A Time Apart

by gentleheart

possible rebellion

"When do you think she'll wake up?" A mare whispered.
"I don't know most unicorns don't survive magical exhaustion this intense." a nervous stallion whispered back.
"Yeah, well most unicorns don't have wings either." another mare responded to the other two.
Twilight Sparkle let out a soft groan that silenced any further conversation around her. Her eyelids felt like lead and her horn hurt.
The crowd of ponies went silent. Twilight pried her eyes open and eyed the small crowd of ponies the rest were milling about uncomfortably in the distant halls of an unused building. Twilight knew that there were thousands of ponies just like these and with how exhausted she was from saving just these few. She wasn't sure if she could save the rest. She wandered if she even had the strength to get even these few out of the kingdom. Before the spell Twilight Sparkle had her friends, her fellow elements, to help see her through. In the here and now though she just had herself and these scared ponies.
Twilight struggled to get up only to be gently pushed back down by the stallion who had spoken earlier. He was a soft yellow much like Fluttershy, but his mane was a dark teal.
"You shouldn't be getting up." The yellow stallion scolded a seriousness in his eyes.
"Oh, buck off Carrot Top. If she wants to get up, she should. She had the power to get us here after all" The mare who had asked about her snapped.
"Saphire Gleam. I am the doctor here. Now shut your muzzle and go get Diamond Dust." The yellow stallion, now dubbed Carrot Top snapped right back.
He then points his hoof at the other mare.
"And you now that we know she's alive like I said. See if you can find some damned blankets. The poor mare is likely freezing and you have been no help what so ever." He snaps out tersely.
Twilight grimaces a bit that has to one of the rudest doctors she has ever met but his methods seem to work as the two mares rush off to get things done within minutes twilight has a thread bare blanket over her and the white mare from earlier being led right to her.
"Glad to see our savior isn't dead yet." Diamond Dust jokes.
"Glad to not be dead and we're not done yet." twilight responds in kind.
"Your right, we've got to get sombra off that throne." Diamond tells.
"What, NO. We have you get all of you out of the crystal kingdom-"
"To where? the desert tundra right outside our door. Sorry to tell you this but there ain't nothing else out there."
"Yes, there is. we just have to get you to the Yaks or even better Equestria where we can contact princesses Celestia and Luna. They won't turn a blind eye to your problems here."
Diamond Dust snorts at Twilight Sparkle even if twilight had saved them. Diamond Dust Didn't believe that others would come do the same. Especially with the winter storms coming in.