seriously?" said Storm as he couldn't believe this.

Twilight put her hand to his forehead as she too could tell the little thing was indeed sick. "Unfortunately, Storm. Ahsoka is right, based on his symptoms, it appears whoever captured him made sure that he had bad living conditions. See for yourself." said the girl as both approached the boys.

"You're right," said Anakin as he put his hand to the thing's forehead to show Twilight wasn't lying. "We've got to get him back to the ship immediately. Trooper! Get me a backpack!" shouted Anakin to Storm's trooper Claude, as he went to fetch the item.

"Can you do anything to treat his health, Claude?" asked Storm to his soldier.

"Sorry, Storm. But I'm mostly a soldier, and I only know the basic healing practices. I don't know anything on how to treat a Hutt." said the clone.

"Well thanks, anyways," said Storm to his soldier as he nodded and let the Jedi do their thing.

Anakin and Ahsoka then began to put the tiny slime ball in the backpack. Unbeknownst to all of them, they were being watched by the same droid that met them earlier. He was recording what the Jedi were doing to Jabba's son.

"Will just let me do it?" shouted Ahsoka.

"I hate Hutts," responded Anakin.

"We all do," added Storm.

Soon the droid got what he needed as he then walked away to meet with Ventress.

"My lord, I have the recording you requested."

"Transmit it at once. Your new objective is to recover the Hutt," said Dooku to both her and Sunset who was leaning against the wall hearing this.

"And deliver him to Jabba unharmed?" asked Sunset.

"Precisely. Do not fail me." said the Sith Lord. He then ended the call as he met with Jabba once more. This time he pulled out his communicator device as he played the recording that was captured for the crime lord himself.


"Will just let me do it?" shouted Ahsoka.

"I hate Hutts," responded Anakin.

"We all do," added Storm.

(End of Recording)

Both Anakin and Storm's response got everybody to gasp, especially Jabba. The final moment of the recording was Jabba's son squealing.

"As you can see, it is the Jedi who have your son and are plotting against you," said Count Dooku. "My droid army has already initiated a rescue. Rest assured, mighty Jabba, your son will be saved."

Jabba then spoke as the translator droid did its job.

"Mighty Jabba wishes to know what you ask in return."

"Perhaps you would consider joining our struggle against the Republic," said Count Dooku.

Back with our heroes, they had contacted Obi-wan to inform him of the situation.

"Anakin, Storm, did you locate Jabba's son?"

"We have him, but it looks like the Separatists are behind his abduction," said Anakin. "This smells like Count Dooku to me."

"I think it's little Stinky you smell."

"Stinky, really Ahsoka?" said Storm looking at her.

"It's on point," replied Twilight.

"I'll bet Dooku is using us to get Jabba to join the Separatists," said Obi-wan.

"Master Kenobi, we have another problem. This Huttlet is very sick," informed Ahsoka.

"He has a fever and it's getting worst by the second," said Twilight.

"I'm not sure we can get him back to Tatooine alive, Master," stated Anakin. "This whole rescue mission may backfire on us. I still don't think dealing with the Hutts is a good idea."

"Anakin, you know they control shipping routes in the Outer Rim. Jabba's cooperation is crucial to the war's effort. If you let anything happen to his son, our chances of a treaty with him will disappear."

Soon they heard something as all four looked up.

"Master? We've got trouble!" said Ahsoka as she got everybody's attention. Up above were Separatist ships and a few vulture droids heading their way.

"Defensive positions!" shouted Rex.

"Move it men!" yelled out Sark.


"I'll have to call you back, Master. We're under attack. We could use a little help here if you have the time."

"I'll get there as soon as I can. Protect the Hutt, Anakin," said Obi-wan.

A few vulture droids began to shoot as both boys pulled out their lightsabers and deflected some blasts that would have hit Stinky. The clones were shooting up in the air when they also saw some more droids coming from the courtyard entrance.

"We've got spiders inbound!" shouted Sark.

R2 managed to jump out of the ship as it was blown up. The Separatist ship landed as tons of droids were emerging. And they weren't alone as both Ventress and Sunset were also present. The boys and the clones were fighting back against the droids as they tried to keep the Hutt safe.

"Get inside!" shouted Anakin to Ahsoka.

"Twilight, you too!" said Storm as he kept on protecting his friends.

Both girls ran under the AT-TE walker as they headed back inside the monastery. One of the spider droids managed to take out the driver in the vehicle as it exploded and the last big weapon that our heroes had was gone as more clones were shot.

"Fall back!" shouted Anakin.

"Fall back! Fall back!" yelled Rex and Sark as the clones rushed in as the final two to enter were Storm and Anakin as they deflected as many blasts as they could. The door was starting to close as both slid under just seconds before it shut.

"Storm!" stated Twilight as she checked on the boy. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, Sparky," said Storm as he took some deep breaths on just barely getting in before the door closed.

The droids stopped shooting as both Sith woman made their way through the crowd.

"Mistresses, the Jedi have barricaded themselves inside of the main vault." said a B1 droid.

"They have nowhere to run," said Ventress.

"Captain, we'll stay here until General Kenobi arrives with reinforcements," said Anakin. He then looked at Ahsoka, "What?"

"Master, do you honestly think we can hold them off?" said the girl.

"Ahsoka, it's me and Anakin," said Storm.

"Storm, be rational!" shouted Twilight as she looked at the boy. "You both are exceptional Jedi, but even I know that we can't defend forever. Nobody can." said the girl.

"Twilight is right. We've got to find a way out of here."

"Our mandate is to protect this Hutt, and that's what we're gonna do, Ahsoka," answered Skywalker.

"Our mandate was to get this Hutt back to Tatooine, and time is running out," said Ahsoka.

"I suppose you have a plan," asked Anakin.

Ahsoka then turned to R2-D2 as he made a beeping sound. "Yes, or I think so, R2 willing."

"All right, Snips. I'll trust you on this one. Captain hold them off as long as you can."

"We'll be back," said Storm as he and Twilight followed their comrades.

"Will do, sir. You heard the General! Get ready to turn those clankers into scrap metal!" shouted Rex.

The four Jedi were following R2 as he seemed to have some idea.

"If there's a way out of here, Artooie will find it," said Ahsoka.

"Remind me, to never let you name anything that I have," said Storm as he couldn't believe the names the girl came up with for certain things.

"Make it quick," said Skywalker. "Finally asleep, huh? Put him down. Get some rest yourself. It's been a long day for you, little one."

"I can hold him, Master. I'm not tired," said Ahsoka.

"Okay, suit yourself. I don't see why you won't just listen to me," said Anakin sitting on the bed.

"I do listen to you, Master. I just don't like to be treated like a youngling."

"You must have patience. What are you trying to prove anyway?"

"That I'm not too young to be your Padawan."

"Ahsoka, a very wise Jedi once said, 'Nothing happens by accident.' It is the will of the Force that you are at my side. I just want to keep you there in one piece."

"Heh, didn't know you had that in you, Anakin." chuckled Storm lightly at how his friend acted like a teacher.

"You want to rest, Twilight?" asked Storm.

"No, I'm good. You've been showing me things since we got here. And I'm not gonna let that little thing get any worst. I want to see this mission to the end." smiled the girl.

"Alright then," smiled the boy.

At the entrance, the clones were all along the side as they had their weapons locked. Sark stood next to Rex as both did a fistbump as they prepared to buy their friends sometime. On the other side of the door, two B1 droids were at the control panel trying to get it open.

"The red one?" asked one of them.

"No." answered the other.

"The blue one."

"No, not that one."

"You pieces of shit!" shouted Sunset as she had enough of their stupidity that she just sliced the control door panel with her lightsaber. The droids looked back at her as she retracted her lightsaber and gave them a look.

"That'll work." said the droids to each other. Soon the door began to slowly open.

"They've cut the lock!" shouted one of the clones upfront.

"Here they come!!!" shouted Rex.

The door was halfway up as the droids enter and started guns blazing. The clones opened fire as they were trying to hold their position.

"Hold the line!" yelled out Sark.

All around blue and red lasers were being trades, each side having casualties.

"Second wave! Second wave!" shouted Ricochet as he informed both commanders. They were now losing more troops.

"Watch your left!" yelled Rex as now spider droids entered the fray.

An explosion went off as the four Jedi heard and felt it.

"That sounded bad," said Skywalker.

Just then R2 found something. He managed to get the schematics of the monastery as he displayed it for all to see.

"A backdoor landing platform!" said Ahsoka.

"We'll call for a gunship when we get there. Lead the way, R2," said Anakin as they prepared to leave. "Ahsoka, wait. Where's Stinky?"

"You told me to put him down!" said the girl as the backpack was empty.

"Oh great!" said Storm.

"Find him!" said Anakin to everybody.

"You'd think something that smells bad, would be easy to track," said Twilight as all four searched the room. Soon they all heard a sound coming from under the bed. All four looked under to see the slug crawling away.

"Come outta there, you grubby little slug," said Anakin as he grabbed the tail of Stinky and just yanked him from under the bed.

Back at the entrance, most of the clones had been taken care of. Only a few were left as they had surrendered. Among those were Storm's squad. As for Rex, he was lying against the wall pretending to be dead.

"Take care of what's left of the clones," said Ventress.

"We'll be busy taking care of our guests," stated Sunset.

"Roger, roger." said a B1 droid.

"Seal the main gate and all portals. Let nothing escape this castle," said Ventress.

"Yes, Mistress."

At that moment, Rex grabbed one of his blasters and pointed it at the droid as he shot it. He then began to shoot at Ventress as she was blocking his blast shots. Ventress then used the Force to pull Rex's gun out of his hand, she then began to choke the captain as she lifted him into the air. Sunset was smiling as she ignited her lightsaber wanting to strike it through the clone, but Ventress told her that they needed him alive.

"Where is Skywalker?" asked Ventress pushing Rex against the wall.

"I don't talk to Separatist scum," said Rex putting his hand to his throat as he was being choked out.

Ventress dropped the captain as she gestured her head to Sunset. The girl then waved her hand in front of her.

"You will contact Skywalker now," said Sunset.

"I will contact Skywalker now," responded Rex from the mind trick. Both girls had evil smiles form.

"Let's see you get away this time," said Anakin as he secured the tiny slime ball in Ahsoka's backpack.

"Anakin, come in."

"Anakin?" said Ahsoka as she felt it weird that Rex was calling him by his name.

"We've held the droids, sir."

"That's not like Rex," said Skywalker.

"He never calls you by your name," stated Storm.

"Then that means..." Twilight didn't bother finishing her sentence as everybody knew what that meant.

"What is your location?" asked Rex.

"Ventress," said Skywalker.

"Dooku's assassin?" asked Ahsoka.

"And not just her, if Ventress is here. Then so is Sunset," said Storm as he was reminded of the girl and their last encounter.

"Sunset?" asked Twilight.

"You'll see, Sparky."

"They're both here to kill the Hutt. Come on," said Anakin as he began to lead all of them and R2.

"Mistresses, I must inform you that Republic reinforcements have arrived." said a B1 droid to both Sith girls.

"We must hurry," stated Ventress.

"Roger, roger."

Both ladies turned to their side as they saw some Droidekas appear.

Meanwhile, Obi-wan and his fleet had just arrived to the planet. They were hoping that they weren't too late in saving their allies.

"Skywalker and Storm are in trouble. You know the drill," said Obi-wan leading the troops down to the planet.

"Copy that, sir."

"The Jedi warships have arrived," said Ventress to a commander B1 droid. "You must hold them off until our mission is complete. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. I mean, ma'am, sir. Launch all fighters!" shouted the droid.

Vulture droids now turned into ships as they took off to intercept the Republic reinforcements. Soon the battle in the sky was filled with blue and red blasts. The Jedi had managed to make it to the platform.

"Skywalker to Obi-wan. Mark my position. I need a medical ship immediately. Do you copy?"

"Anakin, do you read me? Anakin. Come in!." shouted Obi-wan. "They're jamming our transmissions. I hope he and Storm are having an easier time than we are."

"I can't get a hold of Obi-wan. I'll see if I can find Captain Rex," said Skywalker. "Come in, Rex. Do you copy? Rex?"

"Did you hear that?" asked one of the droids who had their guns pointed at the clones who they captured.

"It came from the prisoners." said another droid.

"Let me show how it works, clanker," said Rex as he showed them his comlink on his wrist.

"Do you copy?" asked Anakin.

Rex then clocked the head of the droid as it spun. He then grabbed their weapon as he used the body to tank the shots being fired from the other droids as he fired back with their weapons. The others soon did the same thing as they now fired back. Rex tossed a weapon towards Sark as he grabbed it and shot the droids in front of the captain.

"Thanks, bud."

"Don't thank me yet. We still have to survive," said Rex.

Both clone commanders began to lead the troops as they got behind some cover and were firing back. Both sides traded shots as both had bodies drop.

"Captain Rex, respond," said Anakin still trying to contact them.

"I read you, General. We're pinned down in the courtyard," responded Rex.

"Any word from Obi-wan?" asked Storm.

"None, Storm," replied Sark through his comlink.

"Do you need help?" asked Skywalker as he heard blasts through the comlink. "I'll take that as a yes, Captain. Stand by, we're on our way, Skywalker, out."

"Sark, I'm coming to help you guys. Just hold on," said Storm as he reassured his troops he was coming to their aid.

"Master, Stinky is really sick. He's turning every shade of green except the one he's supposed to be!" said Ahsoka as her master carried the thing on his back. "Our mission was to get him back to Tatooine alive."

"Obi-wan will get here eventually," said Skywalker. "Right now, we need Rex to help find us a ship."

"But by then, it'll be too late. We need to leave now, or he'll get worst," said Twilight as she sided with what Ahsoka was saying.

"Twilight we're not leaving behind Rex, Sark, or any of them!" said Storm as he didn't want to abandon his troops when he promised them he would be back to help them. Soon they all looked to see what was heading their way.

"Great. Rolling death balls," said Ahsoka as some Droidekas appeared and began to fire at the Jedi as all of them pulled out their lightsaber and began to deflect the shots.

"R2, the door!" shouted Anakin.

The little blue droid heard the command as he approached the panel and began to work his magic. Both Ventress and Sunset now appeared as they began to approach the ground while they were still defending themselves. R2 managed to get the door functional as he closed it in front of the faces of the two Sith ladies. That didn't stop them as they ignited their lightsabers and pierced the door as they began to make an opening.

"I think now is a good time for a retreat," said Anakin.

"Retreat? That's a new word for you." joked Ahsoka.

"Yeah, but where?" asked Twilight.

"Maybe into the jungle," suggested Anakin as all of them raced to the edge of the platform.

"Wait, I remember the jungle was a bad place," said Ahsoka as they all peered over the side to see two Spider Droids hanging on the side shooting up at them.

"Yup, that's a bad idea. Not to mention any wild animals we might run into down there," said Storm.

"So much for going that way," stated Anakin.

"Well, we don't have much time," said Twilight as all four turned back to see the outline being halfway done.

Back in the courtyard, the clones were holding their own but not much. The droids outnumber them and their weapons were running low. They were taking cover on the destroyed remains of their AT-TE walker.

"We can't hold out much longer, sir! Where's General Skywalker and Storm?" asked Claude to Rex.

"They'll be here," assured Rex.

"For now, we hold the position," said Sark as they all turned their attention back to fire as Ricochet was using his skill to at least provide very little clearing out.

Sunset and Ventress were just moments away from cutting through.

"Looks like we're out of options," said Anakin.

Stinky then began to make some noise as it got all four of them to look at the kid as he whimpered.

"No, not now Stinky," said Ahsoka. He then used his tiny arm as he pointed at something in the distance. "Master! Another landing platform!" pointed the girl.

"With a ship on it," said Skywalker.

"Nice work, Stinky."

"Guess you're not useless after all," said Storm.

"So, how are we gonna get over there?" asked Ahsoka.

"Leave that to me," smiled Anakin smugly. "Storm, follow me."

"Right behind, bud!" shouted the boy as he too leaped off the platform and were both falling.

"What was the plan?!" asked Twilight.

"I have no idea," said Ahsoka to her friend.

They both looked to see the boys each had grabbed onto a flying creature as they rode its back.

"I hope I don't have to learn that," said Ahsoka.

"No way am I jumping," stated Twilight.

The Sith ladies had now cut through as Ahsoka and Twilight ignited their lightsabers and took a stance as both Sith girls raced forward. Ventress clashed her two blades against Ahsoka, while Sunset was left to deal with Twilight. Sunset was expecting Storm, but seeing Twilight present was an exception, especially given who her master was. The two girls traded attacks as Sunset was impressed by how well-trained Twilight was from studying under Celestia. Twilight leaped into the air as she did some downward slashes while pushing Sunset back a few feet. As for Ahsoka, she was having a bit more difficultly as she didn't have the same level of experience as Twilight was therefore was overpowered by Ventress and tossed onto the ground.

"Ahsoka!" called out Twilight.

Sunset took this opportunity to lunge at the girl. Twilight would have been hit if she didn't see it coming and blocked the blade as both pushed against each other. Twilight was still worried about her friend as she couldn't help and fight against Sunset at the same time.

"Where is Skywalker?" asked Ventress pointing her lightsabers as Ahsoka on the ground.

"And where is Storm?" asked Sunset to Twilight as she was pushing the lavender girl back as her feet skidding along the floor towards the edge of the platform.

Both boys then made their presence known as they were riding on the backs of the creatures they hitched a ride.

"Right here, Ventress!"

"Miss me hot stuff." stated Storm with a smirk.

Both boys then had their rides swing their tails at the two Sith girls as they got hit but recovered as they landed on their feet a few meters away.

"Time to go," said Ahsoka as Twilight got the message. The platform they were standing on was now breaking as the Spider droids kept on shooting at it.

"Hop on, Snips."

"Like I have a choice!" yelled out Ahsoka as she was grabbed by her master.

"Let's go, Sparky," said Storm as he grabbed Twilight by her arm and helped her as she was behind him. "You might want to hold on."

"I'm not letting go!" said Twilight as she hugged the boy from behind as she was scared.

Twilight was a bit scared at being so high up that she buried her head into the back of Storm. Eventually, she opened one eye and felt the wind blowing in her face as it got a smile to appear. Even R2 who fell with the platform was able to follow the four of them as he activated his rocket boosters. The falling platform took out the Spider droids as all of them were now flying to the ship.

Both Sunset and Ventress were angry at letting them get away. Soon a B1 droid appeared as his head was sticking out of the hole they made in the sealed door.

"Count Dooku demands a report on your mission. Should I tell him they got away or what?"

Ventress was angry that she used the Force to toss the droid off the side.

"Why?" wailed the droid as he was launched off the side.

"This isn't over. Sunset, go after them I'll deal with the Republic forces here."

"Yes, Ventress," said Sunset as she was now making her way to her ship in a chance to intercept the Jedi one last time before they got to Jabba's palace.

Back in the air, the battle was still going. The Republic forces were still trying to break through the droids that engaged them.

I'm hit! I can't shake them!" said one of the pilots.

"Just relax Odd Ball. I'm right behind you," said Obi-wan as he was now trying to help the pilot. Soon Kenobi showed off his fighter skills as he took care of all the vulture droids that he was being chased by.

"Thank you, sir. Sorry I panicked," said Odd Ball.

"That's alright, Odd Ball. It happens to everybody," assured Obi-wan. He then looked out of his fighter to see the building. "It looks like there's some kind of battle on the east side of the palace."

"I see it, sir," said Odd Ball.

"And if there's a battle, Anakin and Storm are probably in the middle of it. We'll start looking for him there. All ships, follow me." ordered Obi-wan.

The boys and girls all made it to the landing platform as they jumped off the creature. Even R2 made it safely as he landed.

"We're taking this junker? We'd be better off on that big bug," said Ahsoka as all of them saw the ship.

"Well, we don't have many options," said Twilight.

"Get aboard and prime the engines. Assuming it has engines," said Anakin. The girls were all walking towards the ship as it left the boys to check on the Hutt.

Once they got closer, they saw the caretaker droid that they had meant earlier.

"Hey! You're that caretaker droid. We wondered what happened to you." said Ahsoka.

"Oh, young one. I mean, soon-to-be Jedi Knight. I had to get away from that terrible..." said the caretaker droid as he saw her. He didn't finish his sentence when out from the ship came some B1 droids casually walking.

"Okay. Everything's loaded. Let's get out of here." said the B1 droid as when he looked at the girls and saw them, his voice trailed.

"Why you tin-plated traitor!" shouted Ahsoka. She turned her lightsaber on as did Twilight.

"Blast them!" shouted the caretaker droid. They began to fire at the girls as they were deflecting the bullets.

"They're at it again," said Anakin as he and Storm watched the girls. "Let's go."

"R2, don't drop the kid," said Storm as he and Skywalker attached the backpack to the droid so that he could carry it.

Twilight had managed to cut down the last of the droids as Ahsoka made it to the caretaker droid as she pointed her lightsaber at it.

"Don't you dare!" said the caretaker droid. Ahsoka then just chopped his head off as it rolled down the ramp. "Don't... you... dare." said the voice as it trailed off.

"Seems, you're getting you more physical Sparky," said Storm as he smiled at how Twilight was no longer being hesitant about engaging without a plan. Seems his influence was rubbing off on her.

All four Jedi then began to walk up the ramp as they boarded the ship. R2 also caught up with them as he kicked the head of the droid on his way up while letting out a chuckle.

"Commander Cody, prepare the gunships for a ground assault," said Obi-wan.

"Yes, sir. Go, go, go!" shouted Cody as he was on the republic cruiser and gave the signal to his troops.

The gunships now exited the bigger ship and prepared down to the monastery. In the courtyard, Rex, Sark and whatever clones were left were fully surrounded. They took out a vulture droid as it fell and crushed some other droids. They then moved from the AT-TE walker to the fallen droid as they changed positions and cover.

"Take over, R4." said Obi-wan as he prepared to help the clones.

"Surrender, Republic dogs!" said a droid pointing at the small group of surviving clones.

"We've got you outnumbered!" shouted Rex.

"Outnumbered?" said the droid as he was confused. "Wait. One, two, three..." the droid started to count their forces when they got blasted by some ships.

Obi-wan was right above as R4 took over the vehicle while the Jedi Master jumped out. He ignited his lightsaber as he began to take out some droids. The gunships had made it to the place as they began to fire.

"The calvary's arrived!" shouted Sark as he and Rex saw Cody in one of the ships as they were happy to see their fellow brother.

The clone reinforcements and gunships now began to take out the droids as they blasted them.

"Where's Skywalker and Storm?" asked Obi-wan to Rex and Sark.

"We don't, General." responded Stark.

"Best guess is they're still in the castle, sir." responded Rex.

"Keep the droids occupied. I'll go find him!" stated Obi-wan as he began to race forward towards the entrance of the place taking care of any droids in his way.

It was evening time on Tatooine. Count Dooku stepped away from the throne room as he pulled out his contactor.

"Have you recovered Jabba's son?" asked the Sith lord to Ventress.

"Skywalker is still in possession of the Hutt and has temporarily eluded me, but he will not escape the system alive. I've sent Sunset to intercept them before they reach Jabba's palace." told Ventress.

"Need I remind you whoever gains Jabba's favor will control the war in the Outer Rim?" said Dooku with a stern expression and tone. "Only we must be allowed to return Jabba's son to him alive."

"I understand, Master. I will double my efforts."

"I hope so, for your sake." said Dooku. "I shall meet with Sunset to stop the Jedi from getting to the palace."

"Wait!" said Ventress as she sensed something and ignited her two lightsabers. "Master Kenobi." said the girl as she saw Obi-wan racing into the castle. "Always chasing after your friends. How predictable."

"Storm does tend to do things on his own, and Anakin leaves quite a mess. Which always leads me to you, Ventress."

"Take him." ordered Ventress to some Superbattle droids.

They began to fire at the Jedi Master as she ran away, Obi-wan deflected the first shots and then just casually strolled to them and cut them down without much effort. He then went in the direction that Ventress ran as he soon found himself in a room filled with pillars and columns.

"Now let's get Stinky out of here." said Anakin as he and the rest of them all got seated down. "If we can." said the boy as he pushed the start button but the engine stalled.

Ahsoka just groaned at the engine trying to start, Storm kicked the control panel to see if it would work but nothing.

"Relax, everybody. R2, see if you can spark the ignition couplers." said Anakin.

The little droid then approached the manual as he began to see what he could do. He did something as he asked Anakin with a beep.

"No, that's not it. Try opening the fuel lifters all the way." suggested the boy. He then did that as soon the whole ship powered up. "Good work, buddy." R2 gave a happy beep as they started the ship and were now airborne. They were flying in the direction of the castle as they saw a battle going on.

"Master Kenobi is here. Now we'll see some real fireworks." said Ahsoka as she was holding Stinky and the backpack in her lap.

"What's that suppose to mean?" said Storm as he glared at Ahsoka.

"What do you think we've doing all day?" said Anakin as was with Storm.

"I don't know, the word 'reckless' comes to mind." said Ahsoka to both boys, especially her master.

"Not too mention, arrogant." chimed in Twilight.

"Shut up, Sparky." said Storm as he looked away from the girl as she just chuckled.

"Very funny, girls." said Anakin. "Back to work. The troops still need out help. Charge the main guns."

"How are we gonna help? Stinky is getter sicker and sicker." said Ahsoka looking at the thing.

"But we promised them we'd help them." stated Storm looking at the girl.

"Our mission is to return the Hutt, and right now, he's in critical condition!" said Twilight. "I know they're your friends, but this is important!"

"Twilight is right, we've got to get him to the medics on the Jedi cruiser." said Ahsoka backing up her friend. "It's our only chance to get Stinky back to his father still breathing."

Anakin and Storm looked at the girls as they said their peace. Both boys then looked down at the Hutt as they could see him in his weaken state. They gave a nod to each other as Anakin turned on the comm channel so that he and Storm could talk to their commanders.

"Captain Rex, this is General Skywalker."

"Yes, General." responded Rex.

Anakin took a second before answering, "We're not going to be able to help you."

For a moment, both commanders just held a face through their helmets.

"Don't worry, General. We'll be all right." responded Rex through his helmet. He looked and saw their ship passing them by. "The mission always comes first, sir."

"Sark, I'm sor..."

"Don't worry about it, Storm." said Sark as he knew what the boy was going to say.

"We're going to fine, kid. You just get that Hutt back home." said Ricochet to Storm.

"Guys," stated Storm letting out a deep breath.

"We can take care of ourselves, Storm." responded Claude as he was dodging some droids while planting some explosives on them and denotating before returning back to firing. "You have a job to do, so go finish it."

"We're a team. And teams delegate." stated Sark, "We trust you, so you trust us."

"I understand. Good luck and be safe." said Storm to his squad as the channel closed. All four looked up to see the ship as they gave a quick salute before turning their attention back to fighting.

Storm slumped in his seat as he was hitting himself mentally for abandoning his squad when he said he would come back for them. Twilight saw how her partner was reacting as she reached over and grabbed his hand in hers. Storm felt this and looked at the girl.

"You did the right thing."

"They why doesn't it feel good?" asked Storm.

"Cause it never is." said Twilight. "But know they're doing their mission. And now we need to do ours."

"All right, thanks Twilight." said Storm with a small smile at the girl for cheering him up a bit.

With that the Jedi were now making their way to the Jedi cruiser to get medical help for Stinky. It wasn't easy for Storm and Anakin to abandon their troops, more importantly, their friends. But they knew they had to get the little thing back soon ASAP. It may have stung to leave them behind, but both boys knew the bigger objective was at stake.