Equestria Girls: The Children of Chaos

by Time Agent pony

Chapter 3

Much later.

The girls walked through the streets of Canterlot City, the school may have returned to normal, but the whole city was slowly becoming a cartoon.

Before leaving the school, the girls had managed get some additional help from some of their fellow students and some local teen heroes, their teammates were: Mas and Menos, Herald, Captain Marvel Jr., Bumblebee, Miss America, Cloak and Dagger and Kate Bishop.

"How are we going to find whatever causing all this?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"There has to be a source to all this," Twilight said, "We must search the entire city to find it, if we have to."

"Then that's we'll do," Rainbow Dash declared, "everyone partner up, pick a few blocks and start searching."

"That sounds good," Sunset said, "we'll meet back up at the Amphitheater."

The girls nodded, divided up into pairs and began their search for the source of the weirdness that was distorting the city.

After hours of searching, everyone met at the Amphitheater.

"You guys find anything?" Twilight asked.

"No," Midnight replied, "unless you count a peanut with a top hat, monocle and cane."

"Nothing," Herald answered, "but we saw birds flying backwards on the way here."

"Does seeing an anthropomorphic cartoon rabbit and duck running from a guy with a gun count?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I saw a giant house of cards," Miss America added, "jinsing tea that was actually singing and a catdog on the way here,"

"This all seems like something Discord would do back in Equestria," Sunset murmured.

"You mentioned Discord before," Fluttershy said, "who or what it he?"

Sunset explained that Discord was the spirit of chaos and disharmony, a creature called draconequus, a being that could change reality with the snap of his fingers.

"Do you think that this 'Discord' is behind all this?" Rarity asked.

"That's not possible," Sunset replied, "according to Princess Twilight Discord has reformed and is friends with one of her friends."

"So if it's not Discord," Applejack said, "then who or what could be doing all this?"

"If only we know where all this weirdness was coming from!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Well," a voice said, "you guys sound like you are in a bit of pickle, there."

Everyone turned around to see a man in a yellow zoot suit with a green face.

"Who are you?" Kate Bishop asked.

"You look familiar," Pinkie Pie said, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Are you the cause of all this?" Twilight asked.

"I am both and am neither," the figure replied.

"That's not an answer," Rainbow Dash retorted.

"That's as good an answer as I can give," the figure responded.

"Now I remember," Pinkie Pie interrupted, "you're The Mask, one of my favourite movies I watched when I was a kid."

Everyone turned to look at Pinkie.

"What?" she replied.

"So this what?" Cloak said, "this guys some kind of silly cartoon?"

"You got a problem with cartoons? Punk," The Mask asked.

Before anyone could react, The Mask pulled a ridiculously hard cartoonish seemingly from under his hat.

Then The Mask rushed at the heroes at ludicrous speed.

There was no time for anymore to defend themselves, The Mask ran circles around everyone, even out running Mas and Menos.

For his final attack, The Mask pulled out a ridiculously large cartoonish mallet from underneath his hat.

"BLAMO!" he declared, as he whacked Cloak on the head with the weapon.

Cloak didn't even have time to teleport out of the way of the attack.

"Aw," The Mask smirked, "did that feel like a cartoon?"

The attack hadn't seriously hurt Cloak, just dazed him slightly.

"Okay," Miss America said, "this is getting out of hand."

"Agreed," Captain Marvel Jr. nodded, "this has got to stop."

The Mask looked like he was about to attack, it was very hard to predict his movements, with him being a cartoon.

"Get ready, everyone," Midnight said.

But before anyone could do anything, "ENOUGH!" a voice shouted.

Everyone turned to see Fluttershy, a fierce look in her eyes.

"Now look here mister!" she said, marching past her friends and teammates towards The Mask, "just because you're a cartoon and have wired powers doesn't mean you get to be annoying and a bully! Now you will tell us whats happening to the city and where it's coming from and then I want you to think about you've done, am I clear?"

Everyone stared in awe, they had never seen Fluttershy angry before, even The Mask was frozen in shock.

"Yes, ma'm," he said, finally.

"Alright," Fluttershy said, returning to her usual calm and kind demeanour, "Now, where is all this weirdness coming from?"


The two teenagers from earlier watched Fluttershy and the others with great interest.

"These heroes put on a really good show," the girl remarked, "they might be interesting toys to play with."

"Yeah," the boy murmured, "that one shy girl has such courage and kindness."

"What was that?" the girl asked.

"Nothing," the boy said, quickly.

"Now," the girl continued, "what's say we give the heroes a little clue, I'm starting to get bored with the people in this city, they're no fun anymore."

"Sounds like a great idea, sis," the boy smiled.

With that, the boy snapped his fingers, wiping The Mask from existence.

Back with the heroes.

The Mask suddenly seem to go limp, like a puppet who's strings had been cut.

"Looks like my time is up," he said, "that's all folks."

And without another word, The Mask faded away, leaving behind a small piece of paper

"What just happened?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know," Twilight said, as she picked up the piece of paper "but I think we might have a clue to where all this madness is coming from.

"Wanna share with the class?" Dagger asked.

"Well," Twilight replied, "while we were fighting that living cartoon I smelt the scent of hot dogs, hamburgers and popcorn coming off him."

"Ok," Herald said, "and that means?"

"Those food items can be found at an amusement park or carnival," Twilight continued, holding up the piece of paper, "and this simply confirms it."

Now that the paper was in full view, everyone could see what it was, a ticket for the amusement park, Equestria Land.