//------------------------------// // Prologue: Scientia the Sorceress // Story: Of Magic and Clockwork // by Midnight_Tempest //------------------------------// Prologue: Scientia the Sorceress (pronounced SKI-en-tee-ahh) Deep in the libraries of House Scientia, a young colt removes a large and very old book from the shelves, his horn glowing a dull emerald colour as he moves to book over to the nearest desk. The book was covered in cobwebs and dust from decades of neglect, and it was locked with one of the families old clockwork locks. But that wouldn't deter him, he knew a great deal about those locks as they were designed by the mare he wanted to learn more about. Scientia the Sorceress, though commonly referred to by the rest of the magic community as Scientia the Mad or Scientia the Witch. The colt only wished to know the truth behind these slanderous titles, and this book was going to show him just that. With a couple of picks, that he took from his brothers clockwork set, the colt easily managed to open the lock on the book and open it. He felt a rush of energy escape the book and flood over him, as if thanking him or greeting him in a way. His emerald eyes quickly began to look though the pages of the book, it was a documentation of every great wizard and sorceress within his House. He was getting vexed however, as the House members seemed to be in no particular order and there was quite a time difference between many of the documents. It took him a few hours of reading to finally find the pages he was longing to find, the sorceress Scientia. It was starting to get dark when he began reading, so he lit some candles to aid him. If it wasn't for the candles, he would be almost impossible to find in the dark. His coat was of such a dark blue colour that many believed it was black, but as he grew older his coat gradually brightened but mostly around his hooves which were only slightly more blue than the rest of his body. His mane feel before his eyes, but he almost didn't notice the cyan colour until he started to get a headache. He brushed his mane aside with his hoof and continued to read, ignoring all stimuli around him including his own hunger. The article he read began with the birth of Scientia: Scientia was born to two noble members of the Unicorn tribe and the Pegasus tribe. Her mother was a Unicorn of middle standing but was still very well respected, and her father was a member of the Pegasus General's Elite Guard. Little was known of how the two met as they both passed away when Scientia was still quite young, but we do know they were both very talented and those talents seemed to have been passed to their daughter. Scientia had a grasp of magic that few had at her age and it helped her well without her parents around to guide her, she was also unimaginably intelligent for a filly. By the time she had gained her cutie mark, Scientia was already a prominent figure in the magic community. Though that didn't help in some cases as her age seemed to be keep several of the more influential wizards at bay. This was especially troublesome as the materials she used for her magic and later experiments could only be acquired through these wizards, that is until she gained her own ties to those wizards merchants. Now Scientia was also a very impulsive 'sorceress', this term is used loosely as she is still too young at this point in her life to be called a true sorceress, that she was often placed on probation by the newly formed Magic Guild for the combination of magic and science. Science was a fledgling theory that was highly frowned upon by all wizards and sorceresses alike for being impractical and far too dangerous. But in the eyes of the young Scientia, science opened up so many new horizons that could never be reached with magic alone. So it was from this point on that Scientia left the Magic Guild and began her own experiments, utilizing both magic and the new theories that came from science and technology, and which would eventually bring about her own downfall. The colt soon fell asleep afterwards, face down in the book, with a large smile on his face. His dreams filled with wild fancy and ideas of his ancestors adventures, as well as her experiments. Little did he realize that he was going to be to one to fulfill her final wish and experiment.