Hexan, the Phantom Thief

by Hexan Tronic

Chapter 14 - Casual Day.

4/23 Sat

On the way to school, I overheard a conversation on the train.

“I haven’t done much of anything on my days off.” A lazy woman groans. “It’s such a pain to put on makeup, and I hate shopping, so I usually just end up lazing about the house.”

“Same here. Good thing there’s home shopping.” A woman who sounds enthusiastic about shopping says. “They always have the best stuff on Sundays.”

“Oh, I know exactly what you’re talking about!” The lazy woman exclaims. “They even sell surgical masks for when you’re sick.”

“I’ll have to check it out tomorrow.” The shopper states. “It’s so popular they always sell out if you don’t call the same day.” With that, I focused on the train stops till I got off.


While waiting for the next transfer, I ran into Hayai.

“Whaddup! Phew, made it on time…” He pants out. “We need our strength if we’re gonna take down Kikku, right? Ran late ‘cause I ate three bowls of rice…”

“Anyways, I’m full of energy, I’ll have plenty to spare to run wild in the Palace.” He continues. We finished investigatin’ if, so we should send the calling card today.” 

“We could, but I still need to prepare a few things.” I reply.

“Gotcha… Well, we do have some time before the board meeting.” He says. “Still, our expulsion’s on the line. We can’t procrastinate forever.” With that, we continue on to school.


“Kikku-kun was really in his element at the football rally the other day.” Mr. Inui states. “You kids are lucky to receive direct instruction from a world-famous athlete like him.”

“Sports have been regarded as sacred things that invigorate people since ancient times.” He continues. “So much so that the emperor himself even participated once.”

“Puroguramu-kun. Do you know the name of the Roman emperor who participated in the Olympics?” He asks the poor boy.

“Huh!? Um-Um…” Puroguramu stutters out.

“It’s Nero.” Mr. Inui states. “It’s good to throw yourself into your club activities, but you shouldn’t sacrifice your studies.” He admonishes with a sigh.

Puroguramu is silent at this. “Sorry…” He mutters, sitting down.

“That said, you don’t seem too into sports, Tronic-kun.” Mr. Inui singles me out next. “What event did Emperor Nero add to the Olympics so that he could participate?”

“I believe it was singing.” I reply.

“”Correct.” He agrees. “Hm. It seems you’ve been studying after all.”

“Apparently Nero was tone deaf, but he ended up winning. The emperor held absolute power, after all.” He explains. “Because of these kinds of selfish actions - not to mention a lecherous side - he became known as a despot.” Cue the amazement of the students being surprised I know things.

“That said, recently people have begun reevaluating Nero’s reign.” He continues. “Regardless though, he was lacking in sportsmanship.”

“He should have taken a page out of Kikku-kun’s book! Hahaha!” He finishes, making me glad Rirī can’t summon her Persona here.

“Don’t give us that crap. Kikku’s the real despot.” Abigale comments quietly to me, and the lesson continues.


With little else to do after school, I decide to go study at the diner, enjoying some coffee while there.

“You drink WAY to much coffee, Hexan…” Abigale mutters as I finish up for today and head back to the cafe.


When I get back, Roast-san speaks up.

“While I don’t mind you making use of the coffee maker, I just want you to clean it up when you’re done.” He says, getting back to work. With that said, I decide to explore outside.

‘You know, I thought we were gonna get to explore at night, but we have to stick around here…” Abigale says. “Shoot! I wish we could check out nightlife in Shibuya or something.”

“Shibuya, the city that never sleeps. I wonder what that’s like…” She finishes, as we look around. Heading down the alley, I find who I think is a drunken man.

“Heeey. Gooood evenin’, ev’rybody! Time… for the 10 o’clock newsh.” ‘Yep, he’s drunk.’ I think to myself, as he continues. “Firsh, a series o-of… incidentsh. Guys all o’ a sudden falli’ uncon… unconsch-” Before he barfs on the ground.

“Hey man, you should pull yourself together.” I say, as this is just sad.

“You tellin’ me to prull it t-together? Hahaha, I know…” He says, before going quiet.

“Well, I guess we can’t help them all…” Abigale says, as we leave the man to his ramblings.

On the way back, I check the vending machine outside the laundromat, and buy a few sodas, unfortunately buying it out. Heading to the second hand shop next, I find an old CRT Television.

“...Thank you.” The shop owner says after I purchase the tv. “I didn’t think anyone would buy such an outdated TV…”

“Since you got it off my hands, I’ll throw in a DVD player and tuner for you, OK?” He continues. “...Does Leblanc work as your delivery address?”

“He’s giving us a DVD player and tuner? Maybe this turned out to be quite the bargain.” Abigale says. “I’m excited! I can’t wait for it to be delivered!”

After that, I hear some kids talking nearby and take a listen.

“Japanese class was impossible today… How are we supposed to know how the author feels?” One of the kids says.

“My parents couldn’t even answer that. Why are they asking us?” The other boy says.

“They said we’d get that weird sickness if we didn’t study, but I’m not scared. We’re not kids.” “The first, rebellious sounding kid states.

“Oh, are you talking about that train accident? The engineer just had a heart attack, right?” The more innocent boy asks, before I decide I’ve heard enough and leave.

With nothing else of interest outside for me, I head back in and check the store TV. 

“Time for a special edition of ‘Discovery! Town Detectives!’” The reporter begins. “On these irregularly broadcast specials, we share limited-edition items that are all the rage!”

“Today we’re going to talk about Recovery Oil!” She continues on. “It’s very popular among young women, and it’s on sale now at Body Chop!”

“Oh, I think there’s a Body Chop in the underground mall in Shibuya.” She starts to finish the advertisement. “I’ve always had a weakness for limited-time goods. I’m starting to want some Recovery Oil myself.”

With that done, I head upstairs to my workbench and begin making some lockpicks. I only manage to make two before I run out of time and materials.

“Alright, time for bed!” Abigale says, as I get ready and go to sleep.