Final Flight

by MonkeyMenace


Final Flight
Chapter 1-Determination

“Come on Fluttershy! Don’t you want me to win the competition? I mean I’ll win anyways being the awesome flyer I am, but it’s nice to train with somepony sometimes you know?” The blue Pegasus announced. She was high in the air, doing flips and spins, her mane following her making a beautiful display of colors. Fluttershy was flying close the ground, watching in amazement as her friend pulled off all her magnificent stunts with perfection.
“Of course Rainbow! I just um, don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Ah I’ll be just fine. Alright, now to test my speed. Don’t blink Fluttershy, you might miss it!” Rainbow smirked and shot into the air. Her tail trailed her giving the image of a rainbow following her. Her eyes began to squint and her tongue half came out the corner of her mouth. She looked determined and was still ascending higher and higher. Rainbow came to a halt. She could see her shy friend, who now looked puny, and saw that she gave her a slight nod as if to say “Go I’m watching.” And with that, Rainbow shot downwards, using her determination face once more. The Mach Cone formed around her hooves as it usually does when she reaches high speeds. Grunts escaped her mouth as the cone had begun to intensify. An explosive ring of colors was made; Rainbow had achieved her goal for this training session. Her tail now was a full rainbow trailing wherever she went. Rainbow did some tricks and flips and landed as the Rainboom faded.
“Wow great job Rainbow Dash! You pulled it off again!” Cheered the yellow mare.
“Heh, not bad If I say so myself!” Boasted Rainbow. “Well I’m pretty beat and should get some rest for the big day tomorrow! Can’t wait, when I win it’s gonna be so awesome! Oh and thanks Fluttershy!”
“No problem Rainbow, it was my pleasure. I know you’re gonna win!”
Rainbow gave a smile and said her goodbyes, then proceeded to fly home. Rainbow thought about the competition. How would she do? Will she crack under pressure? ‘I learned to not crack under pressure, its fine and all I need to do is focus on my technique. That’s all, no need to sweat it I got this in the bag!’ Thought Rainbow. She had finally reached her cloud home. As she landed on the porch, she noticed a letter. Carefully, Rainbow picked it up and opened the letter, it read

‘Dear Rainbow Dash
I really need your help down at the farm, Applebloom has gone missing. We’ve send y’all each one of these here letters. We really need you help Rainbow. Stop by tomorrow as soon as you can and then we’ll start the search.

“Applebloom went missing? And Applejack wants me to help her look for her…What…what about the competition? “Rainbow stood there not knowing what to do. After some time, she went inside, still holding Applejacks letter in her hoof. The look of hatred then overtook her face “Why should I give up winning the Equestrian Grand Prix to help look for somepony!? Besides they’ll be just fine on their own, yeah I’ll just do the race then go over to Sweet Apple Acers!” Then the thought came into her mind. A horrible thought, ‘What if they don’t find her and it’s my fault?’ Rainbow brushed aside that idea as she slowly walked to one of the windows occupying the walls and looked out. Sun was setting, the light casted shadows on all the buildings and trees. Even ponies themselves had a large shadow near them. Rainbow Dash continues to watch as all the ponies began to enter to their homes, probably to rest up for the night. She stepped back and thought about her decision once more. ‘They’ll be fine, I’m sure of it.’ This was the last time she thought about the situation. Rainbow went over to her bed, put the covers in her mouth and yanked them off. She then proceeded to lie down and then once more yanking the covers, but this time over her body. Rainbow was tired from her excessive training this week and shut her eyes in hope of being able to sleep. “They’ll be fine…I’m sure of…it.” Rainbow whispered as she entered a long and warm slumber.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened as the sunlight peered through the open windows; the light had struck her face, giving a warm, gentle feeling. The blue mare got up from her cloud bed and made her way to the kitchen where she prepared herself breakfast. ‘Nothing to major, just a daisy sandwich and some juice will do I guess’ Thought Rainbow as she browsed her fridge. “Here’s the bread, there’s the juice and daisies. Now I just got to put them together then BAM breakfast!” Rainbow had already begun to retrieve the necessary table ware. A cup for her juice, a plate for her sandwich, and a knife to part the meal in half. Rainbow now sat at the table, alone, looking down at the plain meal. ’Hey, It’s not Sugar Cube Corner level but it’s the best I can manage ‘The Pegasus then proceeded to eat the breakfast she prepared, enjoying every second of it. When finished, she put all the dirty ware into the sink, did some wing stretches and shot off towards Cloudsdale.
The cloud city was as busy as ever, Pegasus were all around either doing their work, flying casually, or heading off to register for the Equestrian Grand Prix. Rainbow Dash had quickened her pace so she could sign up and register up faster. She passed many work buildings and shops, many she and her parents visited when she was just a filly. As she arrived at the area where the registration was to be held, Rainbow noticed that she was a bit early. Only two other ponies were beginning their registration procedure, unfortunately she did not recognize either of them. Rainbow Dash had landed a couple of feet away from one of the ponies. The colt had a brown coat and had an even darker shade of brown for his mane. His cutie mark was that of a checkered flag. When she went to stand behind him, he nodded and said “Hello.” Dash exchanged greetings with her own ‘Hello’ and continues to wait for her turn in line. She waited a good fifteen minutes before the brown colt had finished speaking with the instructor, and he flew off.
“Next in line!” The mare shouted. Rainbow walked up” Um hi, I’m Rainbow Dash and I’m here to enter the competition.”
“Is ‘Rainbow Dash’ your full name?” Questioned the mare. Rainbow nodded and continued to answer any questions the registration pony had, and with a final signature Dash had to do the mare looked up
“Well Rainbow Dash you’re all signed up! There will be an announcement broadcasted all throughout Cloudsdale to alert the competitors to gather in the stadium. Don’t be late and good luck out there.” The registration mare gave Dash a kind, warm smile which she returned as well. Rainbow had begun her take off; she might as well just fly around the area. She took in the scenery from high above Cloudsdale, but was still in range to hear the announcement. Dash found a stray cloud and decided to land for a lay down. Her mind drifted off while on that cloud. The thoughts of Sweet Apple Acers took over. Applebloom missing. Her friends searching. Wondering where I am.’ I need to do this; they’ll understand ‘Rainbow thought as she heard a faint voice from down below.
“All competitors for the Equestrian Grand Prix please gather at the Cloudsdale stadium, we shall begin shortly. “The muffled voice had a bit static to it but Dash still understood what it had said as she descended towards Cloudsdale once more leaving behind the stray cloud. ‘This’ll be over in a dash ‘Rainbow smirked