A Change for the Princess

by Apple Bottoms

Chapter 6 - Epilogue

“... and that was how the Yaks usurped the cruel Actolom regime. It was really a matter of reflecting their powerful magic back at them, through a series of glyphs hung between the horns of their herd, and when used in perfect unison -” 


Princess Twilight Sparkle looked up suddenly from where she’d been walking in the garden, a book held aloft with her magic. “Yes? Oh - Appledust! It’s good to see you, how was your vacation back to Sweet Apple Acres?” 

Appledust’s worried expression melted into a smile. “It was lovely, thank you Pr-” 

Princess Twilight Sparkle lifted her brows meaningfully. 

“-Twilight.” Appledust shook out her mane a little shyly. “I thought I heard you talking to someone out here, but - I must have been confused.” 

“After a few centuries, you lose track of when you’re reading silently or aloud. I’m sure I was boring the roses to tears.” Twilight Sparkle chuckled, and Appledust shared her laugh. “Is there something you wanted to ask me?” 

“Oh, pony apples! I mean - yes, Your - Twilight. Lunch will be ready in a few minutes, I was sent to tell you.” 

“Well, thank you very much, Appledust. If it’s possible, might I take my lunch in the garden today? The weather is quite close to perfection, I think.” Twilight Sparkle gazed up at the sky, as clear and cloudless as if Rainbow Dash had cleared it herself. “I dare say the weather team has been doing a fabulous job.” 

“I think that sounds like a lovely idea, Twilight. We’re due for a storm tonight, actually.” 

“A storm! That sounds positively delicious, I haven’t felt one of those in ages.” Twilight Sparkle turned her smile back towards Appledust, and offered her a regal nod. “Thank you for the tip.” 

“Ah - of course, Twilight. I’m happy to be of service.” Her smile was so familiar now, and at first Twilight had only seen Applejack there; now, it was hard to see anyone but Appledust. “I’ll let the kitchen know right away.” 

“Wonderful. Oh, and Appledust?” Twilight Sparkle called, halting the young Apple mare. “How would you feel about taking lunch with me today?” 

“I’d love that!” Appledust grinned, and offered the princess a quick curtsy before she galloped away. 

“She’s really going to have to stop doing that,” grumbled the rose bush, “it’s getting annoying.” 

“Hush, you.” Twilight Sparkle grinned, and waited until Queen Chrysalis removed her rose-patterned disguise. “She has to meet you sometime.” 

“No one asked me.” Chrysalis grumbled, and pretended not to notice when Twilight Sparkle gave her a comforting wing-bump. 

“That’s how making friends works. It rarely happens when you’re prepared. Appledust is a bright mare; I think she’ll take to you well.” Twilight Sparkle soothed Chrysalis gently, and despite everything, she found herself surprised when Chrysalis relaxed in response. She wasn’t certain she would ever get used to that, no matter how many centuries she and Chrysalis were friends. 

“Yeah, well, why don’t you get back to the Octorok -” 


“- Action Man Empire, this mushy stuff is giving me hives.” 

Twilight Sparkle laughed, and resumed as before, walking in slow, steady circles around her garden as she read aloud. She only got a page further before Chrysalis stopped at her side. 

“How are you going to do it, Twilight?” Chrysalis’ voice was small. “She’ll just die on you again, like the others. They all will.” 

Twilight Sparkle paused, slowly closed her book, and let her eyes wander over the garden. “I know.” Twilight Sparkle said, finally. “I know she will pass on. So will many other friends I make. But … friendship goes on, even if life doesn’t. Pinkie Pie isn’t here, but she lives in my memory. She lives in the jokes I share with Appledust, with you. I can still hear her giggling as if it was yesterday. One day, someone else will pass those jokes to another pony. One day, all of this will pass away, and we will all be nothing but a speck of stardust, twinkling in the night sky; but I will have existed, and I will have loved my friends. And I don’t think that ever goes away, not really. It just took me a little while to realize that.” 

Twilight Sparkle was looking up at the sky now, cloudless and blue; Chrysalis followed her gaze, searching. “I think the love we share goes on and on, out into places we’ll never see. It never ends. So even if I won’t ever see my friends in this life - I know we’ll find each other again, some way or another. Because in the greater scheme of things, we’re really only apart for a little while.” Twilight Sparkle breathed out a deep sigh. “I can hold on for a little while longer, until I see them again. I think Celestia knew I would figure it out; it just took me a little longer to learn her lesson this time.” 

Silence stretched between them, but comfortably this time. “And I have you, until then. That’s a comfort I never thought I’d have.” Twilight Sparkle’s gaze was gentle where it rested on Chrysalis. 

“Yeah, I guess you’re pretty lucky to have me, Space Cadet Twi. Now can we get back to the Autobot Empire?” Chrysalis cackled, but Twilight Sparkle noted the way she rubbed at her eyes. 

“We could, Chrysalis, but I thought I’d tell you a much better story instead.” Twilight Sparkle’s grin was wide. “Have you ever heard of the tale of Madame Le Flour?”