Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Date night

Status: In hospital, but getting out on the 24th.
Also, making a audio video for this tomorrow. I'll post link in comments and next chapter.

Chapter 28

Peter flew at his top speed, trying to reach Lance's house. He looked forward and saw Lance's house coming up.

He slammed into the door and fell to the ground. He stood and shook the stars from his vision and opened the door. He ran in and slammed it shut, and put his body against it. Barricading the door with his body.

He looked to the top of the stairs to see Twilight, a confused look on her face, "What are you doing Peter?"

Peter smiled awkwardly, "Oh you know." The door behind him jumped forward, like something was slamming into it.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, "Peter, what did you do?"

Peter took a deep breath, sweat covering his face, "Nothing."

The door jumped again, "Blaze! Open this door right now!"

Twilight raised a eyebrow, "Rainbow Dash? Peter, tell me what you did."

Peter smiled, "Well.."

The door was hit again, harder.

Peter braced himself against the door better and continued, "Well, I kinda pranked Rainbow Dash. As in, I slammed a pie in her face."

Twilight sighed and shook her head, "You should apologize."

He shrugged, "I'm fine."

The door was hit again, "Oh Blaze, if you don't open the door, I'll brake your guitar."

Peter's eyes widened, "Not my guitar!" He jumped off the door and opened it.

Rainbow Dash stood there smirking, "I can't believe you fell for that. I don't even have your guitar."

Peter facehoofed, "Shit." He looked up at her, "Do what you want. I can't run anymore."

She walked up to him and held up a hoof, "Good prank, I didn't even see it coming."

Peter looked at her and grinned, "Well, that was unexpected." He bumped his hoof against hers.

She chuckled, "I like you. You know how to pull a prank and live up to it."

Peter nodded, "You know it." He walked out outside, "Want to hang out?"

She spread her wings, "Oh yeah."


I sat up and stretched, fully rested.

I climbed out of bed and yawned. Okay, maybe not fully rested, but enough.

After using the bathroom, very small toilet, and taking a shower, very small shower, I walked out to the stairs. Ready for a day of laying around.

"What the hell!" Said a voice behind me.

I turned and laughed, "Like my bod David?"

David looked me over, "Dude, how did you get your body back?"

I shrugged, "Greg did it."

David laughed, "Thought so. You look like a punk wannabe."

I sighed, "Don't even start on the clothes."

He turned for his room, "Got it. Don't ask, don't tell."

I crossed my arms, "You know David, I've barely seen you out of your room. I though you was going after Rainbow Dash?"

He stopped and stood still, "Shit man, I forgot."

I laughed, "Yeah for two months."

He stomped his hoofs, "Fuck!" He turned, "I got to go."

As he walked past me, I chuckled, "Good luck."

He went down the stairs. I heard the front door open and slam shut. Someone's pissed.

I looked in his room and saw a guitar. A smile came to my face. Might as well try and learn the guitar. I have an idea.


Captain Barehoof stood in front of the mirror in the restroom that was in the Royal Guard's barracks.

He put the comb down and examined him self in the mirror.

"Got a date or something there Captain?"

The Captain turned around to see Staff Sergeant Irony leaning against the door frame, a smirk on his face.

The Captain chuckled, "Shut it Irony."

Sergeant Irony raised his eyebrows, "So I'm right then. Who's the unlucky mare?"

The Captain walked over to him and grinned, "Just a mare. Step aside Sergeant."

Sergeant Irony chuckled loudly, "Have fun Captain."

The Captain walked past him and adjusted his suit as he walked.


Dana finished putting the dress on and looked in the mirror. It was beautiful. Simple, but beautiful.

The dress was red and covered most of her body. It looked like a dress she would have worn back on earth.

"Looks good on you dear." Said Bluetail.

Dana turned and smiled, "Thank you for letting me borrow it."

Bluetail was a mare that had let Dana stay at her house. They had become good friends since she arrived. She was white with a black mane, but blue tail. Hence her name Bluetail.

Bluetail smiled, "Its no problem deary." She walked over to Dana and put a hoof on her shoulder, "Go get that stallion."

Dana chuckled, blushing, "I will, tonight is going to be fun."


Rainbow Dash landed on the steps to her home.

Today had been fun, pranking ponies with Purple Blaze had been awesome.

She opened her door and walked in. She was starving.

She went into her kitchen and opened the cupboard. Barely anything. She sighed, she forgot to go to the store again.

A knock at the door caused her to jump. Who could that be?

She walked to the door and opened it. She couldn't see anything at first because it was dark out, but she could see a stallion outside, "And you are?"

The stallion stepped forward, into the light coming from the open door, "Hey Dash, remember me?"

She looked him over and insistently knew who it was, "Hey Whitemark, I haven't seen you in a long time."

Whitemark chuckled, "Sorry about that. I've been kinda busy."

She stepped aside, "Please come in."

He walked in and looked around her home.

She walked up beside him, "Sorry about taking Lance's notebook and leaving you behind."

Whitemark nodded, "Its fine."

She bumped his side, "Can I make it up to you?"

Whitemark held back a smile and blushed, "You can try."

She walked to the door, "How about dinner than? On me."

Whitemark turned and smiled, "Sounds good."


Captain Barehoof stood outside of the restaurant that he and Dana had agreed on.

He couldn't pronounce the name of the restaurant and he wasn't even going to try.

"Looking good Captain."

The Captain turned to see Dana. His jaw dropped at the sight of her. She wore a dress that made her look... Beautiful, just beautiful.

He smiled, "Same goes for you Dana." He held up a hoof, "Ready to get this rematch started?"

She looked at him determined, "You know it. I'm going to beat you again."

The Captain chuckled, "We'll have to see."

They walked in and talked to the waiter, who than lead them to their seats. After they ordered their food, four hayburgers, four salads, four daisy sandwiches, and two lemonades, they began to talk.

After talking for a few minutes, the waiter brought out their food.

The Captain took two of everything and put it in front of himself, so did Dana.

Dana smirked, "Bring it Captain."

The Captain leaned forward and, "Well see." He looked past her, "Who's that?"

Dana turned, "Who's who?"

The Captain began eating the first hayburger. Half way through it, Dana turned around.

"Oh you little cheater." She said smiling before diving into her food.

The Captain chewed through the hayburgers easily, and began on the salads.

"Umm, Captain, you can stop."

The Captain looked up to see Dana smirking, her plates empty.

He sighed while smiling, "I'll never know how you are so fast."

She shrugged, "I'm just to fast for you."

He sat back and had a though, "Did we just go on a date to settle a score?"

She laughed and leaned forward, "I was hoping it would be more."

The Captain leaned forward, "It can be, if you want it to be"

She raised an eyebrow while smiling, "I do, but the real question is, do you?"

The Captain smiled warmly, "I'll answer you with a question."

She nodded, "Alright, what is it?"

The Captain hesitated for a second, "Do you want to be my marefriend?"

She looked a little surprised, "What do you think?"

He shrugged, "I don't know anymore."

She chuckled at his response, "Yes, I would love to be your marefriend."

The Captain looked over joyed, "Really?!"

She leaned closer and smiled, "Yes really. Your the kind of guy... I mean stallion that I've always wanted to meet. Fun, but also strict."

The Captain blushed lightly. Their muzzles where close, very close.

Dana began moving closer, eyes slowly closing.

The Captain began to feel light headed. He had never kissed a mare in all his adult life. He gulped and leaned forward.

Their lips connected.


I shuddered.

Wow, what was that? I have a weird feeling, like something weird and scary just happened.

I shrugged and continued trying to play the guitar.