Sofia the First: Hooves and Hearts

by Fluffy Master

Meeting with the King

Sofia was nervous when the day came for the meeting with King Roland. Despite all the reassurances her mother gave her, the bubbling worry didn’t stop. A carriage came to pick her and her mother up, Sofia found herself watching out the window as the castle got closer. She frowned nervously; she was hoping she didn’t bump into the twins.

Sofia stepped into the castle, her mother following behind her, letting her lead at her own pace. Sofia stopped to look around. But the awe from her first visit was already gone and was replaced with her worry.

“You made it.” She jumped a little as the King walked their way, Miranda smiled softly as he greeted her kindly, before turning to Sofia with a soft smile. “Good to see you again, Sofia.”

“Likewise, your majesty.” Sofia bowed her head a little.

“There’s no need for that. Would you like to join me on a walk around the gardens?” He offered; Sofia glanced to her mother who nodded softly.

“I would love to.” She agreed, trotting after him, only looking back to check on her mother, who was speaking some well-dressed stallion. She turned back to the king and hurried to catch up.


“Whoa.” Sofia gasped as they stepped out into the gardens, she trotted forward and looked over the walkway wall so she could see more of the garden. Butterflies danced around lightly, Sofia smiled, it looked so magical. The King stood back, watching her softly as she surveyed the gardens with a look of pure joy he had never seen on his own daughter.

“Would you care for a walk around the gardens?” The King offered, Sofia nodded and followed after him. Roland kept an eye on Sofia as she wanted to explore every new little path they stumbled across. It was less a walk then an adventure for the young filly. They came across a gap in the hedge and before the King could as anything, Sofia trotted through. He chuckled and followed after her.

“You have no fear, do you?” He asked.

“I have fears, a lot. But my friends say that too, a lot of ponies in the village do. I’m scared of a lot of things, but I like to think of happy things, they stop me from getting angry and scared.” Sofia explained as she followed a butterfly. “But I don’t think a king would have something dangerous in the gardens.” She looked up at him, he laughed, the corners of his eyes wrinkled as he did.

“That is true.” He nodded. “However, I don’t believe I have ever been to this part of the gardens before.” He admitted looking around.

“Oho, unexplored area! Let’s explore more!” Sofia beamed, happily trotting off, Roland followed after her without complaint, she was reminding him of himself, and of James when he was a little younger.

“I haven’t explored for a long time.” He admitted. “Not since I was a young colt myself. I believe my last big one was looking for Sea-ponies.”

“Sea-ponies, do Sea-ponies actually exist? Did you find any?” Sofia stopped to look at him. Her eyes wide with awe, Roland smiled and shook his head.

“I couldn’t find them sadly,” Roland told her. “But I like to think they’re out there somewhere, this is a very big world after all.”

“True.” Sofia nodded, they stopped upon finding a wood door, Sofia frowned at it confused. “What’s this place?”

“I have no idea.” The King frowned. “I’ll go first, just in case.” Sofia nodded, the King pushed open the door and peeked into the new area, his eyes widened. “Wow-” He stepped in, letting Sofia follow him in.

“Oh whoa!” Sofia beamed. “A secret garden!” She rushed in, the butterflies danced around her, not seeming to mind the excited filly. Roland smiled and looked around; this place looked a little run down, truly a secret garden that no one had even noticed it.

“I should have someone come in to maintain this garden.” Roland decided, Sofia looked up at him. “Don’t worry, just one gardener, and we can keep this garden secret, between you and me.”

“Really?” Sofia asked, he nodded. She smiled happily. She looked around, a secret garden – and only she and the King would know about it – how exciting!

They settled in the garden, Roland asking Sofia questions, getting to know her, her likes – dislikes. Sofia was happy to talk about her best friends too, and all the games they would play.

“Um, can I ask something now?” Sofia asked, Roland, chuckled.

“Of course, what would you like to ask?” He smiled.

“Well, why Mom, I guess – other ponies have visited before, but no pony liked the idea of mom because of me.” Sofia frowned stopping. “I heard them whispering once, that no stallion likes a single mother and child, no matter how perfect mother is. I’m just – I’m confused.” Roland frowned.

“Well, maybe because your mother and I understood each other, both being single parents. But for me, I have had other princesses and nobles trying to woo me, they were just so pushy. Your mother is a wonderful pony, and you, Sofia are a very kind-hearted filly.” Sofia looked up at him, Roland smiled. “You just don’t want me to hurt your mother, do you?”

“Mom is all I have left, If I lost her-” Sofia stopped. Roland lifted her chin with his hoof.

“I understand.” He told her, and Sofia could see in his eyes he was telling the truth. “in all honesty, Sofia, I can’t wait for you to join our family either.” Sofia smiled softly.

“I’m still scared at the idea.” She admitted.

“Well, there are a lot of ponies who will be happy to help you if you need it. And I’ll be here to listen to all of your fears.” Sofia smiled a little, Roland chuckled. “Now, are there any other areas of the gardens you’d like to see?” Roland asked, Sofia squeaked as he lifted her with magic and put her on his back, Sofia giggled.

“Are there more butterflies?” She asked.

“To the butterfly gardens we go!” Roland grinned and went off at a gallop, Sofia held on and laughed happily. She enjoyed the rest of the day with the King, her future step-dad.

~*~*~*~ Some more designs~*~*~*~