//------------------------------// // Minecraft admin, Game 3; advertising // Story: Let's play some games with Leon, Luna, and Eddy // by Fireheart 1945 //------------------------------// "Nice to finally have a server of our own," Leon remarked as he continued building a castle made of obsidian. "It's not quite finished yet, but yes, it is," Luna replied happily. "At least the people who play on this server seem happy," Ed mentioned. "Indeed. While the castle is far from complete, there are plenty of people, and despite a few incidents of X-ray, so far things have been decent." Luna hummed for a moment. "What do you think we should rename our server once we're done? 'Lunaville' seems rather..." "Not epic?" "Not how I'd put it, but yes. A bit too boring for my tastes, and no doubt yours' as well." "How many players do we have?" Eddy asked. "I've been too busy." Leon checked. "Uh... seventy, seventy-five, ish? About that." "On right now, or...?" "On now." "Remind me again, why did we put the server up before the castle was complete?" "Because," Luna said, "we had the town, i.e. the spawn, set up and this is a survival PVP server; the players thus already have what they need, we're just adding something extra." "For what? Night Court sessions?" "Please be respectful. It is my server and of course it will have some night-flavored events." "'Night flavored,'" Leon repeated. "What's that taste like?" "Ha ha." >Adaccount1 has joined the server! "Huh, odd name for a Minecraft player," Luna remarked. In chat she said, "Greetings, new subject! What is thy pleasure?" Leon teleported to the new player, who was literally just a Steve skin. >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >PrincessLuna; Um, hello?" >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Leonhart1863; stop spamming chat >PrincessLuna; Please stop. Thou hast been warned. >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Fluttershee815; please stop >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >EdEddnEddy1997; shut up or get banned >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Rainb0w D4sh; shut up or I'll come over and give you a sword to the face! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1 was kicked by PrincessLuna; Spamming chat and advertising; read the rules upon rejoining. "Ugh, that was annoying," Ed said. "What an idiot." "Let's not be too harsh," Luna scolded lightly. "He might have learned his lesson. >Adaccount1 has joined the server! "He's back already?" >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount1 was muted by PrincessLuna; Advertising and spamming "Apparently he didn't learn his lesson," Leon said, disappointed. "He's still saying it in a PM to me now," Luna said. "Okay, fully muting him." >Adaccount1 has left the server! "Well, that didn't last too long." "Did you ban him?" "Of course not! The chat would have said that I did, and would have given the reason." >Adaccount2 has joined the server! "He's back!" Leon said loudly. >Adaccount2; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount2; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount2; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Appletnt; knock that off an just play, would ya? >Adaccount2; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount2; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount2; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount2; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount2 was banned by PrincessLuna; Spamming chat and advertising are against our rules. "Ugh, I hate having to do that," Luna said, sighing. >Adaccount3 has joined the server! "Oh no..." >Adaccount3; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount3; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount3; Come join Skyworld! Free ranks to anyone who joins within ten minutes! >Adaccount3 was ipbanned by PrincessLuna; Spamming and advertising. "Blast it," Luna said quietly. "I wish I hadn't had to do that; it was clearly one person on multiple accounts. "Yeah, we figured." >Rainb0w D4sh; what's up Princess?" >PrincessLuna; Just someone trying to advertise their server. We wonder why. >Appletnt; I hate advertising in general; why waste your time doing it on Minecraft of all places? >Rarity980; I agree, darlings, utterly foolish. Tell your friends in person or through PMs about your server, don't go and try to actively take players away from that of somepony else. "I guess our friends agree with us," Eddy said. "I suppose they've started their own server, and want people to join," Luna said. "Advertising like that, however? No." >Houseman has joined the server! >Houseman328; Why have you ipbanned my admin from your server!?! "Oh dear," Luna said aloud. "Want me to put him in lava?" Eddy asked... practically begged, really. "No. Let me handle this." >PrincessLuna; Adaccounts 1, 2, and 3 I presume? >Houseman 328; Ya. He was telling people about our server and you banned him! >PrincessLuna; Read rule 8. It specifically says that advertising other servers is not allowed. Also read rule 3, which forbids spamming chat. >Houseman328; I don't care about your rules, I need people and staff for my server! >Houseman328 was kicked by PrincessLuna; Read the rules and follow them, or leave. >Houseman328 has joined the server! >Houseman328; WHY DI DYOU KICK ME? >PrincessLuna; I gave the reason when I kicked you. Read our rules and follow them, or leave. >Houseman328; I need people for my server! This is the easiest way! >PrincessLuna; And how would McDonalds reply if you went over there and called for everyone to follow you to Burger King or Wendy's? They'd kick you out. Make blogs online, talk to friends in PMs or in real life; don't go spamming chat with your server with possibly fake claims of free ranks. >Houseman328; I will report this abuse to Mojang or whoever is in charge; your server will be taken down for violating freedom of speech and banning people for no reason! >PrincessLuna; Freedom of Speech does not apply for private entities or player-made servers on internet games. We can make whatever non-abusive rules we please. Your admin was not abused, he was warned and, when he insisted on rudely ignoring us and spamming your server in chat, he was banned. I also doubt that Mojang or MCBans will be upset with us, given we have the logs of this entire encounter. >EdEddnEddy1993 set Houseman328's name to DumbServerOwner14! "Edward! Undo that at once!" Luna demanded. "Fine," Eddy said in a reluctant tone. >EdEddnEddy1997 removed Houseman328's nickname. > Houseman328; I will bring more admins here to advertise; unban my admin on all his accounts RIGHT NOW, and let my admins advertise, or I will take this server down! >Houseman328 was banned by PrincessLuna; Threats. We will not unban your admin or allow any of your admins to advertise. You can appeal your ban on our website. "Let's hope that's the last of it," Luna said, sighing again. >Houseman329 has joined the server! >Houseman329; UNBAN US OR BE SUED! >Houseman329; UNBAN US OR BE SUED! >Houseman329; UNBAN US OR BE SUED! >Houseman329; UNBAN US OR BE SUED! >Houseman329 was ipbanned by PrincessLuna; Spamming. "I hope he doesn't go and send a million accounts to our server to spam in chat," Leon said. "If he does, we'll ipban him and all his 'friends,'" Luna replied. "Let them make of that what they will." "What if they actually do sue us?" Ed asked. "Then I'll counter-sue... or more likely, just let their complaint die; when a judge sees it, I have my doubts it will even be entertained, much less served." "Back to it, then," Eddy said. "Indeed, there's much work still to do. And we still need a better name." "Nightville, maybe?" "A bit dull, what else do you have?" -----------------------------------------------------------