Pinkie's Inner Demon

by ChibiCreamPuff

The Truth

Twilight had fell asleep with Pinkie that night. And when she woke up, she saw Pinkie still snoozing. She slowly smiled, seeing Pinkie's smile. To as if she was having a great dream. The purple unicorn got up and went down to make some pancakes.

Well, in Pinkie's mind she visioned herself eating millions of Cupcakes. Blue frosting, they were delicious. She had been glad to be able to eat cupcakes again without getting sick. But after she took a bite of her last cupcake, she heard some kind of snicker. A really creepy snicker. A demonic snicker.

".....Pinkiepie......" Pinkie quickly turned around. It was that same ruby eyed demon. "...You're enjoying those...aren't you?...." A little chuckle emitted from her sharp smiling teeth.

Pinkie quickly looked at her once bitten cupcake. Inside, it looked like a bloody mess being squished out filled with the guts and wings of a pegasis. Rainbowdash. "Made with love, from both me, you, and Dashie!...." Pinkie started to blush. Not love blush, but mad blush. She was deep red to the core. Pinkie put her hoof in the ground, seeming as if she were to attack. Her nostrils flaring in anger. Grinding her teeth, she looked like she was ready to shout.

"Hey....don't get all mad at me! I'm not the only one that made those cakes! You put the meat in and covered the icing on top of the Cutiemark!" Pinkamena's red eyes flared with red mist as to showing some anger too. Pinkie suddenly held back, even though she was drowned in rage. Pinkamena smirked at this. "Aww....poor baby, gonna cry?" Her hoof just below her mouth. Seeming to be planning something.

Pinkie did look like she was going to cry. She was horrified about eating Rainbow's cake, but also really overwhelmed and saddened to the point of crying. "N-No! And...and...I would NEVER sell a cake that was made by Dashie!" Pinkamena's smirk vanished to bring a deep frown. Yet, the smirk came back. "Heehee.......We didn't sell the Cupcakes! We ATE them!......" Pinkie shuddered at the thought of eating it. "W-Wait....what do you mean WE?" She stepped back, afraid of the answer.

" didn't know?" Pinkamena's smirk just widend. She spoke higher. "You ARE me! That's how I even got ahold of you! It's from mom you know.....She made cupcakes out of our cousins.....That's why we never knew them!" Slowly, she walked toward Pinkie. "A ponys meat is the sweetest of all meats.....that's why most of us are cannibals....! That's why they eat OUR cupcakes!" Pinkie stepped back, only to meet a wall. Trying to find another way out, she found that the only ways lead to another wall. It was now a closed in space. Pinkamena stepped forward again. "Why don't I try a taste of ourselves. Don't'll only sting a a shot!" Pinkie then noticed the only way to save herself was to fight her way out. "Oh, and we'll try Twi later......"

Pinkie couldn't hold in anymore anger. She had to let it out. Hard and fast, Pinkie bucked at Pinkamena trying to push her down. Pinkamena was still walking towards her. After a few more hits, Pinkie saw that the demon's knees were trembling. Just one more hit and Pinkamena would be down.


It sounded as if Pinkie had broken her demon side's knees. When she went to look, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her knees. She looked at the ground. There Pinkamena was. Sharp bloodied teeth showing as her body lay trembling on the ground. Blood was everywhere. Covering both their knees, warm trickles went down to their legs and hooves. Pinkamena gasped for a little air. "You....hurt hurt yourself......" She coughed a little from the fall as it broke her left shoulder as well.

Pinkamena's right arm started to crawl her over to Pinkie. "Pinkie...." The thing whispered, cripled as a corpse. "Pinkie.......Pinkie....Pinkie....." Soon it lingered over Pinkie's bloodied body as she shivered in fear.

Twilight leaned over Pinkie as she was laying on the ground. "PINKIE!" Pinkie's eyes shot open. Was it only a dream? Why did her knees still hurt. Twilight looked frightened as if she heard her brother had died. "Oh thank Celestia you're ok! I thought you were still passed out! I-I heard a bang then when I came up, you were on the ground, Shaking! You're knees look like they are broken! So as your shoulder! Are you alright?"