Reflections of a Dark Past

by shadowmane1

chapter 1

Reflections of a Dark Past
Chapter 1

“No, no you can’t be here! You’re gone! Twilight defeated you!” Princess Luna stammered, reeling from the shock of seeing her former self in the mirror. “ HAHAHA!” The reflection responded, further startling Luna. “ You think that I, the Great Nightmare Moon, can be defeated that easily! I may have been banished from physical form by that troublesome unicorn, but I am still very much here, in your very mind.” You have become weak! Weak like that sun-loving sister of ours!”

Princess Luna stared in disbelief at the image in the mirror. She knew that it was impossible for Nightmare Moon to be here, and yet, there she was, just as powerful and demanding a presence as before. The Dark manifestation of her jealousy and hatred appeared exactly as she had only two years ago, in full armor as well. Luna unconsciously raised a hoof to her head to feel if she was wearing the helmet that Celestia had locked away in the Canterlot Archives forever. Somewhat relieved at feeling nothing on her head but her usual headpiece, she looked back at the mirror to find only herself reflected in the polished glass.

“Impossible!” she exclaimed, much louder than she meant to, “ We know who we saw in this mirror! She was right here, how can she be gone now!”

“You truly do not understand?” the commanding voice of Nightmare Moon sounded much closer now. “ I knew that my banishment made you weak, but I did not realize that it made you thick as well! I was never in the mirror you foal! I have been inside your mind! I have watched as you have slowly forgotten who you are, who We were! I am all that was ever great about you, all you could, all you should have been.”

“NO! You are the weak one! Your hatred made you vile, you could never know love as I do!” Princess Luna shouted to the nothingness around her. “You are not here, I am merely imagining this!”

An unsettling silence filled the air at that exclamation, causing the Princess to shiver although the night was rather warm.
“Nice try, but I am most definitely here, As I have always been.” the now mocking voice whispered. “You claim to be loved? I did not realize that being lied to constituted love! Who needs love when you can be feared? Nopony lied to me, they didn’t dare! They feared me! They knew what I could have done to them.”

“You claim fear is better than love?” Luna retorted, mocking her dark counterpart. “It is you, Nightmare, who has become thick! Fear better than Love, ha! Don’t make me laugh. They did not fear you, they hated you! I said this once and I shall say it again, you are not here!”

The Princess felt the dark presence leave the room, she knew that she could not tell her sister of this. Celestia worried enough about her little sister’s fragile soul, the banishment of Nightmare Moon from her body had taken its toll on her. Little did the Princess of the Sun know, Nightmare Moon was not fully removed by the Magic of the Elements of Harmony. For the past two years, Nightmare Moon had been forcing her way out of the prison she had been placed in within Luna’s mind. Now she was back, if only in spirit, and only within Luna’s subconscious. Even so, her mere presence could put everypony in Equestria in mortal danger.

I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 of Reflections of a Dark Past.
All characters and places are property of Hasbro.