Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

New inventions

Warning: I don't know if I'm going to write or not. Since its Christmas and all. So, no chapter update tomorrow, well, unless I feel up to it.


Chapter 30

Malbatorus stood outside of Fluttershy's cottage. Well, he stood over it.

He had been staying in the forest next to Fluttershy's, and helping her out when ever he could. He loved going to Ponyville from time to time.

The ponies there use to hide in their homes when he came, but now they come out to greet him. They all know he's harmless.

Everything was going his way, except for one thing. Fluttershy.

He may like her and want to be with her, but she just views him as a friend and helper. Nothing more.

He sighed. Being a dragon hadn't been one of his best ideas.


"Wake up!" Said a loving voice, which was accompanied by something not so loving. A pillow to the face.

Aaron groaned and sat up, and looked at Vinyl with fake anger, "I'm up! I'm up!" He crawled out of bed and groaned again. To damn early.

Vinyl laughed at him, "I told you not to party late last night."

He held up a hoof, "I know I know." He looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "Why did you wake me up early, and why are you up early? You usually sleep half the day before waking up."

She smiled, "We have a gig."

Aaron looked straight at her and grinned. Finally! A gig! He had been waiting for the chance to do a gig with Vinyl.

After their first night together, she had invited him to stay at her house for a while. While he was staying, she caught him singing. Long story short, she asked him to be her new singer. She DJ's and he sings.

"Sweet, where is it?" He said with a large smile on his face.

Vinyl grinned, "Are you ready for this? We are going to perform at Princess Luna's wedding!"

Aaron's eyes widened, "Really?! That would be like the biggest gig ever. Well, next to Princess Celestia's, but I don't think she'll be getting married anytime soon."

Vinyl nodded, still smiling, "This will be my... Our biggest gig ever. What are we going to play there?"

Aaron raised an eyebrow, doing a half smile and chuckled, "Oh, I know the perfect song."

"What is it?" She questioned.

He smirked, "I'll have to teach it to you first. Trust me, with me singing it, it will be awesome."

She took a step closer, "I trust you. Now, I want you to start teaching me the song now."

Aaron raised an eyebrow, "Why start learning it now?"

She smiled, "Wedding is in two days."

Aaron was shocked, "Two days?! Well, follow me. We need to start learning."

She laughed and put a hoof over his neck, "Come on teacher."


I was laying down on the couch downstairs at my house. Bored out of my mind.

Peter had taught me a little, but had to leave early. Now, I'm here with no one to keep me entertained. Even Twilight had to leave, something about helping Pinkie Pie.

Today was going to be boring as hell. Like seriously, there's no video games or computers here.

I began to hear a loud noise outside. I've heard something like it before, but I can't place my finger on it. After listening to it for a few more seconds, I noticed it was the sound a fighter jet would make. But there's no jets in Equestria.

I sat up and walked over to the window and pulled the curtains back a little. At first, there was nothing in the sky. But then I saw what looked like a pony flying. But not a Pegasus. This pony had a black box on its back and large metal like wings on either side. A sort of engine was on the back, giving it more speed.

Strange, I didn't know they made those here.

The pony looked my way and seemed to adjust its goggles. It turned towards my house and sped towards it.

When it was close to the ground, the wings snapped back into the box. And the pony skidded to a halt outside the door. Soon came the sound of knocking.

I grinned, I knew who the pony was. I walked to the door and opened it, "Well hey there Frederic."

He was looking at me strangely and smiling, "Now how did you get your body back?"

I laughed and moved aside for him to enter, as he walked in, I answered, "Lets just say don't allow Greg to perform spells on you."

Frederic chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind."

I looked at the device on his back, "So, whats with the fancy flying machine."

He looked back at it and grinned, "This here is a new project I've been working on. It will allow all ponies to fly, even if they aren't Pegasus."

I looked it over, "Must have taken a while to build."

He nodded, "It did. Four years of work. I just finished it the other day, this was just a test flight. And I must say, it's performance was excellent."

I nodded, very impressive. I looked at his goggles and saw a small button on the side, "What's with the goggles?"

He smiled proudly, "Those goggles are a new design by me. They can zoom in and out and see in fog and darkness. Their limit is over a mile, which would be impossible without magic. I love being a unicorn. Anyway, I made them for the Wonderbolt's. Their manger was complaining about them getting injured during training and shows due to nighttime darkness or heavy fog."

I was impressed, "Can you get me a pair like that?"

He smirked, "Do you know how much those cost to make?"

Damn, "No, probably a lot."

He nodded, "A lot indeed. They are to expensive to just give away to just anypony." He reached into his bag with his magic, "But your not just anypony." He threw a pair of red tinted goggles at me, which I caught. "Your my friend."

I smiled, "Thank you Frederic, is there anything I can do to repay you?"

He nodded, "Just one thing."

"Alright, what do you need me to do?"

"Come to my wedding. I need a best man."

Best man! Why me, he barely knows me. "I would love to be your best man, but why me? Why not one of your other friends."

Frederic chuckled, "Do I look like I have other friends? I mean, I've been in that workshop almost the whole time I've been here. You are my first real friend I've made here."

I held out my hand for him to shake, "Well then, I'll be there."

He reached out and shook my hand, which felt strange. I mean, have you tried to shake a ponies or horses hoof? "I'll pick you up a before the wedding, also, try to wear something nice. Those clothes are... how do I say this nicely... Stupid."

I laughed, "I know, I'll try to get some before the wedding."

He turned for the door, "You better, I'll tell Luna to tell Celestia about your appearance. I am now off, time to test this baby out some more."

When he walked out of the door and closed, a loud boom was heard as he took off.

That device he has is pretty awesome.

I looked down at the goggles in my hands. Just like the ones I wear as a pony, just a little heavier.

I tried to put them on, but they was to big. They would only fit a ponies head. Damn.

I walked up stairs to my room and placed them on my desk. I picked up one of the books I had recently grabbed from the library and began to read about the pony and griffin war. It seems that there had been a war over a thousand years ago, or to be more precise, it was one thousand two hundred and eighty three years ago. A very interesting subject.

I wonder where the griffin territory is now? I mean, I know their out there, but where? Maybe me and my friends could go searching for it in the near or distant future.

I laughed at the thought of me and the other bronies going through the wilderness, facing who knows what and finding the lost, okay maybe not lost, city of the griffin's.

I shook my head and continued to read.