Winter & Dagi

by Sparkling blaze

Tragedy Strikes(Part 3)

Snow's POV
I'm laying in bed, I'm not sure how long I've been there. I'm just waiting for mom to go to bed and aunt Sunset to leave. I know mom doesn't want me to leave but I have to.I have to stop this madness.

Soon enough I hear two doors closing,aunt Sunset was staying the night.I'm gonna wait a bit and escape.

After a bit I get,I peek through mom's room,sure enough she was asleep,with a wine bottle half empty next to her.I then check on the room aunt Sunset was,Tify's old room,she was asleep too.

I didn't think it would be this easy. I snuck around the house and made me a little food to take with me. Then I went to the door and unlocked it. I took one last look then I left out the door. Now that I'm out I need to figure out a place to go.

I've never really been anywhere and I don't know anyone, but Tify and Becca wouldn't be scared so I won't be either. I just start walking down the street.

I keep walking and walking until I'm really far away from home and from my school,it's really dark right now.I take out my food and start eating.

The street was scary at night,and I didn't know where I would sleep,this was a bad idea,a really bad idea,and the worse things was not only I did not have my meds on me but I didn't knew my way back.

I need to find mom or aunt Sunset. I look around more confused.

"I came from that way right?" I ask myself. " it was that way right?"

Ok I need to calm down, I need to think this through. But this is making not having my meds worse. I just take off running hoping for the best. But when I stop running I'm even more lost then before. I'll never be able to find my way home now.