Applejack Falls Down the Stairs - CYOA

by Good Christian Ethesto


Despite being tired, Applejack isn't going to take this lying down, and she stands up. She rushes into Twilight's closet and finds several barrels of gasoline and rope, torches, matches, and a flame thrower!

Applejack pours the gasoline all over the house while Twilight Sparkle is in the bathroom and then uses the torches and matches to light it and the house is made of wood so it starts on fire easily and burns down.

Applejack runs out the door and watches the house on fire with Twilight Sparkle still inside and the whole thing burns down!

Suddenly there's a siren from behind and Applejack turns around and sees that it's the police.

What should Applejack do?
Fight the police (92)
Run away (93)