Winter & Dagi

by Sparkling blaze


Dash's POVs
It's taken a few months but things are finally calming down and getting better. Snow's meds are seeming to help and Adagio seems to be moving forward.

With Adagio finally up,I'd thought Sunset would stop working so much but she didn't.In reality now that she didn't need to stay with Snow she was working nonstop 24/7.

When Adagio was in coma,when she worked most of the times I stayed with Snow.

I can understand wanting to keep your mind off things but you can't hide from everything. That's why one afternoon me and Snow went to see Sunset. At first things seemed alright.

But after awhile I could tell Sunset was out of it. She was working to hard.

"When was the last time you had a day off?" I asked her.

"Probably when Adagio got out of the hospital a month ago."She told me apparently typing some work related stuff on her computer."But I don't need a day off,I have a lot of stuff to finish if anything I might put in some more hours."

"But you work so much already..."Snow said.

"I know sweetie but it needs to be done,I should probably also keep working on a plan for your mom's recovery,and for your dementia."

"Me and mom are both doing ok. You need to take care of yourself." Snow told her.

"You two are right now but something may happen. Just like something might happen to Dash too."

"Sunset, I haven't been sick in years." Dash told her.

"That means anything could happen to you." Sunset tells her. "In fact I think we should."

Sunset stood up but stopped talking as she almost fell.

"You ok?" Snow asked her.

"Just a little dizzy." Sunset told her.

I turned to Sunset:

"I'm letting Snow home,you're coming with me and after you get some sleep that I can tell you haven't been getting we're gonna have a talk."


"No buts."

"Fine."Sunset said in a huff. "It's nothing."

"Then you won't have to stay long." We left and went to Adagio's after making sure Dagi was still alright Sunset finally went and got some rest. Hours later she got up.

"Sit down." I told her. "It's about time we had that talk."

"I told you Dash,I'm alright.And the talk can't be too long,I got work."

"Yeah just about as alright as Adagio was when she was drinking.Besides you're not going to work today,I told Adagio to call the day off for you.And is exactly about this working nonstop were talking about."

"Dash you know how much work I've got to do."

"I also know you can't keep working like this."

"No one else can do it like I can."

"Sunset you're smart but there's others as smart as you."

"But they don't understand it like I do. I'm the only one who can treat it."

"What do you mean?"

"Sonata teached me healing magic before dying."

Ok,that would make things harder because with magic she obviously would wanna work even more.

"Yeah and what use is it if you're so overworked you almost fainted?You do know Adagio and Snow still need you right,not to be on work,to be with them.And for what I am seeing you need them too."

"Working like this is how I'll keep from losing any more of them."

"You know that's not how this curse works."

"You don't know that. It might."

I can tell she didn't believe that. "Sunset talk to me."

"You wouldn't understand."

"But I do." Another voice said as Adagio joins us. "You know the difference between me and you Sunset? At least I'll admit when I've given up. You try and dress it up like it's all noble."

"I'm not dressing it up Adagio,and I haven't gave up."She told her.

"I'm gonna do what you know your brother would have done if he saw you that way."Adagio said giving Sunset the most intense glare,gave her a bottle of pills."By the way you should know your niece is just like him,and got your meds before her and Dash left the apartment.Now I'm gonna call your boss ask for a few more days off,and don't even ask for your work stuff you'll never find them without my help."

Sunset let out a sigh. "She would be just like him" She took one of her pills. "You know you can't really do this right? I can do what I want."

"You can try and leave if you want."Adagio tells her still locking on to her with that glare.

"Ok Fine! I'll stay I'll stay."

"I knew you'd see things my way." Adagio hugs her. "Sunny we're going to get through this..."

"I know but with the healing magic I can fix this."

"Sunset if all it took to end this curse is a little magic me and my sisters could have done it a long time ago."