//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Without a Paddle // Story: Of Magic and Clockwork // by Midnight_Tempest //------------------------------// Midnight's sleep was once again restless and in vain. Since the day he ran from his home, he hasn't managed a full night's sleep. However, it does help him stay out of reach of his family, a family that once cared and nurtured him but now treats him like a criminal. He has been hunted for 4 years, since that day, and it has only made him more determined. His studies into the experiments of Scientia have developed into a true passion, he has been duplicating her experiments and spells, improving them with more modern technologies. It wouldn't be long before he would be able to show off one of his greatest achievements. The tavern in which he stayed was located near the northern most edge of the Ever-free Forest. A dark and foreboding place that few ponies dared to tread, but it made an excellent opportunity for Midnight. The tavern owner was surprised to see his most recent guest awake so early. "G' mornin', stranger. I hope the bed was to your liking." "It was most adequate, thank you. Is it too early for a meal?" Midnight sat at the bar in front of the tavern owner, with a pleasant smile on his face. "Not at all, stranger, but perhaps you would be more comfortable if you removed that cloak of yours. Looks mighty heavy." The owner placed a stein before Midnight and filled it was an odd smelling brew. "Care to try the new stock? Had it custom brewed for special occasions and I'd like to know how other ponies might respond to it." The owner then went into the kitchen, leaving Midnight with the sweet smelling liquid before him. "It's fine, the cloak is actually very light." He didn't hesitate to take a sip from the stein and was pleasantly surprised. It was a very sweet tasting mead, he could still taste the fermented oats but it was slowly being overpowered by a berry flavor. "This is a very delicious drink, but it doesn't seem to fit in with the other drinks you serve here. It's more of a wine than a kind of mead." The owner returned with Midnight's meal with a satisfied smile on his face. "That would be the point, stranger. This town is growing almost every month, with more and more ponies moving here from the north and east. With the mines to the west, this town is going through a boom and many families have been showing up." The owner topped off the stein as Midnight started on his meal. "I reckon in a couple years, our humble little town will grow quite large and I'm preparing myself for the new patrons that will be gracing these walls." As he finished his meal, Midnight nodded in consent. "I pray for your success, and thank you, the meal was delicious." He placed a few extra coins on the counter and readied himself to leave but, as if on cue, the tavern doors swung open and Midnight felt a chill run down his back. Three ponies entered the tavern, two of them were bodyguards clad in light armor while the third was dressed more heavily. Midnight turned his head just enough to get a look at them and a mix of emotions flowed through him, the heavily armored pony was none other than his own brother. "Sun-rock... you finally found me." Midnight was now facing the three ponies, his stance was casual as if he didn't expect a fight. "You have nowhere to run now, Midnight. You will return home with me now, and face your punishment." Sun-rock signaled the pony bodyguards to apprehend Midnight, but it didn't end well as they were tossed out the windows because of Midnight's magic. "After chasing me down for the last 4 years, when you manage to find me there is only three of you. You should have realized that those two didn't stand a chance, brother, they are only earth ponies after all." Midnight's stance became more aggressive while keeping his distance from Sun-rock. "Of course I knew, I just wanted you to remove them from the picture. No need for any interferences." A ball of magic energy appeared before Sun-rock and was violently propelled towards Midnight, but was stopped by a very impressive barrier. "Impressive, brother. You were always very talented with magic, but can it withstand this..." Another ball appeared before him, and began to grow rapidly. "Stop this madness, Sun-rock! If you release that here you will be killing innocent ponies!" Midnight's horn began to glow it's distinctive emerald color, but there was no ball of energy before him. "Then their deaths will be on your head! You never should have defied the will of the family!" Suddenly, he was struck by a chair, then another and another. The magic that he had gathered began to fade away as his concentration faltered. "Damn you, Midnight. Fight me head on, not like a coward." "You're right, brother. I am a coward, I have been running for 4 years but this is not an act of cowardice. You are willing to sacrifice others to just bring me home, that is the act of a true coward." When the ball of magic was nearly gone, Midnight propelled a large table at his brother and quickly followed behind it. Sun-rock had no choice but to release the attack before being struck by the table. The table was easily destroyed and it caught Midnight off-guard as the attack grazed his face. The remains of the table knocked Sun-rock down long enough for Midnight to escape the tavern. Bringing his hoof to his face, Midnight could tell there was no permanent damage done by his brothers attack. Without hesitation he galloped to the edge of the Ever-free Forest and waited. His brother had to see what he has accomplished. 'Just a little longer, the sun will rise in a few minutes and he will see my work.' Sun-rock kicked the debris off and stumbled out of the tavern. He could see his brother just standing at the edge of the forest, waiting for him. "You cocky little..." He quickly pushed himself into a full gallop, he wanted to take his brother down so badly that he didn't realize the barrier was there until he smashed into it. The barrier then shifted shape to hold him down. "Curse you. Midnight! You are a blight upon our family name!" Midnight shook his head and sighed heavily, turning to face his brother. "You forget, I am no longer of your family, Sun-rock. I renounced my title before the elders at the hearing. What you are doing now is nothing but petty revenge for making a fool of father." He looked up at the sky, seeing it brighten with the light of the sunrise. "Ah, it is time." The water tower of the town was the first to be lit up by the sun's rays, only to reflect that light in the direction of the forest and Midnight. Pure shock covered Sun-rock's face. He had never seen such a thing in his life, and never thought it possible. "What... what have you done?" Midnight smiled and pointed at his 'new' left eye. "A clockwork eye, designed by Scientia herself. A shame she never managed to make it, but she didn't have the materials needed to regulate the magic energy within it. I improved it and tested it for 4 years, and I never have to worry about it exploding either." He walked over to Sun-rock and removed a piece of paper from his saddlebags. "Show this to father, it explains how I've managed this little 'miracle'. Oh and one more thing, brother, this is just the beginning of these technological marvels. I am on the precipice of discovering my Magnum Opus, I will make something that will rival that of Scientia's designs. Goodbye, I suggest you don't follow me anymore." He turned away from his brother and vanished into the forest. Sun-rock struggled within the barrier but couldn't do anything, his brother's magic was far more advanced than his. He looked down at the page left by Midnight. The page described the device that Midnight made to control the flow of magical energies within any object of any size. It worked like a funnel, but only a one way funnel. Excess magical energy would bleed out through the device while still maintaining a balance within the object itself. "Brother... when did you become so knowledgeable..." The barrier faded, finally releasing Sun-rock. He did as his brother asked, and returned home with the notes. But he knew that there father would not be so enthusiastic about this discovery. Midnight would not be seen again for almost 15 years after these events.