The Missing Bard

by Kiniro

Prologue Part 2: Brainwashed

The Missing Bard

Prologue Part 2: Brainwashed

"What is this place?!" Yelled the bard. "Where he hell am I? I just remember seeing darkness! Now I'm... here? Where is here?" The bard then looked up to see a strange statue in front of him that looked to be combined of different animals.
"My my, what an interesting creature. You are in the land of Equestria." called out a voice.
"Who are you!? Where are you?!" Shouted the bard.
"Over here genius!" Called out the voice.
"Where?!" The bard continually looked around.
"Ugh... The statue in front of you." The statue commented.
"Who are you?" The bard looked at the statue in amazement, and raised his guitar toward the statue.
"Oh little old me? I am Discord! Ruler of Chaos!" Shouted the statue. "Now what pray tell is your name and put that silly thing down, you look ridiculous."
" is... Aldo. How did I get here!?" The bard again looked around to see several statues of what looked like equines and a hedge maze surrounding him and lowered his guitar.
"I brought you here, I was able to sense your magical power from this great void."
"A great void? Was that the darkness?! Why did you bring me here?!" The bard said.
"Yes the void was the darkness and because I need a favor from someone like you." Statue Discord stated.
"Why should I help you?" The bard asked.
"Easy because I saved you, why else? Can you not repay a favor with a favor?"
"But you yourself said your the Ruler of Chaos, I've fought against the likes of you in my world." The bard suddenly gasped. "My world! I have to get back and stop Satan Morroc!"
"Yes you must return to your world but to do so I pulled you from the void he placed you in."
"You mean the darkness" The bard asked
"Oh my yes." Discord stated.
"How do you know this?!" The bard yelled.
"Because I sensed you get placed there, and I realized how powerful you were, so I decided to save you." Discord stated
"How can I trust you?" The bard asked
"But who else can you trust in this new land, I saved you and I'm the only one offering to send you back home." Discord stated.
"But... But... I can't I've fought against people trying to start chaos in my world."
"You wish to get back home do you not?" Discord said persuasively.
"Yes... I have to get back." The bard agreed.
"If you can help me escape I promise to get you back to your world, but first, I need a little insurance. You can not walk around like that in this world... so let us fix this!" Discord shouted and the statue of himself began to glow.
"What are you doing!" The bard yelled.
"Elementary my dear. I'm going to turn you into a pony! Hopefully once you are transformed you can walk around with little suspicion."
"Why are you going to do that?!"
"So you can find a way for me to escape from this statue prison and while you do that see if you can get rid of those pesky ponies called the Elements of Harmony."
"I refuse! I will do no such thing!"
"I'm sorry, but you have no choice in the matter! Oh wait... I'm not sorry! But if you can accomplish this task, I will send you back home!" The statue began to glow brighter and brighter. "And you can not deviate from your task, because if you do! Well you won't have the option! You're free will is mine!" Then the glow began to encompass the bard.
"Noooo! AAhhhhh... ugh...." Slowly the bard began to change into a pony. "Please.... do....." The transformation was complete, now the bard was an earth pony with, light green eyes, blond mane, dark brownish orange coat and a guitar for a cutie mark, "My master.... what is .... thy... biding..." The mind of the bard now belonged to Discord.
"Now my little pony... Your name is... Meadow Song. Now repeat after me. My name is Meadow song."
"My name is Meadow Song." Repeated the brainwashed pony.
"Now you're talent is playing the guitar, now I assume that you can still play that guitar considering your cutie mark is a guitar."
"Yes my master... I am still proficient with my song magic."
"Very well, then, go forth my child, and upon your return you will free me when you find out how."
"Yes my master..."
"Oh and don't forget, if you get the opportunity do remove the elements of Harmony from the picture, if I am to return I can't have them putting me back in this awful statue like they did recently. But freeing me is the priority task. Now go!"
"Yes my master... I will not fail you my master..."

End of Prologue Part 2.