October Bite

by ShadowedKnight68


Mornings, mornings suck…..waking up after a nice night's sleep and feeling that grogginess afterwards, then you gotta go do a bunch of stuff like make breakfast, take a shower, brush your teeth….ok those you don't necessarily need to do but they are definitely appreciated by both your body and anybody you might meet for the day.

Anyway back to why I'm currently hating on this morning, I have to do yard work...yup my dad woke me up this morning and during breakfast said I needed to clean the backyard….and what sucks more is this is October meaning pretty much all the trees on my backyard just became ugly giant twigs after littering leaves all over the ground...crunchy, messy...leaves…

Now some would say October is very pretty, the leaves are oranges and yellows, it's cooler out, and there's a famous holiday, all I have to say to that is Halloween happened a few days ago and all I did for it was sit at home, since no kids really ever go down my road my family also decided not to decorate….Halloween's lost its….spirit...I used to love Halloween, the costumes, the weather, the spookiness, the candy….but now it's just not as great, I'm not sure if it's me that changed or Halloween…

I'm getting off track...this morning sucks cause I'm standing out in my cold backyard with a rake...or I would be if I could find the dang thing….I swear it was right here but now I can't find it!

I walk around trying to see if I can spot it in the orange ocean that surrounds me, the leaves crunching under my shoes like glass…

Suddenly my foot connects with something hard and leaves go flying into the air as a dark brown wooden pole comes flying directly at my face ready to impact my face, but I catch it in my hand and chuckled and begin walking with the rake "whew that was close...almost Tom and Jerryed myse-" I smack my head right into a bird feeder on the tree causing me to fall backwards and send more leaves up.

I stare up at the spinning world above many thoughts through my head...like one, why did that comedically timed event happen when no cameras or people were around? Two, why did fate decide for me to be it's comedic relief? And finally when did we get an apple tree?

Yes indeed, up above me hanging from the tree was in fact a crimson red apple on a branch, sun reflecting off its shiny exterior, looking like the most perfect apple ever to grow.

Standing up and wobbling from disorientation I shook my head and reached up for the apple, plucking the cold surfaced red fruit I looked at it, I didn't think apples grew in October...or just as a single apple as all across the tree not a single apple hung beside the one I just took.

This was the first time I had ever seen this tree grow anything beside leaves...as confused as I was, my mind could only focus on how tasty this apple looked... something about its perfect shape, color, size, and feeling just called to me asking to be eaten…

I always wash the apples I got from the store off but...this one should be clean..right? Reaching up to take a bite from it I noticed movement out if the corner of my eye, glancing over to the wooden fence that separates my yard from my neighbors I spotted a crimson red haired head walking along the fence from the other side, now you'd say that's normal, just the neighbors walking the yard right?...except my neighbors left for their relatives a few days ago and would be back till next week….I should know since my best friend slash possible future girlfriend lived next door.

No body tell her that's how I've labeled my relationship with her or I'll get you and make it look like an accident.

My friend also didn't have red hair and neither did her family...plus that hair was the darkest red I've ever seen, couldn't be natural, possibly dyed for a costume? I put my foot up on a edge on my side of the fence to peak over.

..Curse my five foot four height…. 

I peaked over to see this mystery red head.

Looking over the fence though...I saw not a soul...left to the back of the fence nothing, right to the path beside the house leading to the front, nothing...as if to express the emptiness the wind blew a couple leaves up in the air.

Could I have possibly imagined it?...my peripheral vision playing tricks know?...perhaps that bird feeder hit me harder than I thought and now I can see ghosts?? And I'll be haunted by the sight of the dead until the day I die and then I'll be cursed to walk the land with the things I had witnessed for so many years?!?!?...unlikely the last one…but nevertheless the mystery red specter was nowhere…

Getting off the fence I looked back to the red apple which I had not let go of...still perfect...still shining….still an apple…

Rubbing the side of it on my shirt I then brought it once more to my mouth, taking a glance around for any other colored anomalies and not seeing any. I took a bite out of this mysterious apple.

With a juicy crunch the deliciously sweet flavor of the apple filled my mouth, it was if this apple was made by the gods themselves, the best apple I had ever eaten...so full of juices... actually kinda too juicy for my liking felt like I was gonna have to get a cup and pour a full glass of apple juice but nevertheless it was delicious.

I now could understand why Adam or Eve took that apple when in Eden...if it was anything like this apple I'd have eaten that tree clean…god may even have taken an apple with how good this one was…

"Enjoying yourself?" 

I nearly choked on the apple at the sudden female seductive voice that came out of nowhere, looking around in panic I saw a woman sitting on the edge of the fence wearing an almost all black outfit except for her purple jacket, her sunglasses hiding her eyes, she had poofy crimson long hair, the same shade as I had seen behind the fence.

"U-um...who are you?" My heart was racing, because of the surprise of her appearance?...no something else... something besides that about this woman…

"Call me Crimson Wraith….a bit odd for this world I know but in another it would make more sense" she smirked with sharper than normal teeth.

Ok time to go back inside...nodding I started backing my way towards the house "ok nice ta meetcha imma go, you hang out here on the fence...or don't your choice but...cya!" I spun around and went to run only to find the woman in front of me...on the fence she looked normal….here she stood six feet tall at least...she towered over me, swallowing hard I backed up from her.

"Aww leaving so soon? But we haven't even gotten to the fun part" Crimson Wraith said with a mock pout.

"F-fun part?" I stuttered, my whole body felt like it was shaking.

Her smile returned "yes, fun part...the part which I came here for, but before we get to that, did you like my apple?"

"Your apple?...o-oh s-sorry i-if I had known it was yours I wouldn't have eaten it...u-um I-I can pay for it!"

"No no it was meant for you, I specially made it for you" 

Ok didn't like the sound of that, heck everything this lady said I didn't like..I went to step back again only to fall on my butt, something about my leg didn't feel right... something about all of me didn't feel right, I shakily looked at my hands watching them shake before they shook faster, my heart was beating faster, something... something was wrong... something was really wrong!

"Oh it's starting, how fun" she smirked looking down at me.

"W-what's starting??" I asked in panic, before I felt a burning pain in my foot, the one I had lost my balance on, wincing I grabbed at my shoe pulling it off and tossing it away before my hands shot back from my foot...or atleast what was supposed to be my foot, in the sock I could see it's shape shifting.

With a sharp pain I felt it widen at the top before it went flat, clenching my teeth I saw the outline of my toes fade till only a cylinder shape was left, I couldn't feel my toes no matter how hard I tried to move them.

Fearfully I pulled the sock off and gasped before breathing quickly, instead of a foot I had some strange stub with a hard top...even as my mind raced to comprehend I could only see it as what it appeared to be..no matter how impossible, what now replaced my foot looked like a hoof…like a goat or horse or something...

"Wh-what...what the fuck?! What the fuck is that?!?" I screamed looking from the hoof to the woman.

"Oh if you think that's worth panicking over, I can't wait to see your reaction to the rest" she smiled even more wickedly.

"Rest?!" I felt the burning crawling up my leg now, shaking my head. I grabbed my leg either to feel what was happening, stop it, or I didn't know...my mind was everywhere.

With a cracking and a sharp yell I felt my leg compress and get shorter, now the limb looked incapable of even be usable for walking with it so short, even the new shape of it looked impossible to walk on, my heel longer and shin shorter giving me a strange new backwards facing knee.

Panting I pushed myself backwards away from the limb that followed and the woman who stayed put, she blocked the way inside the house so maybe I could get over the fence?? I had to get away! Everything in me said get away!!

I kept crawling backwards fearful if I looked away she'd be right in front of me again, as I crawled using my arms to push me me along I felt the burning start in my right arm, my eyes shooting to it instantaneously as I felt the middle finger pop and crack before extending out forward, biting back the cry of pain I watching my hand with tears in my eyes slowly shift and meld together, fingers becoming one going from five to four, to one large clump of flesh before a hard material overtook the top of it and then flattening...another hoof?!?!

Using the new limb clumsily I kept pushing myself along, moving it brought pain like a fresh cut touching air except an entire hand.

The burning spread up my right arm and I felt it condense too like my leg had, only this time it became thinner towards the shoulder, the pain becoming to much I draped it over my stomach and used my remaining arm to pull myself, I looked back to the woman who was now walking towards me, fear heightening I tried to crawl faster.

My crawling however was forced to cease when my back was forcefully arched inwards, the firey pain running all the way up my spine and tailbone. I felt and heard multiple cracks and pops, hips rearranging, spine shortening yet elongating, something pushing out the top of my backside.

When the forced arching stopped I returned to crawling my panicked breathing and racing heart all I could hear, I couldn't understand why this was happening, what did I do?? I just fucking ate a apple!!! How could this happen from eating a apple?!?

Crawling I felt the burning of my spine spread out to the top of my back, the pain to intense I rolled onto my chest as something pushed up from under the skin, crying out into the grass and leaves I felt something rip out form my back and press hard against my shirt making it to tight around my body, tears streaming I tried to move only to feel a second thing rip out beside the other, shaking on the ground I felt the two things burn before what felt like my skin was being painfully pinched and pulled upwards across the strange things.

As the skin pulled, the two new growths suddenly split at the tips becoming three pointed, the pulling skin connecting to each point, eventually the growths moved on their own, muscles burning and stinging in them causing them to spasm and move before going limp on my back.

Panting I once more tried to crawl, moving my body was getting harder, I only had two limbs, my left arm and right leg, but my whole back felt like I'd done twenty crunches three times a day...digging my fingers and nails into the dirt I kept pulling myself along.

The fence finally in front of me I reached a hand up a grabbed the wood connecting piece on the fence and pulled myself up only to squeeze the wood tighter as I felt the burning spread across my face, teeth clenching so hard they might break I pulled my hand back to my face feeling the the bone move beneath the skin, the pain worse than before I screamed in pain as my mouth and nose pushed forward with loud cracks and pops, I kept screaming as my hands almost clawed at my changing face trying to make it stop, only one hand was actually capable of clawing while the other futilely pawed.

My eyes were full of tears and clenched close from the pain before they burned and widened, the sockets getting to big for them before they grew to fill them painfully, I thrashed in the ground screaming and kicking all my limbs, my screams becoming strangled as my throat filled with hot magma, my hand unsure which to grab my face or throat as the two pains seemed to clash and bash together.

Eventually both explosive pains faded to just burning as I shook on the ground, my tongue felt so small in my changed mouth...forcing my burning eyes open my field of vision was far wider now but it hurt just to open them….heck closing them hurt too, like sore muscles hurting from just move slightly.

Rolling back to my chest I grabbed the fence and began pulling myself up using the useless new hoofed limb to try and push and aid my remaining hand, I began to climb the fence slowly.

It hurt to lift my head so pressing it against the fence and dragging it upwards was the best I could do, as I looked up a strange pink blob remained ever present in the bottom of my vision right between my eyes...like when you cross eyes eyes and can see your nose only my eyes were not crossed.

I blew air up to try and get it off only to realize with a sickening knot in my stomach...it was my nose...now far larger and farther out, swallowing hard and painfully I kept pulling myself up.

Finally getting my hand to the top of the fence I tried to pull myself over it, my freedom and salvation so close a hint of joy filling my pain filled body. When suddenly I choked on the air in my lungs...gasping or at least trying to I realized I couldn't get air in, my lungs weren't working, nails digging into the wood I used the hoof arm to claw at my chest pathetically in some attempt to alleviate whatever prevented my breathing.

I suddenly slammed against the fence as my chest burned and cracked pushing forward further than normal, then with a loud crack one side snapped inwards making me let out a choked scream, before the other cracked in.

Choking and gagging my lungs suddenly inflated, pressing hard against my new ribcage, my escape attempt on the fence failing my hand suddenly lost it's hold and I fell backwards hitting the ground spasming in pain, eyes bulging from lack of air, each limb moving with no reason and fueled by panic.

Suddenly air poured into my throat making me gasp and suck it in as much as I could, I coughed and hacked, my lungs seemed to take in more air than before but also burned from doing so, weezing I shook and looked at my remaining hand, eyes widened as I saw it already beginning to match the other, I hadn't even noticed it change during the choking...that explained my loss of grip.

My leg as well had changed too judging from the lack of previous dexterity, I shook in my too baggy of clothes, I didn't want to move with how painful my entire body felt, I honestly just wanted to lay here and take in my previously denied air, as I did though I tasted a coppery warm taste fill my mouth, moving my tongue around I pressed against a tooth and felt it go loose in my mouth, eyes widening I spit it out of my mouth only for three other teeth to follow it out, looking down at the bloody teeth now on the grass I shook my head as I could feel the others becoming loose and falling out.

Like a nightmare I felt each and every tooth fall out of my mouth, each one making me want throw up from the sight and feeling of lack of teeth, but that soon changed when I felt the sharp pain of new larger ones growing in place, my once empty feeling mouth now felt a bit more full with the appropriately sized teeth for my larger mouth, my too small of tongue rubbing against the new teeth just to ease the unsettling feeling of the previously lack of teeth.

However my tongue soon felt the stinging fire as what felt like hot needles covered it and caused it to grow and flatten, getting longer to fit my larger mouth, it felt so much weirder to move so differently yet the same.

Panting I opened and closed my sore jaw before wincing as something sharp stabbed into my bottom lip, using my new tongue I rubbed the spot feeling blood trickling out and then moved it around to find the sharp objects which caused the wound, my search ending when I found my canine teeth far longer and far sharper..

...What the hell have I turned into?!

I suddenly realized all too late that the woman was right beside me, jumping with the burning pain still present across my entire body. I pressed against the fence holding back the cry of pain as the growths on my back hurt from being pressed against the fence.

"My my you turned out well...not completely finished, but so far so good" she smiled and crouched down examining me like I was some demented work of art.

"Fluck...thu…" my tongue flopped around my mouth unused to the size and shape...but what really scared me was how I sounded...my voice...was not mine...way to high...and...not male, what anger I had at her shifted to fear and panic to myself as I used my mangled limbs to grab between my legs, the distinct lack of male hood sending tears down my face, I kept pushing and feeling through my baggy pants hoping to find it but it wasn't there...why? Why that too?!? Why do this and take away my gender?!?

"Daww poor baby" she pinched my far more sensitive cheek making me clenching my teeth and stab my lip once more.

"Hear let me finish this up for you" she smiled wider as I now could just barely see her eyes over her glasses, they were black with red irises and slitted pupils.

Shaking, I shook my head no and tried to get away from her, her hand reaching for me before grabbing my ear, I tensed closing my eyes in fear….only to feel her begin massaging it...confusion filled me as I watched her, I didn't understand why she was doing this…

She rubbed her index finger and thumb against the ear smirking before she pinched it tightly and pulled.

I winced and squirmed as I felt my ear getting pulled like a mother would do to a disobedient child only my ear was getting longer, watching in horror she pulled the ear to the top of my head and then like clay molded it to a pointed shape, after letting go I reached up to it feeling it in panic.

She reached for my other ear "no no pleath….sthop!!" I hated the sound of my voice and his hard it was to pronounce words now with my oversized tongue and fang like teeth.

She just smirked and massaged the ear like before though this time she yanked it far harder than the other and squeezed it in her hand instead of gently molding it, she let go and it now was like the other even with how different she did it.

Wincing I glared at her before ringing began filling my ears, soon the ringing was replaced with how loud everything was now, my sense of hearing had tripled and everything was so loud.

She moved her hand towards my ear and I flinched away in fear of her changing them again yet she didn't touch my ear, instead she held her hand over one and snapped her fingers.

The snap made me scream in pain with how loud it was, holding both changed hands to the sides of my head over my changed ears. I cried as the ringing slowly faded, the snap was so loud….so painful.

"Good those are working, the sensitivity will fade after a while...well actually now that I think about it you'll just have to get used to it, with what you are you're gonna be hearing every little noise so much clearer and louder" she chuckled.

It was like she was yelling...it hurt so much even with my ears covered, I glared at her before my vision got blurry, wincing I shook my head trying to clear it before I held my eyes shut as they began to burn again, were they changing?? Why?? What now?! Forcing one open I saw the blurriness fade, everything was so much clearer, my eyes better than ever before as now I could see things farther away crystal clear.

This amazement soon died as my eye burned when everything became to bright, I clenched my eye closed "w-wath..waths wong with ma eyeths???"

"Well they're a bit more sensitive to light now more adept in the dark I'm afraid" she didn't sound remorseful at all.

Keeping my eye shut I suddenly felt the burning across my body become more intense. Now what?!? Wincing I felt needles spread all over and forcing my eyes open slightly I watched as small yellow hairs began poking through my skin slowly turning the pink of my skin to yellow as I became covered in yellow fur, it felt painfully uncomfortable.

The burning unlike before didn't fade though, wincing it felt far worse thrashing around from the burning of my skin I realized in the woman's shadow it didn't burn, balling myself up I kept in her shadow panting from the pain 

"And the second to last change complete, now you got yourself a little natural coat, and a weakness to sunlight, don't worry you won't turn to dust but I wouldn't suggest staying in the sun long"

Sunlight hurts...the bitch….she was enjoying every second of this….swallowing hard I glared at her or tried to, even in her shadow everything was still too bright, as I glare however I noticed my hair slowly crawl into my vision...it was getting longer? My scalp burned as my short hair grew longer and longer till I could practically wrap it around my entire head... slowly the brown pigment faded becoming pink….pink?...what the fuck else could she do to mock me?

The previous growth above my backside also seemed to grow something across it, it felt like long hair too….a tail? Jesus what did she turn me into???

She chuckled "there all done...you look perfect I must say" she pulled a compact mirror out of her jacket pocket and opened it showing me, what I saw made my blood run cold….I looked nothing like myself….not even close to human….some sort of small yellow horse thing with long messy link hair and red eyes full of fear…

I touched my face with my hoofed limbs, tears running across my cheeks as I watched the creature in the mirror mimic me, I broke down sobbing and curling in on myself. I just wanted to shut the world out and get away from this insane nightmare.

"Awww poor poor thing so sad….you know there's actually quite a lot of people who'd love to be in my place right now, they'd just adore comforting you"

I tried to ignore her, I just wanted her to get away…

"Ignoring me? How rude…" she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up making me let out a scream of pain, I thrashed in her grip before gritting my teeth and kicking her in the stomach making her let go, I hit the ground hard but forced myself up and went to run towards the house my new limbs clumsily failing to lift me and I fell face forward.

Growling I stumbled forward falling repeatedly, I wasn't used to walking like this and my oversized clothes didn't help.

I just needed to get inside and my parents could help somehow...they just had to!! I could see the door, it was so close!! But my movement was halted when I felt the new tail get yanked back, looking back in fear I saw the woman smirking.

"I always love how much you all struggled, thinking you have a chance to actually get away, actually escape m-" with a wack my back hoof connected with her face making me fall and her let go, quickly scurrying I made it to the door desperately clawing at the handle before biting it and opening the door, once in I closed it.

"Mom!! Dad!!!" I yelled and ran, slipping on the tiled floor tumbling into the living room, looking up I saw both my parents who looked like they just jumped up from their seats only to freeze upon seeing me "mom! Dad!" Tears of joy filled my eyes seeing them.

Shakily getting up I walked towards them, I use walk sparsely as my legs didn't want to move right.

My mother jumped back and my father quickly got in front of her "Goerge what is that??" My mom yelled in fear.

"I-i don't know...j-just stay behind me…" my father replied.

"I-its me….it's Marty! Some lady turned me into this, please you gotta believe me!"

"Jesus It's talking!" My mother screamed.

It's?...my mother called me an it, my body shook as tears filled my eyes "no...I...I'm your son!! Please...please believe me!!" I sobbed, I couldn't live with the idea of my own parents not even seeing me as myself...I fell to my stomach sobbing.

Both my mother and father looked at each other, my mother then moving closer my father grabbing her and to stop her only to gesture it was ok, she moved closer eventually crouching down beside me, her hand shakily reaching down and rounding my head, I jumped from the touch but realizing it was her relaxed, sniffling with tears still streaming I didn't look at her….to ashamed…ashamed of what I now looked like.

"Marty?...is...is that really you?..."

Sniffling hard I nodded, thinking of something I'd started when I was young. I forced my voice to work when it didn't want to "I-I'd pinky promise...b-but I don't have pinkies…" I forced a smile while looking at her.

Her eyes widened before filling with tears "oh Marty" she pulled me into a hug as we both cried.

My father fell back to sitting as he realized just as my mother that what I said was true and that this creature in the living room was in fact his son….

After what felt like hours of sitting in my mother's arms crying she eventually brought me to the couch where we sat together...the fact she could pick me up now made me even more humiliated, keeping my head pressed against her chest and hidden behind the new pink hair I almost wished they couldn't see me like this...this small shaking body.

My mother gently brushed the long hair out of my face, making me close my eyes tighter "Martin…sweetie….you don't have to hide from me.."

"I'm a freak…."

"No your not"

"Look at me!!" I yelled pushing away from her and wobbled, my legs shook under me from standing "I'm...I'm some small freak!! I don't even know what I am…"

"You're my son…." She reached to touch my face but I moved away, but the look on her face made my heart clench.

"I don't look like it…." I sniffled and slid off the couch before walking towards my bedroom, once in I gently pushed it closed with my head before walking to the bed and realized I was to short to just climb into it, groaning I tried climbing up struggling as these stupid hooves didn't get good traction but I finally got up and panted, lying in the blanket I looked down at my furred arms…..yellow and cylinder...what the hell…

Just seeing them made me choke up, I was hideous...some freakish mutant horse...I still don't even know why….that psycho didn't say anything about why she did this….only that sick joy she got from it….the pain was still fresh in my memory.

Laying my head down I closed my eyes trying to maybe sleep and escape this nightmare...but my attempt was ruined with the storm of thoughts and the loud rumbling of my stomach. How could I even be hungry after everything that happened?

Trying to ignore it I kept my eyes close only to feel a stabbing pain as my stomach growled again, groaning I moved my hooves down and held my stomach, it hurt so much….it was the worst hunger pain I've ever felt.

Whining I shuffled off the bed and tried walking only for the hunger pain to stop me in my tracks, this couldn't be normal there was no way….I forced myself to move and leave my room, I headed for the kitchen my new stronger ears picking up the sound of my parents talking.

"What are we going to do George…?" My mother asked while sitting on the couch.

My father paced "I don't know Sam…." He rubbed his scruffy chin.

"What about a doctor? They must know something??"

"If we take him to a doctor they'll either laugh in our faces or take him from us….I've never seen anything like him…." He sighed.

I frowned hanging my head...my parents were trying to figure this out...struggling because of me...my moping however was cut short upon my stomach growling painfully, wincing I looked at the fridge and forced it open pulling with my teeth, I looked in and was about to grab the nearest piece of food but...none of it looked appetizing, even as hungry as I was….it just didn't make me want to eat, sniffing I gagged and backed away, the food smelt repulsive.

Groaning I closed the fridge and moved to the cupboard, looking in maybe some cereal would work?....nope...that didn't look good either, another painful growl of my stomach made me stumbled.

I needed to eat...eat something...once more I looked around the kitchen before spotting the bowl on the counter, the red apples and yellow bananas in it making my eyes widen and my mouth water...my eyes fixating on the apples.

My stomach growled louder at the sight of the apples, drooling a bit I walked over and started to climb up the island in the kitchen, pulling the cupboards open and using the shelves as steps up made my way up eventually getting my head over the edge, I reached for the apples and snapped my jaws at them just coming short.

I kept snapping and chomping at the air eventually growling, pulling my upper half on the counter I pulled the bowl closer with one arm eventually getting it close to my face, I licked my lips staring at the apples before I felt myself tipping backwards realizing without my other arm for support was off balance I fell to the floor with the bowl making a loud clatter.

Martin's mother jumped and his dad looked towards the kitchen, his mom walked towards the kitchen "Martin..?" Walking around the counter she gasped softly as she saw the smaller yellow form of her changed son.

She saw the knocked over fruit bowl bananas on the ground and grey blobs on the ground, squinting she realized they were apples or atleast used to be...moving closer she reached her hand out "M-Martin...sweetie?"

Suddenly her son spun and hissed eyes glowing red a feralness to them, she stumbled back in terror, as she looked at her son she wondered if it even was him anymore...not just some animal that's taken him over, as she looked into those red eyes she saw the rage in them slowly fade and turn to fear and realization, her son cowered back before running out of the kitchen and towards the bedroom.

She hurried after him and once to the room she looked around not seeing him anywhere, that is until she noticed the long pink tail poking out from under the bed, walking over slowly she crouched down "Martin...it's ok...I know you didn't mean to react like that...its my fault for startling you…" she looked under the bed and saw her son curled up hiding his head with his arms.

"Martin please….look at me…" she frowned as he slowly peaked his head out from under his arms, tears in his eyes.

"I...I didn't mean to….I...I don't know what happened….I don't know what's wrong with me...I'm sorry….I'm sorry" he sobbed, hiding his head again.

She slowly reached under the bed and pulled him out from it, he barely struggled against her but once in her arms he pressed his head into her chest sobbing, she gently pet his head she knew it wasn't his fault...whatever happened to him made him act like that...he was so scared...her son...what kind of mother loses faith in her son like that…?

She held and comforted him remaining silent till he calmed "can you tell me what happened..?"

Martin sniffled "I….I was hungry…. really hungry...and nothing looked good...but the apples did and I struggled to get them and when I did I...I had to eat them...but...I didn't eat them normally...i don't know…" he buried his head in her chest again

She frowned a pet his head once more "it's alright…..we'll figure this out."


"I'm….we just will Martin...we just will" she said letting him still, not entirely sure herself how they'd do it…

A loud booming roar shook me awake, my head shooting around in all directions for the source as my heart raced, my eyes soon landing on the window as I saw dark clouds fill the dark sky, flashes of light filling them occasionally making me realize it had been thunder…

Another roaring boom of thunder hit and I winced, throwing my hoof to my ears as pain ran through them from how loud it was, these new ears way too strong making loud noises unbearable…

Looking around with my hooves to my ears I realized it was night, i must have fallen asleep in my mother's arms and she put me in bed...if only everything that happened had been a dream...this body...this impossible body…

I heard the muffled noise of a chuckle fill the room, my eyes shooting around to find the source as fear refilled my body.

"You are definitely one of the most squirrely ones I've had to deal with, I let you see your parents one last time though not out of kindness, it'll make your despair the more entertaining" Crimson Wraith spoke seemingly from nowhere.

I couldn't see her anywhere but her words sent chills though my body, she was going to do something else to me now...but I wasn't going to let her get close to me again! No way!! He jumped to all four of my hooves and leapt off my bed crashing to the floor but scrambled for the door.

"Oh please, the physical aspect of want I do is just for show" the scoffed and suddenly I stopped in my tracks, my hooves dug and dragged against the carpet unable to pull me forward.

Suddenly being yanked back and lifted up in the air I scrambled thrashed trying to get out of the invisible grip, my breathing picked up as my struggling was doing nothing to free myself, my eyes suddenly looking forward and widening as those all to familiar horrifying eyes appeared floating in the air.

"See? As I said, now my little morsel...I'm going to send you someplace where I can enjoy your struggles more" she spoke with such cruelty in her voice.

I shook my head at the eyes "no please...please I'm begging you! Don't do this!! I'll give you anything you want!! Just don't hurt me anymore!" I begged with tears in my eyes.

"Oh but dear….. you're pain is what I want" she began to laugh sadistically, the room filling with her laughter and sending daggers to my overly sensitive ears making me wince.

Suddenly a red glowing cloud appeared at my hooves spread up and around my body slowly engulfing me, kicking and swing i tried getting it off but it wouldn't.

The red glow slowly got brighter and brighter before I had to clench my eyes shut as it got too bright and the entire world vanished around me, my body tingling greatly before I hit what felt like cold dirt, my ears ringed loudly and i winced before slowly opening my eyes to a blurry sight to hard to make out.

The ringing slowly faded giving way to what sounded like...muffled cheering?...were there more now? More ro watch me suffer and take enjoyment from it?..

Blinking the blurriness away I saw dark forest around me….though the trees were spread out oddly…. shakily I stood up head aching softly as the ringing kept fading and the muffling becoming clear as the cheers turned to gasps.

"What…?" A oddly familiar soft voice asked confused before gasping as well.

Slowly I craned my neck back towards the source of voices and my eyes went wide, standing all huddled together were more of the horse creatures I turned into….though these looked less bat-like unlike me…as well they were all different colors, purple pink, blue, orange, white...and then I saw the yellow one...she….she looked just like me..though lacking the pointed ears, red eyes, and webbed wings…

"Twi...ya said she'd be returned to normal...not made into two!" The orange one said with a southern accent, not taking her eyes off me.

"It shouldn't have! It was supposed to just take the bat out of her, maybe it somehow split her? The bat part taking a part of Fluttershy and become a whole pony itself?" The purple one spoke to herself more than the others.

I turned fully towards them and backed away. These things must be that lady's doing...either other victims or tricks...either way I wanted nothing to do with them…

"Hey she's gonna run!" The blue one said furrowing her brows as she spread her wings.

I flinched and went to run just as she said only for s blue blur to rush by and the blue horse was in front me, she had Crimson's teleportation power! This was a trick!! I felt a hiss involuntarily escape my mouth as I leapt back away from the blue one only to bump into my double.

Spinning around my wing swung around with me smacking them away accidentally though not unwanted, it meant they were away from me, I tried to then run once more but two bodies struck me taking me to the dirt we pinning me.

One holding their good to the back of my neck with the other pinned on of my wings making me wince, I thrashed and tried to get free hissing more as they held me down.

"Twilight would using that spell again work??" The white one with a posh accent asked desperately.

"I don't know….it's possible though" the purple one named Twilight suddenly had the horn in her head glow and a large full body mirror floated over moving in front of me.

I see my reflection and felt my heart ache at the sight, this creature being held down was me...i held my eyes close trying to keep the image out if my mind, I hated that reflection...it just kept trying to hammer home that i wasn't human…

"It's not working, she's holding her eyes closed!" The blue one holding my neck down said.

"Darn it...ok...bring her to the library...I may need to ask Celestia for her help in this.." Twilight said.

I felt one if the get off me and I attempted to get up only suddenly feel hooves returned and begin tying rope around my arms and legs restraining me even further than before, I kept letting hisses out even as I tried to yell at them to stop….my voice wouldn't come out though...did...did she take that from me??

They lifted me and began carrying me in the air off to who knows where as I hissed out into the air trying to call for help, call for my parents, anyone! But I doubted anyone would come if they heard me...I sounded more like some animal or monster rather than human...and who knew where Crimson sent me...I could be miles from home….

I held my eyes shut tightly and silently begged for this to be a dream...some crazy October dream…..but my begging went unanswered...I wasn't going to wake up….