//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 - Har-Fest part 2 // Story: Strange Town // by general_bad //------------------------------// Strange Town 006 part 2 Chapter 6 - Har-Fest (part 2) The sights and sounds immediately assaulted my senses. Only a few moments ago had I made it to the event grounds of Har-Fest and already had I had enough of the place. The ever growing crowd of people made it troublesome to get anywhere, not that I knew where I was going. Personally I hated being around large groups of people, and while I would deal with situations like this at school, the other students would get the Hell out of my way due to my reputation. That wasn't the case here however as I'm forced to constantly push and shove my way through countless people who aren't watching where their going. Usually I would have a location in mind but this place was like a maze. Sure I had two objectives in my head, Find the Sugar Cube Corner stall or Granny Smith. But I had no idea where either of those two things were or if I was getting close. I hated this feeling of not being in control, sure it was petty of me but that's just how I em. The constant sound of people chatting was bad enough, but add on excited squeals every so often, the loud calls for attention as stalls try to sell their wares, animal noises, carnival like game sounds, and worst of all the country music that could slightly be heard no matter where you were. All these sounds were leading to the most uncomfortable head ache of my life, how these people could stand it added to my annoyance. Perhaps they were able to drown it out by focusing on whatever past as amusement for them. But worst then the constant sound, the crowds, or even the many ugly shades of brown that would visually assault my eyes no mater where I looked, was something inescapable... The smell. This place reeked of animals and unwashed... Well, everything. I remember Sweet Apple Acress didn't have a very pleasant smell but this was worse by far. People might argue that this smell was natural, fruity, organic, fresh air kinda smell... And maybe their right, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. All this going on was too much for me. I hadn't gone from my usually passively annoyed to absolutely annoyed so fast in my life. I needed to find a quiet spot, or at least an uncrowded spot so that I could think. I needed to do it fast as an urge to punch the next person to bump into me was quickly growing. Of course I wouldn't as I knew better than to just knockout some stranger... But at the same time I didn't trust myself. An uncrowded spot was hard to come by, and from what I had been told earlier this morning, this place was bound to get more crowded. Luckily for me however I'm resourceful, which meant some poor young couple was unlucky as I climbed atop a table they were trying to eat their lunch at. Their protests fell on deaf ears as I didn't care about their inconvenience, instead I focused on how glad I was to be out of the sea of people. Sure passersby would give me an odd look as I was standing on a table, but I was used to attracting the attention of others when I did whatever I wanted... Although it might be more fitting to say I cared nothing of their opinions. That added vantage point gave me a much better view of the surrounding area, although I still couldn't find what I was looking for. Har-Fest had a large venue, too large if you ask me. "Hey! Do you mind, were kinda in the middle of something!" came a male voice from below me. Looking down I see it was one of the current occupants of the table. "Wait your darm turn! Can't you see I'm busy... It's rude to just call out at someone you don't know!" I replied, annoyance clear in my voice. "Wait my turn?... I don't wanna stand on the table... Who does that?" He replied. "Then shut up and don't be rude!... Seriously didn't your parent's teach you any manners!" I continued as I again began searching my surroundings. "Rude?... I'm the rude one?... Your literally standing in the middle of me and my girlfriends lunch!" Be snapped at me while motioning to their meal just beside my feet. I was about to reply to his constant complaining when something he had motioned to grabbed my attention. Quickly kneeling down I grabbed something from his girlfriends hand... A pink cupcake. Quickly examining it I knew it had come from Sugar Cube Corner as they had their name printed on the paper cup of the cupcake. Before any of them could say anything I interrupted them. "Show me where you got this from." I demanded. "What?... Why should we tell you!" The girls boyfriend angrily replied. Rolling my eyes I answered him. "Look... Guy? There's generally two ways we can do this. The Easy way... Or the Hard way... But either way I get what I want. The real question is how much of a bad day are you gonna have... If it's any consultation, I feel like my days already sucking and is only gonna get worse." It took him a moment to think about it, but after looking to his girlfriend he replied. ________________________________________________________________ I was now back on track and I was actually getting somewhere in my hunt for Sugar Cube Corner. My target was a pink girl who worked there that I believed was named Pinkie Pie, honesty I could be wrong given my track record of remembering names and faces. Sure in the grand scheme of things this task didn't seem important, but some stranger giving out my phone number was something I wanted to put a stop to right away... I didn't work hard to become antisocial, but I was definitely gonna work my ass off to keep it that way. And thanks to my guide I would do just that. "Ow... Ow... Ow... Ow..." Came the constant wining of my guide. I had twisted the arm of the 'not so polite guy' I had run into moments ago behind his back and was applying pressure to it as he now lead me to where Sugar Cube Corner had set up their makeshift stall. His girlfriend was left back at the table. "ow!... You psycho!... The Hells your problem!... Who does this?" His complaints would gain a few peoples attention every so often but they quickly lost interest. People were generally busy doing there own thing or didn't care. I hadn't noticed it at the table but he was older then me, probably early twenties. "Quit complaining! It's annoying... Besides, I let you choose which way we were gonna do this. Don't regret it now." "I chose the easy way! I thought that meant I give you directions and you leave me and my Girlfriend the Hell alone!.. But No! Because apparently your a PSYCHO!" He over dramatically complained. He was making a scene but a quick tug on his arm got him to quiet down as to not annoy the other event goers... I'm just considerate like that. "Tell me directions?... You mean you wanted the hard way?" I questioned as his logic seemed backwards. "How is that the hard way?... In what way could that possible had been the hard way?" He once again complained in a whiny voice. "That should be obvious." I confidently began to reply like it was the simplest thing ever. "What's easier? You show me where I want to go. Or, You give me vague directions followed by an equally vague hand gesture pointing the supposed direction while saying, 'It's over that way', this is then followed by me having to fight my way through a crowd of people while hoping I hadn't gotten turned around at some point before either completely walking past where I want to go or ending up on the wrong side of this overly crowded maze like place entirely with no way to re-confirm the directions you gave me as I no longer know where you are and have forgotten what you look like." "oh god... I'm being kidnapped by a crazy person!" He suddenly stated. "Well you weren't exactly being cooperative. Beside, is it really kidnapping if I'm younger than you?" I replied. "Yes! Yes it is!" He immediately responded. "And just how young are you? Why did this have to happen in front of my Girlfriend?... She's gonna think I'm a pushover!" He complained, shocked that he was in this situation. "Well she's not wrong." I told him to put his mind at ease. "And are you sure you wanna know my age?... It'll probably just make you feel worse. Just tell your girlfriend I'm like 30 something... A short 30 something." "huh!... Yeah, I think I will. That might be believable... A bit of a stretch, but it could work." He said to himself with a small glimmer of hope. "Yeah, because if you told her I was 16 I'm pretty sure she would dump you." I replied to help affirm his willingness to lie. This however seemed to have a negative effects on him a he slumped his shoulders and lost his will to continue. "...Why did you have to tell me your age... I'm 28, I can't let a kid kick me around. Do you know how humiliating that is?... How it crushes my soul?" Rolling my eyes I reply. "Look... Guy in Green shirt..." Which I decided to call him as I didn't have anything else to call him and he lacked anything of a distinguishing feature. "Just accept that today's not your day... Now get a move on!" I continued as I once again applied pressure to his twisted arm. "OW!" He yelped as we got back on track. After a few turns and constant complaints we arrived as Sugar Cube Corners makeshift stall was finally visible. "Well I finally got what I want so I don't need you any more." I said as I let go of the green shirt guys arm. The moment I let go he jumped out of my reach. "YOU PSYCHO!" He shouted as I began walking away, ignoring his words. "You think you'll get away with this. Well I'm gonna report you to... Well I don't know who, but I'll find the most important person here and make sure you get what's coming to you!" With that he ran off. (What an unpleasant guy.) I thought to myself. (All he did was moan and complain... I hope his girlfriend dumps him.) Putting it all behind me I turned my attention to the task at hand as I walked to the makeshift stall. The stall was as expected, terrible. It was just a few tables set up under a tent cover with wooden planks strung together to act as a makeshift wall to separate there area from the two other stalls set up besides them. Banner's with the stores name on it hung above and below there makeshift counter. Trays of sweet pastries were set up along the table for customers to buy. The only thing this stall had going for it was that it was much more colourful then the other stalls. A tall thin man greeted me as I appreached. "Hey there, looking for something sweet?" "No, I don't really like sweet things." I lied in hopes he wouldn't try to sell me anything. "I was hoping you could help me with something else." "huh... oh! It's you." The man replied to my confusion. "Your that kid who came asking about the bags of sugar we were selling. If you came to see if I've sold any recently I did. It was on Wednesday to some guy... Although after that we haven't had any customers looking to buy any... Don't really understand if I should be worried or not?... I would rather not sell it as I need it, but I don't like sending customers away disappointed." I finally recognized the slender guy... Sort of. He was probably the owner of the store I talked to way back on Tuesday before things got out of hand, although I didn't remember his name. "No... I'm finished with that now... And you should just ignore it." I reply, quickly changing the subject. "I came to ask about something else." "Something else?... Well sure, what can I help you with?" He replied. "Well, I guess this time it's more of a personal matter... Is that young girl who works for you around?... I need to talk to her!" I tell him with a serious expression. "Personal matter?..." He repeats with a puzzled look as he studies my serious expression. There's a surprisingly long pause as he thinks about what I've asked him as he's deep in thought for some reason. Suddenly he looks surprised before an odd grin creeps onto his face. "oh!... Personal matter!" He once again repeats, this time however giving me an odd look. "You know, you remind me of myself when I was your age." "...huh?" I reply, not sure what this has to do with my question. "We both see things in a way no one else can see them. To us the bigger the better, there's more to love!" He continued with a huge smile as he dreamingly looked off into the distance. "The ability to bake is a huge plus too." With still no idea what he was on about I look to both my side's to make sure he wasn't talking to someone else... He wasn't. So I hesitantly replied. "uh... Yeah?... I guess cooking is an essential skill." "You and me both." He continued enthusiastically. "You know, some people think it's unattractive, or undesirable. But personally I prefer a little extra meat." "Okay?... Sure, I like an extra serving of meat too. Nothing wrong will a little more?" I reply... Completely confused why our conversation is about food, and not the type he sells. "Here's some advice kid. Don't listen to what others tell you! Only you know what you want, what can make you happy! Don't let other people's preconceived notions of beauty effect your choice, just go for it!" He was now enthusiastically yelling at me. (Beauty?... Is he saying I look odd?... I mean usually I have a jacket that pulls my look together, this is just a temporary thing.) I thought before replying. "Thanks I guess?... But this advice isn't really helpful since I don't care what other people think." I tell him in my confusion. I was really lost at this point. "That's the spirit!" He cheers as he settles down. "like I said, you remind me of myself... Back when I was your age I gathered all my courage and asked out my wife for the first time." "...............What?.........." I said, finally understand what was going on. "Her smile made me feel like a party was going on inside me, but I lacked confidence. Now I wasn't the smartest, handsomest, strongest or richest guy around. But still I gathered all the confidence I could muster and asked her out when she was at work just like you are." He continued to my dismay. "...Please stop... I think I'm gonna be sick." I said. Unlike him I didn't really see being close to others in the same light he did... I don't like people in general, let alone intimately. "Don't worry, your just nervous. I was too when I asked out my wife for the first time." He said, completely misunderstanding my intent. "Could you just... Stop?" I desperately ask, not liking where this was going. "I see! You wanna do this before your confidence runs out." He says with a knowing smile. "let me just set a situation to give you two some... privacy." Disgusted I quickly begin to reply. "Confidence is not an issue I have!... And don't d-" "Oh Nooo!" He over dramatically cuts me off before loudly continuing. "It seems we are out of napkins." He then grabs a stack of napkins and stashed them in his shirt. "OUT OF NAPKINS!" came a surprised call from behind him. I hadn't noticed it but there was a second tent behind his that served as a makeshift kitchen as wooden walls blocked it from sight. A plump pink haired girl came running out towards us with a surprised look on her face. "We can't be out!... Seriously, we had hundreds of them a minute ago... You must be one heck of a salesman Mr Cake." She said before turning to leave. "Well I guess I'll just have to get some more." "Actually!" the man apparently named Mr Cake began as he stopped her from leaving. "I can take care of that. Oh!... But what's this!... It seems we have a customer!" He continued as he turned the girl to face me before giving me a huge wink. All I could do was cringe at his very unsubtle, unnecessary attention. "Well I'll leave you two alone... Those napkins aren't gonna refill themselves." Mr Cake said as he left. We both watch him slowly walk off as he keeps giving me odd looks. Ignoring Mr Cakes odd behavior the girl gives me an odd look, as if studying me for a moment before finally addressing me. "oh!... Heya Cross, I almost didn't recognize you without your signature jacket. Good thing you have that permanent scowl. What can I get you?... Hopefully you weren't after any napkins." By this point my mood was completely ruined as I lacked enthusiasm from having to deal with Mr Cakes misunderstanding. "No I don't want napkins! I don't want anything from your store!... This side quest was more annoying than I was prepared for, but I finally found you Pinkamena!... Wait, Pinkamena?... Your names Pinkamena?... Of course it is!..." I said as I noticed her name tag pinned to her shirt. (darm it! This isn't even the girl I'm looking for!) "You were looking for me?" Pinkamena asked curiously. "...No!" I stoically replied. "Then... you do wanna buy something?" She asked. ".......No!" I once again reply, devoid of emotion. She was absolutely confused by this and I wasn't too sure what to do. "Soooo... What do you want?" she asked. "Honestly... I confused you for someone else. I was just gonna threaten that person, well, you... And I guess I still could. but after dealing with your boss and seeing your not... Them, I kinda lost my will too." I admitted as my motivation drained from me. But with no lead on where to find Pinkie Pie I figured asking her if she knew where to find her wouldn't hurt... She had previously mentioned she was in my school before. "You wouldn't happen to know a girl named Pinkie Pie would you?" "I sure do!" she cheerfully answered to my surprise. "Huh, Seriously? Do you know where I can I find her?" I asked. "Well... Your looking at her." she replied. "...no your not!" I suspiciously reply. "What! Yes I em." She rebutted. "No, your not!" I immediately responded, irritation clear in my voice. "But I em!" Pinkamena tried to argue. "Look, I'm not an idiot... You do realise your wearing a nametag!" I tell her as I push a finger against the nametag on her left breast, It sinks into her a bit as I used more force than I would have liked. Slightly blushing she takes a step back, she seemed embarrassed as she looks to her nametage. Her reaction is probably due to the fact she forgot she was wearing it. Although as for why she would want to lie about being Pinky Pie, I don't know. After a moment of silence, Pinkamena regains her happy-go-lucky attitude, followed by a look of realisation. "I see!... Well actually, my full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. But all my friends just call me Pinky Pie, Pinky for short." "...That's stupid!" I reply without thinking. "What's stupid? My nickname or my full name?" Pinkamena asked with a raised eyebrow. "If I'm being honest I'm not fond of either name, sooo... Both!" I instinctively replied, by which I mean I was being an ass. "Well you can just call me Pinky then" Pinkamena happily replied as she ignored my remark. It annoyed me that she just ignored my answer. I honestly hate it when people just brush me off... Even more so when they treat me nicely. Even so, I shrugged it off and focused on why I was here. "Pinkamena! You gave Valkyrie my mobile number didn't you! How the Hell do you know it?" I asked. As far as I know, only Blueblood should know it as he's the one who gave me the phone. "Like I said, Friends just call me Pinky. And I wasn't too sure if that was actually your number that I gave him." Pinkamena happily answered. "What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned. "Fancy Pants had a phone just like it that he lost. When I saw you with your phone in the school cafeteria I just kinda figured you stole it, so I wasn't actually sure if the number I gave Valkyrie was yours or not." She answered. (Fancy Pants?... Who the Hell is that?... I know I stole this phone for Blueblood from someguys gym locker in the changerooms a few months back, but I didn't know his name or why. Guess it's his. But more importantly, Blueblood didn't even bother getting a new number for this phone, could that be a problem? What if this Fancy Pants tried to reclaim it?... I should talk to Blueblood about this.) I thought, not sure if I would be better off ditching the phone. "Soooo..." Pinkamena said, interrupting my thought. "Was that all you needed?" "No!" I replied. I was originally going to be more aggressive about this but had lost a good chunk of my motivation at this point. Well that and there was something about her that I didn't like... Probably her attitude towards me. I just wanted to be done with her. "Look, Pinkamena, my phone is more of a... Well, a work phone. So don't go giving my number to random weirdos!" "You can just call me Pinky, like all my friends do!" Pinkamena replied with slight agitation. She was picking up on the fact I was specifically calling her by her real name. "Besides, I thought Valkyrie is your friend so what's the problem?" "Pinkamena Diane Pie, Only your friends call you Pinky, and we're not friends... we'll never be friends!" I sternly told her. "Same goes for Valkyrie!" "That's not what he told me." Pinkamena replied with a look of confusion. She seemed somewhat suspicious of me, probably due to mine and Valkyrie's contradicting claims. I know I was supposed to be faking a friendship with Valkyrie, but for a moment my pride blinded me and I revealed my true feelings. I honestly hate being around people, family is fine but the rest I can do without... Their beneath me. Unfortunately for me however, not only do I have to go along with this lie, I need to make it believable... Mr Freerights lied to make it seem like I was making progress, and while I'm sure it will all fall apart it's bought me some time. My grades, attendance and behavior have me on the verge of being expelled. It's not the biggest deal in the world if it happens but I'ld rather avoid it. One could argue that the solution was simple, all I needed to do was change, become a better person... But that just wasn't gonna happen. I'm fine just the way I em... No! I'm Perfect, better than those other people. Which is why it hurt to associate with them. ...But for now I needed to fix this situation, Pinkamena was suspicious of my vague connection to Valkyrie. This needed to change. "What I mean is... Valkyrie's not my friend..." I began, trying to sound less hostile... It didn't. "That's because... Were... Uh, Best... friends?" I awkwardly continued, sounding more like a question as I gave an uneasy smile which came off as menacing instead of friendly. She was even more puzzled as she responded. "Are you telling me he's your best friend, or asking me?" This wasn't working so I decided to cut my loses and move on. "Look, moral of the story... Don't give my phone number to anyone ever again, or else!" I threatened. "Hesitantly, Pinkamena replied. "...or else, what?" her happy-go-lucky attitude was beginning to vanish as she seemed somewhat frightened. She was not looking forwards to the answer, and for good reason. I was known to make good on my threats. I didn't discriminate, gender, Age, these things didn't mean anything to me. It was one of my good points, I treated everyone the same way... Like shit. "Or else..." I began to continue. "... I'll, probably just throw my phone away." "huh?" she confusingly questioned as all the tension disappeared. "I could do something horrible to you, but I feel I've put way more time into this than nesicary. Your just too insignificant to waste my time with further. Besides, what do I need a phone for, I'm anti-social! Who the Hell would I call?" I pointed out, more for myself then for her. I didn't want a mobile phone, I hate talking to people, why would I want to give them the ability to talk to me from anywhere? I know this is just for Bluebloods convince, but now I'm inconvenienced. Especially If people like Valkyrie make a habit of calling me... "So..." Pinkamena began, bringing me back from my deep thought of if I should or shouldn't toss my phone. "...It's all honky doory as long as I don't give your number out any more?" she asked, losing her hesitation. "Not how I would phrase it... But yes!" I answered her. "Well sure thing Cross!" she happily responded. "I would never go against the wishes of a Friend!" "We'll never be friends Pinkamena!" I stoically stated as I began to leave, before giving her one last warning. "I'm feeling lazy today, so for your own sake, make sure you never give my phone number out to somebody again." "See you later!" She Happily called as she waved goodbye, completely ignoring my hostile warning. I don't know if she was trying to annoy me or not, but it was working. Only getting a few meters away from Pinkamena and Sugar Cube Corner, I came across a bin when I stopped and pulled out my phone. With a thoughtful look, I thought about what I had said to Pinkamena, how I didn't want a phone. How I hated that it connected me to others. For a moment I stared at it, I felt... Conflicted? ...Confused? ...I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but it felt bad. I wanted to throw it away! For one, It was a hot item according to Pinkamena, one the would likely bite me in the ass sooner or later. It also allowed dumbass's like Valkyrie to get a hold of me whenever he felt like it. It was an inconvenience. But a small part of me was reluctant. And I think I knew why... Because it gave me something to focus on. But after another moment I began to think about what I could do with it. For awhile I had thought of it as a nuisance, and that was because it was. But something came to mind, something I had heard from Mr Freerights. Something about turning weaknesses into strength, or something along those lines. I don't know why I was thinking about what he said, maybe it was because my confidence had taken a hit since yesterday. (Sure I view my phone negatively, but their must be a positive to it.) I thought, when suddenly I realized what that was... My family. If I had my mother's number I probably could have avoided that bad situation yesterday. But that wasn't important anymore, not since a decision I made last night. Either way, this phone might connect me to a bunch of idiots, but it could also connect me to my family. We might not have a lot in common, and having a conversation with them is usually awkward and full of bad life advice. But I want them to be able to contact me for help when they need it, and vice versa... even for small things. I don't see them as often as I like since their always so busy, but I'm not upset about it. I understand that what they do is important. One thing our family strongly believes in is always being there for each other, even when we're in the wrong... Usually when we're wrong... Were not good people. Deciding to hold onto it, I turn around and head back to Sugar Cube Corner with my confidence and determination restored. There's one more thing I need if I'm gonna turn this phone into a strength. Pinkamena was currently taking an order when I shoved the person out of the way. "Pinkamena! Tell me, what is my Mobile Number?" The guy I had shoved out of the way had began complaing to me in the background, which I ignored, while she seemed confused by my demands due to what our conversation only moments ago was about. But a knowing smile soon crept it's way onto her face as she replied. "ohhh!... I see." she said with a wink. This made me feel annoyed as I felt I could see where this was going. "No can do!" Feeling annoyed, or normal considering how often I felt like this recently, I replied. "Look, I know what I said, but just give me my phone number." "Nope!" She happily responds with a big goofy smile. "hmmmm" I grumbled to myself. This was a problem I had created, but luckily I thought of a solution... Then thought of new one, one that didn't involve violence. "Pinkamena, what was it that I told you a minute ago?" Taking a few seconds to think about it. "You said..." She then paused as she quickly brushed her pink hair backwards before glaring at me and answered in a deep hostile voice. "For your own sake, make sure you never give my phone number out to somebody again." It was an obvious impersonation of me. Her hair quickly fell back into place as her glare became an apologetic smile as she noticed my eye twitch as I scowl at her. "...To save time, I'm gonna ignore that... But yes. I told you not to give it to somebody, but I didn't forbid you from giving it to me!" She was about too reply when suddenly she froze up. "Well... I mean I guess you didn't... But 'Somebody' could be defined as... But on the other hand... Well then I suppose..." She was confused, unsure, conflicted. But after a few moments of her arguing with herself she turned to me with a look of confusion. "...Is this a test?" "The only test going on here is that of my patience." I rudely reply. "Just write it down on a darm napkin so I can leave and we can both get on with our days." "Well I would, but, you know..." Pinkamena replied as she motioned to the empty napkin dispenser. "oh, right..." I stoically reply as I think back to the girls annoying boss who misunderstood what I was after. "Were the Hell is that guy anyway?... How long does it take to get napkins!?" I complained as I thought of how else she could give me my number. "Mr Cakes just over there." Pinkamena said as she pointed her hand just past me. Glad to know he was finally getting back I turn around... Only to have that hope fade as I breifly see him and a woman's head quickly disappear behind another stall the moment our eyes meet. "Yep, there he goes. I don't know why, but him and Mrs Cakes have been watching us intensely for awhile now." Pinkamena cheerfully says. "...You've gotta be kidding me?" I say as I facepalm. "They seemed concerned when you began to leave, but were really happy when you came back." Pinkamena continued, not understanding what was going on. Sighing, I take out my phone as I do my best to ignore the unwanted attention I was receiving. "look, if I just give you my phone, can you put my number on their?" I ask as I'm not too sure what my phone or any other is capable of... I'm just not a phone guy. But I suddenly stop as I realize my phone is in the middle of a game of snakes. Luckily, I knew how to close it this time so I could easily avoid the embarrassment of showing that I had no idea how to operate a mobile phone... Except, the red button didn't work. So I calmly pressed it again... Then again... And then I began mashing it until Pinkamena swiped it from my hand once my frustration became noticeable. "ohh, retro" she commented as she examined my phone. (Valkyrie said the same thing... Why? My phone seems pretty updated...) I thought. "You know, to cancel out of applications all you have to do is press this red button." and with a click it closed. "That's what I was doing!" I argued, to which she rolled her eyes in disbelief. "I was! You clearly saw m-... Just... Just put the darm number on..." She then began tapping away as she hummed a happy tune for a few moments. "Done! I put all the numbers on." I Probably felt way too happy at her words then I shoulld have. "Finally! This took way longer than it should have ever... What do you mean, 'all the numbers'?" When I grabbed my phone back I noticed a lot more numbers than I was expecting. "Wellllll" Pinkamena happily began as she placed a finger to the screen and began listing the numbers. "This one here's yours, Cross. and then there's mine, incase you every wanna chat. Then there's my home number if you can't reach me on my cell. Then there's Maud's, you'ld love her, she's a bag and a half of laughs. Oh, right! You've never met Maud, Well, she's my big Sister... Oh! And this one that says Twily, it just short for Twilight. Then theirs-" "Stop!" I demanded with a glare. "All I wanted was my number! Why the Hell did you give me all these other people's!?" With the same happy expression she continued. "Well personally, I'm down for anything. But Twilight seemed to want to talk to you about some book. I didn't know you two were part of a book club!" "Were not!... I already told her I lost it, she was their when it happened." I replied as I began pressing buttons on my phone as I searched for a way to delete the unwanted additions." "She was their the moment you lost it?" Pinkamena asked with a puzzled expression. "Hey, how do I delete these unnecessary numbers?" I asked, Ignoring her earlier question. "DELETE! You can't delete those numbers! Their your friends!" Pinkamena dramatically replied. Taking my eyes of my phone to scowl at her, I replied. "Were not friends! None of these idiots are!" "Not with that attitude were not. All you have to do is give us a chance... Besides, I also put Valkyrie's number in their, so I guess your wrong." "I stand by my statement." I stoically reply as I glance back down to my phone only to find the game snakes once again running. "Darm it! Why!?" "All you gotta do is-" Pinkamena began. "I know how to do it! But it's not-... You know what. I got what I needed." I rudely interrupted before I began to leave. Not even so much as a goodbye to the plump pastry chief. "BYE CROSS!" Pinkamena cheerfully called to me as she waved. "WE'LL TALK MORE LATER!" "NO WE WON'T" I yelled back. However she seemed to ignore me as she continued to wave. "Geez, I hope I don't have to ever talk to her again." I continue to myself once I'm three stalls away. "Well, all things considered, I did get the number... So I guess it was a success." "It sure was!" a familiar male voice interrupted me. Looking to my right I saw it was Mr Cakes with the woman Pinkamena had referred to as his wife, Mrs Cakes. "I was worried their for a moment when you were leaving empty handed, but then you built up the courage, marched right back over their, and got her number." He continued with a sympathetic look. "Young love!... I remember what it was like for me." Their sudden arrival had caught me off guard as I quickly began to respond. "What?... No, that's not exac-... I mean I did get her number, but that wasn't-" "OHHHHH!" Mrs Cakes swooned, cutting me off. "I'm so glad to see a handsom young man take an Interest in Pinky Pie... Usually I always hear the boys in our shop gossiping about Fluttershy. But I'm glad there's one who sees the appeal of a curvaceous girl... Even if you are a little rough around the edges." "...Okay... Firstly, I don't like we're this is going... And B... I don't know if I should be flattered or not? You did call me handsome, but then you went on to say I was rough around the edges... Was it a complement, or not?" I replied, still thrown off by their sudden appearance. Mr cakes then whispered something into his wife's ear as she chuckled to herself as she replied to him. "You know their too young for that... But I see what you mean, it's like looking at a young version of ourselves." After that the two of them just lovingly looked between me and Pinkamena as they happily sighed. "Okay, this circus stops now!" I said as I finally regained my composure. "Quit doing... Whatever this, thing, is! Stop trying to involve me in your delusions, and get lost!" I demanded. But my words didn't seem to phase them as Mrs Cakes turned to her husband. "Pinky could use a Level headed person in her life. Someone to help keep her grounded." To Which Mr Cakes nodded in agreement. Them ignoring me pissed me off. They weren't listening to a thing I said, and to make it wrose they completly misunderstood my relationship with Pinkamena... Which was no relationship. This left me with one final choice on how to get rid of them. Something I saved for those who relentlessly annoyed me more than I could tolerate "Darm it! I said shoo!" I yelled at them as I flail my arms as if shooing away a hungry dog looking for food. "Get! Go! Vamoose! Go away!" It wasn't particularly clever, but it never failed. "Alright were going" Mr Cakes said as he grabbed his wife and began to leave. "Guess his still a little nervous about asking Pinky out?" With them finally gone I let out a sigh of relief. "...I hate adults... No, thats not quite right... I hate everyone!"