Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Status: Out of hospital, but still slightly sick.
I have made a audio for chapter 1. But, that one sucks, so here's a better one made by kingqball,
Living the dream: Chapter one

Chapter 29

I stood up and dropped the guitar.

I let out a loud sigh and rubbed my hands together, "Damn it! It's harder than I thought to learn how to play the guitar." I looked around the empty room, "Who am I talking to?"

I laughed a little to my self.

Learning the guitar is not easy, unless you have a teacher.

Hmmm, teacher. I got it! Peter said he would teach me.

I walked out of the room and looked around. Where's Twilight?

I looked around a little more and sighed, "This feels like Where's Waldo. I could never find that guy."

"Who's Waldo?"

I turned to see Twilight. I'll be damned, how does those ponies do that? Always popping up when you least expect it. "Oh, just a guy. Anyway, I need your help."

She nodded, a smile on her face, "Sure, what do you need?"

"Can you transport Peter here. I need help with the guitar."

She laughed, "Sure, just give me a second."

Her horn began to glow and the light flashed a few times. Then a brighter light filled the room.

Then I saw Peter, mid flight, appear in the room. Bad thing was, he was still flying and slammed into the wall head first.

He sat up holding his head, "Damn! What the hell happened."

Twilight chuckled, "Sorry about that. I didn't know you was flying."

Peter stood, holding his head, "Don't worry about it. I've been in car crashes worst than that."

Twilight cocked her head, "Car crash?"

Peter chuckled at her confusion, "It was just what we used to get from place to place. A car crash is when we crash into each other."

Twilight brought a hoof to her chin, "Interesting. What else did you have on earth?"

I held up my hand, better stop them before they go into a long conversation. "Peter, I need your help."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Whoa, dude what happened to your pony body? Your human again."

I sighed, I forgot I was human for a second, "Long story, I'll tell you later. But first, I need help learning the guitar."

Peter got a cocky smile, "I see, and you need the best guitar player in Equestria to help you learn."

I laughed at his boasting, "Yeah yeah. Can you help?"

He shrugged, "I can, for a price."

I sighed, "Fine, what do you want?"

He walked over and flew up till his mouth was next to my ear, "You have to let me play at your wedding."

I raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Uhhh, deal."

He landed on the floor, "Alright then, lets get to learning."


Frederic stood out on the Palace balcony looking up at the morning sky. A smile on his face.

He was still overjoy at Luna saying yes. The wedding was already planned out and everything, by Luna. But he didn't care, as long as there was a wedding, he didn't care what was going to be there.

He turned around to his servant, Tinker. Since he was marrying the Princess, he was able to get the benefits of a prince.

Tinker looked at him, "Do you need something sir?"

Frederic looked around then back to Tinker, "Yes, go to the workshop and grab the black bag on my desk."

Tinker bowed, "Yes sir." He then turned and walked off the balcony.

Frederic turned back, and continued looking out over Canterlot.


David opened his eyes and sat up. He looked around in confusion, trying to remember where he was. He looked over to his side, and smiled at the pony next to him. He now remembers the night before.

He and Rainbow Dash had come back from dinner talking and laughing. The next thing he knew, they was in bed.

He sighed, he didn't even know all those positions where possible.

Rainbow Dash stirred and sat up. She looked at him and smiled miscellaneously, "Wanna go for another round?"

He raised his eyebrows, he hadn't expected this, "Ummm, sure."

She sat up and jumped on him unexpectedly, "This time, I'm not holding back."

David's eyes opened in surprise, "Oh my."


Zane walked out of the club, yet another dead end during his search.

He sighed loudly, he had thought finding her would be easy. Guess he was wrong on that one.

The city of New Mane is a large city, with a large population. It would take forever to find just one pony.


Greg made his way to Sweet Apple Acres. He knew Louie was there and he wanted to see what was keeping him away from home.

That brony dog, making pups and leaving home. They grow up to damn fast.

As he walked, he heard a rustling coming from a bush.

He looked at it and saw something sticking out of it.

He walked behind the bush to see two ponies.

One was white with a red and black mane and tail. He was laying on his back with his hoofs behind his head.

Next to him was another stallion who was light grey with a gold and grey mane and tail, both looked like metal, but was clearly hair. He was holding a pair of binoculars and was using them to look at the farm.

Greg cleared his throat, "What are you two doing?"

They both turned around, and the white one spoke up, "Oh nothing. Fearanger here is just spying on Applejack."

The one with the binoculars spun around, "Dude! Not spying, observing."

Greg looked at the pair, finding it strange that they where spying on Applejack. He looked at the white Pegasus, "And you are?"

"Rendan." He responded.

Weird names. Greg thought to himself, "Why are you spying on her?"

Fearanger turned, "Not spy, observe."

Rendan smirked, "He has a crush on her. So he's going on this long quest trying to win her heart."

Fearanger rolled his eyes, "I'll win her heart, you just watch."

Greg smirked, "This I got to see. Mind if I join?"

Rendan moved over a little, "Sure thing man. Should be fun watching him fail."

Fearanger sighed, "I'm not going to fail."

Greg chuckled, "Sure, we'll see."


Princess Luna stood in her room, looking over the plans for her and Frederic's wedding.

She smiled brightly at the thought of them getting married. She couldn't believe that the whole five years he's been here, she never once told him of her feelings.

Only a few more days till the wedding.

All it needs now is the entertainment. She smirked, only two ponies she knew that could deliver a great performance, Vinyl scratch and her new singer Nightwing.