//------------------------------// // Bringing the Drone Home // Story: The Cat and the Drone // by MetalBrony823 //------------------------------// Gumball was still having fun with the drone and it could not get any more fun then this: all the pranks he was causing in this mysterious land in Equestria, and all the ponies he was pranking, scaring, and messing around with. He really loved trying to mess with these ponies' heads and make them confused like scared chickens or turkeys acting like the sky is falling. Laughing and guffawing for a period of time, Gumball was also a little worried that he would get in trouble by the princess' because he caused so much funny business and anarchy in this different dimension. After he stopped laughing, he wiped a tear from his right eye and said: "Ah, I doubt those ponies would find me here. The drone can come and go to other dimensions as I want it to, but those cute talking horses would be able to come track it once I bring it back. Matter of fact... I think I'm done with these pranks and want to take a break. He pushed the dimension button and hovered the drone to him. Gumball smiled and realized how precious and valuable this flying object was to him. He even kissed it like it was a dog or pet. "Drone, you are my metal angel." Gumball said before going inside to have himself a snack. Back in Equestria Everyone in Ponyville was in a little bit of a state of panic from the pranks the drone has caused, and wondering what that thing was. "Goodness, this is just terrible!" Fluttershy said. "Not to worry," said Twilight. "I managed to see the drone teleport somewhere else and it dropped what seems to be a propeller. She picked it up with the magic from her horn and inspected it. "With enough research, I can find the origins of that drone, or whatever that was. yeah, I think it was a drone." she and her friends went back to her castle to examine the fallen propeller. Spike was drinking some apple juice while looking at the research. "Is this going to take a while Twi?" the baby dragon asked curiously "I honestly don't know, Spike." said Twilight. "Well, I would like to find that abomination and give it a piece of my mind. Nopony sneaks up on me and plays me for a complete and utter fool!" "Same here." Rainbow lowered her eyes. "When I get my hooves on it, I'm gonna throw it to the scrap heat from whence it came from." she cracked her wings and she was more than ready to demolish the pesky drone. "So bring it on! I'm ready to do it once we find it." "What if somepony was controlling it?" asked Fluttershy "What do you mean, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked her. "I mean machines don't really have feelings, unless they are robots." "Good point." said Twilight theorizing. "Maybe someone was controlling the device. He's the one who is pulling the strings. I doubt the Canterlot library will have the answer we're looking for, so I'm going to have to do this the old fashioned way." Suddenly, a weird creature appeared out of nowhere and was hovering above the ponies and baby dragon. "Discord, are you sure you are not involved in this?" "For the last time: No! You gave me a lie detector test, remember?" the Drancequus said. "Have I ever been wrong to... on second thought, don't answer that. We all know the answer for that. I can go and look for this little troublemaker causing all of this beautiful chaos." "Discord!" Fluttershy reprimanded. "What did we discuss about chaos?" "It's not beautiful if somepony gets hurt." Discord rolled his eyes The yellow pegasus smiled hearing that. "That's better." "That could work." said Spike. "What do you think we should do?" He was obviously looking at his closest friend, and Twilight was thinking long and hard for a possible answer to this problem. "Well, remember why you couldn't accompany me to the human world? Maybe if we do that, it might disrupt the balance and order to the other world." "Hmph, I can't see anything wrong with that." said Discord. "Yeah, of course you can't." said Rainbow Dash sarcastically. Silent and thinking again, Twilight had the answer. "I think that drone thing will be coming back soon. It loves to mess with other creatures and cause pranks. So he might come back for me. As soon as it come back, we follow it to the world it transported to and find who is responsible for all these mean pranks in Ponyville and Canterlot." "Brilliant idea, darling." said Rarity. "I can throw a pie at his face!" Pinkie Pie shouted "And scrap it into oblivion." Rainbow cracked her wing bones again Back at Elmore It was certainly a good thing for Gumball to have recorded some funny pranks he did with the drone causing havoc in Ponyville. It was later in the day and it was dinner time with fettuccine alfredo. The whole family was eating together at the table and Gumball asked Darwin: "So how was Carrie?" "It was fun. Got to be in a conjuring circle and talk to one of Carrie's great uncles." the fish boy replied. "Yours?" Gumball couldn't help but snicker and tried his best not to try and guffaw just thinking of all the pranks he pulled in Equestria today. He wanted to wait until he and his brother were alone so he wouldn't have to get in trouble with his mom. The last thing he wanted to see was his mother angry and infuriated again, and she was much scarier than a Spinosaurus and Tyranosaurus Rex combined. "Well, I was watching those funny videos of goats screaming like humans." "Oh, those videos are really funny." Darwin admitted. "We can watch some later if you want." "You guys can do it after you eat." said Richard. "Don't wanna go to bed on an empty stomach... Or maybe you can just give your extra plates to me, and-" "Richard!" Nicole reprimanded her husband. "Don't worry boys, he won't eat your dinners, but he's right, you can't sleep and go hungry, waiting until breakfast. That's not good for your body." "Are we going to have dessert mom?" asked Anais. "Of course. Chocolate Mousse." The whole family gasped and their eyes were glittering like stars in the night. They loved chocolate mousse and they would love to have some of it after dinner. For a whole ten minutes, everyone ate their pasta than ate the mousse after. So chocolaty, so creamy, and delicious for everyone to enjoy on this fine evening. Gumball had a thought that maybe this was a good idea to show his brother the footage. "He dude, wanna see something funny?" "Yeah! What is it?" Gumball pulled Darwin upstairs and showed him the drone. "I got this from the internet." Darwin looked surprised to see the drone at how beautiful this thing was and liked the design. "Cool! What is it?" "A super cool drone that can travel to other worlds." "Wha?" Darwin sounded more surprise. "Did you get any photos." "And videos." He showed Darwin some footage of Equestria and how he pranked so many ponies and scaring them, along with setting Celestia and Luna's butts on fire. Darwin looked quite baffled while Gumball was laughing at these moments he caught on video, and he was laughing so hard, he almost bust a gut. "What the heck is wrong with you? You're causing an uproar in another universe!"