Ration Day: The Game of Truth.

by overlord-flinx

The fruits of victory.

It's not giving up when your showed an absolute knockout hand. Gotta know when to fold, hold, and be bold. Know when you're outgunned—look you were there, you saw it. We all got weaknesses, don't judge me. Cops got doughnuts, nerds got books, I got a sexy musician that knows how to play me like a fiddle. Or would it be cello? Whatever. Point being...!

It was a knockout hand, and I'm sick-sick puppy for a knockout like her. She was perfectly crafted by I-Don't-Know-What to just knock me off my senses. And you know what? I don't mind one bit. Who would?

A victory achieved by whatever measure is still regarded as a victory. One must apply all that they are even in the most trivial of confrontations. This however is no trivial confrontation by any means. Ration Day is the panicle of wits and guile—of which my adversary possesses much to her chagrin. To that end, it is only apt that I apply what I know of...

...Is it a crime that I simply wanted to have sex with my partner? I enjoy our diversions of play and little courtship rituals. But there are occasions... When I simply get lost in those eyes and I... Well... Who wouldn't?

Should anyone be asked in passing in the city 'what sort of lovers those two musicians were?', it would be no surprise or secret that they'd be answered with 'heavy', 'heated', 'scandalous', perhaps even 'vigorous'. Vinyl and Octavia made no secret of their passion for one another wherever they ventured; friends and passersby could figure so much at a glance. In spite of one half's insistence upon the veneer of decorum in most all instances, that desire would always pale against the luster of her desires for her partner. The two interlocked at most hours of the day in one manner or another across town, it was to be expected that the idea of them being quite thorough in their affairs would reach a collective belief amongst those that saw them.

Shock of shocks perhaps then that tonight, like most any night, they came together with almost tender passion rather than ravenous lust.

The trail of garments was made of few, but Vinyl needed little to follow to locate her desired treasure tucked away within the darkened room. A knot found purchase in the woman's throat as she took note of the lithe form framed gracefully by the thin moonlight; a stunning form situated upon the plush of her own mattress with knees curled beneath her. How many times had Vinyl seen that same such sight? Scores of scores not counting her numerous dreams involving the selfsame image. To dream of what she had already had? It was always a reminder that she had reached the uppermost peeks of living, and she was eternally grateful for that.

Somehow without fail Vinyl felt lost in those moments as she drew closer to Octavia—posed and styled like an olive skinned goddess of moon just waiting for her most devoted to join with her. There was just something about her that just took all the bravado from Vinyl without fail. What could it be? How bottomless her love for Octavia was? The deep respect Vinyl had for Octavia's wit and tenacity while still keeping an elegant strength? Or just her deep gratitude thumping against her chest over being so blessed to not have to share this with anyone? Well, unless Trixie decides to pick up the phone some time and take her up on that three-way idea, at least.

"Why do you always gotta play so unfair...?" Vinyl summoned up her confidence once again as she lofted one palm up from her side to nestle comfortably upon the cellist's bare breast, which elected a sharp inhale between clenched teeth from Octavia, "...these are unfair..."

Vinyl could feel the quivers through Octavia's core at the mere contact, which served to embolden her to apply the same attention to the other gentle mound. Her palms rolled into the soft globes, taking care to just-so brush the perked nipples of her lover with each rolling pass. A symphony had always been Octavia's favorite form of music; where all pieces moved as one to produce the feast of sounds and splendor. Yet for Vinyl, the symphony of Octavia's hitching breaths, labored exhales, and flexing nerves tossing the sheets beneath her was a song no one in the world could ever hold a candle to. At once she latched her lips to the exposed nook of Octavia's neck, nestling into the perfectly contour to let her lips play at the woman's shambling nerves.

"Not fair at all..." Octavia mewled out, her heated tones betraying her play of dissatisfaction. Her own hands worthlessly padded at Vinyl's own form, trying to pay onto the musician attention in kind, only to meet the frustrating resistance of clothing.

The pitiable effort was enough to pull Vinyl back into the moment beyond feasting on Octavia's every sensation. In the manner one would take removing themselves from the finest of splendors, Vinyl bemoaned even the briefest moment without the carnal contact with Octavia. A quick peck of a kiss upon Vinyl's lips however as she drew back however was twice the motivation she needed to even the playing field... for now at least. She would need far more kisses to make up for the lost time—which without fail the cellist would pay her back in spades.

The elegant mystique and belying class that Octavia displayed with her suitcoat and its subsequent removal amidst her seductive display was distinctly lacking with Vinyl's tank top; though Octavia remained transfixed at even the most subtle of motions the DJ displayed amidst her own strip. An honest beauty, unabashed with who she is and what she wants was all Octavia could ever think of when Vinyl wriggled herself free of her clothing. Even before Vinyl could fully pull her shirt up over her own head, Octavia latched herself lips first to the not exposed mound. Vinyl nearly topped rear over head as Octavia pounced upon her, lavishing tongue and lips alike over her darkened areolas.

She sucked a hot breath in sharply while letting her top flitter down to the floor below. Normally Octavia was not one for a mess... But they could clean it later. For now, there were far more pressing matters at hand. Namely pressing more longingly into one another and allow lovers' hands grace over every inch of the other. For a moment both grew restless—breathless—as they peeled into one another; a longing kiss upon quivering lips, fingers tracing over every feature of the other's soft visage as if it were their last, palms slipping low to knead over heaving breasts desiring only the other's touch; at least until Trixie decided to pick up that phone and agree to that three-way, of course.

"Fair enough now?" Octavia asked between lavishing kiss after kiss down her lover's neck.

"Almost... I remember someone saying something about 'ravishing'? Which..." Vinyl pointedly maneuvered her hands low, far and far until she could hitch both hands against both sides of Octavia's inner thighs and their creamy-tone, "Really only starts when I'm firmly here."

The cellist nearly squeaked at the brash contact, though cooed as digits began to massage the inner contours of her thighs, already stirring a warmth just within their reach. "Mmmm, why must you be so...?" Seemingly at a loss for the word—brutish, childish, abrasive, uncouth?—Octavia craned herself lower, sashaying her lovely form comfortably so into the caress of her mattress.

"Perfect?" Vinyl smirked a cheshire-grin while her palms moved to open the space of Octavia's legs ever wider, meeting no resistance at all.

"Yes... Perfect in every way..." Octavia relented, not a hint of sarcasm in her loving voice.

Before Vinyl was what Ration Day was all about at the end of it all. There was the whole affair of trading foods, making shopping a palatable ordeal, an excuse to ask probing questions with a comfortable environment, and of course the somewhat domestic feeling of just being a quirky couple. All of that was wonderful in their own rights. But the evening would always lead to the same conclusion, though the point at which it was held was another part of the game to be sure. In the end however, it would be here, Octavia's legs parted wide with no care for modesty with present company—one who would see her only as her classy, brilliant, and put together partner—that the timely Ration Day would meet its climactic end yet again.

Where Vinyl's palms would slide up and away from along their path towards her lover's core, she would lavish a kiss into the creamy warmth of Octavia's inner thigh—inch by agonizing inch. A hitch in the throat that melted into a trembling heave; each brush—each kiss—more electrifying than the last. No delectable treat or gourmet meal could ever curl Octavia's nerve quite so... Though admission of that would spoil the whole game. And Octavia relished in the game... slightly less than this, of course.

The flex of Octavia's core followed by rapturous groans was all the woman could find herself to do as warm lips embraced over her slicked core. Vinyl counted there with one lap, than another, marking off each climax Octavia could not stave off. Each wave bore down against Vinyl all too eager to ride them along with her tongue firmly flexed inside the tensing cannel. Even as the initial spasms departed, Octavia remained under assault by an all too eager partner threatening to unravel her from her sex and on.

"N-No... fair...!" Octavia barely gasped out, face beat with sweat glistening against the dim night light. Vinyl barely crested her own eyes over the carnal pit she continued her tongue play against, her own visage glistening with Octavia's nectar, "I want--NEED to as well."

Who in their right mind would ever consider saying no to that? With some great effort and difficult finagling—Vinyl refusing to relent her position squarely within Octavia's drooling cunny for even a moment—the musician managed to swing her own form up and over Octavia's sweat laden body. A cool sensation breathed between them as the full embrace of their skins touched; chests nestling into the other's upper core and offering a tense plush to the other. But, more importantly for Octavia, with Vinyl's knees locked to either side of her head, the full display of the DJ's own moistened pussy presented itself to her; which she more than eagerly took advantage of.

Her lower lip bucked at Vinyl's hood, sending the woman into her own sharp intakes of air and restless moans, which in turn fed directly back into Octavia's own sex. At once, a new symphony struck up as one fed into the other; a flex elected a trilling moan upon the other, and a swift flex of a tongue against familiar taut nerves brought the other to grasp firmly into whatever carnal flesh they could grasp against the other—thighs, ass, hips; threatening to leave marks as nails raked and slipped against the other's aching form. A song of lustful, reciprocal love for only the other.

Despite their difference in profession and musical preferences: this was a song they both loved to dance to. One only the other was allowed to see... Until Trixie decided to pick up that phone and agree to that three-way.

Hours could bleed by, the day of Rations so far behind that it could threaten to freshness of some provisions. But in this moment, nothing of the sort could ever matter. In perfect rhythm with the other, giving the other the special care the other needed: off beat flicks and tender strokes down the labia for Octavia, feverish clasps of the lips over every inch for Vinyl. It's all in the effort for that one final high note that filled the room and threatened to alert a neighbor or two. Relenting into the other and falling limp upon one another with contentment oozing through them.

Vinyl has to be quick of her mind even after plummeting through one orgasm after the other to shimmy herself to the side so as not to fully bury Octavia beneath her tired body. Worse ways to go Octavia may argue, but the view after was well worth not meeting that end. Even in the dim moonlight, even drunken on post coital aftershocks, Octavia could still find herself looking at Vinyl clear as day with the utmost love.

Carefully, the cellist nestles herself into the warmth of her lover and curls her form all the more into her. She could tell her that it was amazing, that she hopes she gets her senses back soon for another go... But that can always wait. Her need to be close to Vinyl, hair amess cradling tight into the woman's chest? That needed to be fulfilled now.

With what little strength Vinyl herself could muster, she draped her arm over Octavia's nuzzling body, almost afraid she might scamper off if she didn't get locked down right there at her side. She was breathless, but that would pass... It always did.

Another successful Ration Day was now in the books... Even if Vinyl still laid there, a single string of her mind still thinking what exactly was in that box...

A mystery for another day. Whatever it was, it couldn't compare to a successful Ration Day.