Applejack Falls Down the Stairs - CYOA

by Good Christian Ethesto


Applejack feels pretty tired after having stepped on the bear trap and she can't get it off. "I should have just slept in," she said, then also she said "well I can always sleep outside here." This is true as there was nothing stopping her from sleeping outside as ponies are able to do that and it is also a nice day.

She lays donw and goes to sleep and is sleeping before too long, but she didn't check the weather today and a thunderstorm rolls in. It rains on her while she sleeps and gets really cold, and starts to rain a lot. Her mouth is open and quickly fills with water causing her to drown.

BAD END: Applejack drowned in a rainstorm.
She should have brought an umbrella or slept under a tree or at home
..............Better Try Again