Scipio the Thief Lord

by acendon demios

True Stealing Talents

It wasnt longer after the introductions that the Night Mother started sending Scipio to steal certain items for her to test his abilities, all the while Crypt was no where to be seen. Scipio found that each tast became more and more difficult but he still managed to do each one with ease. Soon though, strange things began to happen. It started with a strange request the day after Scipio finished stealing everything the Night Mother told him.

"Young Scipio, please come here." Scipio would rush at the sound of her voice. "What shall I do for you Night Mother?" The Night Mother gave him the bag of treasures he stole the other day. "I want you to take these items and return them back to the houses you found them in. I want them in the exact same place that you first picked them up." Scipio thought it was very strange but was not going to question his mother. Before he could leave Swift Hoof and Pick blocked him at the door. "Whats wrong guys, I have a mission to do."

"What is wrong is me and Pick dont like what your Night Mother has asked of us. You know we will help out when needed but one thing we wont allow is for anypony to put Raggamuffin in danger. She might not be out blood sister but she is still our sister. Your Night Mother wanted us to use raggamuffin in a heist." Pick finally chimed in for once. "We dont do anything that isnt in the best interest of our sister. We dont do much anyway. Just know that if she does anything that puts our little sister in danger we will not hesitate to do away with her."

"But guys, she is the Night Mother. I am sure if she has a plan it will work and there shouldnt be anything to worry about. Just trust her like I do." Scipio went to open the door but Swift Hoof slammed it shut. He seemed very angry and got very loud. "You need to stop being ignorant. Your putting your trust in a complete stranger that just so happens to fit the description of your Night Mother. You are blindly fallowing orders like... like... like a child obaying his mothers every command. Your nothing but her tool."

Scipio put the bag down and focused on Swift Hoof. "You do make a point, I am childish. I guess putting my trust into a stranger is a bad idea, but one thing needs to be clear." Scipio quickly slammed Swift Hoof into the wall and pinned him to the floor. Scipio's eyes glowed bright red with rage. "The Night Mother saved me all those years ago and gave me a new life for me to live. I owe her everything so if I catch you saying anything bad about her again I wont hesitate to do away with you and your brother."

Pick quickly jammed his horn into Scipio's side, sending him to the floor. "Im glad I still remember how to strike a nerve. Now it is my turn to speak Scipio. You wont ever seperate us from our sister. This is just as much our home as it is yours. I dont talk much so I am going to keep this short. Dont you dare allow her to put our sister at risk or you will have to deal with us. You are eighty seven years old, start acting like it."

Swift Hoof and Pick left Scipio paralized on the floor. Pick can use his horn to attack pressure point in order to incapasitate the enemy for a short period of time. After four hours Scipio was finally able to get back up. Lucky for him it was already night time which made his his mission alot easier. Though tonight he noticed something strange, the happyness he was causing. Seeing the ponies get their belongings back, the smiling faces, made him miss the old days before Crypt started to grow up, when they stole for fun instead of survival.

While Scipio sat upon a wall waiting for the last house to get quiet he noticed something in the room he got the necklace from. It seemed that the young filly was crying. Scipio got close enough to the window to hear the conversation between her and the mother. "But mommy, you know I cant sleep without my special locket. You gave it too me for my sixth birthday. Now it is missing and we will never find it again." The mother curessed her daughter's head. "Dont worry honey, I promise we will find it. Now please try and get some sleep."

Scipio watched for hours as the little filly struggled to fall asleep. Finally Scipio knew what he had to do, it was show time. Scipio pounced through the window and awoke the little filly. "Oh no, its Scipio. Please take what you want but please dont hurt me." Scipio decided he needed to play it up for her. "Have no fear little girl, for I shall not hurt one little curl. You see I was sent, for us to meet, to bring a gift to you, a wonderful treat." Scipio threw the little filly the bag and watched her eyes glow as she pulled her locket out of the bag. The shriek of the little filly awoke her mother who raced upstairs and found Scipio.

"What do you think you are doing here?" Scipio jumped back towards the window. "It seems now my choice is clear. Its time for me to disappear." Scipio leaped down off the window and made his way back to the window so he could see how happy both of them were to see that she had her locket back. With his job done Scipio quickly made his way back to his home to find Crypt waiting outside the iron door. "Well it is about time you showed up Crypt. Where have you been for the past two days?

"Reaserch my dear old friend. Turns out several ponies know of your Night Mother. But right now I need to focus on Raggamuffin's birthday. Only an hour left." Scipio was shocked to realize he had forgotten all about Raggamuffin. He raced out into the night towards the bakery to got the cake. It was hard for him to carry but he decided it was his burden to bare. Once he finally made it back he was greated with sad faces. What really hurt him was how Raggamuffin was not there. "Dont tell me I am too late?" Swift Hoof nodded his head. "She already went to bed, waited up all night for you but you never came. She was devastated. I hope your Night Mother is happy."

Everypony left him there in the dark to deal with what he had done. All he could see was darkness. Finally a light shined through the darkness, it was the eyes of his Night Mother. "Stop crying my child, I know I have caused you greif. So I have one final task for you then I shall leave forever." Scipio buried his head into his Night Mother. "No, please dont go. My friends have given up on me. You are all I have left." The Night Mother rubbed his head until the tears finally stopped and he had fallen asleep. "Dont worry Scipio, soon you wont even need me anymore."

The Night Mother put Scipio in his bed and headed back to her room when she heard a familiar voice from the shadows. "It is a pleasure to meet you Night Mother, or should I say, Princess Luna. Actually I think the title Former Princess Luna would be more fitting for your current situation." Luna chuckled a little and focused on Crypt. "So you finally figured it out. What took you so long old friend?" Crypt walked along side Luna as they found a skylight that aloud the moon light in.

"I knew it was you the moment I saw you. afterall I was the first one you gave that accursed key to. Cant believe I became friends with the second key holder so easily without telling him the truth. I have just been trying to figure out why you came back so suddenly." Luna bathed herself in the moonlight. "I need the new key holder to help me get my title back. You didnt have any potental like Scipio does. There is alot more to him than you realize. Soon though, Scipio will learn the true nature of the key."

The fallowing morning Scipio tried to make things up to Raggamuffin but nothing seemed to work. Scipio could do nothing but sit with Luna. "Scipio, it is time you completed your final mission for me." Scipio shook his head and refused to leave. "If I do it then you will leave and I will have nopony anymore." Luna got up and gave him a picture of a crown. "This is Queen Golden Star's crown, what do you want it for?"

"Well I need to tell you something Scipio. My name is Princess Luna. I once ruled this Kingdom until Golden Star stole my crown. Whoever wears the crown rules the kingdom. I wish to reclaim my title as princess Luna so I can fix the damage she has done." Scipio got up and started to walk towards the door. "So you mean to tell me that I am just your means to get your crown back? Wsa giving me the key just a long elaborate plan to groom me into the perfect theif so I can get your crown? Well I wll do it Night Mother, but afterwards I want you gone. You have ruined my bond with my friends and made me re-think all that I know. You are still my Night Mother, but your a horrible parent."

As Scipio made his way outside he noticed a large crowd in the center of town. Once he got closer he saw the most horrific sight he had ever seen. All of his friends and Cupcake had been captured. He got in close to hear the guards. "These five have been charged with aiding the wanted theif Scipio. By order of Queen Golden Star they will be sent to the dungeon for the rest of their days and are to be made an example to all those who wish to aid in any wrong-doings." Scipio could only watch in horrer as his friends were caged up and moved towards the palace.

Scipio raced to his home to find Luna, but she was gone. Inside all he found was a note: Scipio, I know your friends were captured but I cannot help them yet. If you can get me my crown I can set them free. Scipio started to cry as the cruppled up the note. He grabbed his cowl and threw it on as he made his way to the door. "You want that crown so bad, well your gonna get it, and then deal with me."