//------------------------------// // Hero Ending // Story: Transcending Fluttershy's Dark Sky // by Misty Shadow //------------------------------// This is the heroism of confused evil... “I...No...I...I...” Twilight said grabbing her head, and in frustration, tore the immorality chip out of her brain and scratched and clawed at her brain thinking about and embracing the decision she decided to make. “HERO! HERO! HERO! HERO! HERO! HERO! HERO! HERO! HERO! HHHHHEEEEERRRRROOOOO!!!” She then jumped on Rainbow Dash and hugged her as tight as she possibly could as the evil machine exploded, and Twilight absorbed the impact with all her magic so that the recoil from the gun-like fire explosion wouldn’t hurt Sky. Sky wasn’t hurt, but the recoil blew him back a few feet and he fell down and got a slight injury on his right arm. “...Twilight...Twilight!” Sky ran toward Twilight, noticing that she was blown to pieces, but wanted to see if she was alright. “Twilight, you saved me from that robot. Even if you did do a good thing out of your evil nature, it still felt...nice.” “It was hell...” Twilight dreamed about where she would never be. “I was backed into a corner by Celestia, with no other choice but the lesser of two evils...for once, the logical choice for me was not committing the most evil deed I could possibly contemplate...the logical choice...was defying the very evil I chose from the start.” “So your nature for being nice to me wasn’t evil, it was something that became an antithesis for evil...” Sky came to another realization. “Twilight, it was your rebellious nature that created good!” “I never thought that a life lived as a refugee would end like this, me dying in my rebellion...” Twilight was already dead and began to fade into something. “The defiance of nothing is what created something, and the defiance of evil is what created good...Sky please, never forget that the war must never end, for its defiance both with and against will eventually create peace...” “Farewell forever Twilight, I hope to see you again some other day...” Sky said goodbye to his strange teacher of a friend, as the remains of her robotic body turned into vegetables, and the only things mechanical that remained were two chips. Vegetables and...two? “She had two of those things inside of her?” Sky asked himself as he grabbed them off the ground. “If one was an immorality chip, what could its opposite adjacent chip be? I wonder if this is where everything will end...ending in a mysterious enigma...” “I KNOW A MYSTERIOUS ENIGMA THAT WILL END EVERYTHING!” Rarity laughed as she jumped on Sky out of nowhere. “IT WAS DETACHED FROM HER FRIEND AND HIDING DURING THE EXPLOSIVE FIGHT, AND IT WAS AND IS ON YOUR FACE THAT ENTIRE TIME!” “Oh wow, it’s too bad I can’t see my own face!” Sky felt silly. “SELF DESTRUCTION SEQUENCE ACTIVATED!” Rarity was ready to explode over her new friend. “I LOVE YOU!” “I think you could be my friend some other day...” Sky was friendly in his very last moments as Rarity exploded on his face and Sky was sent to a very special place in the ending. The Heroic Ending Do you not feel like a hero now, hero? Your courage will be inspiring in more ways than one if your choice is to read the final transcendence that awaits Celestia and Sky...