Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 5

Strange Town 006 part 5

Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 5)

I enter Carousel Boutique, the bell attached to the door chimes and I approach the counter. Being the only customer here it was quiet, it doesn't even seem like anyone has come in all day. No one is Manning the counter and it seems Rarity mustn't had heard the bell as she was most likely out back.

I notice a rough looking vase on the counter with withering flowers in it, it seems that it has been glued back together as I soon realise it was the vase I 'Accidentally' smashed when Rarity refused me service.
It was an ugly vase so I decided to do something that would benefit both me and Rarity. I guess doing a favour for Big Mac just put me in the helping mood, even I can do good things once in a while... This wasn't one of those times as I slid the vase off the desk once again as it toppled to the ground.

'SMASH!' the vase once again exploded on impact as water and glass cover the floor.

A loud sigh comes from the back room before the door opens and Rarity enters. She wasn't surprised or shocked, if anything she looked tired, tired and angry. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were just as bad... While I wasn't too sure I think she may had been wearing the same ones last night when I dropped off my jacket.
With a grumpy even somewhat deranged tone Rarity said. "Well it's about time you showed up."

"Is my jacket ready yet?" I asked with a tone that implied this to be a major inconvenience to me. We were both ignoring the vase

"It's been ready since 6 in the morning!" Rarity angrily stated as she marched towards me.

"Is that really something to brag about? That you did the job your paid to do." I replied to her whinny complaint. "You should really think about taking my advice and working on your customer service skills... So how about you quit patting yourself on the back and get my jacket."

For a moment she just scowled at me before a sinister smirk made its way on to her face. "Oh don't worry Cross, you'll get it. This time I can personally promise you'll get 'EXACTLY' what you asked for!"
As she left for the back room she chuckled like mad woman.

Rolling my eyes I find myself once again missing the original tailors of the store. (Getting my clothes fixed never used to be this irritating. Maybe I should start looking into finding a new tailor? Although it's unlikely I'll find another in this small town. Why does she have to make such a simple task into some drama? All she does is complain and overreact.)

But my inner complaining is cut short as out of nowhere a country song starts to play. Looking around to find and silence it I soon realise that I'm the source. Reaching into my pocket I pull out Appleblooms phone.
(I completely forgot I had this. I confiscated it from Apple girl when she tried to call the cops and use the whole stranger danger routine when I grabbed her... Which I now realise wasn't because she was trying to avoid Har-Fest. Well, what's done is done. It doesn't matter anyway, I was sent to bring her there by Big Mac so that's what I'm doing.)

Looking at the phone it reads, Jack.
(Jack?... Oh! I think she means Mack! As in Big Mac... Or is it spelt M A C K?... Either way she misspelt it, but that's what I would expect from some country bumpkin. Big Macs probably just calling to find out where she is. Rarity should be back in just a second so I'll just quickly update him.)

The phone model is similar to mine but was red. This meant I knew how to answer it, and pushing the green phone button I did just that.
"Yo! It's Cross. I have Applebloom!" With that quick update I hung up, knowing that if I didn't then Big Mac would probably talk my ear off.

At that same exact moment Rarety came back into the room with what I assumed was my jacket.

"Here you are cross. Hopefully you'll find I met your request." Rarity said with a smug tone.

Grabbing it off the counter I reply. "Well it's about darm time. Hopefully this time you made one that won't fall apart so-... What the hell?"

Picking it up and unfolding it I realise their are some changes to my jacket compared to how it was. The main and most noticeable one being the colour was off. Instead of being all black it also contained large patches of grey, brown and even dark blues. This was because as indicated by the giant stitches all throughout it, it was many different jackets roughly stitched together. Even the white fur along the sleeve ends and colour were all different compared to each other. the only things she seemed to get right were the large hidden pockets on the inside and the misprinted crucifix logo on the back that was made up of directional arrows. The Logo being the only original part I was able to salvage.

Turning my gaze back to Rarety I ask. "The hell is this?"

She looks almost over joyed at my reaction. "It's 'EXACTLY' what you asked for. I believe your words were something like. 'it better be done by tomorrow morning, and I don't care if you have to Frankenstein one together from other jackets'."
She flashed a smug smile before continuing as she pressed some buttons on the cash register. "So will you be paying cash or credit?"

For a moment I just scowled at her in silence as the tension between us grew. Then with no hesitation I threw on the patched up Chimera Jacket.
"Cash!" Was all I replied with before taking money from my wallet and placing it on the counter.

"...What?" Despite how unfazed she was earlier she now seemed confused and thrown off. She thought that like the last time, I had no intention to pay. "Your actually going to pay me?... For that?..."

"Of course I am." I plainly stated as I took something's from my pockets and moved them into those of my jacket. "paying for your skills and services are the most basic understanding of trade, and the amount you receive reflects their worth."

"...Th- thank you?..." Rarity found herself even more confused.
(That sounded like a compliment... Was that actually a compliment? I never thought some one as Brutish as Cross could even say something remotely nice.) Rarity thought with a slight blush as she watched him stretch and move around in the jacket to see how it felt. She actually felt a little bad for purposely making it look so bad.
"...Cross, are you sure your fine with it?... If you don't like it I could probably... Definitely, make it better than that."

"Nah, this will do. ...Actually, I think this works out better for me." I reply as I finish various movements to see how well the jacket fits. It wasn't as comfortable as it once was but it worked well enough.

Rarity was still puzzled by my unexpected acceptance of this terrible jacket and looked like she still had more to ask me. However we were interrupted as the door suddenly flew open as Scootaloo and Sweety Belle come running in.

In a rush Sweety Belle calls to Rarity. "Rarity! Rarity! You gotta help us! We were just finishing up our rehearsal when!-..... What the heck is that?!"
The moment she saw me Sweety suddenly stopped in her tracks and pointed at my jacket.

Scootaloo looks to her with a deadpan expression. "You can't be serious?... Is this really the time to talk about Cross's ugly jacket. What about Applebloom? ...Actually, it is hard not too stare. That is bad."

Surprised and concerned Rarity questioned. "Applebloom?... What about Applebloom?

"Now hold on Rarity. Sweaty Belle here just asked a question, I feel it would be rude of us to just ignore such an inquisitive young girl." I calmly reply, purposely getting Sweetys name wrong.

"Actually my name is Swee-"

"I see you noticed my jacket." I interrupted Sweety. "You've probably seen me around town in a similar jacket just like this one."

"...we go to the same school." Scootaloo states.

Ignoring her I continued. "Well you see, unfortunately Wear and tear had left my jacket in a less than acceptable state. So I figured I knew of a place that could patch it up for me, the Carousel Boutique. Recently the original owners have allowed their daughter, Rarity Belle, to run and manage the place during certain hours. So I payed her... Hey Rarity, how much did I pay you?"

Counting the money Rarity's eyes go wide. "235 dollars!?"

"Right, so I payed her 235 dollars. And for that 235 dollars she patched up my jacket this well." I continued as I made sure they had a good view of the horribly patched together mess that was my jacket.
"So?... What do you think."

There was a moment of silence.

Sweety was the first to respond. "...I think you got ripped off, it looks terrible. And a patch up job shouldn't cost much or look so rough either " She then turned her attention to Rarity with a look of disappointment.
"I can't believe this is how your running the business when your in charge... I know your new to it but this is just bad business."

Scootaloo turned to Rarity with a similar response. "I thought you were supposed to be good at this? That looks like something Sweety would do."
That last part got her a glare from Sweety.

"No wait... it's not what you... he isn't..." Surprised Rarity began to explain only to constantly trip over her words as she didn't know where to begin. Then a look of realisation appeared on her face as she stared at me. "...that's why your fine with it. Because your planning to use it to Sully my businesses reputation."
There was a growing look of panic on her as she then began to plead. "Please, don't wear that in public. You could ruin my business if you start telling people of this. In fact, Give me back that jacket." She quickly reaches over the counter to grab my sleeve but I move out of arms reach.

With a smug smirk I reply. "You really should have more confidence in your work, and why wouldn't I brag about your level of quality to everyone I meet. Word of mouth is one of he best ways to drum up business in a small town like this, I'm practically doing you a favour. ...Actually, now that I think about it isn't Har-Fest today? Their would be hundreds of people from in and out of town their, and I bet they have a stage set up and everything. I could probably announce your business to everyone from there and show them the quality level of work you do."

Their was a looked of defeat in Rarity's eyes. Her plan was backfiring more than she could have ever imagined. "You can't, be serious! You can have your money back, please, just take it." She says as she hands my cash out.

"Hmmmm?... Now was it 235 or 335 I gave you?" I loudly ponder.

"You-... You can't be serious." A Wide eyed Rarity responds. But my sinister gaze is all the reply she needs. "Of course you are."
She then takes out another extra hundred from the register and hands it to me. "There! Are you good now!?"

"Well, it's good... For a start." I say as I put the money in my wallet.

A look of discomfort is plastered on her face as she replies. "A start?... What else could you want from me?"
With a fearful look she raises her arms over her breasts. "...are you planning on doing something sexual!?"

With an annoyed look I reply. "No!... Why do people think I'm gonna-... Look, obviously this jacket sucks, I want a new one by Monday morning. But I'm tired of always having to come here so just find me in the car park. Also, I want you to bring me all your notes you've taken for school this year right now.

"All my notes? Wouldn't it make more sense to bring you just the ones for the classes we share?" She asked.

"Until recently you didn't exist to me, so if we share more classes besides shop I wouldn't know. Besides, even if we don't share classes your notes may still be of use to me. Oh, and I don't need your math notes, I'm good for math." I replied.
"And until I get a new jacket I'm keeping this one."

Frustrated but backed into a corner, Rarity agreed. See disappeared up the stairs for a moment before coming back with a small stack of books for me.

Snapping back to her senses now that me and Rarity we're finished, Sweety said with urgency. "Applebloom!... I almost forgot. Rarity, we need your help, were being kidnapped!"

"You are?" Rarity questioned.

"Yes!" Scootaloo answered.

To which Rarity asked. "...Right now?"

"Yes!" Sweety replied.

Rarity then looked around the calm uneventful room for a moment. "... Are you sure?"

"YES!" The two replied urgently in unison.

Not caring I begin to leave with my not great jacket and the stack of Raritys school books.

"He's trying to get away!... Really slowly." Sweety called out.

Scootaloo then threw herself in front of me and held out her arms too block the path. "I'm not letting you go anywhere!"

"Oh no..." I lazily said." ...A child, how ever will I get past this... If only I-." My sentence ends abruptly as I simply walk through Scootaloo, knocking her out if my way.

"Quickly Rarity!" Sweety says as she grabs Rarity by the hand and begins to pull her after me. "It will all make sense when you see Cross's car!"

"Hold on Sweety, your not making much sense. Just give a second to lock up." Rarity replies.


From the back of my car Applebloom sees us slowly coming out as the stores door open "Where's Rarity. Is help on tha way?"

"Don't worry! We got this under control!" Scootaloo calls as she's currently wrapped around my foot in an attempt to slow me down as I drag her behind me.

To which a disheartened Applebloom replies. "From here it doesn't seem like ya got it all unda control."

Soon we're followed by Sweety and Rarity.

Catching sight the farm girl, Rarity suddenly rushes up to my car. "Applebloom?... Why is Applebloom in the back of your car?!"

"I know what your thinking." I responded as I place the school books in the boot of the car.. "How did she fit when her costume is so big? Well you would be surprised how far a little force can go."

"That's not what I meant." Rarity replied. "I meant what possible reason is she in your car at all, not how but why?"

Sweety then interrupted. "I told you already, he's kidnapping us!"

Rolling my eyes I say. "It's closer to forced transportation than kidnapping. I don't have any intention of keeping her."

"Why?!" A shocked Rarity questions.

I'm surprised I even have to answer that. "Well I'm not much of a people person to begin with, but she's pretty annoying. And the whole speaking in broken English thing just gets on my nerves, who-".

"I mean why are you taking here?!" Rarity clarified.

"Oh, Big Mac asked me to." I answered.

"You know Big Mac?" Rarity questioned, seeming even more confused.

Sweety then jumped in. "of course he doesn't! It's obviously a lie!"

"Well you can believe me or not, I don't care. But your options are either riding in the car with Applebloom or... I don't know? It's Saturday, go do whatever you want. I say as I Unlock the the back door. The moment I open the backdoor Applebloom rushes it, only to instantly get stuck in the door frame.

Both of her friends quickly try to pull her through, Scootaloo pulled Applebloom and Sweety pulled Scootaloo.

"Indicisive huh?." I say as they struggle in vain. "Guess I'll have to choose for you." I continued as I moved behind sweaty, then with one swift kick to her back I push her and Scootaloo into the car which also knocked Applebloom to the otherside. I then close the door and lock it.

Rarity suddenly steps in as she tried to open the door, which ended in failure. "I can't believe you! You actually are kidnapping my sister and her friends."

"I just explained that... Wait, sister?... Now that I think about it you two do Look like idiots. And you bother have Belle for a last name." I lazily reply.

"That's right, Sweety Belle is my sister." Rarity said as she then quickly jumps in front to block my path to the car. "And obviously I'm not just gonna let you take my sister!... Unsupervised."

"What?" Both me and Sweety Questioned.

Rarity trying to look sad continued. "Well your heading to Har-Fest anyway, and your story about getting Applebloom for Big Mac is just sketchy."

Rolling my eyes and just wanting go already I reply. "Well... I guess I don't see a reason why not." I reply as I casual go to the passenger side and use my key on the door.

"What? Really?... Your not just tricking me again, are you?" She questions cautiously.

"Do you really think I would do that again? You just saw me unlock the door for you." I reassured her as I then got into the drivers seat.

"I guess I em being a little overly suspicious. I guess someone like you is bound to have a soft spot ...even if it is very small." She says as she pulls the handle. However she found it wasn't unlocked.
"You have gotta be kidding me!" She angrily snaps.

Rolling my eyes I responded. "Don't jump to any conclusions yet. like I said, you clearly saw me unlock it. It's just being stubborn, jiggle the handle."

Taking a deep breath Rarity calmed down. "I'm sorry Cross l, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions... It's just, you always put me on edge."
She tries jiggling the handle but it doesn't budge.

"Hold on, I'll start up the car and see if anything changes." I suggest, although their still isn't any change.

"Still locked." Rarity complains.

"Wellllll,... how about now?" I ask.

"Nothing." Rarity says as another attempt fails she then looks to me for advice and notices something.

"Hoooow.... Aboooout.... Now?" I ask as Rarity watches me. She noticed I wasn't doing anything but sitting there, all I did was call out.

"Cross?... It kinda looks like your not doing anything to unlock the door." She questions, a slow realisation dawning on her.

"You know what? I think I blew a flux capacitor, that's why it's still locked." I suggest.

With a shocked expression Rarity questioned. "Flux capacitor?... Did you just make tha-"

"WHAT!" I interrupted. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

"What do you mean you can't hear me?" A frustrated Rarity asked.

"I mean I can't hear you... Over the sound of me driving away." I answered with a smug grin. And at that moment I began driving away.

"Noooo, again!... No!... Noooooo!... Nooooooooooooooo! You son of a-" was the last thing I heard Rarity say as we left her behind. This left a smile on my face.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!.... How did you do that?" Scootaloo questioned. "We saw you unlock the door for her.

"You idiot. How did you get out of the car originally?" I asked, hoping she would use her brain.

Not getting it yet Scootaloo replied. "We jumped the seats and got out through the passenger side-... Oh! It was already unlocked so you actually locked it."


It wasn't too long before we arrived at Har-Fest. Just as I thought it was even more crowded now. Luckily there was still parking outside nature's Muse so we walked from their.

Making it to the event grounds I sighed a breath of relief. Before turning to Applebloom. "Well, I did my part and got you here so I don't need you anymore."

The three girls looked kinda confused as Applebloom then spoke up. "wait, seriously, we can just go? You actually just planned to bring us here?"

"Basically." I simply answered as I took out Appleblooms phone and tossed it to her.

A confused Sweety then said. "well if that's all you wanted why all the aggression and hostility?"

"You were the ones who made it difficult. I was just there for the farm brat but it seemed easier to just take you all. And don't get the wrong idea, think of this as just a one off thing... I'm not usually this nice!" I reply as I then walk away into the crowd.

"...But you weren't nice... I was on the constant verge of a panic attack." Scootaloo says as I disappeared into the crowd.

It took some time but I managed to find the sweet apple acres store, I noticed that I was managing to find my way around a bit easier. Big Mac was still behind the counter looking stressed out as I approached.
"You do realise making such a panicked expression is bad for business? What is it with the terrible state of retail in this town?... Well, you can stop stressing out, I got your sister here. She was a pain in the ass but it's done."

Big Mac suddenly jumps to his feet in surprise, he looks glad that I finally made it back as he then quickly darts his head from right to left as if searching for something around me. Soon his expression begins to lose that relief and slowly curls into a grumpy expression before focusing on me.

"The hells your problem?... I did what you wanted, Appleblooms here now." I told him.

He only scanned the area once more with his eyes before giving me another slightly more intense glare.

"...oh!" I exclaimed finally understanding. "When you said you wanted me to bring Applebloom here, you actually meant here, as in directly to you."

All Big Mac replied with was a nod.

"You can't blame that all on me, you should be more clear when giving directions. Besides, does it really matter. She's here somewhere so your bound to run into her sometime, it may not be exactly what you wanted but I consider this favour complete." I say as I dust my hands off.
"So then, now that I did you a favor I'm hoping your a little more accepting of mine." I continued as I reminded him of our deal.

He still looked annoyed but he lowered his intensity and relaxed his shoulders enough to tell me to go ahead.

Looking him dead in he eyes I began. "I wanna help out around sweet apple aches."

For a moment their was silence, then Big Mac flashed me a look of confusion. He was aware of my dislike of the farm so he was curious as to why I would want to be there.

"I won't be vague or give you the run around." I said as I began to answer his question. "I almost got my ass kicked the other day, it was completely one sided. It was then that I realised I'm not as great I thought I was, but don't be mistaken, I em great. It might be more accurate to say that I'm lacking. I let myself go a bit once I reached the top at highschool and I now realise my stamina is one of my weakest features. I could just exercise but... Well, if I'm still being honest. I wanna kick your ass. But I'm not 100% confident I could do that now... And that pisses me off."

Big Mac almost snickered at that last part which annoyed me.

"Well, how about it?" I pushed.

Looking off to the side I could see Big Mac was deep in thought. On one hand he was telling himself he was in desperate need of more hands around the farm, however, on the other hand did it have to be this guy? He knew how unpleasant it would be to have me around.

I could already tell how this was going. Big Mac was similar to me in one way, he was use to doing things by himself. This meant he wouldn't feel such a need to just accept help because it's there, he could and would turn me down. I needed to sweeten the deal... But I didn't have anything, at least nothing he would want... Money maybe...

(Darm it, at this rate he'll turn me down.) I Thought as I slowly watched Big Mac deep In thought. (I'll fell pissed off if it turns out I did him a favor for nothing. If I was more of a people person like Valkyrie I could probably negotiate better. Back when he negotiated his deal with me he found what I wanted before hand and even threw his friend under the bus to get what he wanted... Wait, that's it!)

Before Big Mac could answer with his refusal I cut in. "...I probably wasn't clear but it won't just be me helping around the farm." This got his attention as he gave a look of intrigue. "There's another guy... I mean, two guys I know who actually wanna do it to. Their kinda skinny so they wanna get big like you." I somewhat lied, the only true part of my statement was that I knew two other guys.

However the extended offer got him to change his mind as he somewhat begrudgingly agreed as he shook my hand. It was decided that I could start tomorrow around 8 in the morning. All I needed to do now was somehow convince Valkyrie and Slow Dancer to go along with this.