If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

by overlord-flinx

Chapter One(Vinyl POV): You Can't Spell Love without O.V.

I read once, a long time ago, that everyone's life begins not with a bang, but with a whimper... I think I may have read it wrong because my life was, has been, and always will be starting, ending, and rolling on with a big bang, bang, bang! Ever since I rolled into the world I've done nothing but keep making those big bangs. Pounding pots and pans, slamming doors, stomping down the stairs, and latest of all, scratching the records. Now I know what you're thinking: 'That's not a banging sound'. Well, yeah, you're right in a way, but you're also wrong. Making a bang isn't just about making a 'bang', you know? It's about the thrill of the sound and the mix of the beat... You follow?

Even if you don't understand, I do. And you know what? A lot of other people understand too. Fans, admirers, friends; they all get it. Or maybe they just like my music; either way, they get it in some way or the other.



Oh yeah!

My name's Vinyl Scratch, DJ PON-3 when I'm on stage or at a party. I don't know where the name came from, but I've loved it ever since I first heard it chanted at a party; that's why I got it tattooed on my left shoulder, so nobody forgets it... myself included. Speaking of being marked for life, I've been wearing this necklace for the past six years. What does it have to do with being marked? Well, nothing physically at first glance. But my BGFILW, or Best Girlfriend I Live With, or Octavia, gave me this cool crystal necklace for a 'house warming' present. That day also happened to be really important to me and her.

You see, that was also the first anniversary of us being together. Crazy, right? I mean, I remembered it without any reminders or anything, and even Octavia remembered... But, that's not that impressive since she can remember all those sheets of music and notes on her instruments. Whatever, still cool in my book. Anyway, about how it goes into being marked. Well, that's just it; it's like one of those promise rings old people used to wear when they went out or something. This necklace means I only have eyes for Octavia, not to say that I didn't already have eyes for only her before.

It probably goes without me saying it, but I love saying it anyway: I love Octavia. Why? Well why not? She's smart, collected, good with her strings, well mannered...

Oh? Why do I love her? Easy. Octavia is quick tongued, never afraid to just mess with your head, always together, beautiful as hell, and she's not sexy. You know what I'm saying? I mean, you could look down the street and see some girl or guy on a magazine or something and say 'Mmm, that's one sexy piece of flank', but not with Octavia. Well, I bet a lot of guys and girls think that about her, but I can't. I mean... She's just... Beautiful. I can't explain it, you know? She's just... Wow.

I mean, yeah she's got one killer body with all the right curves, but I just can't think of her as sexy. When she first started really getting my attention. I thought she was sexy. But after awhile, I don't know... It just left me... Then came that one winter... You up for a little story? Doesn't matter, I'll tell it anyway.

This one winter—I can remember the exact number of days ago, actually. It was four years, ten months, and four days ago. the two of us got snowed in at this resort. Maybe Rainbow Dash and her crew were just running a big snow storm to make up for all the earlier times they missed that year, I don't know, point is, we were jammed up there. I remember that day so well because that was the first time I ever saw Octavia look so beautiful. I'll save you the steamy details, but that night, I got to see the most breath-taking, beautiful, amazing sight ever given to the world. I'm not much of a poet, but sometimes I get this urge to just try and put it the most colorful way I can...

The light of the fireplace danced against her soft, pale skin in ways that no rave lights or spotlights I had ever seen could do. Her slim body, so delicate and inviting--although warm from the fire--chilled me to my very core just looking at it. Every inch of her bare skin and clothing just made for the perfect picture... To top it all off, she smiled! And if you know Octavia, her smile is the most stunning and cosmic sight in all of history, without question. But there it was, before my eyes and my eyes alone alone, the most perfect woman smiling just for me... I knew I loved her before, that night only made it so damn clear to me why...

She was a symphony for the eyes... There's no other way to explain it. At least that's the best way I can explain it. Even though I don't have a gift for words, I knew what I was thinking that night clear as day... She wasn't just a fling, or a stand, or anything of that; she was classy, pure and —I'll say it again— beautiful.

So that's part of a story. I'll tell you the rest of the dirty details from that night another time. But, I probably shouldn't. Octavia gets really wound up when I talk about our privates in public. Heh, but that's another thing I love about her. But yeah, I could go on and on and on about how great Octavia is, but your ears are probably talked off by now. Am I right? So, I'll end it there for now...


...A longer story?

...Yeah, I can do that. Just come with me, and I'll take you through the biggest move of my life. Now, I know I'm not all that together in the mind when it comes to thinking things through, but this time I'm sure I've made the right call. Six years of planning and preparation will finally be put into action. This time tomorrow, Octavia will finally wear something on her hand. I just can't wait. And, oh, I even have a great joke I want to lead into it.

"If I could rearrange the alphabet..."