Deadpool in Equestria

by MrAquino

The End

Deadpool stood proudly as his story ended. Twilight, Gallus, Spike, and Luster Dawn all started with much confused looks on their faces.

"That was… interesting." Luster Dawn commented.

"You left out a lot of stuff, dad." Gallus said.

"Like what?" Asked Deadpool 

"The aliens that invaded the school that night in which you went all 'Beast mode' on." 

"You and your X-Force gearing up to take on Thanos and his army of aliens attacking the world." Spike added.

"How the Elements of Harmony are, as he calls, more Infinity stones, and truly wants to wipe out all life in existence." Twilight herself added.

"Not to mention you used some device in the tree of Harmony to summon all of those extra people to keep us safe as you dealt with Thanos and his subordinates." Gallus included.

"And how Thanos did wipe out, not only the entire world, but possibly the Multiverse, leaving only you alive because you equipped something called 'plot armor', and had an emotionally charged fight to save everyone that passed because Equestria was the only place in which you did know of true peace and happiness." Twilight listed off.

"And how you used something called 'The Infinity Sword' to kill Thanos, and use the last of your strength to use both Infinity Gauntlets to clap everything back into existence, proclaiming that you can truly die in peace and letting out one final 'X-Force Forever'." Spike concluded. The three looked at Deadpool, who was busy scratching behind Luster Dawn's left ear, the unicorn enjoying it a lot.

"...What was that?" Deadpool asked, standing right up.

"... Still hasn't changed a bit." Twilight groaned.

"Oh yeah!? Well I'm gonna say the N-word! NI-"


Deadpool fell unconscious as a pair of humanoids stood behind him. Both were female, and both were anthropomorphic ponies to boot. One of them looked almost like Deadpool in costume, wearing a blue version of his costume, but with a moon crescent on both hips, as well as both the swaying hair of Princess Luna sticking out of the back of her mask, and some normal looking brown hair sticking out of said mask on the top. The other one wore more combat oriented armor, with her white fur in the open, with hair color to princess Celestia's, but was much shorter. The real thing that stuck out was that her left arm was entirely cybernetic looking, very futuristic looking to boot, and her face was covered by a faceplate that was also a part of her.

"Oh, sorry, dad." The deadpool lookalike apologized. She looked up to Gallus and waved. "Hey, Gally! How've you been?"

"Eh, nothing too exciting happens around here, sis." Gallus replied nonchalantly. The cyborg-celestia's arm turned into a needle, stabbing it into Deadpool's head before injecting some liquids.

"Memories… blank… personality… in check… censorship… on." She listed off aloud, pulling the needle out, which turned into a hologram showing a field in Ponyville. "Now we need the right coordinates and timeline..." she stopped as a familiar mint unicorn sat in the field, reading a book and trying to cast a certain summoning spell. The Cyborg Tia opened a wormhole, revealing the Unicorn below, picking up and throwing Deadpool through it, who just woke up and screamed before the portal disappeared as soon as it came in. 

"Thanks, Sol!" The Deadpool pony replied, hugging her partner. "You're the best cousin anyone can ask for." Her partner kindly shoved her back.

"It was only to make sure the space-time continuum didn't break." She replied. "And the one buried will be coming back in 3… 2… 1…" 

The sound glass shattering was heard, followed by the door opening as a wet Deadpool appeared from out of the closet.

"Ha! Boom, baby!" He cheered. "Great vacation in heaven with my lovely Bone Cheeks, the Fausticorn herself, and Stan, the mutha fuckin man, Lee himself!" He stopped and stared at the two anthro ponies.

"... hi dad." The blue pony replied, waving.


"You had sex with Princess Luna, and made her pregnant when you saved the entire Multiverse from being extinct." Gallus answered.

"Oh. And her?"

"I'm Cable and Celestia's daughter." Sol answered herself.

"Oh… uh… did he…?" 

"No, they mixed their genetic codes and had me grow in one of their labs. And you can't judge, since you fucked Princess Luna multiple times."

"... Touche. And speaking of, where's my Mooncheeks?" As he said that, another portal opened, and Luna came right out, in the very Road Rovers-esque suits the X-Force wore, holding a machine gun in her arms with a mic set near her mouth.

"Neara, are you done!?" She asked. "Come on! Ultron is about to release his army onto the Skrull Empire, and we need you to-!" She stopped as she saw Deadpool. "... So, back from the dead now?" 

"And you're now furry bait art."

I'm so turned on right now!

You and me both.

"Is something wrong?" Celestia asked, her head peeking out from the portal as well. She saw Deadpool. "Oh, hello there, Mr. Wilson. Your world is the greatest retirement place, especially with your X-Force providing us company."

"The rest of the X-Force are in there!?" Deadpool asked. "Gallus!? Why are you here and not-?" He stopped as Gallus was in his familiar anthro suit, cocking an alien rifle.

"Waiting for you, dad." He replied. Deadpool teared up, hugging Gallus tight. 

"That's my boy! But I need my guns."

"We've got some in here." Celestia replied, followed by a huge explosion, followed by some maniacal laughter from Smolder. "Oh, there goes a giant Ultron bot."

"YOLO!!!" Deadpool yelled, running and jumping into the portal, followed by the others. 

Luster Dawn just blinked in confusion.

"... What just happened?" She asked.

"I asked that everyday." Spike replied.

Somewhere in Heaven, the Fausticorn sat in a hot tub with Stan Lee, next to his wife, and Mistress Death across from her.

"I'm gonna miss that bastard." The Fausticorn spoke. "But how did he come back alive after nearly 2 decades of being dead?"

Mistress Death shrugged. "It's hard to say, sometimes. But I will cherish the 20 years I had with him."

"EXCELSIOR!!!" Stan Lee cheered.

On a beautiful day in Equestria, somewhere, right in between the town on Ponyville and the dreaded Everfree Forest, a mint colored unicorn sat in a field with some stuff…