//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The Nexus // Story: The Elements of Pure Energy // by The Collective //------------------------------// The Elements of Pure Energy Chapter 2: The Nexus Nick was dead, he knew it...but, “How do I know that I am dead?” He opened his eyes, and no longer was he in a pool of water, but a strange place. He felt a floor beneath him, but it was the same color as the space all around him, a strange green. “What... I know I’m dead but where am I?” “Are you really dead?” A loud booming voice called out Nick jumped up in surprise, “Who are you?” A large figure stood behind him, dressed in a long flowing robe. “I am the guardian of this realm, it is called the Nexus.” Nick stood perplexed, what did this all mean? “All right...sir...but what am I doing here?” The guardian turned around and began walking to a series of bright lights in the distance, “It seems as though you entered the Nexus through one of the very few portals still open on the root world.” Nick was still confused. Sensing this, the guardian spoke once more, “To answer your question, no you did not die...I intervened.” Nick was suddenly very much elated, he got another shot at life, he wasn’t dead! A big smile appeared on his face as he bowed to the guardian, “I am in your debt, but why did you do this?” The old man turned towards Nick and lowered his head, the tone of his voice changing from majestic and sage-like to melancholic. “I am the guardian of the nexus, and as is such, I am responsible for watching over the many universes that can be accessed through this ethereal plane.” He bowed his head, “There was a time when I had many assistants who would help me, going to each of the worlds through these windows and protecting them from evils that tried to taint them. Alas, that was many years ago, all of my assistants have died, or have otherwise been incapacitated. It has been years since anyone has crossed through one of these portals.” The guardian turned towards Nick, a sudden gleam of hope lit up his eyes. “I had hoped that you would help me where my assistants have left off.” Nick suddenly felt really uncomfortable, on one hand it would be amazing to help this guardian protect worlds and stuff, but on the other hand, they had all died! “I don’t know...” Nick began shuffling uneasily in his place, “What if I can’t do it? I’m just one guy, and you saw what kind of state I came to you in! What happens if I die?” The wise Guardian had anticipated such a question and smiled as he answered, “Fear not, I will construct a team for you, you won’t go it alone like my previous assistants. As we speak, your future comrades approach the time when they enter the Nexus and join you.” Nick felt somewhat relieved, he liked doing things with friends, it helped calm him even in the toughest situations. “All right,” Nick stepped forward confidently, “What would you have your assistant do?” Nick reasoned that he owed the guardian his life, so he would have to serve him for a while. Nick became startled as both he and the guardian both lifted up, and flew towards the lights, landing in front of them. “There are many worlds that were self sustaining in their order and needed no help to protect them at one point. This world was one such world, but it is self sustaining no longer.” The guardian beckoned to a light. “This world is called Equestria. It is a land basked in harmony. This may change, however, as some unforeseen forces threaten this harmony and may ultimately tear the world apart.” Nick grew cold, was this powerful being about to entrust the world to his care? What if he should fail? “I don’t know if I can handle such a large burden,” Nick started uneasily, “I don’t know if I could do it alone, your previous assistants have all died as well, what if I fail?” The guardian turned towards him, and calmly spoke. “Fear not, I am building a team of humans to go with you, you shall lead them in combat against this strange force.” Nick felt even more pressure placed upon his shoulders, The guardian turned towards Nick. “Your teammates will arrive over the course of the next few days you spend in Equestria. I am also giving each of you tools that will help augment your abilities and be an important asset in the battles ahead.” The guardian took out a pair of goggles, which began to levitate and float towards Nick. “These are yours, I think that it would be best that you learn how they work through experience, as each of the Phylacterii behave differently depending on ownership.” Nick placed the goggles on his face, fitting them comfortably over his eyes, the lenses were tinted slightly in a bluish shade. “So our team is going to have tools that help each member...” "Not tools, Phylacterii. In your native tongue, talismans. Phylacterii is the plural of Phylacterium, or talisman. They are more than tools." Nick scanned everything around him, now appearing slightly bluer than before. The guardian turned towards Nick, and looked him straight in the eyes. “Each of the members on the team you are going with, yourself included, has a specialization. You have latent abilities that are going to help you. It is up to you to help each other realize these abilities and help each other grow in power.” Nick felt really good after that: super powers! Who doesn’t like super powers? Things were looking up for Nick, regardless of the danger that he was about to face. “Are you ready to enter?” He beckoned towards the light, “Simply pass through this window, you will be helped from there, trust me.” Nick wasn’t sure how it would work, all he knew was that he had a great responsibility on his shoulders, he was going to lead a team, save a world called Equestria, and be a hero. It was like a dream come true, and he was going to seize the day! “I’m ready.” Nick breathed deeply and cautiously and put his hand through the light, it felt weird, like something was pulling softly on his arm. Closing his eyes, he took the step forward gingerly, the light enveloping him. Then everything went black. ~~~ All was silent around Felix. He opened one of his eyes to check his surroundings. He only saw greyness and mist. He rubbed his eyes, rolled over and sat up. Before him stood a tall robed figure. His (or her, he couldn’t tell) arms were crossed stoically. “Who the hell are you?” Felix demanded. No answer. Felix cursed and stood up. Standing a few inches away from the figure, he stared directly into its eyes. “Who are you and where am I?” The robed figure pulled back its hood, revealing pale blue skin with blank eyes. The figure was distinctly male, but he did not have any hair upon his head, not even eyebrows. Felix’s nostrils flared with disgust and fear, and he swung his right arm in a quick uppercut. Immediately the man grabbed his wrist, twisted him around, and punched him in the side. The force of the punch sent Felix flying, finally rolling to a stop 20 yards off. “Shit!” he yelled, then pushed himself off the ground and brought his fists up, ready for another go. “Do you even know why you fight?” asked the man solemnly. The voice reverberated all around him. Felix spun on his heel. The robed man was behind him, arms crossed again. Felix paused and slowly put his fists down. “You’re not here to hurt me?” “Of course not. Does your side ail you?” he asked in his deep, bass voice. Felix lifted up his shirt and checked his skin. Where he should’ve had bruised skin and maybe a broken rib, he felt nothing. “No,” he said, in complete awe. “I am the Guardian of the Nexus. This-” he lifted his arms “-is the Nexus. The trunk that connects the roots to the branches, so to speak.” “What... wha- am I in a coma?” The Guardian chuckled softly and shook his head. “You have much to learn, about yourself and of those around you. I would suggest learning to control your anger first.” “I can control it!” Felix yelled with clenched fists. “You think your anger fuels you, that it aids you when you need it. But your anger does not help you, it controls you.” Felix grunted and cast his eyes towards the ground. “You will learn in time, or perish along with the rest of them,” the Guardian smiled. Felix’s eyebrows raised. What is he talking about? “Here, you’ll need this.” He handed Felix a watch-type object “It is called a Phylacterium,” the Guardian placed it into Felix’s open palms. “A phlem-terryum. Seriously, I’m not gonna remember that. Wait, why the hell am I even talking to you? I must seriously be screwed up, up here,” he gestured towards his temple. The Guardian chuckled. “The last one did not know what it was either. In your tongue, it is known as a talisman. Now, we have delayed for too long. If you would,” the robed man swept his arm towards a hatch floating in mid-air. Felix stepped up to it. Eyes full of concern, he looked towards the Guardian for the last time. “You’ll do just fine, son,” assured the man, but in a voice that sounded just like his father. His real father. Suddenly his forehead, right above his left eyebrow began to hurt. He winced in pain but ignored it and opened the hatch. The darkness that swept him in was blacker than night. ~~~ Pain. Immense, insane pain wiped out all of Scipio’s thoughts. Then the pain receded, becoming a memory of what it once was, but still there. Scipio found that he could think again. He felt immaterial, nonexistent. But no sooner did he think that then he felt himself again. He was in a fetal position, with his eyes closed. Forcing his reluctant body to respond to his will, Scipio opened his eyes and took a look around. It was dark and misty, he couldn’t tell whether he was even on a material plane. Where was he? After getting up, Scipio started walking around. “What is this place?” he wondered aloud. “I could answer that with words for you, but it would take many years. Allow me to show you.” Scipio whirled around: “What? Who was that? Show yourself!” A voice called out: “Young one, you trust too much on your eyes. I am material and nonmaterial, existent and nonexistent. I choose not to appear before you now because you rely too much on your eyes. You have yet to learn that your ears are your greatest power, follow your ears.” “My ears?! Really?” “Yes. Follow your ears, Scipio. Come to the doors.” The old man continued to talk about many things. Scipio could not make sense of it but followed his ears. He came to to doors, so vast that he could not see the tops nor the bottoms nor the hinges. He pushed on the doors. They budged not. Frustrated, he pushed harder. And harder. And harder. He put his ear up to the door as a last resort. Stepping back, he looked at the door. His anger rising, he looked at the door and yelled at the top of his voice: “WHY WON’T YOU OPEN?” The doors swung inward silently. “REALLY? All I had to do is yell? This is stupid!” “Stupid it may seem now, Scipio, but later all will be revealed. Pass through the door, Scipio. See what awaits on the other side.” “I’m not dead, am I?” The voice chuckled. “Indeed you are not, far from it in fact. You have been called because a world is in desperate need of your powers.” “Powers? I’m afraid you got the wrong guy.” “The world chooses its own heros. You and 5 others have been called. Go through the doorway, seek the portal that has the most pleasant sound to you.” Scipio stepped through the doorway. Immediately the space that was previously blank was transformed into a constellation of lights. Stepping close to one, he heard a horrid screech of pain. Going to another, he heard fingernails scraping down a whiteboard. Scipio walked from light to light, hearing horrid sound after horrid sound. Finally, after what seemed like ages, he came to a light that had the pleasant sound of trickling water. Looking into it, he saw ponies and unicorns and pegasi cantering about. “Horses? No wait... Ponies? Technicolor ponies? Really?” “It matters not what they look like, what matters is that their world is pure. They are undeserving of the horrible fate that is about to rain down upon them, and you need to help save them.” “Look Mr. Mystic Guy. I’m cool with saving people and all that stuff, but, come on bro, I don’t have any skills with fighting fate and crap like that. Also, I’m human. I don’t even look like them.” “You will learn what you need to there. Also, as to your human problem, once you enter the world you will be transformed into a pony, which will -” “Woah slow down dude. I’m being turned into a technicolor pony. Is that permanent?” “No it is not permanent. It will last as long as you are in that world. Also, you will need one more thing before you are sent into the world. You will need a Phylacterium.” “A what now?” “In your language, a talisman. Take these,” the mysterious figure said, handing over a pair of sick earphones. “Noice! What’s that say? Dj-Pon3? Pon3? Pawn-3? Pwn-3? Oh. Pony. Duh. Internet language. What is the point of having these?” “Since your ears are your greatest asset, these will augment this. They will block out harmful sounds and amplify things that you need to hear. They will play appropriate music for the state you are in. Essentially, they will serve to warn you through your ears.” “So with these on I have super selective hearing, and music plays like my life is a movie?” “In so many words, yes.” “Cool. I still don’t see how these will help me defeat this great evil you speak of...” “That will be revealed in time. Now, Scipio, go.” Scipio’s vision went black for the second time. Scipio awoke in yet another dark place. This time, however, the pain had finally faded and he was feeling great. Turning around, he saw a white light. He walked to it and saw through it a series of shifting images. Looking around and seeing pure darkness everywhere else, Scipio decided that he must enter the light. “Well here goes...” The darkness reached out to him once more. ~~~ Gabe woke up coughing. He rolled onto his side and felt his lip. Warm blood. He stretched out his legs and inhaled deeply for a few moments before opening his eyes. He was surrounded by mist. “What the heck?” he questioned. Gabe sat up and felt his stomach and ribs. Nothing was amiss. Even his shirt was unscathed. “Hello? Is there anyone here?” he asked the silence. He was answered with an organ playing a tremendous and terrible tune. It was as beautiful as it was nerve racking and spine chilling. Gabriel walked towards the origin of the music. After a few yards it cut off. In from of him, a pillar of mist rose from the ground and dissipated, leaving a tall man dressed in a tuxedo in its place. The man swirled around, his short cape billowing after him. Gabriel gasped and looked up at the mysterious man’s face: it was covered completely by a white mask. All that showed were the man’s eyes. They were as black as night. “I, too, like a dramatic entrance, Gabriel,” the man said in a soft whisper. Gabriel bowed low. “It is nice to finally meet, Phantom.” The man chuckled. “Oh no, I’m not the Phantom. I am the Guardian of the Nexus. This-” he whispered softly “-is the Nexus.” The mist lifted away to reveal a theatre hall. Gabriel and the Guardian stood on the stage, lit by the blinding theatrical lights. Gabriel had to force himself to exhale. It was the famous French opera house, the Palais Garnier. “Is this... the Palais-” Gabriel began. “Garnier? Sadly, no. I previously stated that this was the Nexus. I’m afraid you didn’t hear me...” interrupted the Guardian. “No I heard you... I just, I don’t understand...” sighed Gabriel. “What is the Nexus? Why am I here? Am I dead? Or unconscious?” “You are here because this is the resting place for those who traverse worlds. The Nexus is like the curtain that separates the audience from the stage. Only a few like yourself are able to break this Fourth Wall,” the Guardian explained. “So there are others like me?” “Like you? No. You are unique, that’s why you were chosen. But there are more. Five others to be exact. But before the curtains close, you’ll need a Phylacterium.” “A wh-” “It’s a talisman!” the Guardian growled, throwing his hands up in exasperation. Then he sighed heavily, “The others before you did not know either, I don’t know why I keep bothering...” he trailed off. Gabe stood there awkwardly with his hands folded. “Ah, yes. We have lingered for too long. Here,” said the Guardian as he lifted his hand to his face and removed his mask. The piece separated from his face with a hiss. Haha, just like Darth Vader... Gabriel thought to himself with a snicker. Shut up! Pay attention! he scolded himself. The now faceless Guardian handed him the mask. “Hopefully one day you will not need any type of mask, but until then, this will serve you.” Gabriel took the mask, which shifted in his hands. He placed it against his face. The mask molded to his face, but left open areas for both his eyes and his lower mouth. Then it slid down his neck with the consistency of slime. He shivered in disgust. Finally the mask came to a rest at his collarbone in the form of a necklace. “Sweet brah,” he muttered, reverting back to his public personality. “Now it is time to bid farewell,” this time, the Guardian bowed to Gabriel. The lights faded, the curtains closed, and Gabriel was alone in the darkness. ~~~ When Rufus came to he was laying on his back. He used his arms for leverage as he pushed himself off the ground. “Ugh...what?” He tried to recall what had happened, “That snake, the bite...but...black racers aren’t venomous...” “That is correct, Rufus.” A loud voice suddenly called out to him from behind. Rufus whipped around and came face to face with a tall figure, snakes coiled at his feet. Rufus shrank back, who was this guy? “There is no need to fear me Rufus, I mean you no harm.” Rufus calmed slightly, looking around. He realized that he wasn’t in the shed, or even in the zoo for that matter. Everything appeared strange and misty, like there was no floor and the plane he was standing on went on forever into the horizon. “W-where am I? A-am I d-dead?” Rufus’ pupils dilated and he began to panic once more. “No Rufus, you are very much alive. Welcome to the Nexus!” At that, Rufus’ mind snapped back to the sign in front of the Black Racer exhibit. He looked down and saw a Black Racer coiled around the guardian’s arm. Seeing that the two were looking at each other, the strange figure spoke, “I assume you have already met.” “Already met?” Rufus started, “THAT THING TRIED TO KILL ME!” Rufus was very upset indeed, his nostrils flared and he was shaking his fist. “You should know more than anyone that the Black Racer is non-venomous. Look closer.” Rufus approached the strange man and the snake, and noticed something that he should have back at the exhibit. “That’s...not a Black Racer...that’s...” Rufus saw that it looked like the snake in question, but something was different: there were strange markings on its back. “I have never seen such a specimen!” Rufus grew very intrigued. He observed the triangular golden patterns running down the snake’s back. “What kind of snake is this? Who are you? How do you have these snakes at your beck and call?” The man retracted his hand, the snake slithered up his arm and coiled around his shoulders. “I am the guardian of the Nexus, the bridge between many worlds. You were brought here for a reason, Rufus.” “So you were behind putting the snake in the exhibit? Writing on the signs?! ALMOST KILLING ME?!” Rufus’ was very perturbed, rage filled him for all those inconveniences. Now he was in the Nexus or whatever, wherever that was... “I’m sure Boris meant no harm.” The guardian patted the snake’s head; “You are needed. It is for a good cause that you are here.” The guardian turned, and pointed to a series of lights off in the distance. The snakes hissed and coiled in response, Rufus found it otherworldly and mesmerizing. “You have friends on the other side who need your help Rufus.” Rufus froze. Oh no, other people. “Your friend Gabe is among them” Now Rufus really was upset, He was so different; they didn’t get along well. They weren't really friends? “You are going to help him and four others save the world they are in.” Rufus’ heart dropped, “S-s-save the world? With five other guys I don’t know?” he was sweating bullets, “I-I’m not s-s-sure I can do this...” His eyes darted everywhere looking for the door, he wanted out. “Fear not, Rufus. I am not sending you into this task unprepared.” He beckoned to one of the snakes. A large burmese python uncoiled itself and slithered towards Rufus. “Sabrina?” “I see you two have already met.” the guardian noted. The python curled around his body and began to glow. It got so bright Rufus had to shut his eyes. When he opened them, Sabrina wasn’t coiled around him any longer. He looked at his arm and found a golden snake coiled around it like an armlet. It covered his whole forearm, but felt really light. The guardian explained, “That snake is now your Phylacterium, or talisman. It will help you on your quest. Each one of the people you are about to meet has such a tool assigned to them. These tools will aid you on your quest, as they help enhance your powers.” Wait, powers? Ok, this is getting much cooler. “Your friends are waiting for you, Rufus. Enter through the gateway and join them.” Nick suddenly found himself standing in front of the gateway amd looking into the light. He looked back at the guardian and the snakes. “Thank you,” he said. Rufus then turned around and stepped into the portal. It became exceedingly bright, so bright that he had to cover his face. Then darkness took him. ~~~ Jonathan awoke in a strange place. Where am I? “Ades in Nexum, Jonathan.” “Dices Linguam Latinae?” “Si. Dico Linguam Latinae. Nonne dices?” “Minus. Quid dicemus Latinam?” “I can speak English if you so wish, Jonathan.” “Marvelous. Honestly, you were stressing my Latin speaking skills. I’m much better at German. But if we can stay in English, that would be... Most advantageous to the conversation,” Jonathan said in his crisp British accent. “Of course, Jonathan. Now, I assume you have some questions?” “Assumptions have a tendency to make an ass of you and me. But yes, I have questions. Who are you? Is this actually the Nexus? If so, what is its purpose? Where exactly is it? Why was there that wonky statement about the Nexus in the book I was reading?” “Some of your questions I will answer now, others will be explained later. The book was simply a means of transporting you here. The Nexus is not on any plane of normal existence. You will not be able to “find” it, you must be summoned. The purpose of the Nexus, is, put simply, to connect worlds and dimensions. Now, to answer the question you left unasked, you are here because another world has need of you skills.” “Skills? What skills?” “Your mind, Jonathan. You and five others have been summoned, as you alone can save this world from eternal misery. Look into this book, Jonathan, and view the world you must save...” “Equines. Multi-colored horses. That’s preposterous, they don’t exist like that in nature.” “This is a different world than your own, Jonathan. Its basic laws are the same, but its other laws... Let us just say there is a large difference. When you enter the world, you will become a pony like those you see before you.” “I see. What am I facing? How will it be defeated?” “That information cannot be shared with you right now. Come child, our time is running out. Before you leave, I must give you one last thing.” “Which is?” “Your Phylacterium.” “Oh. Why would I have need of a talisman? And what is it?” “Finally! Someone who knew what it was! Anyways, your talisman will help defend you in times of trouble and forewarn you to prevent trouble. Here it is.” A pipe popped into existence in front of Jonathan. “A pipe? Smashing. Never smoked one of these before... Granted, I’ve never really smoked before... Or drank... I really need to get out of my books and studies sometime...” “This pipe is special. It will not give you a nicotine addiction or rush, it is a tool in your arsenal that will aid you in your journeys. Now it is time for you to go.” “How do I go?” “Enter the world of the book.” “How do I do that?” “The way you do it normally.” “Oh. Reading. Well, here goes...” Jonathan opened the book to read: “Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together, and created harmony for all the land...” All-enveloping darkness took Jonathan. A/N: Kudos to anyone who got the reference to Season 1, Episode 1. I Also, as I said in the blog, there will be an explanation as to how they become ponies, the answer will not simply be "magic." But that won't come any time soon, the characters have to discover it themselves. If you wanna beta read for upcoming chapters, message me. Please!