Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 3

Strange Town 006 part 3

Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 3)

It had been a few minutes since I somewhat successfully acquired my mobile phone number from the Plump Pastry chef, Pinkamena. It was a task that took far longer to do than nesicary, and a lot more irritating than I could have ever imagined... Although irritating seemed to be the theme of today. Some might argue it was farm life, but I honestly don't see the difference.

I mostly wandered around directionless as I looked for my second/only real reason for even slightly wanting to be at Har-Fest. I was looking for Granny Smith.

Last night I came to a decision as to what to do about my situation, all this... weird, magical, giant bug, demon, kidnapping, situation. I had thought about it long and hard. The kidnapped people, the giant transforming bugs, my grandfather's lighter and encyclopedia of mythology... I took everything I knew and made an important decision of what to do next. And that was... Say Fuck it!

Just fuck it and move on... I mean seriously, It was way out of my depth. Sure it gave me this thrill, a sense of something to work towards, some excitement!... But when I look at it all, so what?... Besides having nothing to do with me, it was also far too dangerous. That last encounter made me realise that. Seriously, the only reason I'm not dead is mostly luck, everything I needed to get out of those situations just happened to either be on or around me. Not to mention the fact that those bugs, or changlings as I now know them as, all let their overconfidence lead to their downfall.
I'm no Hero, I don't care if a few nobodies go missing... Hell, I won't even both trying to inform others or the authorities about this. I'm sure someone will eventually take notice... Someone who can actually deal with this situation... That nerdy librarian girl Twilight seems to have noticed, she might even actualy know something about them. So It's lickely someone else will as well... But for now one thing I can say for certain is this... That person isn't me.

That doesn't mean I won't kill something in self defense should a changling come after me, but I won't bother going after them anymore. I'm walking away while I still can. Sure there is a changling who's aware that I know of their existence, but he said I can just walk away... Also said he would help me kill the others. For some reason I beleive him... And I choose to walk away... Although, I should do something about him. he said he would be back on Monday at that warehouse that Scree and those others were using as a base. So I could go get rid of him... or, I can walk away. If I think about it, it's not like he would come after me, he has no reason to. I don't have any proof of there existence and I'm not trusted by the community so it's not like anyone would believe my story... Well, that and it's a crazy story that is unbeleavable. So walking away sounds pretty good.

But I'm not walking away empty handed. I still got a lighter that magically heals me... Most times. I'm still fairly bruised from yesterday and I don't seem to have gotten any better. That's just something I'll have to figure out.

I also came to realise something more important from yesterday's fight with the changling called Scree, which is I'm not at my best... I'm not even as good as I was months ago. In a fight Against some emotionally unstable teenage dumbass I'm likely to come out on top. But the second I came across someone who had half an idea of how to actually fight I lost control of the whole situation. Sure changlings are naturally stronger, but the only reason I won was due to his overconfidence and quick thinking.

This is because I let myself go. I used to work out every day if not every second day. This was to give me an edge for my fights at school... But eventually I peaked, I reached the top. Soon no one would stand against me out of fear. And since the start of this year, most of the guys I butted heads with graduated. Only a few small randows bother to stand up to me now... The only notable one being Flash Sentry.
Since then I became complacent. I hadn't even realised it, but I hadn't worked out in a while. I was maybe down to once or twice a month. And because of how good I got at kicking ass, most my fights have never been more then a few minutes so I never realised how low my stamina was.

But that all changes now. I was walking away from all that magical BS, but I was taking what I learnt with me. I was gonna improve, get better, stronger. And that was where Granny Smith came in... Well, Big Mac actually. His the biggest strongest guy I know... Although I don't really know many people.
But anyway, Big Mac probably got that strong from simply doing farm work, and Granny smith mentioned that they could use some help. So while it wasn't much of a plan, I had to start somewhere. Sure I could go back to solo exercise, but I felt like I would put more effort in if I had someone to compare with... Also it's out of town, and while I em saying fuck it to the magical BS in my life, giant bug demons freak me out. I would feel more comfortable if I put some distance between them and me.

And while I came to that decision last night, I faced a new problem. (Where the Hell is Granny Smith?) I thought as I wandered the crowded grounds of Har-Fest.
Sure I could always just go to the Sweet Apple Acres at anytime to ask about work, but I was hoping to avoid wasting the fuel... Also it gave me something to distract me from the smells, sights, and sounds that made up the farm themed horror they called Har-Fest.
(God I hate crowds.)

As expected, I continued to wonder aimlessly through the overly crowded paths as vendors constantly called and competed for my attention. No matter how many I shooed away another quickly took their place, trying to sell their naturaly grown vegitation, locally farmed honey, or cruilty free meat.
This all might appeal to other slack jawed folk, but personaly, I didn't care.

But after awhile I finaly found what I was after. Their was a makeshift covered area with a tarp covering the grass. this area was larger than the space most people were given to set up their stalls, easily being 5 to 6 times bigger. but unlike those stalls this space was pretty baren, but that's cause they weren't trying to sell anything. no, this tent was full of something worse... children. and at the center of it all in an old rocking chair was Granny Smith.

"-and that's when he told me, with great power comes great responsibility.-" I overheard Granny Smith say as I approuched. she seemed to be telling the kids a story as they quietly sat around her rocking chair. The small line of dialogue caught my interest for a moment as it reminded me of something from one of the many comics i hid in my room, but given the board almost agonized expressions on the children's faces it was unlikely related.

This was a place where parents who didn't want to watch their kids could dump them... Not being a fan of kids I could get behind that idea.
The kids seemed board, although, given my experience so far at Har-Fest I don't think there missing out on much. But one might say my oppinion as a anti-social slacker with a dislike for the outdoors and the community isn't worth much... I would say it's the only oppinion that maters.

"Well, this is a depressing sight... Although I em kinda glad to see I'm not the only having a bad time at Har-Fest today!" I obnocisly say, interupting Granny Smiths story as I walk through the feild of kids.

"Wel if it ain't Selfish's Grandson" Granny Smith replied as she ignored my comment. "...Ross was it?... ya come ta learn 'bout tha origin of Ponyville again?"

I got the feeling she got my name wrong on purpose just like how she brushed off my comment, to annoy me. and what did she mean about learning about the origin of Ponyville again?... wait, was that the story she was telling me that i fell asleep through?

"Given the crowds excitement, I'll Pass on the history lesson." I quickly replied. "I actualy came to talk about that offer you made the other day."

"Offer?... What offer?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You know, the one from the other day." I answered as I gave a scowl to a kid who wouldn't stop starring at me before turning my gaze back to Granny Smith, only to be met with confusion once again.
"You were talking about how times are tough and you could use an extra pair of hands to help out." I continued to try and clarify.

But her still puzzled look made me think that she still had no idea what I was talking about. I wasn't sure what to do at this point besides speaking louder and slower... I knew that wasn't gonna help, but my people skill's suck.

Luckily Granny Smith responed before I could show how socially challenged I Was.
"We can't pay ya anythang." She said with a confused expression.

There was a quiet pause. for a moment we just stood their looking at one another as I processed what she said. it was like all the sound of Har-Fest disappeared, I looked at Granny Smith's confused expression in silence. and then all of a sudden.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I suddenly burst out laughing.
I couldn't control my laughter as I found my self quickly running out of air, I was even begining to lose my balance.

This caused Grany Smith's already puzzled look to become even more confused as I laughed like a maniac.

"OH MAN, HAHAHA!... PAY ME!... HA!.I'M MORE FINANCIALY SECURE THAN YOU.... HAHA!... [GASP!]... THIS ISN'T ABOUT MONEY... HAHA!... AND IF IT WAS...... I WOULDN'T BE GOING TO YOU! HAHAHAHA-" I continued to mock as I struggled to breath.

Granny Smith rolled her eyes at me... I think, I was laughing so hard my vision became blurry as I would gasp for air between laughs.

After a minute, I slowly regained my composure and found Granny Smith waiting with an annoyed expression.
"...Are ya done?" She asked.

"...haha... [sigh]... yeah... I think so..." i answered as I caught my breath.
(geez. I haven't laughed like that since... Well, ever. at least not as genuinely.) I thought as I rubbed my jaw which hurt for some reason. Usually my visous smiles are fake and don't last very long so this was a new experience for me.

But soon my thoughts became distracted as I felt a familiar warm sensation move through my face as the lighter did it's thing and the pain disappeared.
(Wait, seriously? The lighter will fix this light laughter pain but won't do anything about the bruises and claw marks on my body?)

"Well, ya R his Grandson afta all." Granny Smith mumbled under her breath, bringing me back from my thoughts.
"So jus that I got this clear. Cross, ya willin ta work fer free an don't want any compensation?"

"I wouldn't say I'm working for nothing, I do have my reasons, and their not noble ones. I guess you could say I want to better myself." I replied as I tried to clarify what I was after, before I realised something.
"Hold on! you just called me Cross... Earlier you called me Ross but I didn't correct you on that... You were messing with me!"

"...Well, I neva would a guessed ya would take meh up on ma offer." Granny Smith replied with surprise, ignoring my last comment.

"The heck do you mean your surprised? Your the one who asked me!" I replied, finding that I was becoming irritated.

"Yeah, well I used ta ask ya grandfather, Selfish Desire for help all the time an he would only help ta hit on me an my cousins. an since tha majority of tha Apple Family ain't livin in these parts no more I just never thought ya would help out... hold on, ya ain't after ma Grand Daughters are ya? Cause I was just jokin about that part of the offer." Granny Smith answered.

"First off, I don't even know your grand daughters. Secondly, if there anything like Big Mac, then that's a strong no. And thirdly... I don't care!" I rudely replied.
"Do you got some work for me or not!?"

She grabbed her chin in thought and after a moment responded. "...Well I wanna say yes, but ya should really ask Big Mac about it. He's takin over most of the work these days. Ya would be working with him so if he's fine with ya givin a hand then sure."

(Crap. Big Mac might have tollerated me once but would he be willing to do it again... Well, only one way to find out.)
"Okay... so, were is he?" I asked as I looked around for him.

"At our stall." Granny smith replied.

"And where's that?" I asked.

"In the same spot it always is for festivals and markets." She answered with confidence.

"Okay... But, where exactly is that?" I hesitantly asked.

"Err?... Well ya see it's... Hmmm?" Granny answered with less confidence.

And so my quest through Har-Fest began again... And by quest I ment I wondered randomly in hopes of finding what I was after.

(Where the heck is Big Mac?) I frustratingly thought as I searched for him. (Hell, at this point I'm not even sure where I em...)
There were far too many people around for my likeing which didn't help as they would blocked my view and act as distractions. And all the stales looked the same to me so I wasn't sure if I was going in circles or not.

(Why the hell did so many people come to this Hillbilly convention! Did they really have nothing better to do than-!)
However, my complaing is drastically cut short as I suddenly tense up. I feel the familiar warmth of my lighter, indicating that a shapeshifting demon bug, or changeling as I now know them is close by.

But after a deep breath my tension begins to fade. (Calm down.) I mentally tell myself. (This has nothing to do with me... I know these things are probable all over town so I can't go freaking out when ever one passes by... I'm done with them, and it's not like it cares about me either. In a moment it will be gone and our lives will continue.)
Pretending to view the wares at a close by stale I waited for the changeling to move on and for my lighter to cool down. And just as predicted, a few seconds later it did.

I shook my head at myself for getting so worked up. Sure my last experience wasn't entirely favourable, but that was just silly. This was no longer my problem.
After promising to properly ignore them from now on, I once again start my search for Big Mac.

Finally. after what was only a few minutes but felt like hours due to how annoying this place was, I spotted Big Mac. His stale was just as sad as I would have imagined it. A fairly plain homemade wooden stale that looked as if it was a cart with compartments that had been unfolded into many benches that now held many different confectionerys and pastries that likely contained apples. Beside the stale was two barrel sized buckets full of apples.

As impatient as I was I knew better than to just rush in and try to verbally brute force myself through.
(I might be offering him free labour, but unfortunately he knows I'm not good company... Well, they say beggars can't be choosers.) It wasn't much of a thought as my plan was essentually just hoping he would be desperate enough to accept my help. At the very least I could try not to be an ass... although considering only minutes ago I was laughing my ass off at Granny Smith for being poor... Well, let's just try to do better this time around.

As I approuched I noticed Big Mac didn't seem like his usual self. Although, only seeing him twice before doesn't exactly make me an expert on his behaviour. He seemed concerned, worried... Anxious?... Whatever it was he seemed down as he just stared down at the bench of his stall with his head leaning on his left hand for support.

(Crap, I was hoping to catch him in a better mood... Don't worry, I can still make this work. Just open with a joke or something, anything to lighten the mood.) I told myself as I approuched.

digging down deep, I summond all my people skill's in an attempt to not be an ass as I greeted Big Mac as nicely as I could.
by saying nothing.

I just froze up and stood their with my mouth open as I realized I didn't know what the hell I was gonna say. I was so use to being an ass that the nicest thing I could say was nothing.

( Is this really the best I can do?... Actually, yeah, it kinda is.) I berated myself as I panicked.
(Okay, well I can't just stand here silently all day or else his gonna think somethings wrong with me...)

But still no words came to mind... At least, nothing that wouldn't piss him off. And while that wouldn't usually bother me, it wouldn't help make him more seseptable to the idea of letting me work on the farm.

(Why do I suck at this?... It's already been too long by now, he probably thinks I'm-... Hold on.)
My paniced thoughts begin to subside as I realise something. Big Mac hasn't even realised I'm standing in front of his stall. He was still preocupied as he leaned his head on his left arm and looked worryingly at something behind his folded arms on the bench of his stall.
(Good, I lucked out. He hasn't noticed me just standing here like a weirdo yet. Now it doesn't matter what I say as long as it gets his attention... Just try not to be too... Like myself.)

"Hey! I think a saw someguy selling soaps a few stalls down. you really might wanna consider investing in some." I said to Big Mac like a jackass as I mentally face palmed.
(Darm it me! why must I continue to make this difficult. I mean, it is true that he smells like a zoo... But it probably won't help my cause if I make fun of him.) I argued with myself until a thought crossed my mind.
(Unless, what if my honesty impresses him. Like he thinks it's brave of me to say things like they are... Yeah! That sounds plausible. Quick! What are more of his short comings?... Oh! His poor! Quickly point that out!)

But before my genius idea could be put into action, I noticed something... He still hadn't taken notice of me.

"Hey!" I called out to him. Only to get no response as he contined his gaze at his folded arms on the bench.
"HEY! HEY!" I called louder this time as I moved my hand infront of his downward gaze and began clicking my fingers in an atempt to get his attention.

snapping out of his worried daze he suddenly springs to life as he shoots his gaze towards me as his worry is replaced with joy.
this sudden change creeped me the hell out as I take a step back. But after a moment of staring at me the joy fades from his face as he then looks around me as if to see if anyone else is with me before he loudly sighs and turns his gaze back towards the bench before him.

"Geez!... And here I was feeling like an idiot for having no people skills." I said out loud for him to hear.
He then lazily turned his gaze back to me as I continued. "Look, I get the sense that somethings up with you, but right now that's not important. I need something from you."

Before I could clarify, Big Mac grabbed a thin plastic bag from behind the counter and began filling it with apples.

"What, No! I don't want none of your families nasty ass apples. I thought I made my stance very clear on that, their too sweet and bitter." I interrupted him.
He then cased an annoyed gaze at me as he stopped mid pick.
"Ohhhh, so hey. Think you could ignore me trash talking your families nasty produce? cause I was kinda gonna ask you for a favour and I really don't want that to effect your decision making skills."

It wasn't my brightest moment... But it didn't hurt to ask. I waited for what was most likely a negative reply when I noticed his attention was once again not on me but instead at his arm. now that they were unfolded I could see he was watching his watch.

(Why's he so fixated on the time?) I questioned, thankful for whatever the reason it distraced him from my poor social skills.
(I know Financialy his not doing so well, could that be distracting him?)

looking around his stall I tried to gather evidence to support that theory.
(No, that's not it. There's an empty barrel behind him which was probable full of apples earlier. Also given the spaces between the pastries i would say they already sold at least a third of their products. Not just that, but according to his watch it's only just become eleven o'clock, meaning the lunch rush is still to come... even if that was the case it wouldn't explain his fixation with time.)

Deciding there was more to this I thought back to how things had gone so far.
(Wait. His watch is on his left arm, the arm he was leaning on. that means he wouldn't have been able to see his watch earlier... Then what was he fixated on?) With that thought I had a look along the bench, only to find nothing of value. But remembering how fast he had sprung to attention when he did notice me, I stepped back and examined the area at the foot of his stall. And as I though, I did find something. It was a small square of paper that seemed to have a krudely scribbled note on it that read.

[Pick up Applebloom after rehursal at 11.]

finally it all made sense.

(I think I can use this.) I thought as a smile crept onto my face.

"Okay, I think I get what's got you down." I claimed as I placed the note on the table which got his attention.
"Right now your supposed to be somewhere else, specificaly picking up this Applebloom person, whoever that is?... Given that they have apple in their name I'm gonna assume their related to you. Probably one of your little sisters given how much your worrying. That's why when you first noticed me you got all exited, because you thought I was someone else. Someone was suppose to take your place at the stall while you went to get Applebloom, that someone was probably a family member like Granny Smith... I figure that's the case given how isolated you are and how little time you have to socialise.

Big Mac rolled his eyes at that last part as if to say, like you can talk.

ignoring his sarcasm, i continued. "Well the fact is whoever was supposed to fill in for you isn't here. And given the current time, I would say you were supposed to have already been on your way by now. But you can't just abandon your stall, not before the lunch rush, your family is relying on today's sales."
His sarcasm melted back into worry as i stated these assumed facts, this meant I was on the right track.
"I would say your in DESPERATE need of a hand."

Big Mac gave me a sceptical look as he noticed the emphasis I put on the word, desperate.

"Look, it's not as sinister as I'm making it out to be. I'm just suggesting that I do a favour for you, and then you do one for me." I suggested.

This was met by a somewhat puzzled look.

"Alright, so that's not how favours work!... But don't get hung up on the details." I replied as he was clearly poking holes in my logic.
"So what do you say? I watch your Families nasty Apple stall while you get your little sister. and in return you hear me out about my favour."

Things weren't going as I hoped, his stalward stair of annoyance being a good indicator to his dislike of my idea.

"Okay, that's a good point... you don't exactlly want the guy who's trash talking your families livelyhood to be responsible for it." My reply to his disapproving stare was met by an even more intense look.
"Okay, Fine! Theirs also the fact that I'm not really a people person and could damage your business... But it's not like you have many other options."

Big Mac became hesitant as he found himself grinding his teeth. he couldn't just abandon his families stall, but he also couldin't leave it in the hands of someone who would most certainly run it into the ground right before the lunch rush.
But an Idea soon came to him as he gave me an intense hope filled look. It was a look that asked, did you drive here.

"What's that?... Yeah, of course I drove here! You didn't think I was gonna walk to this Hillbilly Carnival did you?... Why?" I asked, assuming I understood him correctly.

Big Mac then slid the note I had placed on the stalls bench towards me as he gave a look of understanding.

"Wait!... Don't tell me you want to go pick up Applebloom for you?" I replied back, displeasure clear in my tone.

His only reply being a nod.

Now I was hesitating. I was hoping to just do something easy like sit behind a counter and telling people to beat it. But this was much more involved as it was basically a fetch quest... Although it wasn't like I had much to bargain with. And by the look on his face I could tell he knew that.

"Alright, Fine! I'll go pick up your sister from school." I begrudginly agreed.

This was met by a look of confusion from Big Mac.

"What?... You wanna know why I think she's at the school when it was never mentioned?" I asked, only to continue with an answer before he could reply.
"Well it's mostly just a guess... although an educated guess. for one, Granny Smith mentioned both your sisters attend our highschool. Not really any connection their, but the note mentioned she's doing some kinda rehearsel. That kinda implies she's with others, and since your farms too far for others to travel to you must have dropped her off somewhere in town. Ponyvill is small, we don't have an art center and rehearsel also implies something arty. so the only place that comes to mind is the schools orditorium or maybe the indoors basketball court... I mean, the gym... Well, that's what i figured... Is that right? Is she at the school.

after a moment of him stareing at me like I was the dumb hillbilly, Big Mac finally answered with a nod.

"Good, then let's get this fetch quest over with" I said as I turned to leave.
"And don't forget, your gonna owe me one."

Big Mac still seemed uncertain about this decision as I left... but that was his problem.
I wasn't too sure of where I was so I picked a direction and walked in a staight line until I exited the Har-Fest grounds. from their I quickly realized where I was and circled around the fair grounds and made my way back to my car outside of Natures Muse and Sugar Cube Corner. I then headed to School to Find Applebloom.