My Little Pony Dimensions

by PhantomSage21098

Ch:17 Ain't Fraid of no Ghost (Ghostbusters)

The hustle and bustle of New York City was the only thing common for everyone, but that was now long gone during the city's sleepless nights. For tonight, the howls and moans of ghosts mixed with the screams and shrieks of frightened citizens. The Big Apple was full of worms tonight, as an army of ghosts now swarm the streets and infest the buildings. The wailing sirens of the only team who has the right equipment race through the streets to central park to where a dimensional portal had opened, unleashing this army of the dead upon this world. The Ecto 1 came to a screeching halt at the park on the crumbled remains of 97th Street Transverse. Ray Stanz, Egon Spangler, Peter Vickman, and Winston Zeddemore stepped out of their reliable car and looked out at the devastated park. They only see a cemetery with a large temple in the middle. "This is way different than the last times New York was under attack," Ray said, unloading the Proton Packs from the back of the car. "This place is giving off enough energy to light up the U.S.A. like a Christmas tree."

"All this power originates from that temple," Egon spoke up while holding a PKE meter. "This is nothing like Tobin's Spirit Guide. There's nothing that spoke about this."

"Don't think it's a Gozer Fanclub Convention?" Peter said.

"No," Ray said, "That temple doesn't look Sumerian or any other Latin culture. Perhaps this is the rise of a new culture that worships the paranormal powers from the great beyond."

"Well, whoever they are and what they're doing, they're going down," Winston said as he primed his -proton pack while the other busters entered the park. "I mean, we took down a hundred-foot marshmallow man, a haunted painting, and a wannabe god." They walk down the dimly lit, dirt road that winds between the crumbling rows of tombstones and graves. After moments of walking, they came across a courtyard with about a dozen blue ghosts. And this was odd because these ghosts look cartoonish, not like the ghosts they encountered in the past. They see them goofing around, using gardening tools as weapons, and hanging up Wanted posters of the team. They primed their proton packs to fight them just as the ghost hanging the posters noticed them. It looked at the wanted posters then them to get it. The ghost holding the wanted posters, helping the other one, tossed the wanted posters in cheer. He whistles to the other spirits around the courtyard to swarm around the Ghostbusters, but they are ready for them. They then blasted at the ghosts to capture the attacking spectral enemies flying all over the place to avoid getting caught. But it was no use, as one by one, they get sent into the trap that Egon deployed whenever any one of them has a ghost entangled in a proton stream, even snag one who was stupid enough to fly over it. After some time of busting, they continued towards the temple. The group did come a long way up to now. They were once just ordinary college teachers in the past. When they met Elenor Twitty (The Grey Lady) in the city's public library, they made a career out of hunting ghosts and saving the city of New York numerous times in the past. They had a recruit that joined them last year but mysteriously passed away due to unknown means during a job. Then an accident happened at his home. An explosion and fire engulfed him and reduced him to ashes and smoldering bones. It was a tragic loss for the team. They came to a stop when they saw another cartoonish ghost carrying around a worn and rotten coffin. It wore a tattered tuxedo and top hat crumpled up around the rim, which was pulled down below glowing eyes, leaving the rest on top of its dead nogging. It dragged a rusted shovel around as it checked a heavily chained gateway to the temple ahead. It seems it doesn't want anyone to get through.

"Hey, grave head!" Ray shouted. The ghost looks at them with a grunt. "We wish to head to the temple ahead. As a duly designated representative of the city, county, and state of New York. Be a reasonable phantasm and open the gate, then return to your state of origin." Peter looks at Ray with a dull expression.

"You do realize you said the same thing to Gozer to some degree?" He said, "What makes you think this grave head will listen?" The ghost chuckles loudly and adjusts his worn suit while speaking in an old, Western accent.

"Well, this made my day," He said, "A bunch of flesh bags telling me what to do. Well, let me tell y'all, yer not going any further. And I'll see to that!" He then takes his coffin and knocks loudly against it, summoning ghosts with weapons while dropping a golden key to the ground.

"They never come quietly, do they?" Peter commented and rolled his eyes. The spirit took up arms and dove in for a fight. The team began fending off the attackers, but the Gravekeeper kept sending more and more.

"Egon, behind you!!" Winston shouted. Egon ducked right as he blasted a ghost that was going to hit the man with a nailed bat. Peter went after The Gravekeeper, causing the foe to stop spawning more. While he is in Peter's proton stream, he is on top of the coffin he was carrying and uses his shovel as a paddle to try and escape. He gave the scientist a hassle as it pulled him around the courtyard. Egon pulls out his PKE meter, a tool to track spiritual energy. When he looked at the results, he looked worried when scanning The Grave Keeper.

"Guys," He said, "this is bad. This ghost is stronger than any other spectral entity we've encountered before."

"Thanks for the obvious knowledge, Egon!!" Peter shouted as the ghost managed to break free of the stream and vanish. Ray and Winston rush over and help Peter to help him up. They see the ghost reappear and look pretty ticked off at that.

"I've had enough of your meddling." He said with a scowl. "I'm gonna beat you all like rented mules!" The grave keeper then charges at them, swinging the coffin about like a club, knocking Venkman against the wall of a crypt. The buster didn't have time to react before a red portal opened above them. "What the heck?!" The ghost said as it looked up in surprise. The Ghostbusters looked up at the wormhole that had suddenly appeared as well. Suddenly, a teenage boy came falling from it. He groaned in pain as he slowly stood up, cracking joints and knuckles from actually landing on the hard surface beneath him. "Ouch," He said, "Nyx certainly changed a whole lot. Now she can pack a punch, a hard punch." The Ghostbusters all stared in surprise at the new arrival. Ray couldn't contain his excitement as he walked up to the new man, Jacob. After he popped his neck jumped a bit when he noticed how close the doctor was. "Oh, nelly!"

"Woah," He exclaimed, "that was amazing. You just dropped down on that ghost out of that portal. Thanks for that. Who are you, where did you come from, and what made that-" Jacob covers Ray's mouth to stop his game of twenty million questions.

"My name is Jacob Connors. Now is not the time for twenty million questions."

"I'll tell ya what's going on!!!" The Gravekeeper roared as it emerged right out the ground with fury. "I'm sending you to an early grave!!" He then swung his shovel at Jacob. He immediately jumps out of the way. This attack took Jacob by surprise, but he understood the issues now. Ray and Peter quickly shot their proton streams at the Gravekeeper. Jacob scrambles out of the way, not wanting to get burnt by the streams. The scientists bring the ghost over the trap after activating it. They hear it open as the spirit screams for a few moments before going silent. Jacob slowly stands up and dusts himself off.

"Well, that was something. I take it there's another world crisis happening? For the third time?"

"Correct," Egon said, "but this the biggest attack we've seen thus far. We've never seen this many ghosts appear in our plane of existence."

"We've traced their point of origin here in Central Park, from that large temple," Ray said, pointing to the temple in the distance. Jacob sees the temple as he speaks.

"Huh, that's something from Vorton. No doubt in my mind that this is something I've been dealing with."

"So, you've seen this before?"

"Yeah, I said save the questions game for later. I need a proton pack for myself." The Ghostbusters looked at each other in worry when he requested a proton pack. "And... that's a no... guess I'll be sitting on the sidelines then." He groans as he notices something shining on the ground and picks it up. It was an ivory white key with a skull print for the head. Jacob nods and admires the design. "This is a nice-looking key. Someone took the liberty in the design." He then took the key and unlocked the gate leading towards the temple. They were unaware a unicorn was spying on them from within the structure ahead with a spyglass.


"Hmm, he's here." Starlight Said, "We need to get ready for them, boys." Lust walks up to her and sees through the spyglass.

"The boy won't be a match for the spectral forces we assembled." He said, "King Boo, we expect you to do your best. Reduce them to splatters." They both heard the ghost's eerie laughter echo throughout the temple. "The foolish busters have brought us the power element needed for our cause. They'll come right to us."

"But what about the prisoners we got down there?" Starlight asked, looking through the spyglass again.

The team traveled through the graveyard for about thirty minutes and fended off only a few ghosts they met. Jacob was annoyed that he was staying out of the fight, but it was for the best. He was still hurt from his encounter with Nyx, or Nightmare Moon now. He was still upset that the filly he spent time with, now on the dark side. He's spent quite some time with her for a while now. If his memory served him right, he spent time with her and The Mane 6 between training sessions with Frostbite. He recalls a school event where she showed off transfiguration magic. She ended up changing Fluttershy into a tree. Jacob chuckles when he recalls the same event happening in a Fanfic he read once. Luckily, he was there for the cancellation spell when that happened. Thankfully nobody suspects a thing about her. Fluttershy was alright, too. Even after being changed into a tree and back. Jacob realized that the course of events was exactly like in that book. Down to every detail. Except for Pinkie being petrified in the schoolhouse by a Nightmare Moon cultist. Even the tug-of-war event happened with Nyx as the victor. Did he feel that some events that occurred before occurred again with some slight changes? Was it a paradox? The events that transpired had happened before, from the books, into their reality. He hopes this won't meet with issues.

His train of thought got cut when he felt Egon touch his shoulder. "Young man," he said, "it's time to go." When Jacob looked around, he saw that they had already cleared out the ghosts in the front entrance of a big columbarium. A place for cremated remains inside urns. The front had the symbolic statue of Cerberus, the three-headed dog, guarding the entrance. Jacob knew it had to be a red flag, telling them to stop, but the only way forward was to go through the columbarium. Upon reaching the door, they noticed that it was opened agape.

"Seems we weren't the first ones here," Jacob said as he opened the door completely. Looking inside the firelit chambers of the old tomb, they can see walls lined with ash urns from all times of history. "Wow, this place has so many cremated remains. I don't want to know who's in each of them." The group cautiously treads down the old columbarium, careful not to trip over any debris. They see that the architecture wasn't from any point in history or any world history of any universe. It looked like a mix of Greek and Egyptian architecture combined to make something original. This building impressed the group, mostly Jacob and Ray. "Hey, Doctor Spangler, what're your thoughts about this place?"

"I think this building wasn't originally from our world." Egon said, "Perhaps placed here when the ghosts started appearing again."

"Again? Do you mean when Evo Shandor's ghost tried to ascend to godhood?"

"Yes. It wasn't that long ago. It was only last year. 1991."

"So, this means I'm in the year 1992. When did this all start? I haven't seen what the city was like during this."

"Two months ago. Exactly when Gozer the Gozarian started to come to our world. Exactly when all these supernatural incidents occurred."

"Hmm, I guess it seems they unleashed the ghosts during the anniversary of when your business, during the time of Gozar. It was perfectly accurate. I guess they wanted your downfall to be your anniversary." Ray grabbed Jacob's shoulder, stopping him. "What is it?"

"Listen," Ray said. The team heard the silence of the tomb with a single sound eerily increasing in volume; the scrapping metal against the marble floor slowly approached them. Ray turns on his shoulder-mounted light and shines it in the direction of the noise and what they found was horrifying; they saw a walking corpse burnt so bad it looked like it was barely alive. The thing made choking and wheezing sounds as it breathed, its bones and joints crack and pop with each movement made with a red-hot sword dragging behind it with its right hand. The moment the light hits it, it howls loudly, igniting in a fiery blowing from the exposing holes in its body and its mid-section. The Ghostbusters gasped in fear while Jacob groaned.

"Oh, good. I needed a Silent Hill monster after the heartbreak of Silent Hills being canceled back in 2015." He said with a sour expression. He summons the Maverick assault rifle and shoots the monster. The creature took the bullets head-on. It raised its weapon to strike down the opponents. Jacob rushes up and grabs the thing's arm, breaking it off with the back of the elbow and swinging it back at the monster, causing it to crumble to bones and ashes. Jacob's hand started burning while he held the creature's weapon. His ring then glowed as his magic soon entered the blade, warping it into a brand new look. It was now looking hot as the blade glowed with the heat. The burning left after the changes. Jacob looked in awe of his weapon but the building then shook, snapping him back to reality; and dropping more ash urns to the floor and breaking them, releasing more of the same monsters. They appear out of thick clouds of ashes branding different medieval weapons. "Oh, come on!" He shouts in annoyance as he attacks the attacking monsters. The Ghostbusters did the same with proton streams. They managed to run and engage through the decrepit tomb alive. The corpses just kept coming. They just rose from the ashes seconds after being defeated. They see the exit door down a nearly collapsed corridor. They rushed to escape. The charred creeps damaged the loadbearing columns to send the whole building to start crumbling. Stones and debris dropped from the ceiling as they ran. They saw that someone was trying to shut the doors but couldn't see due to the light shining in from behind it.

"Hey, wait!" Ray shouted, "Hold the doors!"

"Yeah," Peter spoke after, "We rather be alive than be mincemeat!" The group then bashed the doors open, knocking over the people, or rather, ponies who closed the doors after the building fell to pieces. Applejack and Twilight jump in surprise at the individuals who came charging out from the doors.

"Woah, Nelly!" The cowgirl said as this happened. She looks at the humans then immediately recognizes the one person among them. "Jacob? Is that you?" Jacob groaned as he sat up. He then soon realized who these girls were and smiled.

"AJ, Twilight!" He gets up and runs in to hug them tightly. They laughed with glee. They were happy to see each other after their encounter with Nightmare Moon.

"Jacob, it is you," Twilight said as tears streamed down her purple face with a smile.

"We thought Nightmare Moon killed you one month ago." Applejack said. Confused, Jacob broke from the hug to speak.

"Wait, one month ago?" He spoke.

"That's what I said. What's wrong?"

"It's only been about an hour and thirty minutes since I've been in that fight. I've been falling through that portal for an hour. Then thirty minutes traversing the graveyard with The Ghostbusters." The Equestrians were baffled to hear what Jacob said. His perspective on time was different compared to theirs. They kept their silence while the Ghostbusters slowly got up from the ground.

"But... how is this possible?" Applejack asked, breaking the silence, "You've been gone for a month."

"I think I know why." Twilight said, "It might be because of that red portal. After you went in, I took the time to learn how dimensional portals in Vorton worked. You see, red portals are unstable and can have some unusual side effects. Like sending someone one month into future."

"Well, it's good to know that you've done your research. Tell me, how is Equestria right now? No doubt it's in a state of total annihilation chaos."

"You bet it is." Applejack said, "We had to evacuate everyone we could to the Crystal Empire. They've set up a force field to keep the monsters out. I'm not sure if it'll last long enough."

"Well, we can only hope." They heard Peter clear his throat as they saw the Ghostbusters standing in front of them. "Oh, let me introduce you to my friends. The Ghostbusters."

"And here I was thinking you weren't gonna introduce us," Peter said as he crossed his arms. "You ladies heading our way?"

"Yes, all six of us are heading to the temple," Twilight said.

"Wait, six?" Jacob said, "Don't tell me the others are with you. Your friends, I mean."

"Yes, I did." Jacob smacks his hand against his face and sighs. "They're ok, Jacob. We've been doing alright since you've left. We've gone through previous worlds and fought against The Order. Even deal with that Cybug problem in Springdale."

"Alright then. Lead the way, Twilight. They're probably waiting near the temple?"

"They are. Come on." Twilight and Applejack lead the group towards the front entrance of the temple. Once they arrived, they saw Pinkin and Rarity were playing tic-tac-toe in the dirt, Fluttershy being scared in a wooden barrel nearby, and Rainbow Dash was on top of a crypt on guard duty. "Hey, girls. You'll never guess who we fou-" Twilight then was then knocked to the side by Pinkie Pie, zooming to tackle Jacob to the ground and squeeze him in a death hug.

"JAKIE DOODLE!" Pinkie squealed with joy, "I've missed you so, so, so, so much!" Jacob tried to gasp for air, pry Pinkie off, and focus on teleporting. But he was suffocating thanks to her constrictor grip. Thankfully, he did have one hand free to tap her on the shoulder. She did. "Oh, sorry, Jakie. It's just you've been gone for so long, and we all thought you died." Jacob rolls on his side, breathing deeply after being freed.

"I think you *gasp* broke my *gasp* bones *gasp* like pretzel sticks." he said between breaths. He coughs as he slowly stands up from the ground. "You've never lost the uber strength you got, Pinks. That just about killed me." Jacob turns to see the other ponies walk over with smiles of happiness. "Hey, girls. It's great to see you all." The Ghostbusters introduced themselves as they gathered around the camp. Jacob then explained what happened after he had vanished and said he arrived moments ago. "So, yeah. Life's crazy like that."

"Wow, only been away for a few minutes... months. years... hours, and you've already made new friends."

"Not just friends. They're famous around here. Remember that Giant marshmallow guy we fought in Springdale? These guys fought him too. As well as some other nasty characters around this big city, there was Prince Vigo the Carpathian and Ivo Shandor." The Ghostbusters looked at each other in surprise that Jacob knew about those events. Ray walks up to him.

"How did you know about those events?" He asked, "You weren't there. Is this related to being from another world entirely?"

"Yes, I'm surprised you've figured that out so fast. And before you ask what my world is like, let me say that it is almost like your world, except I'm from 2015, several years in the future, and no, there aren't any flying cars and stuff like that. Like in the movies and books. Too early for humans." The group takes a seat on stone benches nearby to hear Jacob's story. "In my world, there are no Ghostbusters and evil spirits hellbent on taking over the world or destroying it. Those were just the work of fiction." He then takes out his tablet and shows them the trailer of their first film. "See? You're still famous after so many years. There are even games about you guys for many different systems." The Ghostbusters were in awe of this knowledge. They didn't know what else to say about this, but they were glad. "People never forget about you guys. You stand tall through the ages. If you were to ask me anything that happened in your past, then I'll happily answer it."

"I'll be surprised you'll remember it all," Peter commented.

"You took the words right out of my muzzle." Rainbow Dash said as she laughed. Jacob gave them a mean glare from those words, but he felt his shoulder tugged by Twilight. He looks at her and sees her holding two broken devices. One was a proton pack with a few missing components, the other was a burnt-up vacuum that straps like a backpack. Jacob knew what these devices were but couldn't figure out where he had seen this particular vacuum before. He knew what it was but this was a different version of it.

"Twi," Jacob said, "Where did you find these things?"

"I found them in a crypt for someone named Bryan Welsh." Twilight replied, "Was he a Ghostbuster as well?"

"I think so. That name sounds familiar. Wasn't he the rookie that helped you guys' last year?"

"He was." Ray said with a saddened tone in his voice, "Poor kid died in a fire while on the job. Someone opened a gas line to make him be in the heart of the explosion. When the firefighters arrived, they only found his proton pack, drained and dead."

"Oh, that's horrible," Fluttershy said as she put a hoof to her mouth.

"I think you speak for all of us, Fluttershy." Rarity said, "What monster would do such a thing?"

"I think I know who," Jacob said while he crossed his arms. "The only people we know who're out to get us."

"He's right." Twilight said, "I asked Teresa to help me look for these other versions of Jacob. The documents we found about him were all the same. They all died by followers of Kronus. In very creative ways."

"I think I might've seen some of them while I slept or knocked out. Some of these were characters that weren't canon to the story of their respective worlds. I want to have a few words with Frostbite when I get back."

"Wait, Jakie-doodle." Pinkie bounced up to him, "Aren't you gonna work with these broken gizmos and make a new something out of it?" Jacob looked down at Pinkie and then sat down to think.

"Well, I could, Pinkie, but I need a workbench first."

"Well, then it's a good thing there's a Pack-a-Punch 2.0 by the fountain over there." The group was confused by what Pinkie had said.

"Pinkie, darling." Rarity said, "We've never gone that way."

"Rarity, since it's Pinkie, it's best not to question it," Jacob said. He then goes to the Pack-a-Punch, but Egon stops him.

"Jacob," He said, "I don't think it's a good idea to experiment with damaged equipment like that. You better hand it over for your safety."

"Egon, I might need your help with this. The Pack-a-Punch should have all the equipment we need for it."

"We can't risk modifying a proton pack with this other contraption. It might explode and take out the city."

"You're right about that. It's why I'll be leaving this to the professional. Egon, I want to help my friends. I don't want to be on the sidelines 247. I want to use something that helps me combat ghosts." Egon thought for a moment. He was hesitant to help Jacob with his project. Egon takes the broken devices and walks with him to the Pack-a-Punch at the front of a broken fountain. Egon got to work on combining several components of the machines to see results. There had been some sparks flying and several zaps as the doctor tinkers with the dangerous equipment.

"Who invented this odd vacuum? It has a containment unit somewhat similar to our traps."

"That would be Professor E. Gadd. He was fascinated with researching the supernatural realm in his world. I first met him in one of my oldest games on The Game Cube. He was studying a haunted mansion that appeared out of nowhere one day and met Luigi, Mario's brother. I would explain the main plot, but you're too busy right now." Egon finished the main machine before moving on to the wand and nozzle. The Pack-a-punch helped Egon with this part, giving the nozzle a four-digit claw that shifts from a vacuum funnel to a proton tip with the flip of a switch. "Huh, that's something. I like how it's looking so far. Is it done?"

"I believe so." Egon picks up the fused machine and helps Jacob put it on. Turning it on, they hear the hum of power from it. "Jacob, remember, the proton pack is not a toy. Be careful with it."

"Yes, sir. I understand." Jacob tried to hold in his excitement as he took out the device's wand and inspected it. He finds the switch that switches the tip type from vacuum nozzle and proton tip. "I think I'll name this thing The Poltergust Proton. It seems like a fitting name to me." The two then return to the rest of the group, where it seems they're preparing to continue into the massive temple. The team of ponies and humans then enter the temple and find the interior decorated with a unique style blended with the technology hardly noticed: so much that it was seamlessly part of the structure itself.

"Incredible," Ray commented, "This structure is using a form of technology that doesn't seem to be of our world. I think this is evidence of alien life."

"Not technically, doctor." Twilight said, "This structure is from a clan of seven people known as The Mystics. Each represents an element of magic, which is fire, water, earth, air, life, electricity, and magic." They then came to a mural that showed the history of the seven clans that Twilight said. "They were at war with each other. But it ended with a deity of power, The Mother of Creation. It was her presence alone and her display of miracles and her lessons that made them see the light."

"That's some information, Twilight," Jacob said, "Did Frost, Blaze, and Cecilia share this with you?"

"Yes. The Mystic existed along with the Equestrians but was hidden from the world because-"

"Equestrians are a bunch of xenophobes?" Jacob interrupted rather bluntly while crossing his arms. "I know. Evidence being Zecora mostly. The first day she was introduced, we saw how you spoke about her. I even remember Pinkie's evil song about her." And on cue, Jacob covers Pinkie's mouth, stopping her from singing it again. "Nope! Bad Pinks." He slowly removes his hands and continues to speak. "Anyways, we know the origins of this culture, but not enough info about Kronus himself." Twilight rubs her chin while she thinks.

"You're right. Frost and Blaze were a bit shady on those details. Cecilia hid in her house her whole life, so she doesn't know."

"Seems this rabbit hole goes down deeper than we thought."

"Jakie, we're a temple, not a rabbit hole." Pinkie chirped with a bit of a smile. Jacob wanted to explain to her, but he couldn't find the words. The group then continued until they found the room most central to the temple and the beam of light keeping the portal in the sky open. Rainbow flew around the large room, the grand rotunda, to look for something important.

"I'm not seeing anything around here." She said, "Maybe the controls for this thing are someplace else?" Looking around again, she sees all the cables going up the walls to the top of the temple. There were elevator cables and rails following alongside them. "Huh? That's weird."

"What is it, Dash?" Applejack said as she adjusted her hat.

"There are elevator cables and rails on the walls, but I'm not seeing any elevators." Everyone explored the room to find clues that'll help them to the top of the temple. "I don't get it. Why do we even have these when there isn't an elevator?" Jacob comes by to investigate the cables and rails. He noted that the elevator cables are attached to the floor, and the rails go underneath. They heard a metallic clatter from above, and the elevator cables shook. Before they knew it, the floor beneath them started to go up. They were standing on the elevator. They rode up pretty fast, passing by several areas. They only saw several glimpses of ghosts and ghouls working on various machines. Once they reached the top, they were in the middle of an arena with no escape routes. Everyone, except Fluttershy, kept their guard up; they had a feeling something was coming. They were right. The air echoed with a sinister laugh. They saw a giant, white orb with purple eyes and a wicked smile. On top was a giant, glowing, purple jewel, like a crown.

"King Boo," Jacob said as he readied his poltergust. King Boo then circles the group like a shark circling prey.

"Well, well, well," the king began, "I'm impressed you've survived this far."

"Well, if you want us dead, you could've made stronger ghosts and monsters. You never change. Even after the events of Dark Moon. You're going to lose!"

"SILENCE!!! Those times were of that meddlesome green man. I will not lose to the likes of you! Prepare for your demise, foolish mortals." King Boo then disappears in a puff of smoke. He then reappears above the edge of the arena. His crown then glows bright red as he summons a flurry of meteors upon the heroes. Everyone scrambled to avoid the fireballs raining from the sky. Jacob and the Ghostbusters had to take whatever chance to shoot at King Boo before they got hit. They shot short beams of protons at King Boo, but that only did very little damage. It wasn't enough. Plus, it didn't help that the giant snowball kept moving around. The meteors stopped falling because King Boo started to change his fighting style. This time, he flew up high then slammed his body down against the arena, almost squishing some of the heroes. He pounds against the ground to try and flatten anyone until he flies above the edge, puffing up his cheeks to spit out a plethora of ball bombs with lit fuses. Given the lack of exits and limited floors, they're going to go up in smoke, but Jacob's gaming knowledge kicked in. He used the vacuum mode on his poltergust proton to grab a bomb and shoot it back into King Boo's mouth. As soon as the giant white airbag swallows the bomb, it explodes, making him spit out flames and stunning him in the air. The group was impressed by Jacob's quick reaction to a bomb.

"Ka-POW!" Rainbow shouted, "Right in the kisser!"

"Well, it's now or never," Ray said. The Ghostbusters and Jacob grabbed King Boo using a capture stream from their proton packs. They wrestled with King Boo as he attempted to escape from them. Corrupted and Charred Shamblers started appearing to stop them. The Mane 6 was ready for a fight, except for Fluttershy she hid behind her friends. They did their fighting styles to fend off the monsters. Rarity summoned a diamond fence sword to fight with grace and elegance. Applejack uses a lasso and bare knuckles, years of farm work paying off. Rainbow Dash uses her speed and small tornado power to blow the creatures away. Pinkie Pie, well, she does the fun things she does at parties. Her party cannons. Twilight's talent with magic makes her a worthy fighter, using various spells to inflict damage against her foes. The Equestrians were doing a good job and showed such skill in it. King Boo was on his final rope as Winston tossed a ghost trap beneath the boss. The device opened once King Boo was above it, pulling him in with great force.

"How can you beat me?!" King Boo shouted, "This wasn't how it was supposed to end!"

"Sorry, but this is your fate!" Jacob shouted back as King Boo got sucked into the trap. His crown flew off and landed on the ground. The Monsters didn't stop swarming the group. Jacob grabbed as Rainbow quickly looked for a way to escape. They didn't have much time as the temple started to shake and crack and crumble to pieces. Twilight acted fast and teleported everyone out of the temple and outside Central Park. They saw the massive temple collapse into rubble and the portal above closing. An army of ghosts surrounded the group. The heroes stood in a defensive stance as Starlight and Lust appeared from the phantasmal horde. Jacob looked at them with a face full of anger. "Starlight. Lust. I should kill you both for what you did to Nyx. Taking a sweet, little girl and making her into a monster."

"It's like you said, Nebula." Lust said. "It is her fate. She is to become Nightmare Moon."

"Oh, please," Rainbow spoke up. "You didn't give her a choice! You changed her against her will and made her forget herself."

"Oh, no. We helped Nightmare remember herself. Please keep up, Ms. Dash. I thought you were the quick one." That made Dash's face light up red with anger and fly at Lust, but she was held back by her tail.

"That's your story. Ours is that you kidnapped a sweet little girl and infected her with evil. She had a great, no, wonderful life before you jerks messed it all up! Starlight, do you want to side with people like that? The action they did to Nyx was a twisted reflection of what you've been doing in your town. Forcing others into a role that they do not want. How would Sunburst think of you If he saw you now?!"

"Oh, spare me the lecture, your egotistical freak!" Starlight said, "Don't bring Sunburst into this. He left me all alone after he got his cutie mark. I never saw him again. I learned that those marks are a curse. Cancer in the lives of everypony."

"Then that should mean your cutie mark is cancer as well. For Pete's sake, your ideology sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic from Arkham Asylum. You should be locked up." He loudly sighs as that insult hits Starlight like a steam train. She stormed up to Jacob and grabbed him in her magic, lifting him in the air. He yelped a bit when she did that.

"You're the one who should be locked up! You and your friends have been nothing but trouble for Lord Kronus! And what I have planned, you won't be for long! Wake up, Starlight! And see the harm you're causing to countless innocents!" Jacob cocked his head after she said then. Starlight then flung Jacob into the air as the monsters swarmed the rest of the heroes. Rainbow Dash flew up to grab Jacob in the air as he took out his assault rifle to shoot from above. Starlight and Lust didn't fight; they fled into the city. The group took down beast after beast until a portal opened in the ground for them to escape through. One by one, they dropped into the swirling portal to flee from the swarming monsters that wanted to stop them. Starlight and Lust stopped at an empty diner. She was uber angry from Jacob's words. She threw plates to the other ends of the restaurant using her magic.

"I've never seen you this angry." Lust said, "I guess we should've replaced you with Wrath instead." Starlight scolds Lust as several leather straps cover his mouth to prevent more loose words from escaping. She threw a chair at the wall and noted the clock on it. It then gave her an idea, a plan to get back at Twilight and her Friends from ruining her life. Lust noticed her looking at the clock and was confused.

"I got an idea." She said, grinning with a devious look. "Think Kronus might approve of it?"

"You'll need to tell me first." Lust said before opening a portal.

"I'll need a scroll from Starswirl."