Applejack Falls Down the Stairs - CYOA

by Good Christian Ethesto


Applejack tells big Macueltosh that she wants him to follow her. "I want you to follow me," she tells him.

Big Macueltosh agrees with a Yeeeup! "Yeeeup!" he agrees with a Yeeeup.

He follows her into the orchard of Appletrees and it is a really nice day, though it might rain later. As they walk for an hour, he questions what she's leading him to? "Yeeeup?"

She puts a finger to her lips and tells him to be quiet. "Be quiet," she tells him.

She tells him to follow her. "Follow me," she tells him.

He follows her until she eventually walks over an old piece of unexploded ordnance from WW2 and causes it to go off and it explodes and blows off all four of her legs. Big Macueltosh looks like he feels kinda bad about what happened but he can't do anything about it so he shrugs and heads back to the house to sit on the back porch.

Applejack has no legs and she must scream! She is very much alive until air fills her bloodless veins causing her to die of too much air inside her.

BAD END: Air rushed into the open cavities of Applejack's bloodless veins giving her air embolisms, also known as 'The Bends'. Air is for your lungs, silly!
Better Try Again!