by MellowSoul


For their next game, Twilight and the others returned to official titles, starting with the original Super Nintendo port of Chrono Trigger.

"The plot's pretty straightforward. There's an evil creature living in Earth's core called Lavos. The twist is that you have to weaken him by traveling through different time periods. Like I mentioned before, he can remove your status protection, which is a real pain in the ass if you're unprepared. He tries to trick you during the final fight by making you think the center's his core, but it's actually one of the small extensions on the right side of the screen. Really fucked with my head the first time I played through the game. There's a port for PS1, but the loading times are God-awful. They didn't even add anything new."

"That was the thing with PS1 games," Rainbow replied, "The load times were ridiculous. Even during good games they were frustrating as all hell."

"Fortunately, I have nothing but time on my hooves these days. Kinda funny how trivial minor gripes seem when you have time to put up with them."

"How's the combat work?"

"It uses an ATB system like Final Fantasy. Your special skills are called Techs. You learn them by gaining tech points through fighting. What makes Techs unique are the varying types. You can do a solo, dual, or triple tech. The dual and triple techs you can use depend on your party members and what techs they know. Some of them can get stupidly overpowered, especially when you're farming power tabs, which work like source and seal items."

"Sounds pretty cut n' dry."

"It is, but it's pretty fun. It's colorful and has a wide variety of music. The art was made the guy who wrote DBZ."

"Just like Dragon Quest."

"Dude's had an illustrious career."

"No kidding."

"This one's only about a quarter of the length of Final Fantasy 7. I beat it in twenty hours my first time. These days I can shave between two to three hours off if I have a guide on-hoof. Speaking of which, I'll go ahead and pull one up."

Twilight used her magic to open a search tab on her computer.

"One thing to note is that the game has fifteen different endings. You can get them by skipping ahead to Lavos at various points. I wouldn't recommend it though. He's one of the trickier bosses in RPG history as I've already pointed out. I usually go for the perfect ending. To get it, you have to do a recurring side-quest where you feed your cat at Crono's house. It's tedious, but worth it in the long run."

"Fifteen endings? Jesus Christ."

"He's just gonna keep goin' to that same hotel, isn't he?"

"Guess so."