TAF: James in a Mess / Percy’s porridge / Cab over wheels

by Lawton

James in a mess

A new engine has just arrived on the island.He is brown and has the number 23 on his side.His name is Toby and he works hard with his coach Henrietta.Rarity and James weren’t happy because they were a little dusty.

“Yuck!What dirt objects!” Groaned James.

“James,Why are you red?” Toby asked.

“Because I am a splendid engine.” Said James.

“You can say that again.” Said Rarity.”We as easy for anything.You never see us dirty.”

“Oh.” Said Toby.”Thats why you once needed boot laces to be ready I suppose.”James went redder than ever and snorted off.

“What’s wrong,Jamesy?” Rarity asked.

“I just have been reminded when I had a boot lace used to mend a hole in my coach!” Growled James.

“That is crazy!” Gasped Rarity.”Someone should have used tools instead.”At Knapford station,James dropped off his coaches and got ready for his next train.It was a slow goods stopping at every station to pick up and drop off trucks.James and Rarity hated slow goods.”This is truly dreadfully terrible!”

“You an say that again!” Growled James as he collected the first set of trucks.”Us shunting dirty trucks on dirty sidings!Ugh!”Staring with only a few,They picked up more and more trucks from each station until they had a long train.The trucks chuckled.

“Let’s play tricks on Rarity and James.” Whispered a truck.The silly trucks passed the words to the others one by one.Soon,They reached Gordon’s hill. Rarity and James didn’t heard the trucks chuckling about their plan. They were too busy thinking what they would say to Toby when they next met.

When they aproached the top,The trucks chance had came.”On!On!On!Faster!Faster!”Bumping into each other,They pushed Rarity and James down the hill.

“We’ve got to stop!” Cried Rarity.”Hit the brakes!” James slammed on his brakes and he tried to slow down.But,They were still going too fast.They raced through Edward’s station.When they steamed into the yard,Disaster struck!There were tar tankers ahead.

“Oh no!Rarity,Brace yourself!” Yelled James as he crashed into the tar tankers and came off the track.The tar sprayed all over Rarity and James.Luckily,No one was hurt.But,The tankers and some trucks were in pieces.Toby then came to the rescue with the breakdown train.

“Guess that teaches you a lesson for teasing me.” He chuckled.Rarity and James felt very embarrassed and knew toby was right.