//------------------------------// // Dragons // Story: Fascinating Creatures and How Not to Get Killed by Them // by iAmSiNnEr //------------------------------// Dragons Species: aliquid lacertae quae spirat ignem Danger Level: 8/10 Description: Dragons come in all shapes and sizes, although they're generally just a smidge bigger than the average pony in Equestria. Standing up, of course. Baby dragons go down to about half the height of average ponies, and do not have their wings yet. Dragons live in the Dragon Lair, marked out on the map of Equestria by the caption "Here be Dragons". Refer to Foreword if you require a map of Equestria, it's found there. In Equestria, the dragons are not carnivorous, so you don't need to be afraid of one eating you. However, they do have teeth and jaws strong enough to chomp down on precious gems, so I'd caution you to be wary of that. Dragons here grow at a slower rate, and their ruling system consists of one monarch: The Dragon Lord. Be warned, though, she doesn't take jokes very well. Do NOT let any dragon you know accumulate a hoard. Doing so will cause them to swell to gigantic proportions out of greed, and cause them to go into a greed-induced rage, seeking all the possessions within stomping distance. The dragons may have a peace treaty with the ruling government of Equestria, but you'll still need to watch what you say to them. After all, they do breathe fire from time to time, and I'm sure you don't want to be crispy barbeque!