The screen shows a caldari news studio with the IC logo on the background wall surrounded by the smaller logos of the empires. At the right side of the desk sits a light cyan earth pony with a white bobbed manecut. She wore a flashy black, white, and pink striped dress and big deep pink sunglasses
"I, Photo Finish, am bringing ze news!
Two hours und 14 minutes ago massive, unknovn fleetz assaulted Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar und Amarr empires in core region space."
Four holoscreen activated on the left, showing the battle between the black spiked starships and the empires' navy forces
“Zey arravd simultaneously in ze systems of Angur, Tama, Balle, and Kamela. Combined effortz of navy und CONCORD do not hat been able to repel ze invaders.
Ze shipz hat been recognizd as Nightmare's Nation's crafts, an emergent pirate faction. Ze most shocking feature ov ze attackers is ze apparent use of artificial wormholes for travel. No empire thechnology exist to create wormholes.”
A fifth screen opens showing Nightmare’s starships pouring out from a wormhole sphere
"Scientists describe zis as ludicrous as ze discovery of fluid schmoozed space.
Ze attack hat been on station and planetside as well. Empress Celestia, President Luna, major caldari corp leaders and prime minister Mallet Shakes hat been victims of assasination attemps. Zese were led by vat seemed machine-like cybor'gh."
One of the holoscreens changed to show Celestia speaking from a balcony to a large crowd of ponies and dragons. Another showed Luna with a foreleg in a cast while a young pinto colt talked on a conference podium. The last three were of the Caldari ad Minmatars leaders
"President Luna hav been injured but her secretary Pipsqueak assure she is safe. Celestia repelled ze assaliants wiz holy fire magics and excessive force. Zis reporter will NOT comment possible 'banana bag' joke involvd.
Zere is also confirmation zat Lady Eos, high member of ze Amarr Empire and Celestia student vas killed in ze attack. She vas on ze traditional amarr pilgrimage and her body vas obliterated by ze Nev Eden Gate, but her personal clone vas on Aeon carrier Celeste 18 vhen it vas destroyed.”
The screens disappeared replaced by a big one showing the black ships escorting cargo transporters through a wormhole
“After ze attack the pirates have abducted -zzrzh-eral civilian und military transp-zZZzrks- to unknovn... vhait, vat is vrong vhit -zZZRKSsSSsh- Interference? Zat is imposs-kSSSSsrzZZrzZZZrrrh- NO! Photo Finish will NOT -brzh- interrup-bRRRZZzzZZzrRRKSSSSSssssSSSssssh-
The screen faded to black, from the shadows emerges a pony figure. She has a black coat with unfolded sleek wings and a long sharp unicorn horn. She wears a bluish metal armor with a symbol on the chestplate. She has teal eyes with teal irides and slit pupils and she speaks with a seductive feminine voice
“Citizens of the empires, capsuleers, my dearest children. We are Master Moon, Queen of the Nightmare’s Nation. We have come to you with an offering.
We have attacked the empires and showed you our might. We have show you the ineffectiveness of your leaders in protecting you and your loved ones.
The empires are obsolete, pitiful covenants of greedy individuals that don’t care about the well being of the unfortunates. They crawl to their old morals and empty promises, lying to themselves and denying you your rightful chances to risen and be happy. They steal the fruits of your hard labor and grew fat and complacent.
The empires are crumbling, they had been for a long time as they can’t stop fighting and deceiving each other. The deep space alliances are no different as they leave you to fend for yourself against the wolves. They all ignore your plights, but We do not!
It is YOU who is the future. The capsuleers are the future. Nighmare’s Nation is the future. We do not squabble for wealth, we do not seek to be more powerful than our peers, each of us is entitled of the sweat of his brow and no one else.
We have attacked you, yes, but now We present you a choice. The New Eden cluster needs a new order, and Nightmare’s Nation WILL and MUST be the center of a utopian society of unity and peace. Join Us and you will be its exalted members.
Oppose Us and you will meet your inevitable end. We will vanquish your fear and We will commute your flesh to dust!”