The My Little Spacefarers Files

by Visharo

Captain Log: Stardate 02601

*Bottle pops*

"Ahh, there's something about Storm Ale. Today has been a good day. After this report I'm going down to celebrate the new year with my crew."


"The ponies of the Sunset are a hardy crew, couldn't be more proud of them."


"Good news Admiral, the Sunset and the Twilight were successful in our attempts to make peace with the griffons. They were hostile at first and apparently only respect strength. I was more then happy to oblige to show them our arsenal."

*Sigh of contentment*

"Storm ale is good stuff. Anyways, the griffons have agreed to join the Unity. Pony Command will be happy with this, I suppose."


"Do me a favor, will you Admiral? Tell Binary he was right, he'll know what it means."

*Swishing liquid*

"Weeeeeee, happy new year Admiral! Imma join my crew now...just gotta press the stop button..."


"Ouch...oh there it is..."