
by BlueDraken

Rainy Pancakes

The Rain pattered off of the large tarp set over his stall in a slow steady trickle as a few ponies in raincoats made their way across muddy paths. The biting wind knocked against his stand, but the warmth of a cup of coffee kept Flapjack nice and toasty. He did wonder what those Pegasi were thinking making such a dreary day.

As he stood there fiddling with a small jar of strawberry jam he wondered if he could fit it somewhere in the packed basket of jams.

"One hot coco if you please" A voice chirped interrupting his train of thought.

Flapjack's body went on autopilot as he set the jam jar under the stall and took the milk out from underneath the stall with one hoof while he searched around for his coco pan with his other. Finding both he sets the milk to boil as he fishes the coco powder out and sets it to the side. Having done this his eyes lock on to his customer with a polite grin resting below them.

A goofy smile was returned to him, as the pink hooded mare started to prance in place and jostled what seemed to be a collection of colorful umbrellas on her back.

"What are you up to Pinkie?" Flapjack asked bemusedly his smile coming a little more naturally.

"Working on defeating the rain!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly

He raised an eyebrow and looked at the collection more closely, the whole pile of umbrellas looked like they would fall off the mare at the slightest poke. Flapjack tested this by gently prodding a purple one that looked like it was about to fall on his stall back into place. The rest of them shifted and bucked on Pinkie's back but they miraculously held.

"And how does a rainbow of umbrellas help you with that?" he asked rather confused.

"I'm glad you asked, I wanted to explain my plan to somepony but Dashie was busy and I realllllly need to get this done" She answered.

She then pulled a large and in depth map of Ponyville out of her hair, and splayed it across what little counter space he had. Coincidently knocking over his little basket of jams he had on the counter. They clattered against one another before tumbling onto the muddy soil each with a thunk. The basket then landed gently on top of the pile of broken jars.

Flapjack looked down at the muddy slush of broken glass and splattered jam, his face decidedly neutral. He then turned his attention back to the pink pony.

He sighed.

Pinkie grin shrank "Sorry." she said

She reached down to start cleaning the mess up, but he waved her off.

"It's ok. They weren't that big of a deal as I can always get more of them from my brother, so about your plan" He gestured to the map of Ponyville.

The pink mare stood there a look of concentration dawning on her face as she tried to think of a way to make it up to him. She shook her head as she focused on the map.

"You see these X Marks?" she gestured with a hoof to a series of red X marks, "these are some of my Emergency 'You Need to Get Out of the Mean Rain' spots and I need to go restock them." Her voice growing pitched as she picked up steam,

"BUTTTTT I also need to restock my Emergency ' The Sun is Being a Meany Pants and Won't Stop Irking our Eyes' supply of umbrellas and I wanted a jolt of coco to get me on my way" Pinkie finishes her explanation by sweeping the map back into her mane and giving him a full grin.

Flapjack set down a cup of hot coco in front of her and spools a bit of whip cream out of a can onto the top of the coco finishing it off with a thick sprinkling of chocolate flakes. His hoof streaks out and tries to hit the bell only to knock into the firm wood of his stall. He looks at spot only to see no bell. He scans up and down the counter, but no bell.

"Ding" His bell chirps out

Flapjack stares at the silver bell that rested in Pinkie's hoof as she pressed it again "Ding." His gaze traces up to the mare's eyes as she stares at him before pressing the bell one last time "Ding" and then she gently sets it down on the counter. There it sat not a speck of dirt on it.

"Thank you" He says before his own yellow hoof reached out and tapped the bell.

"Ding" Pinkie chirped happily.

"Order's Up" Flapjack Proclaimed. "That will be two bits ma'am"

The pink mare nods happily as she deposits nine bits on the counter she then takes her hot coco and trundles to one of the tarp covered benches. Flapjack calls out to her before she gets to far.

"Pinkie you payed too much" he says annoyed.

"Nuh uh! I payed just the right amount" she countered maturely.

"Look Pinkie I don't want to bother you right before you leave, but you payed me way too much for a...." Flapjack trailed off his eyes going wide.

For there sitting in her once unoccupied hoof was a plate holding a triple decker delight supreme. The layers in between the pancakes all but oozed chocolate sauce, and the pancakes themselves were chunked with pieces of chocolate, with a touch of vanilla extract interweaved into the batter, and topped off with a heavy dose of whipped cream crowned with a delicate circle of strawberries. It was one of his most heartfelt intensive creations, and as if to mock him he could see his silverware sitting neatly next to pancake.

"Wha- How When did I ?!" he said asked/yelled.

"When I ordered it silly" Pinkie looked at him in concern. "You alright there Jackie?" she says as she tilts her head.

Flapjack's mind had a mental shutdown as little versions of him in his head scrambled around to find an answer. Sparks and flames surround them on the deck and all hope seemed to be lost. Brother held brother as they awaited the end, but then one brave Flapjack screamed out their salvation. "IT"S PINKIE PIE SHE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE" he cried. Suddenly the fires and malfunctioning mind righted itself, and a sigh of relief was had.

Outside of his mind Pinkie waved one hoof in front of his face getting no reaction. She shrugged and walked off into the light drizzle to enjoy her second breakfast.