Twin Suns

by Feynna

Chapter 021 - Never ever have sex while drunk. Or drink while having sex.

I’m not proud to say what I said that day. I’m not even going to go into the specifics, I really didn’t hold anything back. Sure, they kinda really deserved it and I might have been justified in saying every single word while meaning it, it was still extremely childish of me. Not to mention, that type of language was extremely disgusting and should be henceforth forgotten so it can never again sully my mind with its foulness.

Suffice it to say, I don’t think they will ever come back to Remnant even if Ozpin begged them to.

Sadly, not everything was all nice and happy. While I was quite satisfied with how my ‘talking sense’ into the Brother Gods went, thankfully without it getting violent (mainly because Luna held me back...), there was still the matter with the infested Academy that wouldn’t so easily resolve itself.

Ozpin was incredibly weakened and could barely stand as Luna and I dragged him out of the vault, coming face to face with thousands of Grimm while the last few students were being evacuated by Beacon's staff. That left us with the dragon in the process of making the top of the Beacon Tower its new nest.

Suffice to say, I didn’t hold a candle to Ruby in this world. She merely glanced at the thing and it turned to stone. Remnant is going to be in good hands with her and Pyrrha, I could tell.

Then, there was Yang.

I wish I could have done something for her, but even I couldn’t regrow a limb. Remnant had far better technology for prosthetics, so I at least took comfort in that. She wouldn’t have to live the rest of her life with only one arm.

If they ever find the disgusting slimeball that did that to her, I’m not going to show him any mercy for hurting her like that. I’m going to stuff him into Tartarus and that was as far as my kindness would go.

Ruby, Tai, Luna, Cadance, and I went back to Patch after everything was over and done with. Thankfully, we did not have to take a flying deathtrap to do so as Luna surprised us by opening a portal to the island. It wasn’t that far away from where Cadance and I first entered this world, appearing in a clearing near a rocky outcropping with a strangely flat surface. Anyone not aware of other dimensions wouldn’t actually see a flat rock, but just another side of the uneven formation’s regular appearance.

At least no one would stumble upon it by pure chance or we would have had to relocate the portal to a better location. If we want to let it stay open permanently, that is. It would be for the best if only those I considered family knew of its location and I made Ruby swear on her newfound status as a higher being to keep it a secret from everypony but her team (and Pyrrha, the poor girl was still reeling from her near-death experience).

Ruby’s duty was only beginning and I made it very clear to her that she had certain responsibilities now, among those the task of keeping not only her reality safe but also the existence of others (by not telling each and every individual she comes across that there are ponies living in her backyard).

We stayed a few days longer making sure everything was in order (primarily teaching them how to control their newfound strength so they wouldn't accidentally break a pony's bones by giving them a hug) before we had to go back to Equestria. I told them they were always welcome to visit us and gave Ruby the offer of finishing her combat studies with me if she wanted (and Cadance, she isn't going to get out of them now that we have a way back home).

Learning how to be a huntress would be a lot more difficult, now that Beacon was in ruins and would more or less need to be rebuilt completely from scratch. I kinda felt bad about not helping out with that, but Ozpin told me that with the Fall Maiden's powers gone, he could concentrate on keeping the other academies safe (whatever that meant).

Of course, Ruby wanted to continue training with me like she wanted to do nothing more than that, but she also wouldn’t leave her teammates behind (not that I wasn't tempted to keep her and Yang around, but I doubt Weiss and Blake were ready to deal with another world on top of everything that happened to them recently). Besides, my little petal basically had everything she would need from me, so it wasn’t like I was too disappointed. Maybe in a few years when Remnant was a lot calmer (and more importantly, safer), would she be able to stay for as long as she wanted, but until then, I wouldn’t want her to stay away from her duties for too long.

I had one last call with Ozpin before leaving, telling him that I would bring over a device that would be able to open a hole for him to dump Salem into. I was pretty sure Luna would be able to figure out something to make it compact enough to easily transport it. I also told him that if he needed me, he only has to ask Ruby and she would point him in my direction.

The trip back to Equestria left me a bit disoriented at first, not only because I was finally back in my quadruped body, but also because all of my senses were practically bombarded for a moment or two by the magic-rich environment of my home, Equestria. The Realm of Ascension in Remnant felt practically dry in comparison to simply breathing in the air of my castle.

As soon as I went through to the other side, I had an overly affectionate bug hanging from me, buzzing up a storm. I smiled, returning Liz’s hug, breathing in her quite unique scent for a few moments.

“Did you wait here the whole time?” Luna asked her with a raised eyebrow, helping Cadance to her hooves as she stumbled through the mirror next.

“Maybe?” Chrysalis mumbled, hugging me a bit tighter as if afraid I would vanish again. “Missed my flower...”

“And I missed you, too,” I giggled, nuzzling her. Liz sighed happily, leaning into the touch while Cadance giggled next to us. “Now... I’m in dire need of alcohol to make me forget everything that just happened on the other side. 'Mostly' everything, I mean. There were some good things that came out of this, I suppose.”

“Mom! Don’t you dare become like Uncle Qrow!” Cadance’s voice spoke up but I didn’t see her mouth move. Slowly, I turned my head and saw presumably Ruby standing next to the mirror. She did sort of look like Cadance, but... not exactly.

For one thing, she still had her silver eyes. The other thing was her horn, it looked far longer and sharper (or rather, more pointy) than the one Cadance had. Not unlike my own, I mused. Her mane, of course, was a lot shorter, and in comparison to Cadance, her muscles were a bit less subtle in showing through her fur. And, of course, she had a different Cutie Mark than my Rose Petal. The depiction of the rosebud warmed my heart immensely. A rose that never wilts, truly...

“Ruby,” I sighed, ignoring Liz’s questioning gaze for the moment. “Why did you go and jump through the mirror after us? Without telling anyone? Your father is going to be worried sick, dear.”

“I told Yang,” she shrugged. “By the way, you’re really pretty."—then she took a closer look at herself—" I’m really pretty. We all are! Eee! Cadance! I'm a pretty pony!”

I suppose it was only a matter of time before she would have had her little moment, I mused to myself with a smile, watching her giggle-tackle Cadance into a hug, hopping around like she had been a pony for all of her life. My daughter was only mildly exasperated, taking to the 'dance' with a blush and a smile.

“Should I ask?” Liz questioned me and I groaned. “Because I can feel the love Cadance feels for this young mare and it isn’t the ‘best friends’ kind of love.”

“She takes after me far too much and let’s leave it at that,” I answered, content to stay in her embrace for a little while longer while watching my daughters roll around on the floor, giggling like lunatics. “So... Liz? Did you know there was this one law about incest?”

“Whatever are you talking about, Sunflower?” Liz grinned innocently back at me and I shot her a miffed look.

“Don’t make me pull on your ear again,” I threatened her and she wilted slightly. “Because you know I will.”

“Aww, come on, Summer,” she whined, throwing me a look with her patented ‘adorable changeling puppy eyes of innocence’. They weren’t able to fool anypony... but they definitely were making me feel like I was about to kick an innocent pup. “You know my opinion on this and you are being unreasonable about it.”

“Liz...” I sighed, but she cut me off as she intensified her gaze.

“No, you listen to me for once, Missy!” Liz said, poking me in the chest with her hole-ridden hoof. “You’re being stupid and you know it. Changelings have had sex with their siblings since I showed them how to have sex, get over it.”

Of course, she did, I thought with an eye roll. “Liz.”

“Nuh-uh,” she placed her hoof over my lips and I felt my eyelid twitch in annoyed exasperation. “Luna and I talked while you were gone and she found that law in Cadance’s room, she agreed with me that you are being a dumb pony about it.”


“And if you continue to be like that, I will go to the newspaper agencies and tell them all about how you fuck your sister and worship her dick,” she continued on as I felt my face heating up, noticing the giggling sounds of my daughters stop all of a sudden. I swear to all that is holy about my sun... “And believe me, I will tell them everything. Every raunchy detail of you subbing to her big, fat cock while she punishes you with her riding crop.”

“Liz, could you...” I began, using my magic to move her hoof away from my lips (oh, how I have missed being able to use it with only a thought), but instead of letting me finish, she smothered me with her lips. I let out a surprised moan, momentarily forgetting the fact my daughters were most definitely watching me right now with grins on their muzzles. Stupid Liz...

“And once everypony and their pets know what a dirty little princess you are,” Liz whispered hotly into my ear, nipping it with a fang. A small whimper escaped me as I squirmed uselessly around in her arms. “I’ll rut you so hard on your throne in full view of everypony in the castle, you won’t be able to care anymore.”

“L-Liz...” I moaned, unable to struggle against her as I felt her tongue move to my ear with entirely too lewd sounds. My resistance melted away completely after that. “D-damn you...”

“You love Luna and me, Sunflower,” she chuckled, nuzzling me with a delighted grin. “Why hide it behind so many walls? Because our ponies could find out? Because everypony would know you loved your own sister in that way? Let me tell you one thing...”

“...what?” I whispered, whimpering up at her as she had me trapped underneath her in one swift motion. My wings were splayed out to their impressive full wingspan as I squirmed around on my back. My nethers were throbbing to my heartbeat as my body's desire betrayed me, making me wet despite my precarious situation where my daughters could see me reduced to this pile of shame and need. Oh, how I hated being put on the spot like this. I hated how it made me feel, and I hated Liz even more for it.

Chrysalis snorted. “Well, first of all, you’re an idiot,” she said and rolled her eyes, making it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I heard Cadance giggle and I gave my wife a pouty glare, trying to worm my way out from underneath her. It was (like always) a useless endeavor on my part, much to my displeasure. “You’re an idiot for thinking that our ponies would care. I get it, you fear some sort of incestuous apocalypse ruining our nation because you gave in to your selfishness for once, but you give our ponies far too little credit, Summer.”

“It’s not an unfounded fear, damnit,” I shot back, fidgeting with my hindlegs as all I wanted was to get this damn sexual frustration out of my system. Why did she have to do this to me now? She could totally smell my pent-up horniness from the past few months. Damn sexy succubus bug.

“Do you see our ponies throw a fuss because changelings fuck anypony and everything?” Chrysalis asked, smiling teasingly as my eyes begged her to fuck me like that right now. Why is it that she always smells so good..? “They don’t. Heck, they enjoy doing it with changelings just as much, and I should know. You have no idea how many have a thing for fucking a look-alike of themselves, seriously.”

“L-Liz... please...” I whimpered, biting my lip. She gave me a self-satisfied smirk as she made me beg for it. I was quickly being reduced to a whimpering pile of need by her and her taking her time with it only made it worse. That sweet ambrosial smell of hers... it was like the most heavenly scent my nostrils ever picked up on. “A-at least... at l-least let us go to our room before you do this to me... p-please...”

My wife grinned lecherously down at me. “And why would I want that?” she asked before licking her lips seductively. “Is it because of Cadance and her lover?”

“Please, Liz. This... this isn’t something they should even see,” I begged with her, trying to calm down my aching nethers to the best of my ability, my breaths coming out in short puffs of air. Damn her and her stupid changeling morals. The little minx, this... this damn succubus... damn her and her intoxicating fragrance. She always gets her way and I hated her so very much for that. “Cadance is my daughter, she shouldn’t see her mother l-like this.”

“Adopted daughter,” Liz corrected me, trailing a hoof along my muzzle as I gave her a fierce glare for even saying it like that. “Don’t give me that look, now. You know it is true. Her past life ended, dear. It’s nothing but a memory in a book. You could use a forbidden spell and change that, but I know you would never do that. Even I wouldn’t dare use such a foul spell and I am an expert in dark magic.”

“Only because it doesn’t corrupt you,” I muttered darkly.

“Oh it does,” Liz said while her eyes glowed ominously. “And you know that as well as I do. But I can just spit it out of my body like a disease. You know how sick I get from too much hate being in my stomach.”

“Then why do you even use dark magic,” I sighed, knowing the answer to that, as well. She just had a higher affinity for that type of magic. It was almost like what Cadance could do with positive emotions, only with negative ones. That also allowed her to ‘convert’ the corruptive effects of dark magic into negative emotions, and, as she had so eloquently put it, spit them back out in a gel-like liquid. Nasty stuff, really.

“Do I even need to answer that?” Chrysalis shot back and I shook my head, grumbling to myself even as I felt her breath tickle the inside of my ear. My wings desperately wanted to spread out further as she let out a lewd, teasing moan, trying to coax out a reaction from me. Not that she had to try very hard. “Despite what you might think about this, Cadance grew up with changelings in the castle. It gave her a certain... perspective on love. Why would she, the Princess of Love, care about who loves whom? She doesn’t care that you love your own sister, and judging by her feelings for her alternate self, it never even crossed her mind that what she was feeling was akin to incest.”

“But Ruby...” I tried to speak up, only to get silenced by her tongue slipping into my mouth, wrestling mine into submission even as I tried to fight back against her advances. It was useless, though. Nothing I did was even remotely useful.

“Are you going to take away their only chance at true love?” Liz asked me, a challenging look in her eyes. “Because you know as well as I do that creating the circumstances for ascension takes far too much luck to make any plan feasible.”

I wanted to argue that I had successfully made such a plan, but that would also inform Ruby that I manipulated the events in her favor. I might have never intended for the things that happened at the Vytal Festival and Beacon to happen, but that didn’t mean I hadn’t at least played a part in them. There had been remarkably few casualties, but those that had lost their lives would forever weigh heavily on my mind.

But... she was also right, in a way. I won’t come across another situation so easily where I could make sure somepony had a challenge worthy enough for their Trial and provide a power source large enough for it to happen at the same time. The power source wouldn’t actually be the problem. It never was. The circumstances of having somepony with the correct mindset and skill set being in the right place at the right time were hard to come by. So many variables played a part in the process of ascension, it was no wonder it took such a long time for somepony to come across the necessary circumstances.

“You know both of them will live a long life indeed, to force them apart would be to doom them both,” Liz commented and I gave her a tiny nod, very much aware of that. It wasn’t like I planned to do that to them, in the first place, so she didn’t need to remind me of that. Quietly in the background, I heard Cadance hush Ruby so that she could focus on the words between my wife and me. “So... why not make that little law public? Go out and tell our ponies that they can have these types of relationships? If not for us, do it for them.”

“Liz,” I began, about to tell her that I wanted to do just that because I realized it would give my daughters the happiness they deserved, but my wife silenced me again. I hummed through the kiss and bemoaned the fact that these constant interruptions were keeping me from stopping this nonsense because it was, quite frankly, unnecessary.

Liz just couldn’t help herself, could she? It was like a game of ‘Make Summer go horny’ for her. Ugh, it was driving me insane. I just wanted her to stop playing with me and bury her damn muzzle in my flower and drink deeply from my nectar like the bug that she was, breathing in her heavenly scent until I was barely able to hang on to my consciousness. It took all of my willpower to not immediately succumb to that blissful fantasy. But... to be honest? It was a losing battle at the rate this was going.

“Ruby,” Cadance whined, probably because her field of view was impaired by her counterpart trying to make her look away from this lewd scene, my needy sex right in their sight even though I tried to hide it to the best of my ability with my stubborn tail. It was obviously not working, much to my displeasure. “Come on, I want to know what Mom says. If she actually keeps that law around and they make it public, don’t you realize what that means?”

“What? Cady, stop looking at them like a pervert!” Ruby shot back, sounding as embarrassed as I was currently feeling by having Liz molest me while they were in the same room as us. Not that my wife gave a single flying penguin that I was pretty much entirely exposed to due to her actions.

“Oh, should I look at you like that, then?” Cadance giggled back, shutting up any reply Ruby had for her by doing something that made her squeak quite loudly. “If they go through with this, we could marry! I mean, not now... but once things calm down on Remnant and we’re older. We’re kinda still a bit too young to even think about this, but... we could in a few years.”

“Marry?” Ruby squeaked and I had to admit... seeing my daughters marry at some point... I couldn’t wait for the day to come. To see my little petals in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle...

“See?” Chrysalis whispered with a gentle smile. “This is for the good of Equestria, for our daughter.”

“Liz, I’m trying to tell you to shut the fuck up so you can hear my opinion on this for the past several minutes and you keep interrupting me,” I muttered, giving her an exasperated glare. “I get it, okay? You don’t have to convince me to not abolish that law, but I will be making changes to it to make sure nothing truly bad can happen to anypony involved. Are we done with this now? Can we please, for the love of my sun, fuck each other’s brains out? Preferably not anywhere near my daughters?”

“They are free to leave,” Liz shrugged with a lecherous grin. “I’m not forcing them to stay here and watch, after all.”

“Liz...” I warned her, an angry snort leaving me.

“Oh stop being such a prude prissy idiot and learn to let loose,” Liz shot back, pushing me back down with a hoof as I began to struggle weakly against her again. I was about to say something in response to that, feeling a flicker of rage well up within me as she called me a prude of all things (I take offense to that, I know how to have fun, damnit), but I found myself unable to say anything. Quite literally, at that.

Liz had just glued my mouth shut with her changeling gel.

“M-mhh!” I glared at her, pointing with a hoof at her and then my mouth, demanding she remove it from me at once.

My wife grinned evilly. “You talk too much, Sunflower,” she said, a mocking tone in her voice. I am only mildly ashamed to say that it made me feel butterflies in my stomach. “The only thing I want to hear from you are your delightfully loud moans as I abuse your pussy to my heart’s content.”

I blinked, my face quickly turning a deeper shade of red. D-damn her, I swear to my sun... I’mma throw her into that volcano after all! I let out a surprised moan as I felt something touch my nethers, trying not to screw my eyes shut from pleasure so that I could see what she was doing to me, but my struggles were quickly beginning to falter. I tried to look for Luna in order to plead with her to put a stop to this before it escalated too far, but she was nowhere to be found.

And my daughter had a friggin’ nosebleed.

I glared at her, knowing my eyes had just turned into the golden ponification of rage, but for some reason, it left her unaffected. Ruby’s pale pink muzzle was frozen in a horrified fascination as she watched Liz do things to me with a deep, scarlet blush. Things that left me a whimpering, moaning mess.

A brief flash of green fire later, I came face to face with Liz in the form of Fallen Star, her erection standing proudly at attention as she circled around me with a hungry gaze in her eyes. My heart quivered in my chest, feeling like it just skipped a beat or two... or five. Six. Seven. Possibly all of 'em.

I'm gonna die...

“You want it, don’t you?” she asked me and I shuddered at her voice. I knew why she did this. I hated her for doing this. I really did. Damn her and her tendency to cheat! She knew perfectly well I had a weakness for the raunchy quality of my other half’s voice. Fucking flying penguins, I hate you, Liz. I really, really hate you, you damn lovable bug.

“No, you don’t,” she grinned back, well aware of what was currently going through my hazy mind. “You’re my dirty little sub, aren’t you? You want to have me ravish you. All it takes for that is for you to let go. Stop resisting my words, stop caring that Cadance is right there. Admit that your family consists of nothing but dirty perverts, Summer. Do that and I will make you feel so impossibly good that you will beg me to do it right in front of our subjects on your throne.”

I shook my head, trying to deny her demands, but my eyes kept trailing back to the tantalizing tip of her penis, swinging around back and forth hypnotizingly underneath her barrel. It just looked so... so damn juicy! And the scent! By my sun, the scent was driving me into a lustful craze. I wanted her to make love to me so badly, to feel her in me like I hadn’t in such a long time. I wanted her to make me forget about my unfaithful thoughts back on Remnant. I wanted her to claim me, breed me, fuck me into unconsciousness...

“Cuddlebug?” Luna asked, coming back from wherever it was she went to (probably the ‘wine’ cellar, judging by the bottle floating next to her). Damn you, sister, for leaving me to this succubus of a changeling. All of this could have been avoided had you not just left me here with her. “Are you... in front of Cadance? Really..?”

Liz let out a huff. “Oh, shut the fuck up,” she muttered, pouting at my sister grumpily. “Don’t you start with this, too! Sometimes I wish you both were changelings, instead. Then you wouldn’t give a single fuck about this.”

“Liz, how close are you to laying your eggs?” Luna asked, raising her eyebrow at her. My sister held me back as I distractedly found myself trying to align my snatch with Liz’s dick, the only thing on my mind being the need to get rutted into oblivion.

“Maybe... possibly... in a day or two?” Liz chuckled sheepishly, the sound of Fallen Star’s voice making me whimper in need. Just let me at that divine rod, sister... I beg you. I needed it so much.

“You know your pheromones are driving her crazy, right?” Luna shot back. “And judging by how glazed her eyes are, you did quite the number on her this time. How long have you been trying to talk her into having sex with you while Cadance was right there?”

“A bit...” Liz admitted, shuffling awkwardly on her hooves, looking like a sad puppy that just got told no.

“I leave for fifteen minutes getting her some alcohol to unwind and this is what happens,” Luna groaned, rubbing her eyes tiredly. “Cadance, go to your room and take your counterpart with you. I’ll talk with you about this tomorrow.”

“But Mother!” Cadance whined, shutting up quickly at the glare Luna sent her way. “Fine...”

Luna gave her a stern look. “We will talk about proper decorum for a princess of your station,” she told her, not amused. “And you're going to write me an essay about why you shouldn’t listen to Chrysalis about matters concerning sex.”

“Oh, come on!” Liz grumbled, insulted. “You can’t shackle the girl so much. She is the literal incarnation of Love! It’s her privilege to be as perverted as she could possibly be.”

My sister rubbed her temples in aggravation. “Dear, you’re a changeling,” she said, holding me back from going after Liz’s dick again with an exasperated sigh. “That opinion might be true for you but not for her.”

“You’re a meanie,” Liz pouted.

“Cadance is still too young to be corrupted by your blatant disregard for what is proper and what is not concerning love,” Luna argued. “Now, please get back to our room and take Summer with you. Preferably without being seen like... that. I have a few things I need to look into and after seeing all of this, I’m not in the mood to get drunk anymore.”

“Fine,” Liz muttered. “Come on, Sunflower. You heard her," she said as she gave me a nudge before grimacing at my befuddled state. "Yeah, okay... she is probably right. You're really that desperate to get cock, huh? Did you abstain from masturbating, or what?”

The only answer she got from me was a whine and she sighed. Her changeling fire burned away her Fallen Star disguise and I followed dutifully after her, avoiding every guard patrol through the hallways of our castle. My wife smiled awkwardly as she saw me practically clinging to her as we made haste to our chambers. I was eager to see us return to our previous activities. Hopefully, this time without any teasing involved.

I was in desperate need of relief and constantly smelling her arousal was turning me on even more. My need to have her satisfy me almost got us caught several times as I tried to get her to fuck me right there in the hallways. While I could tell that Liz wanted to grant me that wish, I knew she would rather not risk Luna getting mad at her, and that left me as a frustrated mess by the time we finally got to our room.

Once the doors were closed behind us, I was already rubbing myself against her with my rear, trying to find the dick that wasn’t there anymore so that I could stuff it as deep into me as I possibly could. Chrysalis chuckled at my futile attempts, smiling as I whined at her.

“My, you really are out of your mind right now,” Liz giggled, taking off the golden chest piece around my neck and discarding it to the side with a dull thud. My shoes were haphazardly thrown after it, teasing me all the while with her wandering hooves.

I gave her a demanding growl, unable to beg her any other way, and saw her smirk back at me with that damn self-satisfied look in her eyes.

“Aww, you’re cute,” she cooed, giggling madly. “My little slut can’t wait, can she? Whatever shall I do?”

“Mhh!” I grumbled, bumping her with my rear, feeling frustrated beyond measure. My body told me that I needed to find her dick asap while my mind uselessly told me that it wasn’t actually there and I won’t find it anytime soon unless Chrysalis stopped being such a jerk to me.

“Perhaps I will leave her begging for the rest of the day?” she mused and my heart gave a fearful beat at that. “Teach her not to defy the wishes of her Mistress?”

“M-mhh, mhh...” I mumbled, giving her my best sad-eyed look.

“Poor Sunflower,” Liz swooned, patting my cheek mockingly. “So frustrated! I’m such a terrible, terrible tease, hm?”

I nodded with a growl, rubbing myself against her insistingly.

“Such a pity,” she sighed, feigning sadness. “I don’t think I’m in the mood for sex anymore. After all, I’ve been denied for so long...”

I swear if she continues with this, the volcano will look like a five-star hotel in comparison to the place I’ll stuff her into!

“But I suppose I might yet be persuaded to change my mind,” she admitted with a fake look of being merciful. I could see the evil glint in her eyes, though. “If only there was somepony willing to entertain my pervertedness? To show the rest of the world who they belong to? To satisfy my little exhibitionistic dreams?”

I moaned. Fucking hell, I-I...

Chrysalis pushed me onto the bed before her face came close to mine. There was a certain pettiness on her muzzle. “It's such a shame that Luna forbade me from doing that, right?” she asked me and I swallowed thickly. “Don’t you agree, Sunflower?”

I didn’t want to do it, but if it got her back into the mood... I would do anything just so I could finally receive the sweet touch of her tool. I gave her a hesitant nod, hoping beyond hope she would grant me that relief, that she would satisfy my begging snatch, but all she did was disregard my need altogether, giving me a mocking grin as she joined me on the bed.

“Mhn. It's too bad we can’t do that, then, or she will get mad at both of us,” Liz said with a shrug. My wife rolled onto her back as she brought over a magazine from the nightstand’s drawer, ignoring me as I gave her a betrayed look. That... that's it? She put all of this effort into riling me up, only for her to then leave me hanging?!

Damnit, damnit, damnit! Fuck me right this instant you teasing jerk! I tried nudging her insistently to draw her attention back to me, but she feigned reading the magazine as I got more and more frustrated.

She continued to ignore me.

I whimpered sadly as I ran my hoof over my aching entrance, but that only managed to make the needy ache worse. Ugh, why do hooves have to be so damn impractical for the purpose of masturbation?! I reached out to my magic, remembering that I had gotten back access to my horn, but cried out as my wife flicked it shortly afterward.

I gave Liz a glare, miffed that she would stop me from satisfying my growing need since she wouldn’t do it, although she continued on doing her own thing impassively as if she hadn’t done anything.

“Oh, the poor mare, having to go through a miscarriage,” Liz commentated, letting out a sad gasp at what she read. “Poor Velvet, I feel for her.”

I rolled my eyes, pretty sure she was making that up, trying to make me lose my concentration again as I tried summoning a sex toy from our little secret chest. As I looked at her with a pleading gaze, I actually saw her shed a tear. Confused, my curiosity got the better of me and I gave the page she was currently on a hesitant look.

Sadly, for once she wasn’t faking her emotions. The heiress of House Star had a still-born foal. My wife was no stranger to losing children even before they hatched and those were the only times she mourned the deaths of her offspring. While I knew she hardly ever cared for her drones after they left the nursery, losing them before they were even born always had her in a particularly foul mood.

I found myself feeling hollow, my sexual frustration forgotten for the moment. Those things sadly happened and even magic could only do so much to make sure a pregnancy went off without a hitch. All the more reason to increase our efforts in researching better ways to make sure those things happen less often. Especially if Liz is right about our ponies not caring about incest being made partially legal. While I know my ponies wouldn’t put themselves and any future foals at risk, I also know there will be those foolish enough to try something stupid. trying out experimental sex transformation spells and getting yourself pregnant with your own cum or knocking up your sibling during a night of 'innocent' fun. You know, totally normal stuff to do.

Ahem. I’m by far not innocent in that regard, but there was a reason why I made the primary spell function pretty much infertile. It would need the deliberate intent of wanting to get pregnant to change that and only my sisters and I knew how to cast that part of the spell. That doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be ponies that could re-engineer the spell and find out how to make it fertile, though.

It was a restricted spell for a good reason. Anypony learning that spell has to be registered and needs to always be under close scrutiny. The spell was mainly used by a few same-sex couples that wanted to spice things up a bit in their relationship and wouldn’t be satisfied by inanimate toys (something I can very much relate to, silicone just doesn’t have the same feel as actual flesh does). Then, there were couples that were simply curious about what their partner felt like, wanting to experience it for themselves.

Of course, the main purpose of the spell was to help those that had the unfortunate ‘fortune’ to be born with the wrong biological sex. Using the spell as a base, it was possible to transition fully over to the appropriate sex matching up with your gender identity, and thus grant a pony the life they deserved. I was glad that I could at least help those like me find their own happiness. I could never keep that away from my ponies (nor would I ever want to).

There were those rare few occasions that we personally cast the spell on those asking it of us. The fertile one, that is. Those were special circumstances, though. Very special circumstances. It sometimes helped those couples that couldn’t get a foal otherwise, whether that was because the mare’s ovaries did not work correctly or the stallion’s seed was... ahem, 'lackluster'. It wasn’t guaranteed to work, but the chance was there that it could. Rarely did it not and those few times... let’s just say that it wasn’t the spell that didn’t work as intended and leave it at that.

I let out a sigh, using my magic to dissolve the gag Liz put on me, both of us definitely not in the mood to continue our previous shenanigans. It always hit a bit close to home to hear other ponies' struggle to become parents. While, yes, Liz 'kinda' had a lot of children with us, it wasn't quite the same when they didn't treat you as their mom. Aside from Ocellus packing her bags and leaving, but that one was... complicated. It wasn't a happy topic for anypony involved, let's just leave it at that. And Cadance, well... she was growing up remarkably fast.

Having a foal never really was an option for me. Not without some unwanted help from a stranger or... you know... a certain someone from another universe ( I don't think roping Tai and Qrow into my wishful thinking was a good idea, though).

In a way, Luna and I came to terms with that a long time ago. My sister was in no way happy about it, but what choice did we have? The only way we could have a foal together would pose a massive risk to the baby's health. Magic has become such an intrinsic part of a pony's development, overcharging their core with our magic involved would spell their doom before the foal has even left the womb. There was little we could do that would make their development less risky. So, just saying 'Buck it, let's make a little us' was a dumb idea.

Not only does it pose a serious threat to the foal, but if a surge happened during pregnancy... the result is most certainly not a pretty one, that much I was sadly aware of. Such a thing is rare indeed, but it does happen once a century or so. Particularly when two very powerful ponies decide to become parents. It doesn't need two siblings doing 'that' for it to happen, much as I wished it didn't happen at all.

We still have no idea why it happens, in the first place. But magic that is similar to each other causes it to amplify the strength of the foal's magic by several magnitudes. Ponies have developed a certain 'tolerance' to how much magic their body can withstand, but short of being born an alicorn, a regular mortal wouldn't survive that strain. Not without finding a way to relieve that pressure before they inevitably surge.

Ugh. This really was killing the mood even further, wasn't it? Alright, enough of that. I might as well work on that law, then. But first... I really need a bath. I hopped down from our bed, silently asking if Liz wanted to accompany me, and together, we prepared our bath chamber.

“I’m... sorry,” Liz apologized as she lathered up my mane and tail. I gave her a confused look, curious what this was about. “For teasing you so much. I know how frustrated you get when I do that.”

“It’s okay,” I smiled back at her, leaning into her hooves with a tiny little happy sigh. “We haven’t seen each other for months, dear. To be honest, I would have expected a lot worse than a little bit of teasing and trying to rope me into your exhibitionism.”

My wife buzzed her wings happily because I so readily accepted her apology. “So... how was the other side?” Liz asked me, rubbing my back with a hum. As she brought that topic up, though, I couldn't help but frown ever so slightly. “Oh... 'that' bad, huh?”

I sighed. “No, it wasn’t. Not really,” I told her before she got the wrong impression. “Remnant is... complicated at best and downright sad at worst. But I have faith in humanity over there. They went through such terrible things and still persevered, I have no doubt that things will get better with Ruby there.”

“Dear, you’re being a bit cryptic there,” Liz poked me with a smile on her muzzle. I felt a giggle leave me, and the moment following that, she had me rolling around the floor of our bathroom, giggling madly as she tickled me. “Are you in the mood to actually tell me details now?”

“Y-yes, yes, just stop!” I wheezed, trying to get my bearings back together. “You wouldn’t have had to t-tickle me so much, you damn succubus...”

“Aww, I love you, too,” she smiled. I gave her a nuzzle, getting her to coo at me happily, and began to recount everything that happened on Remnant while we entered the ‘bathtub’ after a quick rinse. I did not leave anything out, making sure that Liz heard every minor detail from me (even my, uh... struggles while I was there).

She did snicker when I told her about Taiyang and Qrow, not at all surprised that I had the hots for the alternate version of my twin since he reminded me of Celestia so much. Liz asked me if anything had happened between us and the response she got for that was a harsh pull on her ear with a withering glare sent her way. At least she apologized, so I didn’t stay mad at her.

Then again, she was laughing like a lunatic when I admitted I might not be so opposed to the idea of being together with a stallion version of her or even Luna. Being around Tai made me change my mind just a little bit, and as long as it wasn’t permanent, I would like to 'try it out' with my wives from time to time. Or just with Liz, if we couldn’t figure out a temporary transformation spell like that. Liz was already pretty much gender-fluid, what with her ability to shapeshift into her preferred form at any time, so it wouldn’t be that big of a deal for her... or him, as the case might be.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before this happened. It was going to happen whether I wanted it or not. At one point in an immortal’s life, such things just start to lose their meaning and one stops caring about them. While that was only my view of what I had perceived my sexuality to be for the moment (I might actually be bisexual and never admitted it to myself out of some misguided belief that it couldn’t be so because I felt like stallions were less appealing to me than mares). The same thing was perhaps the case for my view on incest and (maybe) it might also be so in regard to my gender identity. Though, I suspect that might take me a few more thousand years in order to get fully over it. It just... wasn’t me, I guess.

There wasn’t really a choice in it, was there? It was hard-wired, something like that can’t be just ‘changed’. If it was that easy, I could just decide to be a tree and call it a day. In the end, it wouldn’t make it true, though. Just like my gender identity. I could change into a stallion at any moment that I desired to, but it wouldn’t make me one. Never. I would always be Summer, a mare at heart and nothing less.

Speaking of change, I had work to do. A lot of work. Making the law for incest a core law in the Equestrian Constitution would require a lot of time for me to get it done just right. And mountains of paperwork, something I felt strangely giddy about.

Ah... how far must I have fallen for me to feel happy about doing paperwork? Perhaps too far, considering Chrysalis gave me a strange look as I happily skipped around my office the following hours after we were done with our bath. After I got that dusty old book from Cadance (while accidentally disrupting her relaxation time with Ruby, oops), I told my little petal to not stay too long lest her father starts to panic about the whereabouts of his daughter before I asked Liz to bring me everything I would need. It was a headache to plan out the integration of the law in the air-tightest possible way that would leave next to no room for ponies to break it without serious consequences, but I did it without complaint.

Besides that, I guess I went a bit overboard planning out the announcement for the changes I wanted to make. Kibitz, our aide for anything and everything, took everything stoically as I had him make a schedule for all the things we would need to do in the most efficient way possible. I could tell he was internally panicking as the list got longer and longer and it started to look utterly impossible to go through it without screwing something up.

Hah! I do the impossible on a daily basis! I am the Bringer of Dawn, the Mistress of Cookies, Sunbutt Supreme! I can do this! There shall be no mistakes or I will retire and put a filly on my throne as my successor! There is no doubt about it! Everything will be absolutely perfect!

Suffice it to say, I was in tears by the end of the day, completely overwhelmed with the task I have set before myself. “I’m never going to get all of this done right..!”

“There, there,” Luna patted my back. She told Kibitz to put everything neatly away as she guided me out of my office, her wing draped over my back comfortingly. “You don’t have to get this done today, Summer. Take your time.”

I sniffed, wiping my tears away with a napkin she offered me. “Thanks, Lulu,” I sighed, feeling only mildly reassured. “How old is your dustiest bottle of moonshine? Because I’m going to need it. I'm going to need all of it.”

My sister's muzzle stretched into an eager smile. “Oh, I’m always up for a drink, Sunny,” she told me before she turned around with a spring in her step so she could lead us to her private brewery. Yes, we have a brewery in our castle, and no, I don’t care. Luna’s hobbies are Luna’s hobbies, let’s leave it at that.

While it might have seemed like a good idea at the time, I was sure to regret my decision of asking Luna for her oldest bottle of moonshine once my mind would be coherent enough to piece entire sentences correctly together.

Suffice it to say, it only took me that one bottle to get totally and utterly smashed. But we didn’t stop with that one bottle. Oh, no. That bottle was just the beginning and I insisted that Luna had to drink at least enough to get tipsy herself. Then I told her to chug a few more liters of our chosen poison down her throat until she could barely keep it in, seeing her wobble on her hooves just as much as I did.

And then we might have started singing. Loudly. Very loudly. As in, with the Royal Canterlot Voice. All while running around Canterlot like drunken lunatics. In the middle of the night. On a day most ponies would have to get up early for work instead of sleeping in on a weekend...

Yeah... the newspaper agencies were going to have a field day come the next morning. It didn't happen often that we made complete fools of ourselves. Nor have we ever partaken in alcohol in such a way that even Luna was having trouble speaking without slurring each word of her sentences.

It was fun, though. Not having to behave all prim and proper in front of our ponies for once. I don’t care that the nobles would be mad at us for indulging just this once in our far too damn long lives. I want to see them get as old as me and not lose it every once in a while. Bunch of foals, really. They should learn how to have fun and not constantly complain about totally inconsequential things.

We might have gone a bit too far, throwing toilet paper all over the property of House Blueblood. They deserved it, though. Leeches, all of them. That’s what they are. Little irritating leeches, weaseling themselves into my family only because they were loosely related to my sisters and me. And that little snot-nosed brat of theirs was even worse than the current head of their family.

Luna and I left a small mountain of bits on the property of House Star after I broke down crying in their backyard. I’m really sorry for what happened to poor Velvet. The mare would no doubt be too depressed to try again, so I wanted her to at least live the rest of her life in luxury (she was the single most wealthy noble now aside from my family).

I... might have admitted quite loudly that I loved Luna right in the middle of Canterlot after that. It’s not like I wouldn’t have had to do that, anyway, so why not get it out of the way right then and there?

And I’m not proud to say, I... I might have thrown up on a noble or two. Or a dozen. Possibly more.

Liz told us to go back to the castle when she found us, telling us she would be gone for a week or two to the Canterlot Hive to lay her eggs. I might have giggled all the way back to the castle, deliriously spouting off nonsense about how it was funny Liz laid eggs. Eggs! That’s funny, right?

A pony laying eggs! Eh heh heh. Cute bugsy ponies laying eggsies! She has such cute buggy flanks, they are just so bugsie~... and I love them lots. A whole lot, they are buggishly divine flanks that should be worshipped by everypony and everybuggy. And they look so juicy and sexy and cute... and cutely sexy.

Did I ever tell her I found her cute? I must have. How could I not call her my cute cuddly buggy, after all? My sexy buggy cuddle bug...

I really wanted her to fuck me on my throne now. Or anywhere she told me to, for that matter. Do everything she tells me to while I’m her horny whore-pet. I’m horny. Really horny...

“Luna, I’m horny,” I giggled, stumbling around next to her. “And you too! You have a horny horn!”

My sister started to guffaw next to me, and together we fell on our flanks, unable to contain our laughter.

At some point, somepony must have brought us back to our room, putting us in our bed. But I wasn’t tired at all. And I was incredibly horny. So horny, I started to drunkenly make out with my sister, not noticing that this wasn’t our bed and that this wasn’t our castle.

I might have been a bit too out of it, but I didn’t care. I wanted sexy times with my sister and I would get them. Not even the terrified couple hiding in their closet would stop me from having my sister fuck my brain out. For just a single moment, I wondered why two ponies were hiding in our closet. I also tried to figure out at the same time why we even had a closet in our chambers in the first place. I mean, we had entire dedicated rooms for that purpose, why would we put a closet in our room?

But all of that was forgotten the moment Luna giggle-moaned as I ravished her with my tongue, licking each and every tooth in her mouth with a pleased hum. I didn’t even care that her mouth tasted like bile, I wanted to kiss her so badly and I wanted to be kissed back by her with as much ferocity. My only thought in my mind was for her to lick my horny horn while I grinded my wet, needy snatch against her hind legs. Nothing else mattered, only my drunken stupor and my marehood begging to be filled with a big, juicy cock. A cock that's thick and long, tasting like mint while two round orbs churn to produce the seeds I've been denied for a thousand years and more...

My horny horn glowed for a moment, surprising my addled mind, and causing me to giggle madly while kissing my precious Moon. I felt her member poke me and squeed silently to myself as it looked so cute and tantalizing to me. I moaned as I felt Luna lick my horn hornily, making me even more horny. Horny for her horse dick staring back at me, throbbing invitingly. The scent alone drove me so fucking horny, I was going crazy for it.

I felt like I was feeling a perhaps bit too horny, but I dismissed that useless thought. I wanted to suck that foal-maker. To taste her divine spunk on my tongue as I drank from it like a faucet. My mind could only concentrate on that one thought, to make my sister ejaculate her sperm right into my throat and it made me so incredibly happy.

My snatch argued that I shouldn’t drink the baby fluid and instead have her pump my womb full with it, but I wanted to suck her perfect dick, so I am going to suck it! I would suck it and listen to the beautiful moaning sounds my sister made as I worshiped her horse cock for all that it was worth. Everypony on Equis should know that this divine tool of my sister belonged only to me (and Liz, too). All of those heathens should feel jealous of that fact.

They should feel jealous they would never get to taste this tasty spunk shooting out of the tip of her dick. I moaned lewdly, feeling nothing but warmth spread through me as I greedily gulped every cum-shot of hers down, eagerly bobbing my head up and down on her mighty tool to coax even more out. Fuck, yes... this was better than any meal a mortal could make for us. 'Tis truly divine...

Minty cum from my horny sister tastes the best. I wanted to share it with her, my drunken, lust-addled mind found the thought incredibly sexy, so I left a bit in my mouth and engaged her in a kiss. That got her to moan lustfully as we swirled the substance between our tongues around. The only thing that would make this better was even more alcohol and cum.

Luckily, Luna had plenty left for us to drink. Both from her bottles of moonshine and the throbbing pony dick between her legs. But I wanted her to also stuff my snatch full, so we would have to just drink the alcohol while she pumped her fantastic beast into me like a mad bull.

Panting, moaning, and drinking doesn’t really work out all that well, though. But we somehow made it work, much to my drunken happiness. We continued to fuck even as the weak frame of the bed underneath us broke down with a cracking sound. That maybe should have clued us in to the fact we weren’t actually in our own bed and that we were putting on a show for two peeping ponies, but why should we care? Let them watch their princesses if it got them off. They definitely would never forget this night, that was for sure.

Ugh. I can’t exactly say that about Luna and myself, though. We might actually die from the hangover, now that I think about it. Can you die from having a hangover? Uhm... I think that was called alcohol poisoning, but I wasn’t quite sure. Ah, who cares? We only live forever, why care about something like that when we could have more alcohol while fucking and moaning and fucking and panting and fucking and moaning like two animals in heat screwing each other's brains out.

I felt Luna’s fangs graze my neck and whinnied with a heavy moan, begging her to bite me while I rode her dick like it was a holy act. My snatch certainly thought so and Luna’s heavenly rod agreed wholeheartedly with it. It was twitching so beautifully in me, I couldn’t wait to milk every little drop from it, wanting to feel the warmth of it fill the entirety of my body.

I moaned heavily at the sounds of Luna drinking from my neck. I felt her thrusts get a bit more erratic, so I rapidly began to bounce back against her member, trying to coax her to climax even faster. My own shuddering body almost failed me at my self-imposed task, not that it hindered me too much.

The pain from my neck gave me a brief moment of joy before another need reared its ugly head. I wanted a foal. I desired nothing more than to be pregnant. The potential risks didn't even come to my mind as all I wanted was to have a foal growing inside of me. By my sweet Red Sun, I wanted it so much. “Luna, I want a baby! Fuck me harder! Give it to me! Ahn~! Paint my walls white, sister! Mhn~!”

“F-fuck, s-sister,” Luna moaned back, drawing me into a kiss hungrily, before breaking it to do what I asked of her, her own screaming wails getting even louder. “I’m going to d-drown your pussy with my seed! You’ll have my foal bloat up your belly... nay, it will be twins you are going to have from so much of my seed filling you!”

“Yes!” I exclaimed, smiling in bliss at that thought. “Give me your seed, Luna! Make me pregnant, please! Give me twins! Make me a mommy~! Ahh!”

My Moon let out a shuddering breath as she jerked herself against me because her body twitched more and more uncontrollably from an oncoming orgasm. “S-sister, I’m going to c-cum!” she shot back and I readied myself to drive her dick as deep in as it could possibly go, right at the cervix of my love canal’s end. I delighted in the feeling of her heavily twitching rod, the tip pumping out her creamy, viscous cum right into the opening of my cervix, beginning to fill my womb with everything she got. I hummed happily at the feeling, not wanting to let any of it go to waste.

“I love you so much, my beautiful Moon,” I smiled, kissing her needily. “My pretty sister, I’ll be yours for eternity. I’ll give you all the foals you could possibly want, Lulu.”

“It’s a shame we will have to content ourselves with Cadance, isn’t it?” Luna said, frowning sadly. I whined, kissing her even more deeply to cheer her back up. “I would love to have one of my own with you, Summer...”

“Me, too,” I sighed, dejectedly. “I want to have a little foal running through the castle, again. Cadance grew up so fast...”

“We could always adopt?” Luna proposed and I shrugged helplessly, placing my head on her heavily breathing chest, listening to her heartbeat.

“Let’s talk about that when we are sober, sister,” I frowned, nuzzling her sleepily. “I’m feeling alcohol move through my brain, it hurts.”

“Lightweight,” Luna snorted quietly, stroking my mane slowly. The serene movements soon lulled me into a dreamless slumber, a tiny smile etched onto my muzzle.

Meanwhile, in a different universe within a Harvard laboratory in the middle of the night...

Remnant-Fringe Universe, Blue Parallel Variant, Location: Planet Earth.

Universe Designation RFU0039PEV12, Status: Damaged.

Current Chosen Guardian: Unknown/Missing.

“Dad, are you sure you want to do this?” Sam asked, keeping up with the brisk pace of the graying man beside him. Said man was rather tall and lanky, had grayish-silver eyes, deep, somewhat long ‘black’ hair which was being messily held together in a ponytail (not unlike that of his son, who was the spitting image of him in his youth), and, like so often was the case, he had a permanent frown etched on his face. “You know as much as I do that she’s nuts! Whatever she wants, can’t someone else do it? I had to cancel my date with Eric for this shit, damnit!”

Tobias Baker frowned. “Your cousin is not crazy,” he shot back, glaring at his son over his glasses with disappointment. “She is... eccentric, not 'crazy'. And she is brilliant, as well, when she wants to be.”

“She experiments on humans, Dad!” Sam glowered.

On herself, boy," he said with a sigh, missing the uncomfortable look from his son. Whether it was because of the tone or the word 'boy', Sam couldn't really decide what was worse for him. "There is a difference between experimenting on others and on herself,” Tobias admonished him as they walked past a man wearing a suit and a fedora. He was also carrying a briefcase in his hand. The curious thing about the stranger, though, was his lack of any type of hair on his body, even on his face with no discernible eyebrows.

The man tilted his head as he watched Tobias and Sam pass by for a moment. A quick calculation in his head and he was gone from the hallway, nowhere to be seen. An important task needed to be fulfilled and he had little time to do so.

A mistake of his own doing had led to much heartache for a dear friend of his and it needed to be rectified, after all. Actually, ‘dear’ was perhaps an overstatement, and ‘friend’ should be classified as ‘acquaintance’, but to September, the concept of friendship and what people call ‘feelings’ was still rather new. Although... he couldn’t help but think that his own son would be in good hands, or rather hooves, with the ponies of Equestria.

That was another oddity in terms of his kind. They were not supposed to feel a connection to their descendants... and yet, he did for some inexplicable reason. Evolution had taken their ability to care for... anything at all, really. All that was important was making sure their species reached for greater intellect and knowledge, unimportant things like emotions, sex, and gender were only a hindrance. Or so he thought before he became an Observer.

From humanity in the twenty-first century, he learned that having a heart was their greatest strength. The coldness of his own kind made him realize that they weren't living anymore, and instead merely existed for the sake of reaching the perfect stage of evolution. And his encounter with the ponies of Equestria taught him that 'perfection' was nothing more than an illusion. Life is meaningless the more you try to become something that doesn't value living.

As such, he adjusted his primary directive to protecting that which needs to be protected: those with a heart capable of compassion. And for that to happen, it was imperative for his son to live. He would change the course of history and prevent his kind from traveling down the path it did, changing an entire timeline in the process.

For that to happen, though, September has to set things right. Not only on Earth but also on Equis. Earth was not safe enough to hide his son from his kind, so he needed to ensure Equestria would be. September couldn’t entertain the thought of his offspring dying or ‘getting taken care of’ by assassins sent by others of his kind for being an anomaly.

He knew the future of his kind depended on the survival of the oddity his son has proven himself to be. Not only has another one of their group, August, proven himself to be capable of the same thing that September was starting to embrace, but he also showed the others that it was possible to reach the next step of human evolution while retaining their emotions. September’s own son was proof of that, as well. An empath with the superior capabilities of September’s kind? That was the true step for human evolution to take, September was sure of it.

So... setting things right was what he did. It took only a few twists on the machine to ensure Equestria would receive their savior. That left him with the question of what to do with the other two...

At worst, they would turn out to be collateral... or he could change the path of destiny to include two more souls in his plan to alter Equestria's fate.

Another complex calculation ran through his mind at a speed no regular human could ever achieve, the solution was too easy. It couldn’t actually be that straightforward, could it?

In theory, it should work exactly like he knew it should, but something told him that not everything was quite as simple as he thought. There was always that one variable that would lead to a different outcome than predicted, wasn’t there?

He knew from countless observations that even the unlikeliest future was possible. Whether here on Earth or in Equestria. More observations needed to be made. He was, after all, a scientist at heart and this was but one experiment in a long line of experiments.

Whether the outcome was favorable remains to be seen.

“Dad, don’t you think it's a little bit weird that she is experimenting on herself? You can’t tell me you condone something like that,” Sam asked his father, crossing his arms indignantly with a frown. “And on top of all this craziness, she is obsessed with something that isn’t even proven to exist!”

Tobias scoffed. “A scientist that does not have an open mind is not a scientist at all,” he answered, tired of his son’s ‘opinions’ on whether or not the soul existed. He knew that the soul must exist, as does Tabetha. His niece was quite thorough in her research, after all. Obsessive as it might be.

Any further questions (or rather, arguments) were put on hold as they walked through a door and arrived at the lab Tabetha had asked them to come to. It wasn’t the first time Tobias found himself in Doctor Walter Bishop’s laboratory... nor would it be the last, he was sure. Let’s just say it was quite a thing to be in here and leave it at that.

Sam gave the cow in its pen a wary glance as if it would explode any moment from now. For all he knew, it could. Knowing Tabetha, it might very well happen with him in the blast radius, too.

Gene the cow let out a moo.

Moving on! A cow wasn’t by far the oddest thing in the laboratory, to be honest. A multitude of machines with questionable purposes littered the lab and not every one of those was... 'safe' or pleasant to use.

The proprietor of this ‘children’s horror house’ was, in every sense of the word, a mad scientist. Not only because he was an expert in fringe sciences, but also because he was quite literally mad.

A few missing pieces of someone’s brain and having been locked up in a mental institute for almost two decades does that to anyone. Tobias was very much impressed that Walter Bishop could at all function like a... somewhat decent person. Walter had his quirks, as does his niece.

To be honest, sometimes Tobias wasn’t better. He does work for Massive Dynamic despite numerous people voicing out their concerns about the company's... 'ethics'.

“Walter, I told you not to leave your experiments in the fridge!” a brown-haired man shouted, drawing Sam’s attention away from the cow that had no right to actually be in a Harvard laboratory of all places. Why would they even keep a cow in a little pen in the first place? “How many times do I have to tell you that there are other people that use this thing?”

A rather... quirky old man looked up at the question, and judging from his expression, he seemed confused by what the man standing at the fridge said. “Which experiment?”


“Are you sure that is my experiment, Peter? Maybe Astro left it in there?” Walter asked, earning himself a raised eyebrow in exasperation from the mentioned ‘assistant’. Not because of the accusation, but because (like always) he got her name wrong.

“Walter, why would I put your experiments in the fridge?” she asked, noticing the two newcomers out of the corner of her eye. “Oh, hello. You’re looking for Tabetha, right?”

Tobias looked around, uncertain whether to feel amused or offended at the chaos around him. “If we’re not interrupting?” he said. Agent Astrid Farnsworth shook her head at him, a slight smile on her face. She was very much aware that not everyone could get used to the antics of those working in this lab.

It was always an... 'interesting'... encounter to meet the people behind the Fringe Division of the FBI, Tobias thought. All of them were unique in their own ways... some of them more than the others. Agent Farnsworth might be the only one that was ‘normal’, to be honest.

If you had to pick between two crazy scientists, a man from another timeline (or so he says), a woman with supernatural abilities (sometimes), a man that lost his best friend to a genetic shapeshifter, and a seemingly ordinary Agent that actually liked babysitting one of those two crazy scientists... ‘being normal’ starts to lose its definition somewhat. But the Fringe Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation was anything but normal.

This bunch of agents and consultants, who couldn't be more different from each other and still work like a well-oiled machine... if there's something strange happening, you could bet they would be there to investigate what was going on. Genetic experiments that went wrong (or right, as some would say), inexplicable occurrences that warp the laws of nature, technology bending the boundaries of what was possible, modifications to materials that completely change their physical attributes, and many more similar events that seemed all but impossible... there was a lot that these few people dealt with on a regular basis. These people here were the ones that found the answers to the universe, that investigated those behind the most inhumane experiments, whether they cause their fellow humans to turn into walking bombs or turn them into raving monstrosities, barely resembling their former selves. An admirable goal, wasn’t it? Well... as long as they weren’t investigating everything you do, that is.

He had the misfortune once and it was not pleasant. Massive Dynamic has become the target of their investigations many times, sometimes for good reason. He could still remember the investigations into the Carson-Penrose experiments, or as he liked to call it: Project Mind Control.

One of the test subjects had escaped their designated guardian despite the protocols and regulations in place to prevent such a thing from happening. They then found their way to their surrogate mother, causing havoc along the way by controlling two innocent car salesmen to pose as kidnappers. Tobias had only briefly been a part of Project Mind Control and it almost cost him his position in Massive Dynamic due to the inquisitiveness of one Olivia Dunham, perhaps one of the FBI’s best agents. It didn’t surprise him that she worked in the Fringe Division, there was hardly a case she couldn’t solve with the help of Walter Bishop (and sometimes with the help of his niece, as well... if she could be coaxed away from her own experiments, that is).

“Tabetha should be back in a few minutes,” Astrid told them. “She didn’t say what it was that she wanted to show you. Do you know?”

Tobias scowled as he noticed his niece arriving from the second entrance to the lab. “Apparently something that needs her brain-dead parents’ bodies,” he said, narrowing his eyes on the two stretchers bearing the symbol of Massive Dynamic on them, one of which carried his brother’s body while the other held the wife of said brother. What was she up to, now?

“Hey, Uncle Toby,” Tabetha smiled as if the picture of her rolling in her comatose parents was totally normal to her, causing Tobias’ frown to deepen. Walter was at her side not a moment later, chewing on a piece of red licorice as he curiously inspected the body of Rudolph Baker.

He sighed tiredly. “And a hello right back to you,” he told her before he took off his glasses, cleaning them with a handkerchief. They were perfectly fine, to begin with, but... nervous habits die hard, he supposed. Seeing his brother’s body like that brought back all kinds of bad memories to the forefront of his mind. Tobias really missed the dorky fool. “Why have you brought my brother here?”

“Because I’m going to prove that this is actually a Fringe-case once and for all!” Tabetha grinned proudly.

“Crazy,” Sam whispered next to him and he suppressed the angry grumble to himself tiredly. If his son knew only half of it... he wouldn’t say that. At some point, he might tell Sam the truth, but... until then? He would make sure that his clone actually got along with their rather... 'weird'... family.

He still feels guilty withholding this information from his son, but... he never found the right time to bring it up, so far. Not with Tobias quite literally drowning in work, day after day. As far as coping mechanisms go, being a workaholic wasn't much better than drowning himself in alcohol all so that he wouldn’t have to think about his brother’s condition, Sam’s unusual origins, and... other things. Things he’d rather ignore, lest his sanity breaks completely.

He could already see the signs that his most deep-rooted fear might be mirrored in Sam. He didn’t want to acknowledge what that could mean for his 'child', much less what it might say about Tobias. Despite his grandfather beating it quite thoroughly into his head that he had to grow up into a strong and smart man to become someone that was influential in this world, he still felt a nagging part in the back of his mind trying to tell him that this was all wrong. That he didn't have to be ruthless in order to protect his family, as a man ‘should’ according to his monster of a grandfather. That he didn't have to conform to gender stereotypes because it was 'expected' of him.

He was glad he was able to spare his brother this... fate, he almost wanted to say. Tobias was the firstborn, and thus, actually ‘important’ in the eyes of his grandfather. Thankfully, his parents cut all ties with Albert before he could get it into his head to traumatize his little brother as well.

Not that it came crumbling down, anyway. He couldn’t protect his little brother from whatever ailed him and he keeps failing to find a cure. But perhaps his niece was on the right track, after all...

“Tabetha...” Tobias began, rubbing his eyes before putting on his glasses again. “Just... okay, let’s entertain this notion of yours, what proof do you actually have that someone caused their condition?”

“Because that someone did it again,” Tabetha explained, clapping her hands together. “With my sister.”

Tobias blinked. “Your sister,” he repeated, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. Perhaps Sam was onto something. She clearly was out of her mind and in denial if she was already projecting whatever happened to her parents onto Rose, as well. “Tabetha, she died in the surgery room. As you can see, your father and mother are still quite alive.”

“And that is where all of you are wrong,” Tabetha shot back triumphantly. “I can prove to you that they are dead. Well... more dead than brain dead.”

“And how do you intend to do that?” Walter asked, excited to do an experiment. The possibility of someone being dead while alive excited him immensely. It’s like the thought experiment of Schrödinger’s cat, only... more thrilling! And crazier. But thrilling!

Tabetha's face stretched into a mad grin at that. “With science, of course!” she said while clapping her hands and rubbing them together excitedly. The eccentric man at her side danced in joy before he eagerly helped her with the stretchers.

“Great,” Peter sighed. “Now he is going to stay up all night. If you guys don’t need me, I’m going to get as far away from here as possible before those two Frankensteins blow up the whole building.”

“Can I go, too?” Sam asked, turning his pleading gaze on his father.

“No!” Tabetha shouted, grabbing his hand before Tobias could even utter a word to Sam. “I need you, too. And Uncle Toby. The more, the better. I don't need Peter for this, he's irrelevant...”—she blinked, scrunching up her face while Walter gave her a hurt look—" for this experiment, I mean. He's got no relation to my mom and dad. I'm sorry, Peter. You're plenty important for a person that should have been dead since childhood..."—then she grimaced at Peter's unimpressed look, noticing too late how her apology sounded—" I, uh... right. I'll shut up now. Forget what I said."

Peter rolled his eyes as he opened the door to the laboratory to make his escape. “I’ll let Olivia know that she should probably avoid the lab at the moment,” he said before closing the door behind him.

Well... there went his freedom, Sam thought sadly, trapped with his crazy cousin in this madhouse. At least his dad was still here with him... if only he could take comfort in that fact. His father was perhaps a bit too trusting of Tabetha, in Sam’s opinion. Or Sam just had a problem with trusting anyone, which was a ridiculous thought, wasn’t it? He trusted plenty of people! Like... himself. Which totally counted and wasn’t narcissistic... at all.

It sounded better in his head, he had to admit. That’s where that thought will forever remain, too.

“Asterix,” Walter turned to his aide, smiling giddily. “We’re going to need a Geiger counter, a spectrometer, strawberries, and sugar.”

“Strawberries?” Astrid asked, already guessing what Walter actually needed those for. She picked up her keys and wallet, hoping that she would find the required shops that were still open at this time.

“Can’t do science without milkshakes,” Tabetha nodded sagely while hooking up various instruments to her parents (as well as to Tobias and Sam). The latter of which sat grumpily in the chair he got strapped into, the weird machine Tabetha was setting up creeping him out beyond measure. He didn’t like the low hum... was it supposed to hum? Sam felt like it wasn’t supposed to do that. “Whatever do you need the Geiger counter for, though? Or the spectrometer, for that matter.”

“Hm?” Walter hummed before shrugging. That was certainly reassuring, Sam thought with a sarcastic eye-roll. Judging by how the old man went along with everything Tabetha did, he didn’t trust him one bit, either. They could destroy the world and cackle madly all the while, Sam was sure of it. “I don’t know. I’m sure I will remember.”

Sam’s eyelid twitched. He had to take his previous assumption back, he was worse than Tabetha. At least his cousin would remember it if she was about to destroy the world with a tablespoon of all things. Why a tablespoon? Sam had no idea, but he was sure Tabetha could build some sort of doomsday device with a tablespoon.

That's not even the worst thing about his cousin. Tabetha could actually do something like that. The more Sam thought about that, the more he felt certain that she would probably 'accidentally' build a doomsday device and think nothing wrong with it. Heck, she would probably test it out to see if it works, wouldn’t she? Her curious nature wouldn’t stop at anything, that much Sam was sure of.

And all of that started with the ‘death’ of Tabetha’s parents. It only got worse after she lost her aunt and then her sister. Sam would have already admitted her into a mental institute if he had the authority to do so. Tabetha was a danger to everyone around her and it baffled him that the FBI would use her as a civilian consultant.

Like attracts like, huh? This Walter Bishop definitely was a bad influence on her. He even encouraged her and went along with this ridiculous experiment... whatever it was going to do with them. It was almost like he was a second, older Tabetha. Only as a male and crazy. Well... crazier, that is.

“I’m sure you will remember, Walter,” Tabetha muttered, looking at the read-outs of the machine with a critical eye. “Well, as soon as Walter straps me in, too, we can begin! Ohh! Isn't this exciting?!”

No. No, it was decidedly not exciting. Far from it. “What is this thing going to do?” Sam asked, a queasy feeling in his gut. Something bad is going to happen, he just knew it. It always does with this crazy person that calls herself his cousin.

Oh, feathered, flying pigs... it’s a doomsday device, isn’t it? It has to be, Tabetha built it, after all.

Just into what kind of insane experiment had Sam been dragged into? That damn hum kept getting louder and louder and no one was even reacting to it. Was he the only one that could hear it? But... that’s even crazier! Sam was sure he hasn’t suddenly gone insane, that would be ridiculous. Can one even go insane without any kind of sign showing someone’s descent into madness? Or is it subtle enough he wouldn't notice?

Could you even notice going insane? Tabetha clearly thought she was sane when she was a hundred percent not. Everyone in this building was crazy, his father included. Maybe it wasn't that far of a stretch that they infected him with their madness. Next thing he knows, the cow will start to talk and he will be able to taste emotions!

He really wanted to get out of this damn machine now. This was one of those signs, wasn’t it? Sam was going crazy just by being around his cousin, that has to be it. Tabetha infected him with her insanity, there was no other way why he would be the only one that could hear the hum get louder and louder and louder and overwhelmingly deafeningly loud, almost like a pulse or heartbeat. It wasn’t his own heartbeat, he was pretty certain of that. His heart was currently hammering away in his chest, far faster than that pulsating hum of that damn machine.

Tabetha smiled once more, clapping her hands in anticipation. “It will visualize our souls!” she said with child-like glee. “Isn’t this amazing? I’m going to prove Mom and Dad are actually dead and find out what happened to them! That’s the second part of the experiment, by the way.”

“There are more parts to this craziness?!” Sam exclaimed, throwing his cousin a shocked look. “You crazy cat lady, get me out of this thing before whatever happened to them happens to us next!”

His heart was beating even faster now and that sound! That damn awful impossible sound! It was just too loud! He felt like he needed to shout just to be heard, why was no one concerned about this? Tabetha was going to kill them all with this thing, with this soul... whatever! Soul-crusher, for all he knew.

“Pfft,” Tabetha rolled her eyes, completely unconcerned. “Nothing like that could possibly happen. I calibrated the machine myself.”

Little did she know that at that moment, she challenged the universe and the universe answered. Or, in this case, a bald man had done so. One of the dials on the machine was not in the previously adjusted position and a crucial lever had been flicked in the wrong direction.

Once the machine began its work, it did what it was meant for. And Tabetha was delighted to see that her hunch was indeed correct, as Walter read her the specifics of the test results. She was proven right that the bodies of her parents currently housed no souls. They were, in all actuality, dead. All the while, she ignored the pained gasp of her cousin, too focused on her discovery.

That was the second mistake she made that day. The first mistake was her oversight to double-check the calibrations, to make sure everything was going how it was meant to. Her third mistake was her overeagerness to do two experiments at once. Her lust for knowledge, for discovering the truth behind her parent’s death, was ultimately her downfall.

She should have been more cautious, especially with such an experimental procedure. Tabetha barely started to understand the nature of the soul... she had so many things she still wanted to do after she had proven once and for all that the soul existed. And she had so much more she needed to learn, too.

It was a lesson learned too late, though. She might have lamented the fact of her lack of cautiousness, but other things seemed more important to ponder at the last moment she had alive.

Just what happens to souls once they leave the body? Would they search for another host, another body to occupy? Or was there an afterlife, a realm for the dead? Were religions right about things like purgatory? How does one judge a soul worthy of the Gates of Heaven?

Or would the soul simply cease to exist? Tabetha dismissed that thought immediately, there was no way that could be true, after all. One couldn’t destroy or create energy and what was the soul but another form of energy? Her vision was too blurry to concentrate on what was going on, so she decided to think instead. Her mind was still intact, so far (even though it started to feel like something was tearing away at it, trying to separate her mind from her body).

Thinking about everything and anything... it was the logical thing to do, she thought with conviction. Do the only thing she could actually do at the moment. Think. That’s what she does best, after all.

There has to be something that happens to a person’s soul after it leaves the mortal shell. It didn’t exactly feel like she was moving beyond the spasms running through her body, although she did start to feel a weird stretchy feeling. It wasn’t her body that felt that way, though. She couldn’t put her finger on it, though. 'Something' was happening, but what that something was, she couldn’t tell.

And then, once the machine had finished its work... she was dead. As was Tobias. And so was Sam.

A very confused scientist watched in horror as a good friend of his lost their life that day, becoming as unresponsive as her parents were. In the corner of the laboratory, the being known to the Fringe Division as an Observer winked out of existence as if he had never been there.

A Fringe case, indeed.

An ancient spell, cast to save the life of a beloved daughter, latched onto two additional (now broken) souls as well. Too bad the intended recipient could only grant a new home for two of them.

It doomed one soul to wander between realities, lost in time until... at one point...

That poor soul, too, started to feel a pull, granting it a new home of its own in a world so similar to the one that Tabetha’s and Tobias’ souls got pulled towards. What that soul did not know, though, was that it was thrown back in time due to the ‘timely’ departure of one meddling observer.

An unpredictable variable unforeseen by a master of timelines would lead to something... perhaps even grander than anyone could have ever predicted.

For the First Queen would be born in a world with a broken destiny soon after that. But that is a story for another time...