//------------------------------// // The Meeting That Should Never Have Been // Story: Cursed Mark // by Toon //------------------------------// Fluttershy jumped at the sound of a knock on the door, she calmed herself by drinking a bit of her pre-made mint tea. She had a terrible nightmare earlier and was trying to find a bit of peace in the night with a warm drink but she wasn't expecting a knock. She immediately thought of any critters being left behind in the night trying to find solace in her cottage. She was quick to move out of her couch and open the door, but what she found didn't match her expectations. "Element of Kindness, we did not wake you, did we?" Princess Luna was on the other side of the door, a chariot behind her with guards near the golden transporter, that explained how she got there. But why? Fluttershy was a bit confused for the sudden presence of royalty but quickly recovered to realize she was leaving her on the doorstep. "No, not at all but uh, why are you here Princess? N-not to say it isn't a pleasure to speak with you it's just-" before Fluttershy could embarrass herself anymore, Luna held a hoof to silence her. Fluttershy understood the princess was just trying to quell her fears. Though Luna seemed to have a bit of fear herself when she spoke "I understand this may seem," she shifted a bit at some unease, "a bad time and on such short notice but I wish to check on you." "Oh, please come in!" Fluttershy felt embarrassed for not letting in the princess earlier, she felt it was rude to treat the guest like that. "I'm sorry to say that my visit will be short for now, I need to speak something to you." "Oh," Fluttershy seemed to look out to the night to see the moon high into the sky, most likely midnight maybe around twelve. "It can't wait?" Fluttershy in her tired state, outwardly spoke to only grow her eyes in surprise with how forward that was. "I'm so sorry I just said that" she covered her mouth with a hoof. "It is fine," Luna waved off the notion that Fluttershy was thinking of, "and I assure you, it is of great importance. " Luna relaxed her stone face and let some real emotion in but it wasn't the warmth of care, but the worry of possible danger. Fluttershy has seen the kind of face on the princess's faces before when something was needed of the elements. "As you probably have heard, there was an incident earlier at Canterlot." "Oh, yes I read it in the newspaper, I feel simply awful for the poor mare." Fluttershy shook a little at the mention. "Yes well, what you may not know is we were quick on the scene and well," Luna hesitated for a second. "Yes?" "We believe this may be an attack of a monster" "Oh, dear!" "Claw marks and other tracks have led us to believe it, we originally thought it was a more sort of card left behind by the attacker." "A monster would never hurt ponies directly if not provoked though!" "Yes that's why we held off the theory but, it seems too consistent and some recent evidence has made the possibility more undeniable." "Oh dear, and I assume this is where you would need me?" "As sharp as ever Element bearer, yes we require your expertise but we wanted to make sure you were okay, please keep what we say next confidential." "O-of course Princess" "Please forgo the titles, we owe much to you and we ask for your help even now." "O-oh okay, Luna." "Thank you, we believe that the monster has hitched a ride, as they say, it has arrived at Ponyville and may be lurking by." "Oh dear, a-and I assume you want me to speak to it?" "At the very least try to, that is an issue for later, we have yet to plan out far enough for your safety but tonight I wanted to oversee you and the other element's well-being. I'm so sorry to wake you at this time but I needed to check over you while I'm overseeing the village." "It's fine, n-not to be rude but, why now tell me? I know it's urgent but-" "I understand it may be out of place, but you are the most frequent of dealing with animals and I felt it was imperative to tell you first." "Thank you, princess." "Please, you of all ponies should not speak to me so highly, I have to thank all of you for redeeming me." "O-of course Pri-Luna" "I shall go inform Twilight, she is mostly awake during the night if my trips in the dream realm had told me anything." Luna turned around to see- nothing except the chariot. This immediately concerned Luna, her guards were nowhere and they always had a strict code with training. "Element bearer close and lock the door." "Wha-" Fluttershy began but Luna looked to her with a serious expression. Fluttershy obliged and swiftly followed with her instructions. Luna had taken the time to look around while in front of the cottage, protecting it and the element bearer. ... "Reveal thyself, demon." The wind blew and the air grew cold as Luna held her ground. Bushes shook and brushed against another until slowly a brown wooden muzzle came out. "Hah, a timber wolf? I will-...why am I receiving the strangest of deja vu right now?" As the timber wolf began to get near; it's eyes glowed of amber, streaks of chipped wood was along it's body. "Orange eyes? Strange, I was led to believe timber wolves only held green." It growled in response but Luna was not impressed. "I will deal with you quickly, I still have to find where my guards have gone to and a single timber wolf would not require the both of them." As she took her stance and charged her horn, the bushes around the forest area began to rustle in harmony only for all of them to lead with the same wooden muzzles and green eyes. "Well, now I really feel like this is familiar."