//------------------------------// // Prologue ??? // Story: Ark: Equestrian Evolved // by ThePerverted1EyedBrony //------------------------------// It is a nice summer day out in ???, but two friends are not outside, for they, are inside play Ark. “Just let me finish setting up the world Dave. Okay?” Cactus says with an annoyed huff. “I would if I had the game, but I only have it through ??? ??? share, so I can’t play when you are Cactus,” Dave returns with their own huff of annoyance. “Okay, okay.” Cactus puts the laptop down as they turn to look at Dave. “Look, I’d like to just finish ??? and finally have ??? so once I’m done that, let’s just watch some anime, and hangout,” Cactus puts their hand on one of Dave’s shoulder and smiles, “Okay?” “…” Dave gives them a sideways glance, “…only if I pick,” Dave gives a sly grin to Cactus. “…fine…but nothing that’d get me in shit with my family,” Cactus reluctantly says, “Got it?,” Cactus says sternly. “Oh come on Cactus!!! You may not know this but ??? has a new season coming out today and I’d like to watch it,” Dave complains. “Well too bad Dave I will NEVER watch anything like that in my life, and YOU,” Cactus pokes Dave’s chest, “can’t make me.” "Oh really then?" Dave has a sly grin on their face, "how about a little bet then?" "...mmm...okay, what kind of bet did you have in mind?" Cactus gives Dave a skeptical glance. "Simple really," Dave says, "if you manage to beat The BroodMother with your Rex army alone, you pick, if you can't, then I pick and we watch ???, okay?" Dave grins deviously. "... ... ...alright, fine, but...okay, done, just hit start and I can get The BroodMother okay," Cactus cuts themselves off before hitting the start button on the screen. After hitting the start button the lights start violently flickering as the room shakes. "AAAAAHHHH TORNADO!!!!" Cactus screams as they run into the storm cellar to hide. Dave remains stoic on the couch as the lights continue to flicker, the TV flickering on and off at the same intensity as the lights. Eventually the lights start slowly retuning to normal, but the TV remains off for some unknown reason. “You can come out now Cactus,” Dave says to Cactus in the storm cellar, “but the TV’s out though,” “Seriously!?” Cactus rushes out of the storm cellar and starts looking over the TV and it’s cables. “Well thankfully they’re…” Cactus starts saying before the TV starts turning on, showing a green dot. “Hm…what do you think that green dot is Dave?” Cactus asks Dave. Suddenly the green dot starts to grow as wind starts stirring around both Cactus and Dave. "Um...Dave?" Cactus looks at Dave concerned and slightly scared as they start backing away. "Well...either we're about to have some fictional character appear, or..." Cactus starts saying before the green dot now grows and becomes a swirling vortex in the TV. "YOU WERE GONNA SAY GET ISIKAIED WEREN'T YOU!?" Dave yells over to Cactus over the sounds of the wind as the green vortex tries to swallow up the both of them. "SO WHAT IF I WAS DAVE! SO SUE ME!" Cactus replies as they hold onto the metal support structure that is behind the couch. "I WOULD IF I WASN'T ABOUT TO POSSIBLY DIE!? AND SINCE IT'S JUST US WE NEED TO FIND OUR OWN WAY OUT. OKAY DAVE?" Cactus yells back to Dave as they hang onto the doorframe. As Cactus looks around for a way to stop this they notice the power cable connecting to both the laptop and TV, "I HAVE AN IDEA DAVE!" Cactus yells to Dave. 'I'M DOWN FOR ANYTHING THAT DOESN'T GET US KILLED CACTUS!" Dave yells back at Cactus. "OKAY, FIRST WE NEED TO GET CLOSE TO THE TV! YOU GO FIRST DAVE" Cactus yells to Dave. "LIKE HELL ASSHOLE!!!" Dave replies holding onto the door frame. "I'M RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE TV, YOU HAVE HIGHER ODDS OF SURVING BECAUSE YOU'RE CLOSER TO THE WALL!!!” Cactus returns to Dave. "OKAY! BUT IF I DIE I'M HAUNTING YOU! GOT IT!" Dave concedes. 'ON THREE. ONE! TWO! THREE!" Cactus yells to Dave as Dave lets go of the door frame. As Dave falls towards the TV they turn themselves and spread their legs as to hopefully land on the TV width wise, which they successfully do. "I'M ON THE TV! I'M GONNA PULL THE PLUG NOW ??? OKAY! SO BE READY TO LAND ON THE COUCH!" Dave yells back at Cactus from the TV. "JUST DO IT YOU DUMB ASS!!! I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN HANG ON ANY LONGER!!!" Cactus yells back at Dave. After hearing Cactus' answer Dave carefully walks along the edge of the TV to try and not get sucked in but reach for the power cable safely. Dave reaches for the cable and manages to grab it as Cactus finally loses their grip and starts getting sucked in. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" ??? yells as they get closer to the vortex. Dave manages to quickly unplug the TV after hearing Cactus' scream. As they do, Cactus hits the screen of the TV as Dave falls onto their side as the wind suddenly stops after the unplugging. "Did you have to wait to unplug it Dave?" Cactus asks as they get up off the ground. "No...it just happened that way, and you're not the only one who got hurt just now...ow," Dave replies as the rub their left arm after getting up. "Okay, okay...fine...but should we get something to eat now," Cactus asks just as their stomach growls. "Ya, we should, cause we..."Dave replies just as the green vortex opens again and immediately sucks the two of them into the TV.