//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - Fate? Or Perhaps Something More // Story: Xenomorph In Equestria // by Heavy In The Hallway //------------------------------// Shotput Station In orbit around Paraxus 03:14 Hours "ATTENTION: All crew be advised M-Class Cargo Ship USCSS Garoud docking, slight quakes may occur. Engineering department... please b-b-b-b-be on standby." The station shuddered gently as the USCSS Garoud was clamped in and its cargo was secure on station. "Oh thank God another supply vessel made it through the blockade, we've been out of coffee for weeks!", exclaimed a senior engineer. "You have clearance to have coffee? Man I envy you! All commodities are restricted to command personnel and senior staff." "Oh quit your complaining Micah! I thought I told you to check out the speakers, that crap is still on the fritz!" "All right, all right chill. I'm working on it." Micah said. Garoud Cargo Bay 7 "So..." "So?" "How in the sweet hell did you make it through that blockade it's tighter than some of the command staff around here. Any news from the front? How goes the war?" asked Roland. "Same old war... blockading irrelevant worlds, making life hell for us freighters. I swear those Red Faction are targeting us on purpose like we're damn sport. Also... Luck, we encountered none of their scout squadrons." replied the Captain of the Garoud. "Shit... really? The Command staff ain't gonna be too happy to hear the blockade is only getting larger. Let me just check the manifest real quick to make sure we got everything." "Take yer time pal, I'll be glad to stick around, I don't feel like testing my luck against those bastards again." the Captain sighed. "Seems legit everything we ordered... wait? What's in Cargo Bay 9, on the manifest it just says 'science supplies' but it's listed at 40 tons!" shouted Roland. Roland made for the door to Cargo Bay 9 before the Captain pulled him back, "Don't go in there, we have no clue what's in there either but orders were clear from dispatch. No-one goes in, a specialized crane is supposed to take the whole bay out." Roland stared at the Captain before turning back to look at the door as silence fell upon them. The Captain made the first move. "Well... no time like the present eh? I want this damned bay off my ship, its been messing with the balance the whole way here." "Yeah... lets go." 'I got a bad feeling about this.' Roland thought as he followed the Captain out of the Garoud. Shotput Station Deep Space Science Wing 04:33 Hours "ATTENTION: External Generator 2 has failed. Engineering department please respond! Immediate service required. Station functions at 73% efficiency." "That's a little worrying." a senior scientist noted. "Nah it's fine, these generator failings happen every couple of weeks. I have faith in our engineering boys. As long as it doesn't fall below 20% efficiency we're good!" replied Chief Scientist Marmosa. "Word from engineering is that The Special Orderfinally made it Marmosa. Specimen Centaurii-V12 has arrived." "You're serious? Alright boys after eleven failed cargo drops and eleven of our finest research specimens dead in the void of space we finally got em!" Marmosa exclaimed The Deep Space Science wing erupted in shouts of joy, finally they were able to get to work. "All right! Everyone calm down we've got plenty of work to do now. We won't need another drop-off of research supplies for a few months I assure you... This specimen is going to keep us very busy." Marmosa grinned." Shotput Station Cargo Bay 9 Specimen Holding Cell Alpha 05:04 Hours With the Liquid Nitrogen tanks emptied The Specimen stirred, waking from its frozen slumber. Lethargic and clumsy it took several minutes to right itself and become aware of its surroundings with the remnant cold dulling its senses. "Marmosa! Centaurii-V12 is awake, shall we begin?" question Senior researcher Marko. "No... not yet. We cannot risk frightening the poor thing. Despite its 'containment' it is very much still a danger especially in its dazed state where it cannot determine friend from foe." Marmosa remarked. Centaurii-V12 slowly stood its deep black carapace standing out from the sterile white walls of former cargo bay. How long had it been? Since being put on ice back on S'kath, his birthplace. Regaining his senses as the cold dimmed and wavered he took note of the sterile room and calmed, the white walls were safety, a sign of humanity. The intercom shrieked as Marmosa's voice came through, "Awake are we Centaurii-V12? Good... how was your nap?" The Researchers were all busy around the room barely paying attention until a deep echoing voice returned the question, with a question. "How long was I asleep for doctor?" The room was stunned into silence, only Marko and Marmosa knew the true extent of the beasts capabilities. This specimen was not some hive minded beast like its ancestors. It was a monument to their achievements, turning a once fearsome predator into a docile yet deadly sentient creature capable of human speech... and emotion. "Several months Centaurii... we couldn't risk you damaging the ship you were on. You barely made it as you did, the war is turning." Marmosa responded with a grimace. "I feel disconnected from S'kath. I quite liked the Jungle air, any reason we were forced to move here?" Centaurii-V12 asked. Before Marmosa could respond a junior scientist spoke up. "You knew that he was friendly and still made us crap ourselves? You really are a crazy bastard." Marmosa smirked at him and turned back to talk to Centaurii. Marmosa answered, "As I stated, the war is turning. The official government and military is losing ground to the revolutionaries. S'kath was no longer safe for you, our researchers or out experiments." "The others? Others like me? Where have they gone. It is quiet." "Dead. They were to be transported here, just like you. However the Red Faction destroyed the transports containing them, with no regard to independent trading licenses or neutrality." "We are the last?" "Correct." Marmosa said quietly stunning the other researchers, the man always had a smile on his face. "S'kath is gone too... fell two weeks after you were lifted off-world." Centaurii remained quiet. No words came to him, he felt... sad. "I feel sad doctor. S'kath was my home, do you think those I made friends with are still alive?" "Possibly, civilians are most likely alive. The whole point of the Red Faction is to take back space for the common people. If you're talking about the soldiers on base, they either left or fell with the planet. I apologise Centaurii." "I see... it is regrettable. I wish I could've done something to help." Centaurii asked. "I would've liked to help as well, but I am not meant for fighting. We were meant to do this before we S'kath but time was short, please choose a new name for yourself." "ATTENTION: External Generator 2 has b-een repaired. Station efficiency ba-ck up to 100%." "Must I choose a name? Can I not keep the current one?" Centaurii asked. "That is the subject name we gave you. Before we knew you were like us, before we knew you were human. I give you the freedom to choose one for yourself. Please... you are the last, help us fix our mistake." "I will think doctor... now onto business, what are we doing toda-" Centaurii began but was cut off by a massive explosion. "WARNING: Station under attack, defences are down. Boarding parties are detected. All personnel with weapons clearance are authorized to arm themselves. For Humanity we fight." "Shit... They found us?" Marmosa swore. "The Red Faction? Is that correct doctor?" "Correct Centaurii. It is imperative that we get you and ourselves off the station, we cannot let the Red Faction get this research. Move it guys! Get to the Garoud, we're going to have to commandeer it. Gather whatever research you can, purge the rest." The Lab staff nodded and began gathering essential equipment while the order came over the intercom. "ATTENTION: All non-essential personnel without weapons clearance to board the USCSS Garoud. All Senior Staff to board the Garoud and begin preparations. All personnel with weapons clearance to defend airlock hatches A though M. Boarding Craft on collision course with designated hatches." "Can I be of any assistance doctor? I wish to help." Frantically Marmosa replied, "Airlock L is the airlock attached to the Deep Space Lab. The hallways of this station should be large enough for you. I'm opening the chamber door for you now. Let me send out an alert telling all members aboard that you're on our side! Don't want any accidents." Marmosa smiled manically as he pressed the Lab intercom and connected it to the station intercom. "Attention everyone! This is Doctor Marmosa, if you see a hulking black mass running towards you do not shoot it. I repeat do not shoot, it is on our side. His name is Centaurii he will be protecting the airlock hatches nearby the science wing. Again I repeat: DO NOT SHOOT HIM." "Doctor Marmosa! The Data is secure. It is on its way to the Garoud along with the science staff and security personnel stationed here!" Marko shouted over the alarms. "Good Marko! Let us be on our way. Centaurii... do your best. Once we're ready for departure we'll let you know to run for the Garoud. Good luck friend." "Good luck to you too Doctor. I will protect the station." Centaurii replied. "Don't die..." "I won't, now go doctor not much time is left!" "WARNING: Boarding pods are 1 minute out, repeat 1 minute to impact. Enemy ship has been identified as the Battlecruiser RFR Agatesh, its support fleet is 8 minutes out. All Chief and Command Staff have authorized activation of the Magnetic Prototype. Firing solution achieved in 7 minutes." '7 Minutes... I got this.'