Calm and Storm

by Fiddlesticks


Dear Coco,

Autumn has proven to be a very gracious, if not over-enthusiastic host. She’s eager to teach me everything about Kirin culture and the history of their village, and while I knew most of it already from Twilight’s texts it was refreshing to hear it first-hoof. 

Even if the novelty wore off around the first hour or so. Autumn Blaze has a lot to say, and I’m going to need a lot of paper to write it all down. Not the worst thing that could happen, I guess. The village has been very interesting to explore, and the Kirin seem very happy to have me. The only place I’ve been barred from so far is the Stream of Silence, but I hope to build enough rapport with their leader so I can conduct some experiments.

So how have things been going for you? I know you’re a bit busy with that big project of yours. How’s that been? 

Hope to hear from you soon, 


Moondancer honestly didn’t think she was a very hard mare to find: she did more or less the same thing and stuck to an easy to follow schedule. So she was still at a loss as to how Autumn Blaze could never seem to find her.

“There you are!” The kirin skidded to a halt in front of her, panting and swiping at her brow.

Mondancer was unphased, having seen the exact same scene play out on a nearly daily basis. She flipped a page in her book as her hostess trotted up to the bench. “I told you where I’d be,” Moondancer said. “Like always.”

“But I checked your list,” Autumn whined. “You weren’t anywhere!

Moondancer looked away from her book to raise an eyebrow at her. “I spend every morning from eleven to twelve outside the post office.”

“Ohhh, I thought you spent it at the library,” Autumn groaned. 

Moondancer just blinked and shrugged before returning to her book, hoping to at least finish the page before Autumn caught her breath.

“Say,” Autumn said after a minute. “Why do you spend so much time out here?”

“I want to catch the mailkirin when they come in, and the deliveries from the station usually come in around now,” Moondancer answered. 

Autumn tapped her chin. “Oooh! Are you expecting a package or something?”

“Mail, yes.”

“Oh! Oh!” Autumn popped off the bench, prancing in a small circle eagerly. “Is it more equipment for your fieldwork? Recipes from Applejack? Cupcakes from Pinkie Pie?” Autumn licked her lips. “Oh, I hope she made more of those cupcakes!”

Moondancer waited patiently until Autumn’s rant was over. “I’m waiting for a letter,” she answered.

“A letter!” Autumn’s eyes widened as she gasped. “Of course! From who?”

“Coco Pommel,” Moondancer answered, smiling at the name.

Her calculations based on the average delivery time of the mail service indicated that Coco should have definitely gotten her letter by now, and her reply would come with the next cart… The cart that was currently being pulled up the hill by a kirin in a spiffy blue uniform.

Moondancer shut her book and stood up, making a beeline right for the cart. Autumn Blaze trotted after her, still salivating over the thought of baked goods. 

“Hiya Dr. Moondancer!” the mailkirin said with a wave.

Moondancer nodded. “Is there any mail for me?”

The mailkirin nodded, pulling out a letter from his jacket. “Yep, set it aside for you at the station. Just this letter. By the way, River Dance has been feeling kinda ill lately--”

“I’m not that kind of doctor,” Moondancer replied for the umpteenth time as she seized the letter. She read the name to herself and felt her heart drop. “Oh. It’s… just from Twilight.”

“What does it say?” Autumn asked eagerly, only to cock her head to the side in confusion when Moondancer tossed it aside. “Wait, you’re not going to open it?”

Moondancer ignored her as she climbed into the bag of the wagon, opening the bag and poking her head inside. “Did you miss a letter? I’m expecting one from my… from Coco.”

“Uh, I didn’t see one,” the mailkirin said. 

“Maybe she hasn’t had the chance yet?” Autumn asked.

Moondancer considered this. Perhaps it was true: her math hadn’t accounted for an error like that, since Coco was usually pretty succinct. But maybe she was still tired from… whatever that big fashion thing was that she was doing.

“Good point,” Moondancer admitted before pulling her head out of the bag and hopping back to the ground. “That’s probably it. Thanks, Autumn.”

“No worries! Oh, you wanted me to remind you that you’re going to watch Rain Shine lead the choir!”

Moondancer nodded. “Right. I hope she doesn’t invite me to sing again.”

Autumn cringed but offered her a sympathetic pat. “It’s okay! I’m sure you’ll get there!”

Dear Coco,

I got to engage in a bit of participant observation yesterday. Rain Shine invited me to sing some passages of her latest song with the choir. Unfortunately I have also discovered that I am tone deaf, and having very little musical training didn’t help me in the slightest.

It might surprise you, but yes, I do just fake it in Pinkie’s impromptu musical numbers. I usually just mouth the words and hope nobody notices. Please don’t tell her.

Speaking of Pinkie, Autumn has been not so subtly asking for more recipes or treats. Judging by how she’s nearly burned down her kitchen twice now, I’d highly recommend she just send treats. If you could pass that on to Rarity that’d be great, but I’ll probably let Twilight know anyways.

Didn’t get a reply if you sent one so I guess you’re still wrapped up with your fashion stuff. Let me know when you’ve got a second, I’ll try not to fill up your mailbox with letters in the meantime.



“Yeah, I dunno doc. I guess I was just born with it. Some kirins definitely started out weaker, but they got there in the end! Sort of like you, I guess… no offense, though! You were… definitely a little better than last time!”

Moondancer rolled her eyes, blushing a bit from yesterday’s fiasco. “Uh… none taken,” she grumbled. “Thanks, Grass Tide. I think we’re done for today.”

Her informant nodded and hopped out of her seat, leaving Moondancer to pack up her tape recorder and notepad. It may have been redundant, but Moondancer would much rather be safer than sorry.

She took a second to go over her notes, tapping her chin in thoughts as she ran parts of the conversation through her head. She wasn’t able to get very far before Autumn Blaze crashed into the table next to her.

“Oof,” Autumn groaned before straightening herself. “Hi Moondancer! I actually met Blue Moon on the way here and got your mail for you, since I figured you’d be busy with Grass. That kirin sure loves talking, maybe even more than me!”

Moondancer waited patiently, but when Autumn didn’t move she prompted her. “So… my mail?”

“Oh, you didn’t have any,” Autumn chirped. 

Moondancer blinked. “...oh. Are you sure?” She stood up, making a move towards the road. “Maybe I should check.”

“You don’t need to, I was super thorough when I looked,” Autumn reassured.

“Oh.” Moondancer’s ears drooped a bit. “But… But she definitely should have replied by now…”

Autumn gave her a sympathetic pat on the back. “Maybe the mail has been delayed? I’m sure there’s a reason!”

“Yeah,” Moondancer replied half-heartedly. “Maybe…”

Dear Coco,

Is everything going okay? I know I said I wouldn’t fill up your mailbox but I’m worried now. It’s been awhile and I haven’t heard anything from you at all. Maybe I’m being silly, and you can totally tell me if I am, but I just want to hear from you! Anything will do!

Not much else has happened on my end. The Kirin have a great and rich tradition and the Stream of Silence incident definitely had adverse effects on their culture. I could probably write a whole book on it when I get back.

The colors here are so vivid and pretty, too. I never really noticed before but it’s so rich and full here. You’d like it. I think you’d make hundreds of lines based on these colors alone.

Wish you were here,


Dear Rarity,

Hi, this is Moondancer, writing to you from the Kirin village. I was just wondering if everything was okay with Coco? I know she had a big project she was stressed about but I haven’t heard from her at all.

Thank you,


Dear Twilight,

I’m trying to get some letters through to Coco, but she hasn’t replied. I don’t even know if they’ve been getting through. Are you aware of any problems with the mail service right now? Can you check for me?

Your friend,


Moondancer frowned, tugging on the loose end of her sweater. “You’re sure?”

“Yes, Dr. Moondancer,” replied a very disgruntled Blue Moon. “There’s nothing besides the letter I gave you.”

“Can you check again?”

Blue Moon glared at her before yanking the mailbag open with malice.


I checked with the postmaster and there aren’t any problems with the service that we’re aware of. Maybe she’s just busy? How’s the Kirin village treating you? 

Let me know,



Okay, what’s going on? Why haven’t you been returning my letters? Is it something I said? What did I do wrong?




Please just say something. Anything. I’m really scared and want to know you’re okay. 

I miss you,



Do you still love me? Because I still love you. A lot.


Say something.

Moondancer groaned as Autumn Blaze poked at her side. “You’re going to be late,” she urged.

“I don’t care,” Moondancer replied, pulling her blanket over her head. “Nothing matters anymore.”

Autumn sighed, poking at the researcher-shaped lump some more. “Is this about that friend?”

“...maybe,” Moondancer muttered.

“Wow. Does not getting a letter from them really mean that much to you?” 

“Yes!” Moondancer poked her head out of her safety blanket to glare at her. “She… Coco is more than my friend, okay? I… reallyreallylikeher.” She muttered out the last part, blushing furiously as she retreated into her blanket.

Autumn was quiet, the gears likely turning in her mind. “Oh. Ohhh. Oh! Awwww, that’s cute! Well, I mean not cute that she’s been ignoring you, but--”

She was interrupted by a quiet knock on the door. “Coming!”

There was a scurry of hoofsteps on the floorboard before Moondancer heard a timid voice from outside. Her ear twitched as it picked up on some tired words: “Is Moondancer here?”

Her eyes widened and Moondancer leaped out of her bed, charging into the hall and crashing into Autumn. “Coco!”

Coco Pommel grinned widely and welcomed Moondancer in her embrace. “Hi Moondancer!”

Moondancer broke the hug, narrowing her eyes. “Why haven’t you been returning my letters? I’ve been trying to reach you for weeks!”

“Oh, have you? I was on a fashion tour, remember? I left home right after you did,” Coco explained nervously. “I hope you weren’t too worried about me.”

Moondancer was quiet for a second before slamming her hoof into her head. “Gah! I completely forgot! I know you were talking about a project but I forgot it was a tour! I’m… I’m an idiot! But what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to surprise you!” Coco said with a smile. “You were so excited to come here that I just had to see for myself!”

Moondancer smiled, but her eyes began to water. “Oh… I was… I was so worried! I thought I did something, or something happened… I’m an idiot, Coco.”

“No you’re not! C’mere!” 

The two embraced again, as Autumn Blaze let out a squeal of delight from behind them. “Awwwwww!”