MLP EG: My little Hero

by vvHunterr

Homeless/The BlazeCorps

Bryson and Lola looked around town. They came across a brick alleyway and a sick feeling came inside him. Was this what it all came to? For him to end up begging on the streets? He saw he was near a Library and went inside. Luckily, no one seemed to pay him any mind as he browsed through the books. He figured if he was going to die homeless, he might as well have something to occupy himself with. He tied Lola on the pole. "I'll be back alright, girl?" Lola barked and he went inside. He looked through the books and chose the one titled 'High Achiever'. A story about a woman overcoming her opioid addict and her 120 days behind bars. Bryson had always been interested in stories like these ones. Granted he has never been a drug addict, nor has he used them, but it still intrigued him nontheless. He took the book from the shelf and went up to the front desk.

"Hi, I would like to rent this book please." he told the person at the front. The woman at the front smiled.

"Great, do you have a library card with you?"

"Oh..."Bryson frowned. "I...didn't know I needed one."

"Oh is this your first time here?"

Bryson looked around again. He wanted to make sure no one else could hear him. "Well yeah. I actually never been in this town before."

"Don't worry about it. Since it's your first time here, we can give you a card first time free and if you lose it, it's only 5 dollars to replace it."

"That would be wonderful," Bryson said gratefully. "Thank you so much." The woman gave him his card and his book.

"That book will be due in 2 weeks."

"Thank you, have a nice one."

Bryson took his new book and went outside. He saw Lola lying on the ground. As soon as she saw him, she got up and happily ran to him.


Bryson chuckled as he petted her head. "That's a good girl." He untied her and they looked for a place to stay, but to his dismay, the apartments were far beyond his budget. He was beginning to think maybe he really did have to sleep on the streets. Feelings of sadness gloomed over him. But with sadness came confusion. How? How could this have happened? He was feeling sad because he had lost everything and was now homeless. But was also confused as to how it all happened? It was Bryson on the surveillance camera but he had absolutley no memory. All he remembered was going back to his car and finding himself in the court room. He had tried to deny but the footage was more than enough proof. Considering the fact the camera that was used was an old model and no possibility to cut or edit footage. Sometimes, he felt like maybe he did kill Henry in his rage. He did have a slight short temper, but even then the worst of him would be insults and swears. Not full blown murder. He sighed to himself and Lola began to whimper. "Don't worry, girl. We'll find somewhere safe to sleep," but even he wasn't sure where they would go. They continued to walk further down until they had reached the outside of the city. To his surprise, he had found a one story house that seemed like it had been abandoned for a long time. It felt kind of wrong to let himself in, but what choice could he have? If he had tried to tell anyone of his situation, they would never believe him. He and Lola went to the front of the house. There were no doorbells. He gave a knock on the door. "Hello?! Anyone home?!" he asked. No answer. He looked at the door handle. Door's probably locked anyway. He still gave it a try and to his surprised, it opened. He stepped inside and took a look around him. The first thing he noticed was that it was defintley messy. The furniture was all torn, the T.V was broken beyond repair, and the walls themselves didn't look exactly the best. Lola whimpered and Bryson figured she was getting hungry. He looked at this watch and saw it was dinner time. He poured her a bowl of dog food and set it on the ground. She happily ate her food. Her owner began to feel hungry as well. He looked in the fridge and saw there were quite a bit of food left. Mainly frozen pizza and noodles. He looked at the date and read that it wouldn't expire until next year. He put the pizza in the microwave and heated it up. After taking it out from the microwave, he began to eat his pizza while Lola ate her food. After he was done, he threw the pizza box away and saw Lola had finished with her bowl. He took the bowl and poured a bottle of water he found from the fridge in it. It was already half past ten and he decided it was time to turn in for the night. There was a decent looking matress in one of the rooms. He invited Lola inside and he got under the covers while his dog laid at the end of his bed. He didn't feel like taking a shower. He figured they were all broken. He turned off the lights and drifted off to sleep.


Sunset and her friends followed the bird as they drove down the street. It was getting really dark and they began to worry that they wouldn't be able to see, but luckily they were already drawing near thier destination. It was a large three story building that was in the middle of nowhere.

"Is this where Berry's been taken?" Fluttershy asked beginning to get frightful. "I really hope the little baby is alright!"

"Let's show these assholes who's really the boss!" Rainbow growled cracking her knuckles.

"Rainbow, we need to make sure no to get to carried away. We still need to set a good example for Berry." AppleJack said. "We can't be too violent."

"AppleJack, there is no other way! What you think if we ask nicely they're going to give him back? Fuck no! We need to fight them!"

"But our main priority is to find Berry," Twilight reminded them. As they neared torwards the building the bird perched itself on top of the door frame.

"Don't worry, Berry! We'll save you!" Fluttershy shouted.


"Those miserable bitches are here," Adagio grumbled looking through the monitors. Chaos looked over her shoulder and saw those seven girls.

"Perfect. I just knew they would come here. How are your pendants?" The sirens pendants began to glow as if responding.

"They are aboslutley delightful!" Adagio said as she flaunted her pendant.

"Well pretty soon, you can have revenge on the ones who ruined you." Chaos laughed darkly. "I just need one girl."