Operation blue moon: A lycentian in equestria

by aegishailstorm

Chapter 5:Sendoff

Col.Mattralew entered the armory to see his all too familiar suit of white power armor laying before him, he put it on, piece by piece, saving the helmet for last. Upon putting on his helmet, he was greeted by the pleasant emerald green glow of armor's HUD. He went over the startup checklist on his suit,
Shielding... online
Jet boosters... online
targeting assist...online
He heard the Armory Technician speak through his coms system, "we made some additions to your armor, hope you like'em" Col.Mattralew frowned, you people know I don't like change, Right?" He looked down at his wrists to see what appeared to be emitters of sorts. As soon as he thought about them 2, 2 1/2 foot long arc blades shot out from them.

"Nevermind, I changed my mind, I love them."

He proceeded to grab the rest of his equipment, 1 mark 5 coilgun rifle,8 concussion HE grenades, and his Good'ol reliable x-9 sidearm. As soon as he was done grabbing his stuff, he headed back to the room which housed the strange mirror/portal thing. "You know what?, I'm just going to call it the Mirror" he said to himself. He stood face to face with the mirror."HERE GOES NOTHING!" He yelled out loud as he stepped into it .