The Elements of Pure Energy

by The Collective

Prologue: Problems and Prophecies

The Elements of Pure Energy


About the Authors

Prologue: Problems and Prophecies

A tall, white alicorn stood on the balcony overlooking all of Canterlot, and indeed, all of Equestria. She sighed with happiness, and just a hint of boredom.

Nothing has happened here in a while... She thought wistfully. She almost wished for something interesting to happen. But maybe it’s for the best... The wedding incident had taken place about four months ago, and the denizens of Canterlot were still recovering. She smiled at the memories of their triumph, and how love had defeated tyranny and corruption. As she looked skyward and bathed in the sunlight, she noticed something wrong.

What is Luna doing with the moon? Its barely midday!

As if summoned by thought, the dark blue alicorn appeared on the balcony behind Celestia.

“Luna! The moon is off course! What were you doing?” she accused.

“I’m sorry sister! I took my eyes off of it for seconds!” was Luna’s reply.

“Hurry, we need to fix this,” Celestia said with a stern look.

The two alicorns faced opposite directions, casting their minds about them to retrieve the energy latent in everything around. Using this energy, they stretched their magic deep into the atmosphere and beyond. Luna gripped the moon, while Celestia gripped the sun. They attempted to pull the moon and the sun into their rightful positions, but something was amiss.

“Tia, I-I... can’t!” strained Luna with all her might.

“Me- neither- Gah!”

With a sound like thunder, the magic that gripped the celestial objects snapped. Both sisters fell to the ground and glanced towards the sky.

Looking to the heavens, they saw the stars aligned in a pattern unlike any other. Inside of being strewn about the sky, the stars formed perfect lines that pointed directly towards the sun and the moon. As for the heavenly bodies...

“A solar eclipse...” gasped Celestia.

“Oh no. Those are the signs, aren’t they?” asked Luna solemnly.

“Yes Lulu,” replied her sister, using Luna’s childhood nickname. “Alert the guard, Luna. I have research to do.”

Celestia galloped through the halls of the castle. Downward she went, ever downward. Eventually she came to the place where nopony ever tread, colloquially called the “Hall of Stuff Best Left Untouched.” Formally, it was known as the Hall of the First Tome. But, due to its insane security, all sorts of artifacts were moved down to it. After passing through multiple checkpoints, Celestia came to the final doors, which were guarded with enchantments so powerful that only a fully grown alicorn or the Elements of Harmony could get past them. Opening the doors, Celestia entered the Hall of the First Tome.

One of the many artifacts that had been moved down to the hall was the statue of Discord. Although still trapped in stone, his figure was a horrific sight indeed.

A gravelly baritone chuckling, sinister in manner, filled the room.

Celestia nearly fainted with shock.

“Oh, did I scare you, ‘Tia’?” Discord mocked from within his prison.

“Discord, how-” she began.

“Oh please, don't you think that the Lord of Chaos will reward his most precious pawn? And that’s all that I am, Celestia,” he growled. “A pawn of Utter Chaos himself. The Lord of Destruction. No one matches him in his might!”

“Except for Complete Order,” Celestia mused.

Discord shook with rage within his stone bindings. “DON’T YOU DARE SPEAK THAT NAME TO ME!”

Celestia chuckled. “You hardly hold the means to negotiate.”

“Neither will you when Chaos comes to bring the Final Ending,” Discord said smugly.

“You have been cooped up in that stone for too long, Discord. That’s not how the Prophecy goes.”

“Bahh details. I got bored after I read ‘...and Chaos will rule eternal!’ or something like that,” Discord replied.

“Of course you did,” Celestia sighed. “So, I’ll start from scratch, under the assumption you know nothing of which I speak. True Harmony actually has two opposites: Utter Chaos and Complete Order. While you represent Chaos, you are not Utter Chaos. You are merely a pawn, as you said, used to slightly disrupt Harmony. In fact, you were created almost as a complement to Harmony, for without a little bit of Chaos, True Harmony cannot exist, much in the same way that darkness cannot exist without light. Thus, we are not as much mortal enemies as we once thought we were.

I digress, however. Back to what I was saying. Harmony is the balance between Complete Order and Utter Chaos. It keeps the two in check and spreads peace amongst everything. However, Complete Order and Utter Chaos HATE to be kept in check like that. They are constantly straining, whispering here and there to set seeds of dissent, seeds that are quickly put down. Long before my time, my ancestors settled Equestria and kept Order and Chaos in check with the creation of the Elements of Harmony . However, as the portents have showed, Order and Chaos have escaped their bounds and will now conspire against all those that live in the peace of Harmony.”

“Wait, you’re saying that Chaos and Order are going to work TOGETHER?!” cried Discord.

“Yes I am. For if there is one thing that they hate more than each other, it is being bound. And thus they will set out to destroy all those things which bound them. Soon, Equestria will be beset by the horror that is organized chaos.”

“So essentially, all is lost.”

“No, all is not lost. For I shall consult the First Tome, the compilation of all that was, is, and may be.”

“Oh and what do you think that this vaunted First Tome will give you?”

“Hope,” whispered Celestia.

“Oh wonderful. All of our world is at stake and you look for hope. Goodness you ponies are a brainless bunch.”

Ignoring Discord’s taunts, Celestia turned to the magical force field in the center of the room. After disabling it, she retrieved a key from her mane and unlocked the chest containing the First Tome. She levitated the book out of the chest and opened to a random page. It was blank, as were all the pages in the Tome. “First Tome, the time has come once again to reveal the secrets of the future. Reveal to me the coming of Ordered Chaos and the Prophecy.” The Tome rustled its pages and became silent once more. Then text appeared:

“Thou wisheth to know what may come. Thus shall you be warned: the future is a fickle thing. To Equestria, six shall come. Ponies once were they not, but ponies they shall be when they appear. They will know not of Equestria and it ways, for they shall be as blind to their quest as newborn infants are to the light. However, the fate of Equestria rests with these six. With their will, they will shape and form their own destiny; theirs alone is the power to doom or save.”

A/N: noblemasque was an idiot and forgot his password, so he made a new account: ThePriest. Just explaining the author change. Nnnnnderp lol.

EDIT: We are now opening The Elements of Pure Energy to beta readers. If you're interested, please send us a private message. Thanks!

EDIT2: koopastomper derped out and changed his name to Eridash. Angry face.